After reading this row of words, Fang Yang suddenly had the feeling of digging up a treasure.

This oil poem feels like a treasure apocalypse when you hear it.

But the question is where to find the treasure?

No clue! Just go back and dig.

But just as I was about to leave, I accidentally saw a stone on the ground.

The system panel suddenly popped up.

【Huinian Meteorite】


【Value:4.08 million】

[Huinian meteorite is olive meteorite. 】

Most meteorites are made of one substance, but olive meteorites like Huinian meteorites are different.

[These stones from larger planets are large in size, so although they are rocky on the outside, they are wrapped in liquid metal inside.] 】


Rao is Fang Yang also exclaimed in shock! Another meteorite.

And the price of this one is even more expensive than the previous two combined.

If it is all according to the price of the system, doesn’t it mean that 7/8 million will arrive today? This is also so cool!

Quickly squatted down and dug out the stones in the pit.

It obviously feels heavy to hold in the hand, but the individual is not particularly large.

Smaller than ordinary stones.

Fang Yang happily took the stone and walked back.

The photographer looked confused and was just about to speak.

Immediately interrupted by Fang Yang: “Shut up!” Don’t talk, don’t say anything, I know what you want to say! ”

After speaking, he directly put the meteorite and the other two pieces together and wiped his hands and prepared to continue working.

Only the photographer was left standing there messy by the wind.

Fang Yang sat in the cab again and continued to control the bucket to dig the silt next to him.

He can’t get the stone cow, so he can only put it there and wait for the construction party to get it back.

However, the good times did not last long.

After digging along the side for some distance, a loud crash was heard again.


No way?

Fang Yang’s psychology faintly felt that something was wrong.

Sure enough, no matter how he digs at a different angle.

There is always a violent crashing sound.

Could it be that there is another big rock underneath? Or is it another stone cow?

At this time, Fang Yang suddenly thought of those few rows of words.

Stone Bull to Stone Bull!

Could it be that there are two stone cows here?

With mental preparation, Fang Yang once again went around the perimeter to dig.

As a result, after digging for a while, it was really another stone cow.

Both stone cows have the same words engraved on their backs.

Fang Yang was speechless, this place could not be dug.

Two large stones are plugged into this one, and there is no way to dig it.

I had to continue to drive forward and chose a relatively empty place to dig.

I don’t know if it’s bad luck today, or what.

It didn’t take long to dig and hear the sound of bells again.

Fang Yang was numb and it was another big stone.

Still the same old continue to dig along the surroundings and slowly clean it out.

But this time it’s a little different.

It’s all stone though.

But it is no longer a stone cow, but a tiger-like shape, mighty and domineering.

Raise your head to the sky!

This turned out to be a stone tiger!

Shi Hu’s back also has rows of letters.

Today’s weird scene made Fang Yang a little puzzled, but out of curiosity, he jumped out of the car to see what was written on it.

The stone tiger is about more than a meter long and half a meter wide, and there are four rows of characters carved on its back.

Stone dragon to stone tiger, gold and silver cui mountain serval.

Huaxia treasure Xing, famous family Zhao thousands of years.

The photographer was also dumbfounded: “Brother, how do I feel that there are treasures in this place?” ”

Fang Yang’s face was also slightly dignified, and these words clearly implied the information of the treasure.

But the problem is that the treasure is still here, and it’s hard to say.

These stones have been buried in the river for an unknown number of years.

With luck, the treasure may still be there.


[I went, this is the discovery of a shocking treasure, first said that I can buy Xihai Mansion, now directly Xingming clan, what a big treasure! ] 】

[I’m from Xihai, why haven’t I heard of any treasures in the river in my hometown, I’m afraid it’s not bluffing, right? ] 】

[If you knew, you wouldn’t have been discovered until today, with my understanding of Fang Yang, since he dug up this thing, the treasure must be below, and I am now especially looking forward to what can be dug up. ] 】

[What will be dug up?] I have a hunch that there will be mountains of gold and silver below, or mines. 】

[Don’t guess blindly, which time you guessed, Fang Yang’s evil door is not something we can understand, if it is so easy to guess, he is not Fang Yang. ] 】

[It seems that Fang Yang has already picked up three mud stones, what does he want to do?] Is it really a meteorite? 】

Just talked about stone dragon to stone tiger.

