Let You Drive The Excavator, You Dug Out The Nuke

78. The Treasure Of The Town, The Sea Of ​​Jade In Dushan Mountain! (Seeking Subscription)

Fang Yang walked over curiously, and the system panel popped up.

【Dushan Big Jade Sea】

【Type: wine urn】

[Material: black white chapter jade from Dushan, Nanyang]

[Date: the second year of Zhiyuan (1265)]

[Specifications: The body is oval, 70 cm high, 135-182 cm in diameter, 493 cm in maximum circumference, 55 cm in depth, and weighs about 3,500 kg]

[During the Yuan Dynasty, Kublai Khan recruited all skilled craftsmen to carve this piece of jade in order to demonstrate his national power, and they were not allowed to leave their names on it. One of the reasons for Precious...]

Chen Feng also saw the appearance of the stone basin at this time, and quickly exclaimed: "It's such a big stone, it must be a cultural relic!"

Several other archaeologists also joined in.

I saw more than a dozen animal patterns carved on the stone basin, tumbling out of the waves and the sea, and it seemed like they were rushing to meet each other and went to the Dragon Palace to defeat the Dragon King together.

The whole pattern is like a pilgrimage map of all nations in disguise.

But they have never seen this thing before.

Even Mr. Qin and the others couldn't tell when they were here.

Because since ancient times, this is the only one!

And it's made of oversized jade.

It can be said that its value is completely regarded as the national treasure of Shangzhen!

Now the giant was dug out by Fang Yang.

At this moment, his mood was extremely shocking!

This is a national treasure.

The only one in China for thousands of years.

Although other first-time unearthed things have been dug before, they are not the only ones.

In this way, its value is self-evident.

Reminiscent of just digging out a beer bottle from the Yuan Dynasty, and now a wine urn from the Yuan Dynasty has been dug up.

Are there other cultural relics from the Yuan Dynasty below?

This giant wine urn was shocking enough, if there was another ruthless one, Fang Yang would not be able to stand it.

Everyone present was shocked by this huge stone basin.

The farmer said in a daze: "It's not bad to take this thing back and use it as a pig pot~~"

Fang Yang smiled: "First of all, you have to be able to move it! Do you know how heavy this thing is?"

"That's true, it's not easy to look at!"

Chen Feng studied for a while and exclaimed: "It really is a cultural relic, but I don't know its specific age and value, Fang Yang, do you know?"

"know a little!"

"Hey, I figured it out, can you tell me what it is?"

As soon as the words came out, everyone looked at Fang Yang curiously, because they also wanted to know.

Fang Yang nodded: "I read historical records before, the name of this thing 987 should be Dushan Dayuhai, it is a cultural relic from the Yuan Dynasty, and the whole body is made of Dushan jade!


"Yuan Dynasty? Jade? Antique!" The workers behind couldn't help exclaiming.

Chen Feng laughed when he heard Fang Yang's answer: "Wait a minute, I'll call someone to come over and get it out of it."

After the phone call, he continued to look at Fang Yang: "Then, what exactly does it do?"

Fang Yang pretended to ponder for a while, and thought for a while: "This should be a wine urn!"

"Wine urn?"

"Yes! Back then, Kublai Khan fought from East Asia to Central Asia, reaching the hinterland of Europe. After the founding of the Yuan Dynasty, Kublai Khan, the ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty, eagerly wanted to show the world the power of his dynasty.

"His intention to create this thing is a bit similar to when Huo Qubing poured the fine wine given to him by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty into the ditch last time, with the intention that all the soldiers who followed him in the battle could drink the fine wine together, so this is not just a reward. It is a symbol of victory!"

The few people present listened with gusto, as if they were listening to a history class.

Fang Yang went on to say: "But Kublai Khan's approach was even more exaggerated. He wanted to create a big wine jar unique in the world, fill it with fine wine, and put a golden cup next to it, so that everyone passing by could drink it." to fine wine."

"Because the carving skills of the Mongols were not good enough, he found a huge Dushan Jade and plundered a large number of craftsmen to carve this wine urn. It took five years to finish carving it.

It can be regarded as a unique cultural relic in the world!"

【Such a big one is actually made of jade? How big is its original material?】

[This is definitely a first-class cultural relic, such a big jade, and it is unique, you don't even need to think about it, it will be fried again soon. 】

[It has to be said that Fang Yang is the gospel of the archaeological world, and he is a big treasure today. 】

【I will offer 10 billion, if I sell it or not, and if I don’t sell it, I will sell it more as if I didn’t say it. 】

After listening to Fang Yang's explanation, Chen Feng was shocked!

"This...according to what you say, this is very likely to be a national treasure!

When these words came out, his mouth trembled a little.

National treasure-level cultural relics, but what archaeologists dream of!

It was in front of him today.

And he was also a witness to the unearthed national treasure!

This sense of honor made him stand with hairs all over his body.

The excitement is unparalleled.

