Let You Dig Treasure, You Dug Out The Tomb Of The Emperor!

Chapter 84 Surprise! I found an extinct animal! [Chapter 2] Ask for custom, ask for monthly pass, as

In the past few days, the video of Lu Yuan digging treasures edited by Tiger Shark has also gained a group of fans in these two countries.

Of course, there are not many fans.

Just when the live broadcast started, the two major live broadcast platforms gave a pop-up window for promotion.

The promotional image is the same model of Tiger Shark, Lu Yuan's photo, with "The Great Treasure Digger" on the side.

At first, when these few fans saw it, they thought they were wrong.

I clicked in and saw that it was really the treasure-digging anchor of Longguo, and they were all excited.

But this part of the fans is a minority after all, and most passers-by and netizens do not recognize it.

However, live digging treasures is attractive.

In the natural forest environment, a young man with a hoe and a wild knife, although the equipment is simple, is full of professionalism, and immediately kept the first wave of netizens who came in.

"It turned out to be a live broadcast!

"Ah, ah, great treasure digger! 35

"Finally don't have to jump over the wall.

Netizens who have watched the video are excited by the barrage, and most of them are watching silently.

"I'm going, it's live broadcast abroad?"

"I just saw the hot search, I glanced over the wall, and it's really synchronized."

"Only the Sakura Country and the Cold Country.

"After reading the announcement of Tiger Shark, the oil pipeline is also under negotiation, and it is estimated that it will be soon. 39

"Old Lu has really gone abroad.

"Old Lu Niubi (Broken Sound)"

"Old Lu, when are you going to dig abroad? Let's dig Mount Fuji!"

"Friendly reminder, it's an active volcano.""

Lu Yuan glanced at it, it's already live?

He has walked through a few sporadic treasure spots, all of which are medicinal herbs without exception.

"Tap ∼"

He stopped and stood at the foot of a steep hillside, where there were many treasures.

There were only weeds about an inch long in this place, as if it had been cleaned by someone, which was out of tune with the entire mountain.

This is also good, you can see at a glance that there are no medicinal materials nearby.

As long as there are no medicinal materials, it is fine. He now sees medicinal materials and his brain hurts.



"You dug up the [corpse]"

【Body】: Value: 5,000 yuan.

Lu Yuan's hand holding the hoe shook, could he still escape the corpse?

Fortunately, I had seen the big scene, and after a brief period of shock, I quickly calmed down.

It's worth five thousand, so it shouldn't be a murder case.

Possibly the tracing amount.

I hope I can have an ID card, and I can count it as a good thing.

Lu Yuan did not stop and continued to dig.

Soon, a piece of white bone with carrion was exposed from under the soil.


Seeing the bones, Lu Yuan let out a small murmur.

"I'm going, Lao Lu has dug up the body! 99

"let me see!

"Bone, it's really a corpse.

"Old Lu has won the jackpot!"

"There are corpses in this place, seven or eight out of ten are thrown! 35

"Call the police, Lao Lu! 39

The live broadcast room suddenly became lively.

After two days and one night, I finally found something.

Lu Yuan squatted down, stared at the bones with rotten flesh in the pit, confirmed the guess, and felt much more relaxed: "It's the corpse of an animal."

The system was lazy, and directly marked a corpse without subdividing it.

"Animal? Can this be seen?"

"It really doesn't look human, and human bones don't have that.

"Have fun in vain."

Ten minutes later, this piece was dug up by Lu Yuan.

A half-rotted animal carcass lay quietly in the dirt pit.

Lu Yuan circled around the pit and said, "This is a stag."

"Can both males and females be seen?"

"I can see it, let alone Lao Lu. 99

"Science, bucks have antlers, and it's easy to tell them apart.

"Are corpses still valuable?"

"Or...while it's hot?

"Wori, you are so poisonous, aren't you?"

"Old Lu earned it. This deer didn't die long, and the antlers were still intact."

"Is this buried by someone? Otherwise, how can it be dug up and not rotted?"

It was the first time that foreign netizens saw Lu Yuan digging up a treasure on a live broadcast.

Although it was just a corpse, it also made them very excited.

"Digged up Smecta!"

"It's buried in advance, and animals don't dig their own graves after they die.

"Thank you, kind man, or I'll be kept in the dark for the rest of my life. 95

"The script is also good. 39

Lu Yuan squatted by the pit, grabbed a handful of soil, looked at the steep hillside in front of him and said, "It has recently rained heavily in the mountains, and the nearby hillside has collapsed. The nearby vegetation has been buried below, this deer should be Buried in a landslide.

No wonder the weeds in this area are so short. When digging the soil, he also clearly felt that the soil was softer and easier to dig than other places.

