At this time, the boss hung up the phone and sat on the boss’s chair with a pale face.

After calming down for a while, he opened his mouth and said to the accountant next to him: “How much money is left on the company’s account, take it all out immediately.” ”

The accountant quickly nodded and asked, “Boss, do you need to help you book a foreign ticket?” ”

“Huh? What ticket to book? ”

“Aren’t you going to run?”

The boss smiled bitterly and shook his head: “Run? Where to run, go and take out the money on the account, I have to go to the construction site, this program group really pits me. ”

“Okay, I’ll do it right away.”


Fang Yang and the photographer stood on the ground, and the two did not say a word.

At this time, we can only wait closely for the storm.

The photographer sighed: “Brother, it is estimated that the two of us will disperse tomorrow, hey.. What bad luck. ”

Fang Yang did not reply, and a person said to himself: “No, I have to go down and take a look.” ”

After speaking, jump directly to the optical cable pit to check.

The optical cable is different from the cable, it is not electrified, so Fang Yang is not afraid.

Pick up the broken connector directly.

Upon closer inspection, he noticed that something was wrong.

So many optical cables, why are only these few broken.

From the previous experience of digging cables, this shovel is at least half broken, if not completely broken.

Now there are only a few broken roots, and the main thing is that he found that the broken places are uneven.

It stands to reason that a shovel should be broken in the same position.

Just when he was wondering, he suddenly found that there were several ants probing at the entrance of the cave under the ground next to him.

Look closely, it turns out to be termites!

If it’s just ordinary ants, it’s nothing.

But if it’s termites, there’s another possibility.


There was a sudden sound in the distant sky!

Fang Yang looked up.

There were several helicopters in the sky heading this way.

After a while, it stopped over the construction site.

The huge propeller turned rapidly, rolling up gusts of wind, blowing the earth below like a sandstorm.

It wasn’t until a minute later that it was completely quiet.

When the dust cleared, five military helicopters came into view.

The photographer’s last chance was also shattered.

The fool also knows that the troops are coming.

You must know that it has only been about five minutes since the discovery of the optical cable, which is really terrifying.

Soon, a group of heavily armed soldiers came down from the plane and surrounded Fang Yang and the photographer.

Immediately after that, a middle-aged man with a national character face in the rear strode over accompanied by the soldiers.

If you look closely, you can see the badge on his shoulder.

Two bars three stars!




——[Two bars and three stars, the rank of colonel, at least the level of regiment commander or above in the army, this is definitely digging up to the first level of trunk line, otherwise it would not be such a big battle. 】

——[The line is dug during the day, and people enter in the afternoon, police: You TM can take a breath even if you rob the gold store Laozi. 】

——[People say that the most profitable ones are in the criminal law, but you picked the least profitable one in the criminal law [laughing and crying]. 】

——[We who saw the optical cable would call the police on the spot and ask why, it seems that someone in their industry squatted for three years because they mistakenly accepted this. 】

——[Life is already short, you have to take shortcuts! ] 】

——[Waste collectors: Heroes do not ask for provenance, cables do not ask for directions.] 】

——[Firmly nourished, firmly dependent, firmly ending! ] 】

——[It’s hard to imagine that this is really a live broadcast, the organizers, if they don’t come out, the contestants will be caught quickly.] 】


The popularity of this meeting in the live broadcast room has exploded.

From the previous 2,000 people to more than 20,000, it is still growing.

Everyone opened the live broadcast room and was frightened when they saw the battle on the screen at first sight.

I even wondered if I clicked the wrong live broadcast room and ran to the military channel.

When they learned that the anchor was driving an excavator to dig up the defense optical cable, they were all shocked.

It has long been heard that troops digging near the defense fiber optic cable will soon arrive.

But there is only similar news on the Internet, there is no video at all, and even pictures are rare.

A live broadcast like this is like winning a lottery.

Many people don’t just see it for themselves.

Screenshots will also be sent to friends and communication groups to show off, and some people will quickly record short videos and post them to major short video websites.

But no matter where it is sent, it is almost all a live address.

This has led to many people who do not watch the show “Ace Professionals” to join the live broadcast room.

For a while, the traffic of the entire program skyrocketed.

And Fang Yang’s live broadcast room was even more overcrowded.

At the same time, the program group office building.

A man with a team leader’s badge quickly took off the headset and rushed to the supervisor’s office.

At this time, his face was tense, his heart jumped to his throat, and he knocked the office door.

Knock knock~~~

“Supervisor, something has happened!”

The supervisor in the office was watching the beautiful woman live broadcast, took a sip of goji berry tea and said slowly: “Come in!” ”

The group leader gasped, but he only ran for a while, completely out of nervousness.

The supervisor was a little displeased, disturbing himself to see that the beauty did not speak for a long time: “What is so flustered, how can you say that it is also a management, can’t you stabilize the focus?” ”

“Supervisor… Supervisor… Fast!! You open room 26: You’ll know! ”

“What? Just say something! ”

However, he looked at the group leader who was panting heavily, shook his head, and still chose to open the No. 26 live broadcast room.

It’s just that the moment he opened it, his whole body suddenly collapsed straight, and his eyes almost popped out!

Immediately after putting on the headphones and looking at the comments in the comment area, the whole person was stupid!

Two minutes later!

“Groove! Such a big thing, why didn’t you say it earlier! ”

Before the group leader could answer.

The supervisor rushed out the door directly with a roll.


Even the headphones on my ears forgot to take them off, and they hit the ground directly and fell to pieces.

The group leader was stunned.

What about the steadiness that said good, was eaten by you?

The supervisor went out the door and ran all the way upstairs to the manager’s office.

In order to save the time of waiting for the elevator, directly choose to climb the stairs.

He knew very well how urgent the situation was at this time.

Even when climbing the stairs, he stepped over three stairs in one step, rushing upstairs without stopping.

Until he came to the manager’s office, he rushed in without knocking on the door.

“Manager!! Phew~~ha~~Phew~~”

The manager looked less than forty years old and looked at the panting supervisor with a blank expression.

“What for? Don’t know to knock when you come in? There is no look of a supervisor at all! ”

The supervisor’s expression was painful, and he was about to cry, and he seemed to have said something similar just now.

Because he was too tired and nervous to say everything, he directly pushed the manager down and opened the No. 26 live broadcast room on his computer.

The manager was just about to reprimand, but when he saw the live broadcast screen, his expression was like eating Xiang.

Two minutes later.

All people in the program group at the level of supervisor and above received a message.

“Meet in the conference room in two minutes, get out of the way if you’re late!”

At this time, everyone was confused, some people were eating, some people were working, and some people were pulling Xiang.

But all of them immediately put down what they were doing and rushed to the manager’s office as fast as they could.

Two minutes by elevator is simply too late, you can only run the stairs.

In an instant, the stairways of the entire program group building were filled with the sound of running.

The first time they saw such information, their first reaction was that something was wrong!

When everyone entered the conference room one after another, they saw the manager sitting in the head position with a pale face.

In the picture directly in front of him is Fang Yang’s live broadcast room picture.


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