Let You Do Scientific Research, Why Are They All Invented By The Underworld?

Chapter 77: Electromagnetic Rifle Test! Horror Data!

Nearly a month has passed since the last military reform meeting.

This time, the research and development and production of the electromagnetic gun was led by the 208 Institute, and the National Electromagnetic Gun Research Institute and the 95 Factory, the originator of the Longguo rifle, jointly completed the research and development and production.

Thanks to electromagnetic weapons, the three parties have been researching and have rich technical reserves.

Whether it is in terms of technical theory, weapon materials, or electromagnetic applications, they all have many ~ related talents.

When Lin Yuan's electromagnetic ghost pattern technology was brought out, they conducted research overnight, and it is said that they had figured out the basic theory ten days ago.

And independently developed and created the electromagnetic acceleration guide rail, and in the last ten days, they developed the latest pulse power supply technology based on solid-state hydrogen battery technology.

After the two major difficulties were overcome, the experimental version of the first-generation electromagnetic rifle was made.

Inside 208.

Mr. Liu looked at the electromagnetic rifle full of sci-fi feeling in the glass cabinet, and sighed: "I never thought in my life that we could make such an epoch-making weapon! This is embarrassing!"

Mr. Gu from the National Electromagnetic Gun Research Institute was even more amazed: "Not only that, but the electromagnetic acceleration technology provided by Lin Yuan can also generate more scientific and technological inventions. In the past month of research, my research and development of the electromagnetic railgun , and have new inspirations!"

Academician Duo, the chief designer of Factory 95, said: "Start today! Individual hot weapons may gradually withdraw from the stage of history!"

Regarding this, the other two were looking forward to it for a while, hoping that this test would wake them up.

At this time, a staff member came to report that Lin Yuan's car had arrived.

Mr. Liu hurriedly said: "Hurry up and meet our busy man, I spent a lot of effort to invite him over this time!"

The other two laughed, they all knew that Lin Yuan was very busy these days, and it was indeed hard-won to be able to come and participate in the test guidance this time.

After seeing Lin Yuan, Mr. Liu thanked Lin Yuan for a while, and then introduced the other two to Lin Yuan.

Hearing this, Lin Yuan was surprised and said, "I didn't expect the two of you to participate in the research and development of electromagnetic weapons this time!"

Mr. Gu said: "This time I will definitely come, if Lieutenant Colonel Lin misses learning the skills, it will be a regret in my life.

Academician Duo followed suit and nodded: "Who would refuse to witness the rise of an era and contribute to it?"

Mr. Liu even said: "You boy, it is an honor to be able to participate in this project. If you don't transfer your technology, everyone will have no way to get in touch! Everyone should thank you

The three laughed again.

Lin Yuan waved his hand, said some polite words, and everyone came to the test site.

208, as the largest army weapons research and development factory in China, their test sites are also readily available, which can meet the test needs of all climatic environments.

After a brief visit, Lin Yuan followed the crowd and saw the electromagnetic rifle in the glass cabinet.

The sci-fi shape is slightly larger than ordinary rifles, and the blue light flashing slightly on the gun body gives people a powerful sense of security.

"Would you like to try it first?"

Mr. Liu looked at Lin Yuan and joked.

Lin Yuan hesitated: "I can?"

Academician Duo said: "Why not? Strictly speaking, you are the father of this weapon, and you naturally have the right to use it for the first time!"

Hearing this, Lin Yuan didn't refuse anymore. He opened the glass cabinet, picked up the electromagnetic rifle and said, "Let's start the test!"

Chief Engineer Liu and the three looked at each other. Lin Yuan was just a researcher and had not undergone rigorous military training.

After making eye contact, Chief Engineer Liu said: "Then test the bullet speed first! Go to the normal climate zone first!"

Everyone came to the test area, and under the leadership of Chief Engineer Liu, Lin Yuan stood still at the position where the gun test was fired.

Lin Yuan wondered, "Why is there no target?"

The three of them were taken aback, aren't they afraid that you might lose face by missing the target?

Lin Yuan said: "There is a distance target, so as to ensure the accuracy of the test data, hurry up and reward the target!"

There is no way, Lin Yuan is the test instructor, they have no way to refuse, the homogeneous steel plate target with a thickness of 10mm, immediately bounced out of the test site.

Lin Yuan said: "Let's start the test!"

Mr. Liu shouted: "Attention all units, now conduct the electromagnetic rifle bullet speed test!"

"Got it! Everything is ready!"

There was a chorus of echoes from all around.

After Lin Yuan heard the sound, he also raised the electromagnetic rifle, pointed the crosshairs at the five targets in front of him representing 10 meters, 50 meters, 100 meters, 200 meters and 500 meters respectively, and then pulled the trigger respectively!






Five sharp piercing sounds sounded, followed by a burst of "popping", the centers of the five homogeneous steel targets were pierced one after another, and conspicuous large holes appeared in the center of the targets.


Mr. Liu and the three of them were shocked. This marksmanship, the five speeds, all hit the bull's-eye?

Is Lin Yuan's marksmanship the best, or is this weapon the best?

They don't have time to think about these things.