Including the few archaeological team members in the back, they all looked at the Dushan Jade Sea in shock.

Today's scene can make them blow for a lifetime.

Even Captain Feng and the others next to him were too shocked to say a word. (bjei)

The farmer couldn't help but marvel: "How much is such a big jade worth? Why did it appear here? If it were me, I wouldn't put it at home as an offering to my ancestors!"

When Fang Yang thought of the introduction of the system, he said that it had been used as a pickle jar for 300 years, and smiled: "Not everyone gets it! Don't you still plan to take it back and use it as a pig food bowl today?" What!"


Chen Feng couldn't help laughing: "How can such a national treasure be used as a pig food bowl!"

In the end, Fang Yang laughed instead: "To tell you the truth, it was really used as a pickle jar before?"

"Ah?" Everyone present was dumbfounded. How can such a valuable thing be used as a pickle jar?

Fang Yang thought briefly: "After the Ming Dynasty overthrew the Yuan Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang established the capital in Nanjing, and later moved the capital to Beijing after Zhu Di came to power. This caused this big treasure in the Liao and Jin gardens to be forgotten for hundreds of years. .”

"Until there was a fire in the Guanghan Palace, no one cared about this place. As time went by, it turned around and ran to a place called Zhenwu Daoguan. Those Taoist priests didn't know this thing at all, they thought it was It's a stone, just right for pickling pickles!"

"Then it served as a pickle vat for 300 years, so a limerick was added later, called "Zhenwu Daoren Don't Know the Treasure, and it was mixed up as a vegetable vat for dozens of springs. I am from Nanyang Dushan Jade, and my ancestral home is from the Ming Dynasty!"


【Is this pickled pickle delicious?!!】

【It turns out that this is how Laotan sauerkraut came about?】

【I just want to know, is there any pickle flavor in it now?】

[It should be called Du Shan Da Pickled Vegetable Vat instead. 】

【Worthy of being a Taoist leader, money is like dung!】

Everyone felt incredible after hearing this secret.

This kind of big treasure was actually used as a pickle jar!

At this moment, they couldn't help but wonder whether the pickles made by this thing would taste better.

It was almost 12 noon at this time.

Fang Yang felt hungry, so he took the photographer away to eat.

Neither the police nor Chen Feng left. They protected the cultural relics on the spot and waited for the arrival of the archaeological team to lift out the national treasure from the mud pit.

During the noon break, the news that Fang Yang had dug up the national treasure spread on the Internet.

This moment.

In the Office of the Director of the Palace Museum.

"Curator! Director He! Watch this video!"

The curator's assistant trotted all the way to the curator with his mobile phone.

"Look, curator, it's going crazy on the Internet, saying that Fang Yang has dug up a national treasure."

The curator just smiled at the excited look of the assistant: "Don't be nervous, how can there be so many national treasures in this world, speak slowly!"

"About half an hour ago, there was a picture of a large cultural relic in Xihai City. It is said to be a wine jar made of Dushan jade!"

"Wine urn? How about you put your phone here, I'll have a look at it when I'm done!!"

The assistant was anxious: "No, if you don't look at it for a while, if it is taken away by other museums, we will miss it!"

The curator raised his head: "You are so surprised, what is it?"

"It seems to be called Du Shan Da Yu Hai!"

"What? I haven't heard of it, show me the video!"

In the video, Fang Yang digs out huge stones, then explains, and finally tells these anecdotes and secret histories.

It's okay not to look at it.

This look!

The curator's expression ranged from curiosity, to surprise, to shock, and finally panic!


You must know that he is a real boss in the Chinese cultural relics industry, and he knows very well how much this thing is worth.

There is no doubt that if this in the video is really what Fang Yang said.

That is definitely the treasure of the town!

If it was before, he would go to the information to check and see if it was the case before making a decision.

But now it is different, the news has spread on the Internet.

He must go to the scene to understand the situation in person, and if conditions permit, it is best to bring it back directly!

"Hurry up, book the earliest flight for me, we'll be there in the afternoon!"

The assistant next to him looked at the curator's face and was sweating profusely from fright.

This was the first time he saw the curator so excited.

What does this mean?

This thing in the video is an absolute gem.

You must know that there are countless rare treasures in their museums.

The curator is already immune.

That's why it's scary to see a baby with that attitude.

At the same time on the other side.

Director Dai and others have already received information from Chen Feng, and the car is already on the road.

Xu Fang also sat in the back, short of breath, and his whole face was flushed red.

After hearing Chen Feng's introduction just now, he talked to Director Dai and decided to rush over immediately on the spot.

"Xiao Wang, drive faster, how long will it take?"

"The director has 20 minutes!"

"20 minutes? It's a bit slow, please drive faster!"

Director Dai, who was sitting in the back, was very excited and a little nervous at the same time.

Even Zhang Xianzhong's treasure before did not make him so excited.

Although the treasures are priceless, most of the cultural relics in the map are gold and silver objects.

