Let You Drive The Excavator, You Dug Out The Nuke

44. Another Underground Hole Was Dug! Discover Rare Ore! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize!)


[These two buddies really flock together, crouching dragons and phoenixes all get together. 】

[I can't stop laughing, I feel that the two of them can perform stand-up comedy, and they will definitely be popular in the audience. 】

[I can feel the awkward atmosphere through the screen, as if a bunker can be dug out of the ground. 】

[What a pair of treasures, I almost burst out laughing at the lunch, how can you still be a fan? I think you are almost a drawing fan. 】

[Brothers still remember what it was like in the morning, there were only a few people in the deserted area, but after lunch, it became a construction unit. 】

[At least I have met Fang Yang, I also want to meet offline, get an autograph or take a photo, and have a meal. 】

Fang Yang looked at the stunned two and said hello: "How are you, brother!"

"Damn it! I actually met Fang Yang in real life, and I have to take a photo to commemorate whatever I say today.

"No problem, let's shoot!"

The two buddies quickly turned on the camera function of their mobile phones, and snapped.

I thought it was over.

Suddenly someone shouted: "Look! Fang Yang is over there, he is taking a photo with someone, let's hurry up and take a photo!"

The crowd suddenly flocked here like a flood gate.

Fang Yang is dumbfounded!

Turning to look at Wu Ming: "Am I so hot?"

Wu Ming smiled and nodded: "Your location is too far away now. If you put it in the urban area, I'm afraid you won't be able to escape!"

"Really?" The photographer was also stunned: "Brother, are we all so popular?"

Just as they were chatting, the group photo army rushed over.

This time, no one helped Fang Yang block the gun.

We took a group photo for an hour.

At this moment, he could finally understand the pain of being a star. He obviously didn't want to shoot at the end of the shoot, but he was too embarrassed to refuse because of the enthusiasm of others.

Fortunately, Yang Feng was really impatient to wait in the end, so he bit the bullet and pulled Fang Yang away.

Otherwise, according to the situation of people coming to the scene one after another, they would not be able to leave at all.

Fang Yang walked to the construction site and looked at the scene in front of him, feeling like a large archaeological site.

Seeing Fang Yang approaching, Zhao Hua hurried over to say hello: "Fang Yang, I admire you so much. No wonder you are so popular. We have excavated three dilapidated houses here. We also found five broken houses on the mudstone slabs. A fossil! It's unbelievable, it's a palaeontological feast!"

Fang Yang smiled politely: "Aren't you afraid of damaging the fossils by digging directly with the excavator?"

"There is no way, this place is too big, if manual excavation is like a headless chicken, but don't worry, as long as it finds that the house is related, it will immediately arrange manual work.

dug. "

Fang Yang nodded.

Zhao Hua said again: 310 "By the way, our museum owner is also in command over there, do you want to meet with me in the past.

"No, I have to work!"

"Um...that's fine!"

Fang Yang didn't bother to meet the owner of the museum, he had half a dime relationship with him, besides, Yang Feng's work hadn't been finished yet.

I took a look just now, and the old house he dug before has been dug away, leaving a large piece of muddy land.

This also saved him a lot of trouble.

Next, just dig the foundation a little deeper and the work is basically done.

This will be the first time he has successfully completed his work in the past few days.

I dug continuously for more than 20 minutes in this way, and it was very calm all the time.

It made Yang Feng and the others a little uncomfortable.

Just as he was working for a while, there was another stir-up on the Internet!

Previously, it was only suspected that the Fossil Village had been dug up on the Internet, which had already brought a lot of heat, but now it has been thoroughly confirmed.

The relevant short video was posted online by the netizens in the live broadcast room as quickly as possible, and it became popular instantly!

Hot words such as Fang Yang, fossil, fossil village, and dinosaur egg attracted a large number of netizens to watch.

[I thought that digging dinosaur eggs was already his extreme operation, who would have thought that he would directly create a fossil village! 】

【Heh... Now that I've seen his news, I've calmed down. Nothing is impossible. I'll believe in him digging out the aircraft carrier one day!】

【Where is this? Let me tell you a secret. Fang Yang has dug again. Guess what he can make this afternoon. 】

【I was at the scene, and I took a photo with him just now, the real person looks more handsome than the video!】

【I suggest that Fang Yang be transferred to the tomb of Qin Shihuang to dig. Doesn’t it mean that he can’t dig it? Maybe he can dig it out!】

【I disagree. We should get him a space mining machine and let him dig in space. By then, the resources of our planet may never run out. 】

【Upstairs, you are really not afraid of death? Do you believe it or not? He dug a star explosion for you on the first day he came up!】

Netizens were already shocked after reading Fang Yang's analysis.

At this time, his analysis was completely true, and he immediately attracted a large number of fans.

You must know that he can analyze that there are houses below when he just digs up some scattered things.

Forget it, he said there were villages.

Everyone's jaws dropped when the other houses were dug up!