Lin Yuan had put away his weapon at this time, walked over and asked, "How about the test data?"

In order to test the weapon data this time, the National Electromagnetic Gun Research Institute specially took their speed measurement data over.

After all, the firing speed of electromagnetic weapons is far from what firearms can match.

Of course, whether the electromagnetic rifle can meet the standard of electromagnetic weapons is still a mystery.

Following Lin Yuan's rhetorical question, Chief Engineer Liu also looked at the staff curiously: "What data?"

On the side, the staff responsible for the data summary shouted in astonishment: "Report to the chief! According to the calculation of the target's feedback and the data of the photoelectric radar, the speed of the bullet has exceeded 5,000 meters per second!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone explained that they were astonished.

5000 meters per second?

This is too fast!

What is this concept?

Most of the bullet speeds of thermal weapons are few that exceed 1,000, except for some anti-materiel weapons, or tank main guns, which can reach the data of more than 1,000, but it is difficult to break through 2,000!

However, the bullet speed of the current electromagnetic rifle is 2 to 5 times that of these weapons!

At this bullet speed, the fall of this weapon will also be greatly reduced. The accuracy of a continuous-fire electromagnetic rifle is even comparable to that of a sniper rifle. Looking at the large hole in the homogeneous steel plate, its power is not inferior to some counter-action rifles. equipment weapons.

Such a perfect performance!


Mr. Liu said in shock.

Mr. Gu said with emotion: "Sure enough! This is the energy conversion efficiency of electromagnetic weapons! It is difficult for thermal weapons to catch up in their lifetime!"

Academician Duo sighed for a while, with such a performance, hot weapons are really about to withdraw from the stage of history.

Lin Yuan had expected this for a long time, and he knew his skills well, so he said: "Let's test other data.

Mr. Liu and the other three hurriedly returned to their senses, and nodded hurriedly.

Mr. Gu said: "Let's test the energy consumption, how many steel bullets can be fired by a solid-state hydrogen battery, and the use strength of the electromagnetic acceleration guide rail.

Everyone nodded, weapon battery life is also a very important statistic.

The Type 95 has always been criticized for its battery life, or it is the same for all thermal weapons.

After 2 hours of continuous shooting, the barrel will be scrapped.

Lin Yuan and his group immediately came to a confined space and installed the electromagnetic rifle on the electronic firing machine.

Lin Yuan said: "Let's start the test!"

Mr. Liu immediately pressed the switch of the machine, the machine pulled the trigger, and countless bullets poured out.

In the blink of an eye, all the special steel warheads in the magazine were emptied, and the machine operated according to the code, completed the order change, and started a new round of shooting work.

Mr. Liu asked: "What is the rate of fire data?"

The staff said: "Report to the chief! 200 rounds in ten seconds!"

Everyone was surprised again.

Because of the particularity of the electromagnetic rifle, its bullets are fired by the electromagnetic rail acceleration device, so it does not need the powder base of traditional thermal weapons, and only needs a small warhead.

In the past month, after many firing tests, Mr. Liu has made a bullet that is close to perfection.

A large-capacity magazine can hold 200 rounds of ammunition, and its weight is less than 60 rounds of common rifles. After the large magazine is fully loaded [it weighs less than 20%!

However, this is completely unable to satisfy the terrifying rate of fire of the electromagnetic rifle.

In ten seconds, the magazine can be emptied. This rate of fire is no more than the fastest rate of fire of the six-round Gatling!

Of course, this is the theoretical rate of fire. Electromagnetic rifles need to be reloaded, which will naturally damage part of the rate of fire.

The fire suppression ability of a rifle is actually comparable to that of a fixed machine gun. Doesn't this mean that every individual soldier will be a fire suppression point in the future?

Mr. Gu asked: "What about energy consumption?"

To everyone's surprise, three magazines have been emptied at this time, and one energy consumption can probably be measured.

The staff looked at the data sent back from the electromagnetic rifle's sensing element, and immediately said: "A preliminary estimate is that a fully charged solid-state hydrogen battery can satisfy the use of 10 magazines!"

Everyone was surprised when they heard this.

At the very beginning, in their estimation, a thumb-sized solid-state hydrogen battery can provide the use of five magazines, which is already good.

Unexpectedly, it can satisfy the use of ten magazines. You must know that under normal circumstances, a soldier's bullet equipment will never have a magazine.

In other words, one battery can satisfy a normal battle without supplies.

Academician Duo asked: "Look at the heat of the guide rail!"

At this time, the electromagnetic rifle has been firing continuously for 5 minutes, and the shooting rounds, calculated as 4 times a minute, have emptied 20 magazines and output 4000 rounds of bullets!

Under normal circumstances, many high-speed machine guns fire dozens of bullets continuously, and the barrel will overheat, reaching a high temperature of nearly 500 degrees.

Continuous shooting of 700 rounds, the theoretical heat can even melt the barrel.

Right now, the electromagnetic rifle has fired 4,000 rounds, and it's definitely not much better.

The staff responded: "Report to the chief! The barrel temperature has reached 300 degrees!"

Mr. Liu and the three of them looked at each other with joy in their eyes. This heat generation completely beats the hot weapons on the market!

