"Wang Liang, what exactly is Lin Yuan's research and development project? Why didn't you participate in it?"

Someone asked curiously, at this moment they all forgot what they just said, Lin Yuan can jump three levels in a row, this is a proper boss!

Now is the time to find an opportunity to build a good relationship with Lin Yuan.

Wang Liang said unhappily: "Just ask, how do I know, you go and ask Lin Yuan yourself, the voice wasn't that loud just now."

The man's expression changed, he muttered a few words in a low voice, and lowered his head.

When the rest of the people saw this, they didn't dare to ask.

It seems that the relationship between Wang Liang and Lin Yuan is better than expected, and it is difficult to ask for any news.

And Wang Liang and the three of them also exchanged eye contact, and they were all at a loss from the bottom of their hearts, and even felt a little outrageous.

Old Lin Tian reads stories from the underworld every day, and he can jump three levels in a row. Who the hell to ask for reason?

Even if Lao Lin invited them to do a project together, they might all refuse because of this, and they can only say that this is life.


"Your life is good! In the whole institute, you are the first to be brought by the deputy director to see a doctor."

The doctor drew Lin Yuan's blood again and again, and sighed again and again.

Lin Yuan was a little surprised.

Li Guangrong said: "There are a lot of things in the institute, so I just sent him over for a while, Lin Yuan, you should make the project report as soon as possible, especially the relevant technical information of your equipment, so that we can report to the higher authorities. funds, materials and personnel."

Lin Yuan nodded: "Understood."

Li Guangrong explained a few more words, asked the doctor to give Lin Yuan the highest standard physical examination and recuperation, and then left the medical center.

The doctor just nodded, and after drawing the blood, he left without even leaving the suitcase aside.

He knew very well that a third-level researcher was able to get the deputy to send it in person, and he also explained so many things. The level of confidentiality involved in the things developed by Lin Yuan may be something that can make him lose his head.

Lying on the hospital bed.

Lin Yuan sighed a little. Although he rejected Old Man He's request for a physical examination several times, he was finally succumbed to Lei Qiangjun's tough attitude.

Maybe it's people like them who have seen the deeds of countless pioneers who left early because of disregarding their health and researching and developing.

The degree to which they cherish talents is infinitely higher than Lin Yuan imagined.

There is nothing to repay, and I can only earnestly complete the work assigned by the deputy.

The more funding he gets, the smoother his next research and development will be.

He was very excited when he thought of the true form of the hook.

The realism of the soul is a trivial matter. In folk tales, after black and white impermanence draws out the soul, it can be dissipated!


time flies.

In the blink of an eye, five days passed. During these five days, Lin Yuan was eating nutritious meals and taking nutrient solution at the medical center, and many things happened in between.

In the end-of-year assessment, except for Lin Yuan and his roommates, everyone's grades were not satisfactory.

He Kangguo, who is like an old urchin on weekdays, was furious because of this, canceled his vacation, and let no one write a paper on the research and development of Tuzhen.

The three of Wang Liang did not escape either. After all, their high scores were only obtained by stealing chickens.

The most important thing is that after getting angry, Old Man He also praised Lin Yuan emphatically, asking everyone to learn from him.

This made the people who came to the medical center to condolence Lin Yuan always mention this matter, with somewhat complaining tone.

Lin Yuan also found that his interpersonal relationship has inexplicably improved a lot. Many people who don't even say hello on weekdays will come to visit and chat with him.

According to Wang Liang's words: Everyone knows that you are going to go down, and you are cherishing the last time with you, leaving a good impression, maybe you can join Lin Yuan's R&D team in the future.

Although the words sounded ambiguous, Lin Yuan had to sigh.

Minus research center chores.

Lin Yuan spent most of his time writing project reports and making technical summaries. During this period, He Kangguo came to the ward several times, wanting to use the Ecstasy Lock for testing, but Chu Dingyuan finally caught him.

There was only one time when Lei Qiangjun came over with a new spy he had just caught, and used the ecstasy lock again.

In the last interrogation, Lei Qiangjun gained a lot of information from the former Soviet secret agents.

According to Lei Qiangjun's words, Lin Yuan's research and development results this time, together with the harvest he brought, are guaranteed first-class merit.

"I've compiled the battle report, you just wait here for the news."

Lei Qiangjun peeled an orange and handed it to Lin Yuan, delivering the good news.

Lin Yuan responded with a smile: "Thank you, Chief."

Lei Qiangjun waved his hand: "You are welcome, thanks to this information, we have saved many Tongzhi, you are a hero, you deserve it."

"Not enough, this matter is already top secret, so there will be no ceremony, don't take it to heart."

Lin Yuan shook his head, since the moment he took out the ecstasy lock, he was ready to bring his file into the coffin after death.

He asked: "Is the chief coming here this time to use the ecstasy lock?"

Lei Qiangjun shook his head: "After the discussion at the above meeting, I decided to attach great importance to your research and development results. I brought the chief engineers of several other research institutes, design institutes, and military factories to come over to make a project summary."

Lin Yuan was stunned. He just told Li Guangrong yesterday that he could complete all the project summaries today.

Today, Lei Qiangjun brought people here.

The stinky daughter-in-law will eventually see her in-laws, not to mention that she is only a little bit of the underworld, so there is no major problem.

He said: "Let's get started, I'm almost rusty living here."

Lei Qiangjun laughed: "Isn't this giving you a quiet environment?"

Lin Yuan pointed at the big table with fruit baskets on the side and said, "What do you think?"

Lei Qiangjun smiled, waved his hand, and took Lin Yuan, who was carrying a suitcase, to the underground, the real No. 0 Research Institute.

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