Let You Drive The Excavator, You Dug Out The Nuke

820. Paradise Adventure! High-Tech Criminal Gang! (Please Order In Full)

He knew Li Zhou was joking, but he also felt that he needed to adjust his state. After all, he had been very busy at work recently.

Well, I want to find a place to relax. Fang Yang sighed and looked up at the constant barrage on the screen.

How about going to that paradise! It sounds exciting! Li Zhou suddenly became excited, his eyes shining with anticipation.

Fang Yang thought for a moment and nodded.

"Babaqi" "Okay, we can try mazes and puzzles. Maybe it can bring us new revelations."

The two hit it off and planned an adventure trip to the park the next day.

They quickly confirmed the specific time and place, and discussed how to enter the park and how to challenge it.

The phone rang.

Fang Yang's expression suddenly changed. He frowned and stared nervously at the number displayed on the phone screen.

This phone call seemed to bring him some bad news or something that made him worried.

Li Zhou watched Fang Yang's expression change and asked with concern: "What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

Fang Yang shook his head and said there was no problem for the time being.

He hesitated and answered the phone.

A voice trying to remain calm: "Hey, who are you?"

A low and slightly nervous voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Mr. Fang Yang? I am Officer Yang from the police station. I need your help in investigating something."

Fang Yang's heart moved, and he immediately realized that this call must be related to his technical knowledge.

He asked: "Officer, what do you need my help with?"

Officer Yang explained clearly.

"We uncovered a case involving a high-tech criminal gang."

"Clues recovered from the scene indicate that these individuals communicated and operated using a highly complex cryptographic system. We would like your help in deciphering these messages.

Fang Yang's eyes flickered, interested in this challenge. He thought for a moment and replied.

"No problem, I'll get there when I have time."

Fang Yang wrote down the relevant information and sighed softly after hanging up the phone. He looked up at Li Zhou with a trace of hesitation on his face.

"What's wrong? What's going on?" Li Zhou asked with concern.

Fang Yang put away his phone, smiled and shook his head at Li Zhou, saying that there was no problem for the time being.

Fang Yang let out a sigh of relief after putting down his phone, and his face regained its composure...

The call surprised him, but it also made him realize clearly that he needed to adjust his mentality and relax.

"What happened?" Li Zhou asked with concern.

Fang Yang smiled and explained to Li Zhou that this was just an unexpected call and said there was no need to worry.

Li Zhou gently patted Fang Yang on the shoulder, indicating that he should relax.

"It's okay, it's just that the police station needs my help in deciphering information about some high-tech criminal gangs."

Fang Yang replied. "They found some clues that showed these people were using a very complex cryptographic system.

After hearing the news, Li was full of confidence in Fang Yang's ability.

"That's no problem, you can definitely handle it!"

Fang Yang nodded, "Thank you for your trust. I will try my best to help them decrypt it."

As night falls, a faint warm yellow light shines in the room.

Fang Yang stretched tiredly and walked to the bathroom to wash up.

He looked at himself in the mirror, his face pale and tired. .

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