……ask for flowers…

For a moment, the three of them looked at the electromagnetic rifle that was undergoing a life test in front of them, as if they were looking at a baby.

Now, they can be regarded as experiencing the happiness of No. 0 Research Institute.

In the last assessment of the military industry reform, the No. 0 Research Institute almost monopolized the top five, and the four inventions of the No. 0 Research Institute, one was developed by Lin Yuan, one was led by Chu Dingyuan, and the other two were from Lin Yuan. technology derivative.

And the fifth consciousness bomb, the technical source is also Lin Yuan!

This was very unfair to the military factories and research institutes they participated in the assessment at that time.

However, this time, they experienced the real fragrance.

This is Lin Yuan's technology, as long as anyone can do research and development, anyone can come up with epoch-making individual equipment!

After sighing for a while, everyone looked at Lin Yuan, and Mr. Liu said: "Lin Yuan, what should I say next?"

Lin Yuan said: "Let's continue with the test first, and we can go back to make a technical summary!"

Chief Engineer Liu nodded, and explained: "Continue to test, after heating up to 500 degrees, cool it down, and then continue to fire after returning to normal temperature, and so on and on again! Today, the service life of this gun is measured!"

The staff said seriously: "Received!"

Afterwards, Lin Yuan followed Mr. Liu and others to the conference room.

Preliminary testing of the electromagnetic rifle, except for the final service life test, is basically over.

Now, it's technical summary time.

Chief Engineer Liu looked at Lin Yuan and said, "Lieutenant Colonel Lin, tell me! If there are any problems, you can point them out! We will do our best to correct them."

Lin Yuan nodded slightly: "After observing this test, there are indeed a few areas that can be optimized!"

"The first one is the power issue. Everyone must be aware of the power of the electromagnetic rifle, but if it is only used in ordinary combat, the power is seriously excessive. I think a power adjustment function can be added, and even targeted optimization can be carried out to meet the All kinds of battle needs!"

Hearing this, Mr. Liu and the three of them all nodded and took notes seriously.

As Lin Yuan said, the electromagnetic rifle is so powerful that it is already comparable to some anti-material weapons. It has a strong kinetic energy in one shot. A huge blood hole.

Using this kind of power in ordinary combat is tantamount to killing chickens with a sledgehammer.

Lin Yuan's thinking is very clear, power adjustment, plus environmental adaptation, can be realized with only a few electronic components, and what you get in exchange is a fully functional and adaptable electromagnetic weapon!

In addition to close combat and quick-reaction combat, the status of the pistol cannot be shaken, and the magnetic rifle is absolutely all-round.

It can be clicked, suppressed, sniped, and can even be used as an anti-armor weapon a little bit!

"In addition, there is another very fatal problem! That is, the sound is too loud! I think the noise reduction device is a must-have configuration for this gun!"

"Strong bullet speed, excellent shooting accuracy, combined with noise reduction, this weapon is the real complete body!"

"Anyway, if the electromagnetic weapon is equipped with a silencer, the loss of kinetic energy of the bullet can be ignored!"

Lin Yuan put forward his views again.

Everyone nodded when they heard the words.

They thought about this problem during the test today. The bullet speed of the electromagnetic weapon is very fast, coupled with the super high shooting speed, the sonic boom can be heard almost every moment.

This has a great impact on the hearing health of soldiers.

Mr. Liu said: "Muffler, we have indeed considered it. I wonder if you have any suggestions?"

Lin Yuan said: "Using a super-alloy composite handle, you can plate a layer of super-alloy on the muffler, and it should be able to achieve a 90% silent effect!"

Mr. Liu smiled from the bottom of his heart, he was waiting for Lin Yuan's words.

Mr. Gu said bluntly: "Then we want to apply to the higher-ups, and Lieutenant Colonel Lin remember to talk about it when the time comes."

Lin Yuan nodded. Regarding his technology, not everyone can use it. Except for items not permitted by the state, those that Lin Yuan nodded can also be used.

At this moment, Academician Duo asked, "Any other suggestions?"

Lin Yuan nodded: "The last suggestion is that the electromagnetic rifle has a lot of electronic components, which are easily affected by electromagnetic interference or emp. I suggest making an integration and then using super alloys to protect it, in case the weapon fails at critical moments. to unnecessary losses.

Mr. Liu and the three nodded.

Afterwards, they discussed the details of the design and completed the final weapon design.

During this period, the staff also sent the latest test data, the service life of the electromagnetic rifle is as high as 5 hours!

It has far exceeded the service life of thermal weapons. The most important thing is that electromagnetic rifles are several grades stronger than thermal weapons in terms of rate of fire, bullet speed, and power.

These five hours have a high gold content.

Mr. Liu said expectantly: "Haha! This weapon is ready, and it will definitely shine at the New Era Auto Show in June!"

Academician Duo and Chief Engineer Gu also looked happy, Longguo's electromagnetic acceleration field has taken a great step forward!

The Dragon Kingdom Army finally has their epoch-making weapon!

The three of them are extremely looking forward to the day when the electromagnetic rifle comes out!

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