Let You Drive The Excavator, You Dug Out The Nuke

89. The Ivory Of The Han Dynasty Calculates Chips, And The Mirror Of The Four Gods Rules! (Please Su

In the afternoon, Fang Yang returned to the construction site after eating, and saw a group of workers waiting to watch the excitement from afar.

It's just that Dean He and others didn't come, they only saw Chen Feng staying there.

Seeing Fang Yang approaching, everyone greeted him.

Chen Feng took the initiative to come over and said: "It's too hot at noon, Dean He couldn't bear it and stopped watching, he said he would watch your live broadcast!"

Fang Yang smiled: "Eat and drink enough and continue working!"

After speaking, climb into the cab of the excavator and start working.

This time at noon is just a meal for Fang Yang.

But it was a big earthquake for the astronomy community all over the world.

The first among them was the news mentioned in the noon news of Huaxia News TV.

[The latest report, today, a stone tablet from the Southern Song Dynasty was unearthed in Xihai City, Jiangning Province, my country. It depicts a complete set of astronomical and measured galaxy maps. Basically correct, it will prove that China is the first country in history to measure astronomical galaxies, 500 years earlier than Europe!]

All Chinese people couldn't help but get excited when they saw this news.

As a Chinese, I have a sense of national honor.

My ancestors were the first to measure astrology and are proud of the wisdom of the ancients.

The same news was also intercepted by foreign news media.

The American News Agency, the Japanese News Agency, the Kimchi Country, and the Curry Country Qian Xiongguo rushed to report.

In particular, countries such as Italy in Europe expressed their disdain for the news.

For this reason, fierce quarrels are also taking place on the Internet.

Who is the first country to measure astronomical astrology?

"I think it was earlier in China. They had already drawn starry sky maps in the Tang Dynasty. Although there was no actual measurement at that time, it can be seen that their research on the starry sky was many, many years earlier than Europe. What Europe was doing at that time have no idea!"

"It's hard to say. Although the Huaxia Kingdom was very powerful back then, they fell in the end, and the ancients of the Huaxia Kingdom did not have astronomical telescopes. "How did he actually measure it? Maybe this stone tablet is just graffiti without any basis!"

"The 5,000-year civilization of the Huaxia Kingdom is no joke. There are treasures buried everywhere in their country, so I also think this stele should prove that the Huaxia Kingdom has measured the astronomical galaxy map earlier, and I specially zoomed in to see it. The stone tablet is clearly depicted, and it is definitely not just scribbled on it."

"If you don't understand, just ask. Is it necessary to fight for the first and second? What's the benefit of winning the fight? Do you get the right to mate?"

"You don't have a sense of national collective honor at first glance. If my country was the first to measure the astronomical galaxy map, I would be very happy. You may ask me why I am happy because I didn't get any benefits, because this is my country, and I Be part of the country, it's as simple as that."

"Although the United States has strong military and economic capabilities, it does not have the ancient Chinese culture. I have also studied the culture of their country, which fascinated me deeply. Unfortunately, our country was plundered back then. It has no cultural foundation. Given the opportunity, I still want to visit Huaxia Kingdom."

"Huaxia Kingdom, a man named Fang Yang, has dug up a lot of good things recently. If he continues to dig like this, Huaxia Kingdom will become the world's largest country sooner or later."

Although there are many Europeans on the extranet, most of the netizens maintain a neutral attitude towards this matter.

As a country with an ancient civilization of 5,000 years, it is not impossible for them to discover astronomy the first time.

The only thing they can't understand is how the ancients in China actually measured the galaxies, which made them more curious about China's culture.

Fang Yang’s excavation of steles unknowingly destroyed a wave of cultural export.

Let more people know about Chinese culture, spend time and effort to touch it.

At this time Fang Yang has been digging for more than half an hour.

Nothing was dug up for half an hour, and the workers around were all dozing off.

Fang Yang had to dig in another place.

The soil on the construction site is not so soft, and there is less water underneath, so digging is relatively slow.

After digging about one meter away, I suddenly saw a stick covered in mud on the shovel.

I didn't take it seriously at first, it's normal to dig this kind of stone and wood.

But after a while, a similar stick was dug up.

This time Fang Yang took a closer look. The wooden stick was completely black, as if it had been buried in the soil for many years.

It's just that the wooden stick looks very flat, it doesn't look like it fell from the tree.

More like a corner of the bench.

Fang Yang didn't think too much about it, he threw it aside and continued digging.

I dug and dug and dug similar sticks.

Something is wrong!

Where did so many sticks come from?

Fang Yang decided to go down and have a look.

Jumped down from the cab and walked towards the mud pit.

Chen Feng immediately called up Spirit: "What's wrong? Did you dig something?"

Fang Yang ignored it, but walked forward in thought.

Until he reached the mud pit and reached out to take out the wooden stick inside.

It was already covered with dirt.

Put it on the grass and rub it vigorously for a while, and the soil fell off little by little.

The system panel popped up suddenly.

