Let You Drive The Excavator, You Dug Out The Nuke

66. The Largest Bomb In Huaxia City Detonated! (Please Subscribe!)

At this time, the local forum in Xihai City has exploded.

The whole page is full of discussions about what happened here.

Some people said that the bomb was dug.

Some said it was a homicide.

Some people also say that they are sweeping against black people.

But there is no definite evidence anyway.

Until someone posted the photos of Fang Yang's live broadcast room to the forum.

In an instant, local netizens exploded!

【Fuck! What a bomb, 500 kilograms, it’s deadly!】

[I see that water bags are being moved in there and the wall is still being built, and it is estimated that it will be detonated on the spot! 】

[Really? It's not a joke that this thing explodes. 】

[It's true, Fang Yang's live broadcast room is already arranging for live blasting, everyone, hurry up and watch it. 】

【Fuck, Fang Yang dug it out again? This guy is the plague god!】

【It's so exciting. My house is about 5 kilometers away from there. I don't know if the bomb will come to me. Should I hide?】

[I'm afraid, my house is closer than yours, and I plan to watch it live from the balcony. 】

At the same time, various short videos on the Internet, a new aerial video was watched by a large number of people.


In the video, looking down from the sky, at the beginning, there were police cars sounding their sirens everywhere on the road.

"Fuck! Is this a homicide?"

"Xihai City, did you dig treasure yesterday?"

"What is this doing?"

Immediately afterwards, the video advanced to the scene, and the mayor personally came to the scene to direct the work.

Dozens of police cars formed a long queue.

All lights were on, and dozens of traffic police motorcycles were parked at the scene.

The road was directly blocked by roadblocks, and it happened to be the rush hour for lunch. The traffic was so jammed that it was impossible to walk, and there were traffic police everywhere directing the traffic.

This picture completely shocked netizens.

"To be honest, I have never seen such a big battle in my life."

"Is there a big leader coming?"

"Continue to pay attention and look forward to the results soon."

"Has anyone from the local area come out and say what happened?"

However, at this moment, another video appeared in the sky and seamlessly connected with the above.

# Fang Yang dug up a 500kg aerial bomb and it is detonating on the spot#

"Damn it! It turns out that Xihai City is the hometown of 19 Fang Yang! No wonder it's on the news every day."

"My mother, I have been watching Fang Yang's live broadcast, and I don't know how messed up they are.

"It was so shocking. It turned out that it was so lively outside. I thought there were no people there."

"Fang Yang made a big commotion this time, it feels like at least a few hundred people were mobilized at once. y

Now the netizens finally figured out the situation, and the big event that is happening in Xihai City for a long time is the bomb dug out by Fang Yang!

Major domestic TV stations have successively inserted live news on the spot.

The reporter stood in the middle of the road, behind dozens of police cars with flashing lights.

Huaxia News TV.

[Today, a major case occurred in Xihai City. The reporter learned at the scene that Internet celebrity Fang Yang dug up a 500kg bomb in a vegetable field. Explosive experts decided to detonate it on the spot. A large number of medical personnel from the police station in Xihai City were dispatched. Even the mayor of Xihai City personally took part in the battle to direct the security work. Our reporter will continue to broadcast the follow-up situation live for you. 】

The entire West Sea, and even netizens across the country are paying attention to the situation here.

It can be said that this bomb has been so many since China's peaceful era.

The only high-explosive bomb detonated in an urban area.

Not to mention the young netizens, except for those of the older generation who have been on the battlefield, no one has seen such a scene.

After discussing this topic for two hours, it was already past one o'clock in the afternoon.

Fang Yang ate a meal halfway and found a relatively high angle two kilometers away to broadcast live.

Fortunately, the photographer's camera has high enough pixels.

Zooming out at the end of the video, you can still clearly see that all the blasting experts have evacuated.

The aerial bombs in the pits are first wrapped with a circle of emulsion explosives and fitted with fuses.

Then use a shovel to pile up the scattered soil.

Then cover it with a thick layer of wood, and finally cover all the 60 tons of water bags around.

The metal container walls facing the community are also all built.

At this time, all public officials looked nervously at the bomb.

Some nearby residents closed their windows and locked their doors.

Some of the more courageous ones stood on the balcony and took out their mobile phones to record videos.

Netizens in front of the screen are also nervously waiting for the final explosion.

At this time, the command site was extremely quiet, Director Chen's palms were already sweating, and he was in Lian.

Wait for the mayor to speak.

"Are you sure you're ready?"


"Okay, you can command!"


Director Chen stepped into a police car.

Turn on the siren to play a warning effect.


A sense of ritual arises spontaneously.

