"Damn it! Perverts! Brothers, follow me! Save Ms. Chu, it's not a dream to marry into Chu's family!"

A researcher who was still lying in the dormitory just now, desperately trying not to get up, got up from the bed when he heard Chu Yurong's scream.

The roommate at the side who also had difficulty getting up in winter said: "Come on, if you dare to rush in, Professor Chu will dare to drive you away!"

"Then what should we do? Isn't this going to save people?"

Under the bed, a researcher asked while brushing his teeth.

The other three hesitated. According to Chu Yurong's heart-piercing cry just now, they might indeed be in danger.

This ghost may not be a ghost, it may be a pervert, or it may be Lin Yuan, in short, it is definitely a bad thing.

"Lin Yuan! Are you crazy!"

Another yell came out of the window.

In the dormitory, what should the four of them do immediately? It turned out to be researcher Lin Yuan, so it's fine. Many people have been scared by Lin Yuan recently.

In Chu Yurong's dormitory.

Lin Yuan said with some helplessness: "I just came out for a walk and did an experiment by the way, who knew you woke up, I was going to leave!"

Chu Yurong:...

Listen carefully to your speech. Are you speaking human language?

Holding the quilt, she said with a wary look on her face: "Come out and look around, why did you come to my room, and how did you get in! Why are you stuck with a bug, the table has split you in half!"

At this moment, Chu Yurong's brain is still a little confused, and she can no longer distinguish the normal situation.

Lin Yuan said: "I didn't say that, I was doing an experiment, and now I am not myself, but my ghost body!"

Ghost body?

Chu Yurong tilted her head in a daze: "What is this? Did you invent the invention? You have done a good job in nuclear fusion, why did you go to do other things? Didn't you go back to the dormitory to sleep last night? You made the invention of the underworld behind your back." ?”

Lin Yuan nodded, ready to explain.


The room was opened, and Chu Dingyuan rushed in with an 85-type submachine gun in his arms, and shouted, "That little boy! How dare you break into my granddaughter's boudoir?"

When he fixed his eyes, he saw Lin Yuan's back, and he yelled angrily, "Turn around, I'll make you understand!"

At this moment, Chu Dingyuan was really mad. He was sterilized due to nuclear radiation, he had no wife and children, and his parents were dead.

Chu Yurong was his only family member, if something happened to his granddaughter, he would be willing to cut him to pieces, and he would kill his whole family!

Lin Yuan turned around, seeing Chu Dingyuan's angry look, he raised his hand quickly and said, "Professor Chu, calm down! Listen to my explanation!"

Chu Dingyuan saw that it was Lin Yuan who came, and saw his granddaughter holding a quilt to block her, with disheveled hair and reddish face, as if she had discovered a blind spot.

He also put down his gun and said, "What the hell are you doing? You're yelling! It's not good to affect others! Forget it, I'm leaving. Be careful next time!"

Lin Yuan, Chu Yurong: This......


Chu Dingyuan turned around and left, closing the door, leaving the two embarrassed.

Chu Dingyuan picked up Form 85 and happily hummed a ditty, which Lin Yuan didn't expect.

Who is my granddaughter, Long Xing is famous for her iceberg, and she doesn't show any expression when chatting with others.

Unexpectedly, it was won by Lin Yuan, not bad, not bad, Lin Yuan's genes are good, the Chu family can have another young genius.

That kid Lin Yuan, it's a bit strange, why is he standing under the table, no, why can people walk out of the table with his feet under the table?

Chu Dingyuan discovered the blind spot again, he hurriedly turned around, opened the door, and found that Lin Yuan was still the same as before.

inside the house.

Lin Yuan, who was embarrassed and didn't know what to say, saw Chu Dingyuan turn around and said hurriedly, "Professor Chu, listen to my explanation!"

"First of all! I have nothing to do with Ms. Chu! We are just ordinary colleagues! I don't have any extra feelings for her!"

"I'm here today, and I want to talk about it! You know, my dream is to make Heiwuchang. As a ghost messenger, Heiwuchang naturally has the exclusive ability of ghosts, that is, ghosts can pass through walls!"

"During this period of time, I got inspired by staying up all night doing research and development, so I made my own ghost body, and I was doing experiments in the morning. It's just a coincidence that I appear here now. I didn't even know that Ms. Chu's room was this one!"

"It's all a misunderstanding, Ms. Chu, don't you think so?"

Chu Yurong and Chu Dingyuan:? ? ?

At this moment, the faces of the two were full of question marks, and their heads were buzzing even more.

What is it that ghosts can pass through walls, and you found inspiration after staying up all night?

Aren't you working on the coolant for nuclear fusion every day?

Where did you get the time from?

Both Chu Yurong and Luo Shengli were almost boiled to death by you, can you still have a body to do research?

The most important thing is, how did you come up with something that doesn't even exist in theory?

Chu Dingyuan closed the door, put the gun on the table, sat and looked at Lin Yuan, and said patiently, "Come on, please explain clearly! What is ghost body?"

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