【chair legs】

[texture: sandalwood]

【Era: Han Dynasty】


Fang Yang was dumbfounded!

Randomly digging a piece of wood turned out to be sandalwood from the Han Dynasty!

Doesn't that mean that these are all of them?

Fang Yang immediately picked them up to clean the mud.

The results are all chair legs showing the Han Dynasty.

This is funny, could it be that a chair from the Han Dynasty was buried here?

Holding the chair legs, walking back, Chen Feng walked up to him: "What is this?"

Fang Yang smiled: "Look carefully at what year it is, I'll go and continue digging first!"

After speaking, he jumped directly into the cab and continued digging.

Chen Feng took the wood and several archaeological members kept cleaning and researching.

They all found that this piece of wood is not like the modern wood of Common.

Fang Yang continued to dig deep in place in order to confirm the idea in his heart.

This time, however, he didn't dig into the chair legs, or the chair's body.

Instead, they dug out a long strip of White, which was covered by mud and concrete, and it was impossible to see what it looked like.

But with the lessons learned from the past, it was impossible for him to continue digging, so he immediately jumped out of the car and walked over.

When I came to the mud pit, I squatted down and dug the soil in one go.

Soon a long strip similar to White appeared in front of my eyes, very thin, about ten centimeters long.

【Ivory calculation】

【Material: Ivory】

【Type: Calculator】

【Era: Han Dynasty】

[Length 13.5 cm, diameter 0.4 cm, both ends are neat, the whole body is polished, the length is equal, and the thickness is uniform]

[The calculation tools before the appearance of the ancient abacus, there are two types of calculation formulas: horizontal and vertical. The horizontal one represents one, the vertical one represents five, and it is empty when it meets, strictly following the decimal system. Counting chips have appeared in the Spring and Autumn Period and have been used for more than two thousand years

Fang Yang was stunned for a moment, this little thing turned out to be a counting chip?

Ancient calculators?

And it's ivory!

Chen Feng saw Fang Yang squatting on the ground motionless and immediately came up to join in the fun.

As soon as he saw the long strip of White on the ground, he was pleasantly surprised: "Is this a cultural relic?"

Fang Yang nodded: "Yes, it should be the door chew used in ancient times!"

"Counting chips? Then this thing has been around for a long time! Why don't you dig it out?"

"Dig? You should first see what material it is made of!"

"Huh?" Chen Feng was a little puzzled, but he still observed its material carefully, but he couldn't see it after looking at it for a long time.

"What kind of material is it, tell me directly! You won't let me dig it out, how can you tell it just by looking at it like this!"

Fang Yang smiled helplessly: "This one is made of ivory!"

"Ivory? Hiss~~" Chen Feng couldn't help thinking, thinking about what Fang Yang said just now: "Oh~~ I understand, no wonder you don't let me dig it, you are afraid that it will shatter after it is unearthed, right? ?”

"Yes! The ivory has been in the water for many years, and it has long lost its moisture. If it is directly taken out of the soil, it will definitely be deformed and cracked!"

Chen Feng nodded: "I asked them to come over and deal with it. Fortunately, I specially came to the organic heat preservation box before I came. It's not a big problem to put it in in time!"



[What is counting chips? Is there anyone in the live broadcast room who is too big to come to popular science? 】

[There is no big hanging one, but there is one big dick. The counting chip is an ancient calculator, made of wood, bamboo, iron, ivory, etc. People in the past would carry a bag with 28 counting chips in it when they went out. Count things. Suanchou has been used from the Spring and Autumn Period until the Ming Dynasty and then gradually declined, because the abacus basically replaced Suanchou in the Ming Dynasty. 1

[Actually, many of the words we have counted now are related to calculations, such as planning, chips, bamboo chips, wine chips, Gongchoujiao, etc., and then derived from the words of planning, such as planning, preparation, overall planning, etc.! It has important significance in the history of Huaxia, but it is a pity that it was eliminated and forgotten by people. 】

[I don’t know if the willow stick I played with when I was young was invented based on this thing, it feels very similar to what you said! 】

[The last time I watched the video, it was said that countless ivory tusks were dug in the ruins of Jinsha, and the pile was as high as a mountain, but half of the dug was returned to the soil by Sai. The main reason is that this thing has been in the car for too long. If you don’t move it , will not change, once it is taken out, all will be broken, and the result is that the pile of bronzes below cannot be excavated. It is said that the Sanxingdui was also like this. 】

[To be honest, if I were to dig this thing up, I would immediately think it was a chopstick, and then step on it into the pit. There is a golden house in the book, the ancients are sincere, I decided to read more books and learn more from today, and strive to save the female compatriots of the Japanese country as soon as possible!]

Now Fang Yang can't dig this place anymore, he can only dig the side.

His intuition told him that something was wrong down here.

Why are they all from the Han Dynasty?

First it was a chair, and now it has been dug up with chips, and there is a high probability that things from the Han Dynasty can be dug up.

The archaeologists were excavating at the side, and Fang Yang tried to dig at the side, so as not to dig too far and miss the position.