The most outrageous thing is that he said that there may be a large number of fossils in the walls of this village.

When the fossils were discovered one after another, netizens have become numb.

The one who is most excited is the owner of the Museum of Paleontology in Xihai City. After today is over, his museum will have an additional treasure and a large number of fossil exhibits.

The museum owners who were still on the road watched the related video and kept urging the driver to drive faster.

Because they know that not only themselves, but other museum owners must be on their way, and they might just go home if they come too late.

Netizens in the live broadcast room saw that Fang Yang was about to finish digging the base.

One by one was extremely disappointed.

The audience at the scene was also a little depressed, feeling that they had made a trip in vain.

You must know that most of them are not here to come to dig fossils, but to come to see Fang Yang dig strange things.

At this time, it can be said that the surrounding water pavilions are impassable near the excavator.

Everyone is looking forward to finding something.

It stands to reason that as long as Fang Yang excavates, it is impossible to end in such a peaceful and stable way.

Could this spell be broken today?

Yang Feng is also a little proud at this time.

Others believe in evil, but he doesn't believe in it, and in the end he has nothing to do with it.

But not surprisingly, outside appeared.

Just when Fang Yang went down with a shovel and brought up a large piece of soil.

Everyone present exclaimed!

"Look! What's that!"

Yang Feng's skin twitched and he sucked in a breath of cool air: "The burrow!"

What appeared in front of everyone was a black hole.

The cameraman was slow this time, and his lines were taken away by the audience. He could only look at Fang Yang curiously: "Brother, you dug another hole, but this time it seems to be a hole in the ground!"

Fang Yang only felt dizzy.

I thought I would finally be able to work safely today.

As a result, the chain was dropped at the last moment.

Looking at the dark cave not far away, Jiang Yang could only jump down from the army and walk over to observe.

The diameter of the hole is more than one meter, and the inside of the hole is a little bit wider.


【Here it comes, it's here, brothers cheer up and prepare to record a video, making a fortune depends on this wave, rush duck!】

【This hole looks so deep, could it be that there are ten super boa constrictors living in it?】

[I am most afraid of this kind of deep hole, I always feel that something is sucking me in directly. 】

【Why is there a hole under this kind of house? It doesn’t look like there is a cellar at the entrance of this hole. I’m really curious about what’s inside. 】

[Is there any warrior on the scene who dares to go down and take a look, I will sponsor 100 yuan for hard work. 】

[Don't worry, what Fang Yang dug out will definitely not be empty, there are either treasures or something terrible inside. 】

Many people at the scene were eager to go into the cave to take a look, but they were all afraid of something suddenly popping up inside.

Fang Yang looked at Yang Feng: "Dude, what do you say? Do you want to dig it up?"

"Dig!" Yang Feng knew clearly, if he didn't find out the hole and built a house on it, he probably wouldn't feel at ease living there.

Fang Yang manipulated the bucket to excavate again after seeking his consent.

The bucket kept digging down along the hole.

Gradually, the space inside the cave is getting bigger and bigger, and it feels like an adult can walk in it.

And even though the hole has been buried for so many years, looking at the ground and walls, it is still relatively flat.

After digging continuously for about 20 minutes, the hole was completed with a big gap.

But the problem is that the end point is still not visible in the cave, and it is completely unclear where it leads from above.

In the end, Fang Yang had no choice but to stop, jumping directly into the pit and standing at the entrance to observe.

Even if I took out my mobile phone and pointed the light inside, I still couldn't see the end.

Fang Yang thought for a moment and frowned: "I'll go down and have a look!"

When the photographer heard this sentence, his scalp went numb: "Brother...brother... calm down, if there is something down there, let's call the police!" (bjfe)

Yang Feng also nodded quickly: "Yes, it's too dangerous to go straight down like this, why don't we wait until the police arrive!"

The people around also persuaded that this hole looked too weird, and it was really unwise to go straight down.

Fang Yang hesitated for a moment, and could only nod in agreement, waiting here for the police to arrive.

After all, he didn't know what was in the cave, and he couldn't run away in case of danger.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, a police car drove up.

I thought it would be the police in the morning, but the people in the car came down.

An embarrassed smile appeared on the corner of Fang Yang's mouth.

"Brother Wang, why are you here to call the police?"

The moment Captain Wang saw Fang Yang, it was like seeing a ghost: "It's you again! You are here to increase the workload of our police station, right? Tell me, what did you dig up today? Landmines or corpses? Or cannon?"

Fang Yang spared Rao's head: "No, I dug a hole today! It looks very deep inside, and everyone dared not go down, so I had to ask the policeman Uncle to help!"

Team Wang looked at the hole in the ground and fell into deep thought!

It's not that I'm afraid to go in, but I'm thinking about whether it's good luck or bad luck to know Fang Yang!

To say it's not good at all, the most important thing for solving such a big case before is that he can be promoted soon.