All public officials are very nervous, sweating constantly on their palms and foreheads.

On the one hand, although they are relatively far away, they are also the closest people to the bomb.

On the other hand, witnessing this kind of scene is something that can be bragged for a lifetime, and it can be said that it is unique in the whole of China so far!

At the same time, the blasting expert squatted on the ground, resting his hand on the detonator, trembling unconsciously.

Sweat kept coming out of his head, and the colleagues next to him kept wiping his sweat.

The siren sounded for about 30 seconds, then stopped abruptly!

Director Chen picked up the walkie-talkie with a solemn expression, took a deep breath, and shouted in a deep voice: "The 5-second countdown begins!"










The first sound was an explosion!

The second earthquake!

Immediately afterwards, the glass of the police car at the scene trembled! There was a deafening sound!

Crazy vibrations could obviously be felt on the ground, and many people staggered and almost fell.

Everyone's ears buzzed, and they were all deaf in a short time.

Buildings around the entire suburb were shaking, and those who stood on the balcony to record the video felt a strong wind blowing by the shock wave.

Coupled with the vibration of the house, it is impossible to stand still!

Even 30 kilometers away, you can feel the shaking of the house, and those who don't know the situation think there is an earthquake.

Looking at the scene of the explosion, Fang Yang was shocked and his scalp went numb.

You must know that I was almost smashed by him before! With the degree of this explosion, I am afraid that there is not even bone residue left.

At the moment of the explosion just now, a huge shock wave visible to the naked eye spread to the surroundings and brought a gust of strong wind to blow past.

The impact force brought by the explosion blasted the soil on the ground to a height of tens of meters.

Even at a distance of two kilometers, the sound of sporadic debris falling could be heard.

The scene of the explosion, from a distance, looked like someone was throwing mud into the sky. After losing the impact, it rained mud and stones immediately.

Thick smoke billowed from the scene, and the black season that floated up had a height of hundreds of meters in a short time.

If there is such a terrifying explosive power, it should be detonated with sufficient precautions.

You must know that there is a pressure of 60 tons of water bags on it.

What is the concept of 60 tons? A Common sprinkler truck is about 10 to 15 tons.

This is equivalent to pressing the pressure of 4 to 6 sprinkler trucks on it at one time.

60 tons of water, if it is just a family of three in Common, it may not necessarily consume so much water in a year.

However, under such pressure, it still exploded to a height of tens of meters.

If there were no such things to press down, then the scene would really be unimaginable.

I'm afraid the nearby houses will be bombed.

Because even under such protection, the glass of the nearby residential area shattered in an instant.

The doors and windows of the nearest building were all damaged by the shock!

Even in a community two kilometers away, a small number of glass was shattered.

This earth-shattering explosion can be described as earth-shattering and deafening.

The shock generated by the explosion even surpassed a magnitude three earthquake.

All the public officials at the scene were stunned.

Looking at the black mist two kilometers away, everyone's eyes were solemn and speechless.

Is this the bomb?

This is the horror of war.

Imagine if this thing was thrown at your doorstep during the war years.

How desperate a person in this situation must be.


【My God! This is the most shocking scene I have ever seen in my life, I will never forget today!】

[I used to watch it on the video, but I didn’t feel anything. Today, watching the live broadcast, the tense atmosphere made me break out in a cold sweat unconsciously. 】

【It’s so cool to watch, burn! There should be an explosive BGM at this time!】

【At the moment of the explosion just now, goosebumps all over my body, a feeling of suffocation, I was too nervous. "Now look at my phone is full of sweat.】

[Brothers, we can be regarded as witnessing a moment in history. You must know that no troops in China have ever accidentally detonated a 500-kilogram bomb in peacetime. 】

【Where is Fang Yang, the photographer should not just shoot the scene, I want to see what Fang Yang is doing now!】

After a few minutes, everyone gradually came back to their senses.

The mayor breathed a sigh of relief.

Director Chen also breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, I suddenly felt weak all over, as if I was overdrawn.

Following the orders issued one after another.

Ambulances and armed police returned to their units one after another.

The traffic police removed the barricades and resumed traffic.

All the people rushed in the direction of home in a swarm, and they all wanted to see if their home was still safe.

The mayor is being interviewed by reporters at this time.

[I believe everyone has seen that the accident happened because Fang Yang dug up a 500kg aerial bomb. Some people entered the explosion area, and the police, medical personnel, and armed police forces on the scene are all on standby to avoid any accidents. Please don’t panic. The bomb has been dismantled safely. I hereby promise that the city government will take care of all accidental losses caused by the bomb. Undertake, there will be staff members coming to investigate at that time, thank you for your cooperation and support!]

