Let You Dig Treasure, You Dug Out The Tomb Of The Emperor!

Chapter 52 High Efficiency, Time Period, And Completeness, How To Do It? [Eighth More] Ask For Flowe

They quickly found Lu Yuan, who was also digging.


Seeing Lu Yuan dig so hard, their hearts twitched in pain.

"Mr. Lu."

Lu Yuan stopped and wiped the sweat from his forehead: "You guys are..."

The leading man in his fifties quickly smiled and said, "I am the head of the archaeological team of the Yingtian Museum. My name is Gu Deyong."

"Oh, hello, Teacher Gu."

Lu Yuan was still very polite to them.

The line of the archaeological team can really be said to generate electricity for love.

Both professional knowledge and personal qualities are top notch.

In their eyes, antiquities are more important than life.

Gu Deyong said: "Mr. Lu, can you ask them to stop first? Let's make a rough survey first, and then make a plan for excavation."

Lu Yuan shook his head and said, "Don't be so troublesome, you should have seen it on the shore just now, right? If you can't see clearly, you can use the drone to take a look. The outline of the ancient town is already out, and you can just dig down along the outline."

"They are almost done digging now. Before tomorrow afternoon, they will be able to dig the floor tiles of the ancient town. By then, the appearance of the ancient town will be fully revealed."

Although this ancient town is buried underground, its integrity is very high.

Lu Yuan guessed that after the flood hit that year, the water level did not recede, and the old town was buried bit by bit due to the accumulation of sand and dust over the years.

The fine sand and soil dug out in the past two days also verified his guess.

And because it is submerged by the reservoir all the year round, the underground soil is extraordinarily soft, and it is not difficult to dig it up.

It is also for this reason that the ancient town has been preserved to a great extent.

Hearing Lu Yuan's words, Gu Deyong was a little anxious: "Mr. Lu, they are digging like this, it's easy to bump into them..."

"Will not."

Lu Yuan smiled and shook his head, but did not explain.

You can't tell them where you can see the treasure and where it isn't, right?

Others also mentioned a few words, but Lu Yuan still did not agree to let the villagers stop.

They were helpless, and Gu Deyong had to let them go to see the villagers. If they found an ancient object, they would stop immediately.

"The archaeological team is here, professionals, Lao Lu should listen."

"Listen to them, the ancient town can only be dug out in the year of the monkey and the month of the horse?"

"Professional? I feel Lao Lu is more professional."

"One thing to say, the identification of cultural relics is definitely the specialty of these archaeologists, but when it comes to digging things, Lao Lu is definitely superior."

"Look at how efficient Lao Lu is. We can dig out all of them tomorrow afternoon. Isn't it just an efficiency?"

"No amount of efficiency can destroy cultural relics."

"First of all, this is not a cultural relic. Second, when did Lao Lu destroy it? So far, the excavation has been good, and no buildings have been excavated."

Since the discovery of the ancient town, it is no exaggeration to say that the whole people are paying attention.

The best way is actually to hand it over to the archaeological team to excavate.

If there is damage in the excavation of Lu Yuan, there will definitely be people on the Internet.

But Lu Yuan didn't care.

You scold you, I dig mine, the two are irrelevant.

The archaeologists kept walking around the villagers.

Occasionally mention a few words and let them dig lightly.

The villagers said "I'm professional, I'm fine", which made them panic.

You are professional...you are professionally growing crops!

Can it be the same!

At five o'clock, the villagers ended their day's digging and went home, without their shovels, as they would have to use them tomorrow anyway.

When Lu Yuan was about to leave, he found that the group of archaeologists had not left.

"Teacher Gu, aren't you going back?"

"I won't go back. I'm camping here tonight. By the way, I'll investigate and dig a little."

Lu Yuan was a little stunned, it really shouldn't be like this...

He felt a little embarrassed.

But he didn't want to let him stop the progress and hand it over to Gu Deyong.

So he nodded and said, "I'll bring you something to eat later."

After Lu Yuan left, Gu Deyong's group circled the ancient town and drew a simple map.

After drawing, I came to the ancient town buildings that had been excavated.

At this time, the building has been exposed at a height of more than one meter.

The cornices with raised horns, the tiles stuck to the sand, and the auspicious beasts on the top of the eaves can all be seen.

A young man took a look around and smacked his lips: "Don't say, these villagers are very big, but the digging is accurate, basically digging around the outline of the building."

Others have also observed.


In the eyes of their group of professionals, it is unbelievable that they can dig out such details under such a wide-ranging excavation.

Only those in the know know how hard it is.

When Gu Deyong saw a building with such good integrity and no signs of damage from external forces, he was relieved and surprised at the same time.

If this was dug up by the archaeological team, that would be normal.

But what a group of villagers dug up is incredible.

And it only took a few days to dig it out.

Gu Deyong felt a burning face.

They claim to be professional, but they are not as good as a group of farmers, who dig fast and well.

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