But let's just say it's okay, these days of worrying every day are really hard.

If things go on like this, will I die one day without even knowing how to die!

But in any case, he is a policeman, and these jobs are his job.

In the end, I can only sigh!

"Hey! Xiao Li, come down with me and have a look!"

"Okay, Team King!"

Fang Yang hurried forward: "Well...Brother Wang, I dug this hole, I want to go down and see if it works!"

Team Wang frowned. Although the hole was not vertical, the end could not be seen from above.


After understanding just now, this hole should have existed many years ago.

It's fine if it's blocked.

I'm afraid that I don't know where it leads. In case of a landslide, it is very likely that people will be buried inside and cannot get out.

Although there are many excavators outside that can save people in time, but if they are not guaranteed, something terrible will pop out below.

This made him torn whether to follow Fang Yang or not.

Seeing his attitude, Fang Yang became a little anxious: "Brother Wang, I'm broadcasting live. If I dig a hole and don't go in to take a look, I'm afraid netizens won't agree!"

Team Wang glanced at the cameraman, thinking of Fang Yang's force value: "Alright, if there is any danger, get out as soon as possible!"


The photographer stood behind with a sad face, going into the hole? He was very reluctant, but Fang Yang wanted to go in, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow.

Team Wang found a miner's lamp, and the four of them went down the passage in the cave.

The hole looks small from above, but when you walk in, you find that the hole can allow an adult to stand up.

The height of the hole is nearly two meters, and the width is more than one meter.

It doesn't look like an animal's cave at all.

To something like man-made holes.

Team Wang walked in the front and held the mine to illuminate the road. The light was dozens of meters away, but the end of the hole was still invisible.

Xiao Li who followed closely behind asked suspiciously: "Is it possible that this is a tomb, this is actually a blue hole?"

Team Wang nodded: "It's possible!"

"Impossible!" Fang Yang suddenly said from behind.


"The thieves don't make such a big hole. The thieves want to finish their work quickly and leave. How can they make such a big hole? Besides, you look at the wall of the hole. After so many years, you still look at it.

The hole is very flat, which means that people used to go back and forth to this cave, how dare the tomb robbers walk so blatantly every day!"

As soon as the words came out, several people around agreed.

But the netizens in the live broadcast room thought of a level.


[Fuck, fuck! It’s true, this guy must have been a tomb robber before, otherwise he wouldn’t understand so well!]

【Look it up, if nothing unexpected happens, there are definitely not a few tombs that Fang Yang robbed. 】

[You people... don't copy others, okay, what kind of tomb robbers, it sounds so ugly, they should be called professional grave diggers]

[I found that this year's netizens are quite strange in thinking, shouldn't your focus be on what's in the cave?]

【You don’t understand, watching Fang Yang make a fool of himself, teasing him is also a kind of fun, and we firmly believe that there must be something in the hole, because Fang Yang will not dig a hole for no reason!】

【Brothers, spreading rumors is against the law. It’s fun to spread rumors for a while, and it’s fun to spread rumors all the time. I bet he’s not human!】

Fang Yang and the others continued to walk down the cave.

After walking for about ten minutes, I suddenly saw a separate hole in the wall.

Team Wang kept observing the situation inside with the miner's lamp.

It's just a hole of about one cubic meter, without any special conditions.

It looks the same as the wall in the cave, except that the wall inside is full of potholes, and it is obvious that it was discarded after being dug temporarily.

Just when the Wang team was about to take back the miner's lamp and continue walking down.

Fang Yang stopped immediately: "Brother Wang, don't worry! I seem to see something!"

Just when he saw an inconspicuous small stone inlaid on the wall, the system panel suddenly popped out.

【Egg Shiraishi】

[Outside has Red stalactite-like skin with red clay, White is transparent]

[On the high mountains, in the cracks in the volcanic rocks, it has been crystallized for many years. It is close to the characteristics described in the ancient Heshibi, and can imitate the Jade Seal of Chuanguo. 】

Team Wang looked at Fang Yang in surprise: "Did you find anything?"

Fang Yang squatted down and reached out to pick out an irregular stone the size of an egg from the wall.

At this time, a guess gradually formed in his mind.

"Brother Wang, do you know what this is?"

The photographer was the first to come up and observe: "It looks a bit like White's pebbles!"

"Know the pebbles all the time!"

Xiao Li: "Is it quartz?"

Fang Yang saw how many people couldn't guess and said with a smile: "It's normal if you can't guess, this thing is called egg Shiraishi, and it is considered a rare mineral in China!"

Team Wang took it and took a closer look: "Just now you said that this passage is not for tomb robbers. Could it be that there is an egg Shiraishi mine under here? Is this a mine?"

"I'm not sure yet, but if I'm sure, Brother Wang, it's not just as simple as the Shiraishi Mine!"

"What do you mean?" Everyone present looked at him curiously.

Fang Yang smiled: "Now is not the time, let's go on down!".

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