Let You Drive The Excavator, You Dug Out The Nuke

30. Did You Really Find The Bomb Again?

After selling the stones, Fang Yang exchanged greetings with the boss and left the store.

The photographer on the road was as if he had lost his soul, without saying a word.

Although he looked at the front, his eyes were empty, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"What are you doing?" Fang Yang patted his shoulder.

"Ah?" The photographer was startled suddenly, and turned his head a little uncertainly: "Brother...brother...really sold for 1.1 million?"

Fang Yang chuckled: "Otherwise?"

"Why do I feel so unrealistic? A stone picked up at random is 1.1 million? Have we met a fool?"

"What are you thinking! They are much smarter than you. I told you that this stone is worth 1 million. If you don't believe me, blame me?"

"This, this, this..."

The photographer held back for a long time, and finally couldn't say anything.

Thinking back to what Fang Yang said before, I just felt my face was burning.

He was telling the truth from beginning to end, not bragging.

Only I wishful thinking that he is nonsense.

Fang Yang patted him on the shoulder: "Why are you in a daze, you should be happy when you make money, let's go, I'll take you to a big meal!"

When the photographer thought that there were already more than 1.1 million, his spirits lifted.

"Brother Hao Le, you are my idol, you are my real brother!"

The two found a big restaurant and ordered some of the most expensive dishes, and their mouths were full of oil.

When they returned to the construction site again, they saw someone holding a mine-clearing tool scanning the ground from a distance.

This was Fang Yang's first time seeing someone clearing mines, so he walked up curiously.

They found that Team Wang had been waiting here.

"Brother Wang, have you eaten yet?"

"Well, after eating some boxed lunches, a few mines have already been swept away. I guess this area should be clean in a while."

"Where is it? Can I see it?"

Wang Dui pointed to the landmines on the ground: "Be careful, these mines will explode even though they have been buried in the ground for a long time."

Fang Yang nodded seriously and walked towards the mine.

The moment it approached, the system panel arrived as expected.

[Type 58 anti-personnel mine]

[charge type: 200g TNT explosive]

【Total weight: 0.6 kg】

[Introduction: This mine is a pressure-explosive anti-infantry mine, which mainly uses the high-temperature and high-pressure gas generated after the charge explosion to kill the enemy's living targets....】

【PPM-2 anti-infantry trick mine】

[charge type: 110g TNT explosive]

【Weight: 350g】

[Introduction: Due to the extremely low metal content, this kind of mine is difficult to be detected by instruments, so it is also difficult to be eliminated. As long as the mine body is tilted 45, the mine will detonate. In addition, it also has the function of anti-turning and anti-disassembly, which can Effectively kills mine-struck or mine-clearing enemies....】


【PMN mine】

[charge type: 200g TNT explosive]

【Weight: 750g】

[Introduction: The structure is simple, the killing effect is good, and it is difficult to be detected by mine detectors. It belongs to the pressure-explosive anti-personnel landmine, with a killing radius of more than 5 meters....】


[Type 66 anti-infantry directional mine]

[charge type: 680g TNT explosive]

[Weight: 1.58 kg]]

[Introduction: After the mine is detonated, the 700 pieces of fragments will hit the front at an angle of 60-120 degrees, which can effectively kill enemies and unprotected vehicles within a distance of 50-100 meters. If several mines are used in parallel, the The killing range is larger and more effective....】


After reading the systematic introduction to landmines, Fang Yang only felt his scalp tingling.

I was also lucky today, and shoveled a small landmine. If I shoveled that directional mine, whether I could live would be a problem.

Looking at the staff who were clearing mines not far away, Fang Yang couldn't help sweating for them.

If this is not arranged carefully, at least an arm or a leg will be lost.

Fang Yang looked at Team Wang: "Brother Wang, what are we going to do with these landmines?"

"After clearing the mines in a while, I will work with the blasting company to find a place for centralized destruction."

"Oh~~ Then you have to be careful, this thing is quite dangerous."


While the two were chatting, the people from the blasting company came.

"Captain Wang, the mines have already been lined up. This batch of mines are all different models, and the difficulty is very high. Most people can't handle it unless they call the troops! See if you can add some hard work."

Team Wang frowned: "The budget is fixed, it's very difficult for me to ask for money temporarily!"

Fang Yang looked at Team Wang's embarrassment and immediately smiled and said, "Dude, even I know these landmines, but you still say it's difficult, it's not kind."

The man was obviously a little unhappy when he heard the words: "Who are you?"

"Me? I was the one who dug and exploded the mines before!"

After finishing speaking, he squatted down and pointed to the mine on the ground and said, "This round iron box is a Type 58 anti-personnel mine. It was made by Huaxia imitating the Soviet-made PMN mine, isn't it!"

"This smaller disc is a PPM-2 anti-personnel trick mine, which is a copy of the German PPM-2 anti-personnel mine."

"This big round box with a turntable on it is a PMN landmine. The Type 58 anti-personnel landmine mentioned earlier was imitated from him."

"The last one that looks like a lunch box is a Type 66 anti-personnel directional mine, which is made according to the American M18A1 anti-personnel directional mine. Am I right?"