There are not many national treasures.

But this is different, he has already surpassed the level of Common National Treasure, Township National Treasure.

Not much in the whole of Huaxia!

He will witness a historic moment, as a professional archaeologist, this is his honor in this life.

When I thought of coming to Xihai City in person, I really felt that I was too wise.

This is simply God's will!

If it weren't for the fact that there were people beside him at this time, he would have laughed out loud to soothe his mood

Fang Yang, brought him such a big surprise.

After watching his video yesterday, his world view was directly shattered.

It turns out that a person can be wicked to this extent.

And the most important thing is that he can easily resolve it every time.

Now I finally understand why everyone is so trusting and polite to him.

At this time, he was still holding a bank card in his hand, which contained the 5 million that the accountant had prepared overnight.

He originally planned to hand it over to Fang Yang tonight, but now he can't wait to hand it over to Fang Yang right away.

There is no other reason, just to have a good relationship with him.

"Xiao Xu, do you mind if I transfer Fang Yang to the provincial archaeological department!"

"Ah?" Xu Fang was stunned, he didn't expect Dai Ju's attitude towards Fang Yang to change so much: "He won't go, he still wants to participate in the show!"

Director Dai smiled: "You misunderstood, I don't want to poach this person, but I want to give him certain benefits and authority. What I want is a visiting professor, which at least sounds very comfortable."

"But we are just members of the Department of Archaeology. I don't think this title is good, but he is not a member of the establishment, so I can't give him a specific position, so I want to upgrade him to a higher level and hang him in the name of our Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau. Next, I don't know if you want it or not!"

Xu Fang was a little dazed.

In fact, there are ten thousand things in his heart that he is not happy about.

But if you think about it carefully, as long as Fang Yang is still in Xihai City, their City Cultural Relics Bureau will always be the biggest beneficiary.

It is also a better way for the provincial bureau to help retain people.

After thinking about it, he nodded immediately: "I have no objection! At the beginning, Chen Feng told me that if I didn't speak up, I would have no chance to speak up. I didn't expect that it almost became a reality so soon!"

Director Dai smiled dumbly: "There is still this matter, but he has done a good job and made friends with Fang Yang. He has to get the first credit, and his position should be changed by then!"

"no problem!"

Xiao Wang, who was the driver in the front row, couldn't help but sigh inwardly at this moment, and he must make friends with Fang Yang later.

Whoever has a good relationship with him will get a promotion and a salary increase!

After Fang Yang and the photographer came back from lunch, they were stunned when they saw the scene.

"Brother, why are there so many people!"

"It's probably from the Bureau of Cultural Relics!"

The two walked towards the crowd and saw a crane lifting its boom.

In the dirt at the bottom, the people of the world gathered around the wine urn and put ropes on it.

Xu Fang was directing the work at the scene at this time: "Be careful, this thing is easy to break, don't break it, we will all be sinners in the archaeological world!"

The scene was in full swing, and Fang Yang couldn't continue digging, so he found a place to sit down and watch the excitement.

Director Dai suddenly saw Fang Yang approaching, and quickly greeted with a smile: "Fang Yang, you are here!"

Fang Yang turned his head to look, and laughed: "Director Dai, what kind of reward are you going to give me today, baby!"

"Isn't this brought to you!"

After finishing speaking, he handed the bank card to Fang Yang: "Hey... the 5 million I promised you is inside, and the password is on the back. When you get the money back, just destroy the card and just destroy it!"

Fang Yang immediately took the bank card, he believed that there must be 5 million in it.

No matter how you say, Director Dai is considered a high-ranking official.

"By the way, Fang Yang, I have something to discuss with you!"

Fang Yang was stunned, and quickly pushed the card out: "You can give me the money later, no discussion!"

Director Dai has a dark face: "It's not a bad thing, you listen to me first... Didn't you agree to Xiao Xu to join the Archaeological Department of your Xihai City? Now I invite you to join the Archaeological Department of our Provincial Bureau, do you agree or not?"

The photographer was dumbfounded, what is this? Asking people if they agree to a promotion?

Fang Yang thought for a while: "What about the conditions?"

"No conditions, business as usual!"

"Director Xu, do they have any objections?"

"No, I have discussed it with him before coming here!"

"Then I don't care, it's up to you, yes, do I have a salary?"

"Ahem~~ You have already agreed just now, I will register it for you when I go back, I am still needed over there, I have to direct the work, you take a rest.

As soon as he finished speaking, he ran away in despair.

Fang Yang looked at the bank card in his hand and shook his head helplessly.

After waiting for more than half an hour, the big baby in the mud was finally hoisted onto the transport vehicle.

The archaeologists are on the inner three floors, and the outer three floors are tightly protected, for fear of receiving a little bump.

After the two bureau chiefs greeted Fang Yang, he returned with the cultural relics.

They should go back as soon as possible to check whether the historical information Fang Yang said is true. If it is true, it will be a big event that caused a sensation in the whole country. .

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