[Type 92 infantry gun].

[Caliber 70 mm, double diameter 8.79 times, total weight 212 kg, maximum range 2788 meters, minimum range 100 meters, muzzle velocity 198 meters per second, shell weight: 3.79 kg (built-in 590 grams of TNT). ] 】

[The caliber of the Type 92 infantry gun is small, the lethality of the shells is low, the firing range is not too far, only ten rounds per minute, but its reputation during the Anti-Japanese War is very large, mainly because of his light weight, only 200 kg, only need to disassemble it into a dozen pieces, a person carries a little to the place and then assembles it can be used, its main combat role is to reduce to a blow, against machine gun infantry and other lethality is enough. ] 】




——[These should be real guys, looking at the rust is not too serious, if you can’t use it! ] 】

——[If this pistol guessed correctly, it should be Wang Ba box, and it was not used by many people in the late period of the Anti-Japanese War, so it was used as if the guerrillas were not equipped. 】

——[In the past, Chinese cannons were very rare, and each shot needed to ask the superiors for instructions, and one was found in this place, it seems that the fight here was very fierce back then. 】

——[I am from Xihai City, and everyone of the older generation knows that there were so many people here back then, and they insisted on holding on until reinforcements arrived, adults died on the elderly, and the old people died on children, which was very tragic. 】

——[Why has this hole been buried for so long and no one knows what happened back then?] 】

——[Foreman of the contract, wake up, your construction site is going to stop work again! ] 】


Where have netizens seen this kind of scene, this is a gun during the Anti-Japanese War.

Most people have only seen it on TV, and now it is live.

The photographer constantly adjusted the lens so that they could clearly see every part of the cannon.

Even the rust on it can be seen clearly.

Let those netizens who like military completely pass the eye addiction.

At this time, the workers in the cave came in one after another, and they couldn’t help but exclaim.

This kind of spectacle is rare to see in a lifetime.

What’s more, in today’s era of gun bans, it is an adventure to see these real guys with your own eyes.

And yet, right now.

The worker opened one of the oil drums curiously.

I was so frightened on the spot that I sat on the ground.

“Ah~~ dead man!”

Everyone was attracted by this exclamation, and one by one cautiously stepped forward.

Fang Yang saw that there was no oil in the oil drum at all.

Some are just a dull skeleton.

[Name: Liu Fugui].

[Age: 15 years old].

[Occupation: Soldier].

[Time of death: 85 years].

[Cause of death: death from excessive blood loss from a bullet in the chest].


Fang Yang’s expression froze, and his heart was a little uncomfortable.

Through the system, he knew that this skeleton was younger than him, a hero of the War of Resistance, and had died for more than 80 years.

The main thing is that he died, there was not even a cemetery, and he could only be hastily placed in an oil drum as his coffin.

The surrounding workers turned pale with fright.

The foreman Lao Li’s psychological quality was a little better: he couldn’t help but speak: “I don’t know how long I’ve been dead, what are you afraid of!” ”

One of them pointed to the other oil drums: “Could it be that these are all dead people?” ”

Fang Yang opened the second oil drum without saying a word.

Others are afraid, he is not afraid.

Because he knew that these people were martyrs.

At this time, his heart was more of a kind of sadness and indignation.

Sure enough, there was still a skeleton in the second oil drum.

[Name: Wang Ermao].

[Age: 16 years old].

[Occupation: Soldier].

[Time of death: 85 years].

[Cause of death: Death by being shot in the head].


Immediately followed by the third, fourth.

There were nine oil drums in the entire cave, all opened, all of which were the same skeletons.

None were older than 18.

You can imagine how tragic the war situation was at that time, even such a young child had to go to the battlefield.

I’m still in junior high school at this age.

Now the situation inside the cave is basically clear.

It was proposed to call the police.

Fang Yang directly took out his mobile phone and dialed Team Wang’s number.

Soon the call was connected.

“Hey! Xiao Fang, I was just about to call you. ”


“The murderer caught yesterday is also interrogated today, that guy was so miserable by you, he is already half-dead, he doesn’t want to live at all, explain everything clearly, just like you think, hey… It’s a pity that we only found out now! ”

“That… Brother Wang, I want to call the police! ”

“No, what did you dig up again?”

“Come and take a look, it’s best to bring a historical artifact expert.”

“Digging up antiques again? You wait, I’ll come right away! ”

After hanging up the phone, Fang Yang unconsciously looked at the oil drum.

At this time, what surrounded my heart was not the shock of digging up the cannon, but these young soldiers.


He noticed some vague writing on the wall behind the oil drum, as if it had been carved into it with something.

Fang Yang walked in and could vaguely see a row of small words.

When I returned home, the mountains and rivers were unharmed.

Go home on my behalf and guard the mountains and rivers.

Take me home, my soul home.

In an instant, a tragic mood arose.

When the photographer’s lens captured this row of small print, netizens burst into tears.