"Analysis Master is online! 35

"Yes, the grass nearby is very short, and unlike other places, this kind of hillside is indeed prone to landslides once it rains. 35

"I checked, and it only rained heavily in Tianyun Mountain last week."

"Landslide? Isn't that old (bjbc) Lu very dangerous?"

"It's usually fine if it doesn't rain, and besides, this kind of situation often happens in the mountains. 35

"Useless knowledge has increased again.

After listening to Lu Yuan's analysis, everyone was stunned.

Lu Yuan covered the soil and did not cut the antlers.

They have all been dead for a while, although the antler and deer bones are still worth five thousand pieces, but it is not necessary.

He walked a few meters away. Every few meters, there were even two or three treasure spots within one meter in some places.

He didn't even have to dig it out to see, and he could guess that there must be a corpse underneath.

Come on, keep digging.


"You dug up the [corpse]"

【Body】: Value: 20,000 yuan.

Lu Yuan was indifferent, but the price still surprised him.

It's the same corpse, why is this one so expensive?

The soft soil was very convenient to dig up, and after a while, another animal carcass appeared.

After observing, Lu Yuan was a little surprised, he squatted on the buttocks of the corpse: "This is a forest musk deer."

"What is Lin Mu?"

"It's a deer.

"I just said, it looks no different from a deer."

Lu Yuan said: "Lin musk deer, like the sika deer, has treasures on its body. The sika deer's treasure is deer antler, and the forest musk deer's is musk, that is, this thing."

He took out the wild knife and touched the urethra in Lin Mu's abdomen.

"This is called a musk sachet, and there is musk hidden in it. Not long after the forest musk deer died, the musk hasn't evaporated, and it is estimated that there may still be some.

He raised the knife and dropped it, scratching and pulling, one by one, dark brown granular objects the size of fingernails fell down.

Lu Yuan responded extremely quickly and took it with a knife.

When the wild knife was retracted, the musk above exuded an extremely rich and sweet milky smell.

"It's a good thing." Lu Yuan clicked his tongue a few times, pinching the musk to show everyone clearly.

"I'm going, Lao Lu's swordsmanship is really good!"

"The knives are indeed hanging, but I want to know more, how much is the musk?"

"Knowledge really changes fate. I don't understand anything, even if I see a corpse, I guess I will miss it."

Lu Yuan put the musk in a plastic bag, stood up and said: "The score of musk, the musk from farmed forest musk is cheap, only a few dollars per gram. Natural musk is expensive, starting at five hundred per gram, Over a thousand bucks.

"Damn, it's more expensive than gold! 35

"Is this thing sold by Lunke?""

"How many of those Lao Lu just took?"

"Conservatively estimated to be thirty or forty grams. 35

Lu Yuan took a few steps and stopped, and while digging, he said: "I took the musk from the dead body of the deceased musk deer, and it has evaporated a lot, and the quality is average, about five or six hundred per gram.

Musk is generally taken alive, taken once a year, and grown again the next year.

But the wild forest musk deer is a protected animal, and it is forbidden to take it alive.

It is precisely because it protects animals that natural musk is precious.

"I feel like I'm doing it again!""

"Reordered shovels.

"Landslide, right? Got it, I'm just looking for this kind of place."

“It’s best to go when it’s raining heavily, and when you see an animal buried, you should dig it up immediately. That’s really hot. 55

"Don't kill yourself, be careful that you are buried, and you can't even climb out."

"I'm afraid, I'll be buried and wait for Lao Lu to dig. Remember to bring your ID card and don't cause Lao Lu any trouble.

"You dug up the [corpse]"

"You dug up the [corpse]"

After digging for two hours, I saw the time and it was noon.

All morning, Lu Yuan had been digging up dead bodies here.

He felt as if he had opened a blind box, completely unaware of the corpse underneath.

Forest musk deer, sika deer, shoji, wild boar

Variety, never let him down.

He has collected more than a pound of musk alone.

Although the overall harvest is not huge, it is hard to find this kind of thing with money.

He glanced at it, and there was one last treasure spot in this piece.

After taking a sip of water, Lu Yuan sat on the spot: "Take a break, eat something, and dig later.

"The area of ​​the landslide in this place is really huge, with so many bodies buried.

"Old Lu's vision for picking places remains the same as before.

"The little devil next door was stunned.

"The stick is in Smecta.

Netizens in the two countries usually watch the edited version. It is the first time to watch the live broadcast, and the feeling is indeed different.

The key is to get it.

Although it was not a golden treasure, watching Lu Yuan collect musk from corpses, the feeling of harvest made them empathize with them.