——[Damn it! He even said the names of so many bombs in one breath, it doesn't look like nonsense. 】

——[I searched the Internet just now, and what he said is correct, how many things does he know, he knows all about landmines? 】

——[This is a bit outrageous, I feel that my self-esteem has been hit by 10,000 points, is he also a military fan? 】

——[Did he start learning from the womb? Younger than me, I feel that his knowledge reserves are scary. 】

——[I used to think that acquired efforts were greater than innate conditions, but now I know that there are some people that you can't surpass even if you work so hard. 】

——[Thinking that such an awesome person is still working hard, and looking at myself, I'd better forget about it and continue to be bad. 】


After Fang Yang finished the call, everyone was shocked!

Team Wang looked at Fang Yang in disbelief. He had no idea that Fang Yang knew about landmines.

As for the man from the blasting company, his complexion changed drastically.

Even he couldn't explain the details of the mines clearly.

After all, his main business is still blasting, and work like demining can only be regarded as extra money.

At this time, there was no reason to ask for more money, so I had no choice but to turn around and not speak.

Wang Dui smiled slightly: "I really don't understand you, you know so much about landmines, why did you dig one?"

"Ah?" Fang Yang felt a little ashamed, and directly said sloppy: "That... didn't pay attention at the time!"

"Okay, stop talking, I have to deal with the mines with the demolition company."


Wang Dui called other police officers and left with the mines.

Fang Yang looked at his excavator and found that he had replaced a new bucket.

The contractor Lao Li also shouted loudly: "Brothers hurry up and work!"

Everyone returned to their posts.

The funny thing is, everyone unconsciously kept a distance from Fang Yang.

At noon, they went online to read Fang Yang's glorious deeds in the past two days.

After reading it, I thought of the explosion of the landmine today, and I was sweating on my forehead.

So in the afternoon, they seemed to have reached a consensus, even if they were working, they tried to stay away from Fang Yang.

They don't want to die without knowing it.

Fang Yang didn't care either, and hurried to work.

It stands to reason that today's mines have been cleared, and no more mines will be dug.

Finally, I can go to work in a safe and stable manner, and I will not stop work on the construction site again.

However, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop.

When Fang Yang had been digging for less than ten minutes, he suddenly felt that he had dug something hard.

Since it was on a mountain, he would often find rocks, but he didn't take it seriously, just get them out.

Just the moment when he dug the so-called stone out of the dirt.

The photographer exclaimed for a while!

"Fuck! Brother, what the hell did you dig up!"

Fang Yang also looked at it carefully, although it was covered with a lot of dirt.

But the outline is clearly visible.

The overall shape is like an oxygen tank, but the body is thicker than the oxygen tube!

This look! ! !

It looks like a bomb no matter what!

Fang Yang turned off the engine without saying a word, jumped out of the car, and ran away from the bomb as fast as he could.

The photographer also backed away in fright.




——[Damn it! Really dug out the bomb! Antiques are valuable for collection, but they are afraid of hair. 】

——[What are you thinking, this is a bomb, you can buy 1 to 200 bucks at the waste collection station, and then buy some good wine and food for a meal. 】

——[I know this shell, it is the one that Li Yunlong blasted the Yamazaki Brigade (laughing and crying). 】

——[I knew he couldn't mean digging mines, this time it's even more awesome, digging bombs directly, I was wondering if he would dig missiles directly next time. 】

——[I can’t laugh anymore, the work started less than ten minutes ago, and the work stopped again. If I were the foreman, I would strangle him to death. 】

——[It's outrageous, digging bombs as soon as work starts, this is the third day, digging some weird things every day, I really don't know if he is unlucky or unlucky. 】


Old Li, the foreman, also noticed the movement here, and suddenly felt a little bit in his heart.

It can't be so evil, can it?

As the management of the construction site, he had to come over to check the situation.

"Young man, what's the matter? See if you have dug a landmine again?"

Fang Yang shook his head: "It's not a mine!"

Hearing this, Lao Li's hanging heart also relaxed, and he smiled and said, "It's fine if it's not a landmine. I thought I'd found a landmine again. I can't afford to stop work when the time comes."

"That... the foreman... uh... you'd better go and see for yourself."

"Huh?" Lao Li's heart, which had just relaxed, immediately hung up again.

He walked into the vicinity of the excavator suspiciously, took a closer look, almost fell him, and ran back in fright.

"Fuck, what the hell did you dig up? A bomb?"

Fang Yang smiled embarrassedly: "It should be... right!"

Lao Li looked at Fang Yang with horror in his eyes: "Call the police quickly, it's a good thing you didn't blow him up, otherwise I'll die for no apparent reason!"

"Okay!" Fang Yang quickly took out his mobile phone and called Team Wang's number.

The phone was connected soon.

"Hey! Xiao Fang, what's the matter?"

"Er... Brother Wang, are you done with your work?"

"Ah? No, it's still on the way!"

"I seem to have dug...something again!!"

"There are still landmines not cleared?"

Suddenly another person's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Impossible, my inspection is very clean!"

"Ah...it's not a landmine, it's a bomb!!"

"...you wait there, don't get close to the bomb, I'll bring the people from the blasting company right away, remember to disperse the crowd and don't get close."

"okay, I get it."

Just as he called this time, the surrounding workers also came over curiously to see what happened.

Horror was written all over their faces when they saw the bomb on the shovel.

They are not afraid of bombs!

It's Fang Yang!

................................................... ...................................

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