——[Seeing this row of small words, I suddenly couldn’t stop my tears, a simple line of words, heavy as a mountain. 】

——[Whether the bones in the oil barrel are the Chinese soldiers of those years is still uncertain, it is difficult to make a conclusion now.] 】

——[I thought it would be outrageous to find a cannon, this is another bone, anchor, are you a bone digging professional? ] 】

——[As a soldier, I am proud of myself, although I am retired, if there is a war, I will be recalled.] 】

——[Without the selfless dedication of the martyrs of the past, how could there be a good life today, pay tribute to the martyrs. 】

——[Regret being a soldier for two years, not being a soldier regretting a lifetime, what years are quiet, but someone carries the weight for you. Tribute to the martyrs, tribute to the anti-narcotics police! 】


Even the photographer behind was speechless for a while.

Any Chinese person will have a great feeling when he sees such a scene.

Twenty minutes later.

Captain Wang came to the scene with cultural relics experts.

When Team Wang saw the scene inside the cave, they broke out in a cold sweat.

Originally, he thought that he had dug up some cultural relics again, and asked him to bring an expert.

Who wants to dig out machine gun cannons directly! And that box of grenades and mines.

Although these are many years old, it is certain that most of them can explode due to their good preservation.

Thinking of so many construction people coming in just now, in case they accidentally burst!

None of the people in that cave will survive.

If this is the case, then this matter is probably more sensational than the previous white bone case.

That consequence!

Don’t dare to think!

Fortunately, there is no danger, and the priority is to immediately evacuate the crowd to ensure the safety of those present.

He turned his head to look at Fang Yang: “You made all this?” ”

Fang Yang smiled helplessly: “I really didn’t mean it, if I hadn’t run fast just now, I would have been buried alive!” ”

“I don’t know if you’re unlucky or lucky!”

After speaking, he immediately turned to look at the several police officers behind him.

“Xiao Li, quickly take the workers in the cave away and stay away from this mountain.”

“Xiao Wang, immediately go down the mountain to block the passage up the mountain, and tell the crowd not to stay here.”

“You two go to the main road of this mountain, if you find someone playing nearby, hurry up and persuade you to leave!”

Everyone: “Yes!” ”

The police officers present were aware of the seriousness of the matter, not only cultural relics, but also dangerous explosives.

The slightest inattention can cause an explosion, and the entire cave will cease to exist.

Although the probability of this happening is unlikely, they must have a sense of crisis.

The cultural relics expert next to him noticed the cannon for the first time.

As a professional, he naturally recognized the model of the cannon at first glance.

You must know that this is something from the Anti-Japanese War period, and everything preserved has a high commemorative significance.

Even he was very moved, and turned to look at the king team.

“How did you find these things?”

Team Wang unconsciously looked at Fang Yang again: “You have to ask him about this!” ”

“Eh… This time I really didn’t dig it down, it poured it by itself! ”

The cultural relics expert did not know why: “My name is Chen Feng, I specialize in historical cultural relics, can you tell me about the discovery of the cave?” ”

Fang Yang nodded and said in detail, even the matter of being too old.

It’s just that Chen Feng didn’t take it seriously, but lowered his head and pondered for a while.

“It can now be determined that it is a cultural relic from the Anti-Japanese War period, and it is very well preserved, we do not have a single such cannon in the entire Xihai City, it can be said that the research value and collection value are very high!”

“I need to call more people to help, this cultural relic is too important, thank you very much for the discovery, and the Cultural Relics Bureau will definitely give a certain amount of thanks!”

Fang Yang smiled politely.

Team Wang looked at the bones and asked curiously: “What about these bones?” Can you tell who it is? ”

Chen Feng thought for a while: “Looking at the color and hardness, it should be people from the Anti-Japanese War period, but I’m not sure who they are.” It is possible that it was a prisoner caught at that time, otherwise it would not have been thrown directly into the oil barrel. ”

Team Wang nodded, he was a little confused.

Fang Yang heard their conversation next to him and immediately spoke: “I don’t think so!” ”

“Why?” The two asked in unison.

“When I came here today, I heard the masters say that the fighting here was very bad, so I was building the monument, you think, in the environment at that time, how many people had to die, the number was not enough, how could it be possible to capture the prisoners, it was not more troublesome to kill them directly.”

Team Wang thought for a moment, “What you said makes sense, but the question is, why should it be packed in oil drums, which is too disrespectful to the deceased.” ”

Fang Yang pointed to one of the skeletons: “It’s actually very simple, what if these bones are all children?” ”

“What do you mean?” Chen Feng asked suspiciously.

“I also studied forensics, and Team Wang knows it. Based on my observations, the teeth and bones of these bones are children, and I think it may be that the soldiers of the time could not bear to expose these children to the wilderness and wanted to bring their bodies home. But then there was no time to retreat, and they could only remain in the barrel as coffins. ”

“Because if the battle had been won at that time, these munitions and cannons would not have been left here, and as for why the enemy did not take them away, I think it may have been because of some coincidence that the hole was sealed at that time, and the result is left to this day.”

Chen Feng nodded ponderingly: “Your analysis makes sense, if they are all children, it is indeed very likely.” ”

Fang Yang walked to the wall where the inscription was written, pointed to it, and said, “Look at this passage! ”

When the two saw that paragraph, they were moved.

Team Wang sighed: “It seems that what you said should be right.” ”


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