Many office workers can't wait to jump up immediately, take off their work clothes and put on outdoor clothes, and carry their hoes to dig for treasures.

But if you think about it carefully, the Dragon Kingdom has a vast land, and it has everything. What is there worth digging in this small land?

Thinking of this, I was instantly discouraged.

After eating and drinking, and resting for half an hour, Lu Yuan got up and started digging.

The last place, after digging for another place.

He was looking forward to that dense treasure spot.


Ten minutes, twenty minutes...

"Normally, it should be dug in a quarter of an hour, and this has already been dug to the ground before the landslide.

"Not a corpse?"

After digging for so long and yet to find it, Lu Yuan was not in a hurry but was overjoyed and looked forward to it even more.

An hour later, the dirt was piled up on both sides, and Lu Yuan was not in the pit.

"If you can't dig it, change the place. 35

"Otherwise, if Lao Lu can dig up, we won't be able to dig it, it is impossible to get a harvest every time, and it is more expensive to persevere.

"The corpses here are estimated to have been dug up, Lao Lu, let's change places."

Netizens are urging, suddenly.

The sound of "clang" was passed into the live broadcast room.

"Dug it?"

"It sounds like a stone.""

"Well, I dug almost three meters and dug a stone."

Lu Yuan felt the feedback on the hoe, not a stone, but a bone.

"You dug up the [corpse]"

[corpse]: worth 1 million.

Lu Yuan's eyelids twitched slightly.

His brain thought quickly and kept coming up with pieces of information for analysis.

This kind of value is probably not the corpse of an animal.

In the location of the landslide, there is a high probability that tourists who came here to play before encountered a landslide and were buried alive here.

The value of 1 million should be a reward offered by the family to the outside world. This person is either rich or expensive.

After a slight pause, Lu Yuan continued digging.

When he dug out the first section of bones, he was a little stunned.

This bone is clearly not a human bone.

And judging from the color of the bones, it may have been buried for decades.

A strong curiosity arose in Lu Yuan's heart, what animal carcass could be worth 1 million?

"What kind of bone is this?"

"Animal bones."9

"Listening to your words is like listening to your words.

Lu Yuan continued to dig, according to the division of the bones, digging out the surrounding soil, so as not to damage the bones.

After about 20 minutes of digging, the skeleton of this animal can be seen from a high altitude.

A long spine, a rib with distinct layers distributed in the front chest, the limbs are very long, the limbs are curved, and there is a coccyx.

"What animal is this?

"Looks like a carnivore.

"Nonsense, those teeth look like carnivores.


"There are only leopards in Tianyun Mountain, and they are not so big."


"Tigers are not so small, and where do tigers come from in Tianyun Mountain?""

"Is this a black bear?""

"Your black bear has such a long tail?"

"Do you understand brother, come out and say a few words."

Netizens are still speculating that Lu Yuan has dug out the remaining soil.

He stood aside and watched for a long time, his eyes gradually becoming strange.

Look at the four paws, look at the sharp teeth, very obvious cat body structure.

According to the animal and plant illustrations he has mastered, this animal carcass is a fairly standard tiger carcass.

The leopard is not so small, there are no lions in the mountains, and with the obvious difference between the skulls, Lu Yuan is sure that this is a tiger corpse!

It's amazing, I actually dug up a tiger's body in Tianyun Mountain!

Lu Yuan couldn't help but want to call 666 directly.

He looked at Xiao Liu, Xiao Liu wondered: Six six six?

Lu Yuan nodded in satisfaction and glanced at the live broadcast room, where netizens were arguing and guessing.

Many people said it was a leopard, and some said it was a tiger.

But there are many who object.

"This is a tiger corpse." Lu Yuan made a final decision.

"Although you are very professional, I still have to refute this time, the tiger corpse is bigger than this."

"It should be a leopard, and there are leopards in Tianyun Mountain, and it fits.""

"Could it be an underage tiger?

"Impossible, just a little bit, there are no tigers in Tianyun Mountain."

"Is it possible that a passing circus overturned and the tiger came out?"

"Brother, we are discussing scientifically, so it would be boring if you just flip the table."

Lu Yuan squatted beside the tiger's head, and took out a tiger tooth from the inside.

As expected of the king of the forest, this bite can only save his life with a shovel.

Lu Yuan played with Huya and said, "It is indeed a tiger, and it is an adult tiger."

"These teeth are so beautiful, they look like tiger teeth."

"Old Lu, analysis and reasoning must be logical. If you say that this is an underage, I still believe it. An adult tiger should grow at least half a meter to a meter."

Lu Yuan said: "This tiger corpse is small, it is not an immature, nor is it a leopard. It is small and very simple, because it is the corpse of a South China tiger.


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