Since Fang Yang was sitting in a small corner, no one noticed him.

At this time, I don't know which sixth child suddenly shouted: "Fang Yang is here!"

In an instant, all the microphones in front of the mayor disappeared, and he rushed to Fang Yang like crazy.

One by one, they scrambled to pass the microphone over.

Now Fang Yang really didn't expect, he thought these reporters would not come to interview him, after all there is a mayor.

Who would have thought that he was stuck in a small corner now.

——— Fang Yang, everyone said this one

You dug the bomb, is it true?

— Fang Yang, some people say that this explosion is your plan, right?

——Fang Yang, is it true that you dug up 8 million cash in the morning?

——— Fang Yang, will you continue to dig in the afternoon? Can you tell me what you will dig?

— Fang Yang, I’m a reporter for a dating show, do you have a girlfriend, do you need to introduce me?

——Fang Yang, have you ever considered debuting? With your traffic, you can easily become a top star.


Fang Yang looked at the long-tongued monsters in front of him, talking in a hurry, not thinking about whether he had time to answer, and kept asking where.

Every time he wanted to answer politely, but every time he didn't know what to say.

Just stand there and watch them babbling!

Fortunately, Team Wang came back at this time, and saw the embarrassed Fang Yang in the crowd at a glance, and immediately walked over to pull him back to the police car.

In this way, the reporter kept talking into the police car with a microphone outside the glass window.

In fact, they can't be blamed for this. The leaders of every radio station have spoken.

Whoever can interview Fang Yang will get a promotion and salary increase.

You must know that Fang Yang's current traffic is so large that one person can achieve the Tao, and the chicken and dog can ascend to heaven.

All those who are related to or close to him will benefit greatly.

For example, Yang Fugui was miserably cheated at the beginning, but after a few days, he received a bunch of orders for no reason.

When he goes to some social places, many people with higher social status than him will give him face, which makes him baffled.

He didn't know about 883 until later, all because of Fang Yang.

You must know that he is Fang Yang's boss, and this relationship is here. As long as you get online, if you can contact Fang Yang in the future, the benefits will be endless.

Another example is the little reporter before, although he did not contact Fang Yang later, there is only one interview with Fang Yang on the entire Internet.

Not only did she become a regular trainee, but she also became a sweet mom in the eyes of the leaders. Who knows what relationship she has with Fang Yang, and what if there is a relationship.

As for the others, not to mention, those archeology, paleontology, program groups, including Captain Wang, everyone has benefited greatly because of him.

Of course, the photographer will benefit the most from this, because his relationship with Fang Yang is here, and he will definitely do well in the future.

Unknowingly, Jiang Yang has influenced too many people.

Just at this moment, the video of the explosion on the Internet has gone crazy!

Because there are too many people waiting for it to come out.

So once it was released, it became popular all over the Internet in an instant, and the number of hits rose like a minute and a stopwatch.

The comments and barrage below are as dense as fragments after an explosion in just a few minutes.

#西海市500kg aerial bomb explosion#


"Dick fried!"


"All rise!"

"High energy ahead!"

"Ahhh, I'm so excited!"

"Damn it, the explosive power is too scary!"

"This time no one dares to say it belongs to P~"

The local forum also exploded, and all kinds of videos and photos were uploaded frantically, which directly crashed it.

Fortunately for Fang Yang, the reporters didn't dare to be too presumptuous with the police. Seeing that the interview failed, they could only leave angrily.

Get out of the car door and Director Chen and others prepare to return to the explosion site again.

They are going to check whether it is safe to blast.

And Fang Yang went to see if something happened to the excavator.

Originally, he was very confident that the position was very safe.

Now he was a little worried, the explosion just now was far beyond his imagination, even if the system gave a solution, it was still so terrifying.

If the blasting team could not come up with a reasonable plan at that time, the consequences might have been unimaginable.

Now he also understands why so many police and public officials are dispatched for a bomb.

when they came to the scene.

Everyone was shocked!

Including Fang Yang!

Originally, the hole he dug was only more than one meter deep, and the ground was only about two square meters.

But now, the entire dirt floor has been blown out of a big hole.

It is no exaggeration to say that a double-decker bus can fit in it.

It is conceivable if there were no 60 tons of water bags pressing it.

Let him explode into the sky, and it is estimated that the light shock wave can destroy everything nearby.

The fragments produced after the explosion can kill people more than one kilometer away.

You must know that the sound of falling fragments could be heard at a distance of two kilometers.

If there is no water bag, if there is no pit, they may not be able to retreat even if they stand two kilometers away.

Thinking about it this way, everyone present was in a cold sweat unconsciously. .

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