Five minutes later, a pit of more than one meter appeared next to it again.

Just as he went down with a shovel.


The sound of wood breaking can be clearly heard.


Fang Yang's expression froze, he would not destroy the cultural relics after finishing the calf.

Quickly walked over and squatted down to start planing directly.

Chen Feng saw it and immediately ran over to help.

The two dug and dug, and suddenly a wooden box appeared at a depth of more than one meter.

The top of the wooden box has been broken, and it can be seen that it has been around for a long time.

Fang Yang's system panel also popped up.

【Wooden box (damaged)】

[Material: Sandalwood]

[Length 70 cm, width 30 cm, height 40 cm]

【Era: Han Dynasty】

The two looked at each other.

There is a wooden box?

Is there any treasure in it?

Fang Yang didn't even want to open it directly.

The wooden box has been soaked on the ground for so many years, it is already fragile, and it was opened with a light break.

There is a thick layer of soil inside.

Fang Yang was about to lift it up and put it down, but was immediately stopped by Chen Feng: "Don't, don't, don't... Ancestor, there might be cultural relics in here, I'm afraid if you do it like this, don't move, I'll do it!"

Fang Yang smiled and squatted beside him to observe.

Soon the dirt inside was cleaned out bit by bit.

Chen Feng took out a round object from inside, after he wiped the dirt on it almost.

The system panel pops up again.

【rule mirror】

【Era: New Dynasty】

[diameter 11.2 cm]

【Material: Copper】

【This kind of bronze mirror is generally decorated with patterns of Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, and Xuanwu, so it is called the four gods of rules and regulations. There are complex decorations on the edge of the mirror, such as zigzag, moiré, or grass. 】

【Function: Symbolic meaning】


Soon Chen Feng had almost cleaned up the dirt, and a disc covered with blue rust appeared on his hand.

It looks like it's made of copper.

"What's this?"

Fang Yang smiled: "Rule Mirror!"

"Regular mirror? It's all rust, has it come out?"

"It's a very simple answer!" Fang Yang pointed to the box: "From the broken log I dug at the beginning, I found that all the things here are from the end of the Han Dynasty or the Wang Mang period of the Xin Dynasty, whether it is the broken log or the Ivory counting chips, or this box are all the same, and then look at the thing in your hand, it is obviously a disc made of copper."

"Bronze mirrors were the most popular discs made of copper at that time, and regular mirrors were the most popular in those days. If you don't believe me, remove the rust now and see if it's right!"

Chen Feng was dumbfounded. He could analyze the one in his hand through other things, and his brain turned too fast.


[This riding horse is a mirror? It blinded my titanium alloy dog ​​eyes, no, I was wondering, can this thing reflect light? Why is it a mirror! I saw that the copper on TV is golden and yellow, he This one is green black green black!]

——[Don't you upstairs know that in addition to the mirror you can look at, there is also the kind of mirror hanging on the wall. In ancient times, this kind of mirror had a great symbolic meaning, especially when doing things, almost every family must have it. They believe that the bronze mirror can help them slay demons and suppress evil. 】

——[There are a lot of these things now. I saw someone selling them last time. They cost more than 10,000 yuan each, but I don’t know what year they are. I guess the ones from the Han Dynasty will be more expensive. After all, they are more than 2,000 years old. 】

[I checked on the Internet, the rules of the Han Dynasty look at the quality, it is really not expensive, and you can buy it for more than 1,000 cheap. It seems that there were too many of these things in the past, and it has been inflation for more than 2,000 years. After all, it is copper Why is it so cheap!]


Chen Feng hurriedly took tools to clean the patina on it.

Soon the green rust on the top became clear little by little, revealing the lines on it.

"It's really a regular mirror! You are amazing!" Chen Feng praised while watching.

Fang Yang smiled: "Don't you think it's strange? I dug up so many objects related to the Han Dynasty, and they are all very common objects, except for the calculation chip which is more Precious!"

Chen Feng thought for a moment: "Could it be that this is the place where the people of the Han Dynasty lived?"

"I don't know! Let's dig it first, put these things away, I will continue!"


When Fang Yang returned to the cab, the photographer asked leisurely: "Brother, what shall we do with this bastard? Should we call Zhao Hua to come over?"

Fang Yang smiled: "No, this thing is an ornamental stone, so you don't need to hand it in, we'll take it to sell later!"


"What good does it do me to lie to you?"

After finishing speaking, he ignored him and continued to work.

However, this time I heard a ding before I shoveled a few times!

Fang Yang immediately stopped the excavator.

Chen Feng was right next to him, and immediately rushed to kill the king.

His appearance at this time is exactly the same as that of a dog who is excitedly digging the soil.

He dug with a smile on his face: "In the future, I will apply to accompany me in the whole process of digging. I am happy to let me dig the mud. It is really cool to see different cultural relics every day!"

Fang Yang smiled helplessly seeing him like this.

Soon, a black iron object covered in mud appeared in Chen Feng's hand.

But this shape, no matter how you look at it, looks a bit like a modern vernier caliper! P!.

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