Now that the stone tiger has been dug up, it means that there is a high probability that there is a stone dragon below.

Fang Yang continued to find a vacant land without hesitation and began to dig.


Within ten minutes, a carved lifelike dragonstone stele was discovered.

Now Shi Niu, Shi Long, Shi Hu, have all been dug up.

As for where the treasure is, there is no idea at all.

Fang Yang symbolically dug near the stone for a while.

It turned out to be the Air Force, nothing.

In the end, I could only sigh and give up helplessly.

This kind of thing can only be said to depend on fate.

Then he continued to drive forward, found a vacant lot and dug it.

After digging for about ten minutes, I never dug the big stone before.

The onlookers on the shore were a little disappointed.

There is a feeling of being a tiger’s head, the front is very mysterious, and the result is nothing.

Fang Yang doesn’t matter, anyway, digging is not his own, just for fun.

And yet at this very moment.

The photographer exclaimed!

“Brother, look, there seems to be something flashing in the mud!”

Fang Yang immediately stopped the bucket and stretched out his head to look.

Under the sunlight, there is an unknown object in the silt, which is emitting a golden light.

There was a commotion among the masses on the shore.

“Could it be that a treasure has been dug up?”

“Possibly, a bit like the light of gold.”

“If it’s not a piece of iron, it’s funny.”


Fang Yang wasn’t sure what it was, it didn’t look big.

He decided to jump out of the car to see for himself.

After all, those few stones before gave people a feeling of being too mysterious, and they always felt that there was a treasure underneath.

When he walked up, he could clearly see a golden object peeking out of the mud.

Fang Yang squatted down and gently grabbed it with his hand.

Hard and hard, and a bit boxy.

In an instant, the psychology couldn’t help but tense.

Is it really a treasure?

As the golden hard object was pulled out of the silt by Fang Yang.

It feels quite heavy, five or six pounds.

Hiss~ Fang Yang’s scalp is numb.

Although the upper bread is full of mud.

But this shape looks like a big seal.

And it’s still gold.

When he couldn’t help but wipe the silt on it with his hand, the panel of the system suddenly popped up.

【Golden Seal of Generalissimo Yongchang of Tiger Button】

【Cast in the 16th year of Chongzhen [1643]]


【The side length of the seal is 10.3 cm, the thickness of the printing pad is 1.6 cm】

【Value: 100 million】

[“Yongchang” used to be Li Zicheng’s year name, so this gold seal was cast by Li Zicheng and specially given to…]


After reading the introduction, looking at the price, Fang Yang’s scalp was numb! A hundred million!

What he is holding now is a hundred million.

If this is exchanged for money, how much ah, no one can take it away.

In addition, the system also introduces the owner of this seal, as well as his life deeds.

Fang Yang shook his head and chuckled, “No matter how much money you can’t spend, what’s the use!” ”

【Groove Groove! Is it shipped? Looking at Fang Yang’s expression, this absolute wall is a treasure. 】

[Like a big seal made of gold, is it a tiger talisman?] It’s not right, what the hell is it. 】

[Wait, he will say it in a moment, I have a hunch that Fang Yang knows what this thing is. ] 】

[Don’t wait for the mud to go, it’s a brick, it’s funny, but I’m sure Fang Yang won’t let everyone down. ] 】

[Haven’t you noticed that since Fang Yang dug out that big sword, the black powder and the trolls have disappeared? Where are these people? 】

[Ah, I can’t stand it, I’m so impatient, it’s unbearable to die, tell me the answer! ] 】


The photographer looked at Fang Yang and smiled, very puzzled.

“Brother, what are you holding in your hand?”

Fang Yang smiled faintly when he heard this: “Generalissimo Seal!” Cows are not awesome? ”

After speaking, he also stretched the big seal in his hand forward.

As a result, all that everyone saw was a big black mud.

“Oh… Awesome… Awesome! ”

The audience on the shore also laughed with a stomachache.

Fang Yang smiled evilly: “You don’t believe it? ”

“No, no, no… We believed,poof~ haha! ”

“We really believe in you, and please believe in us, we are all professionally trained and generally don’t laugh unless we can’t help it… Hahaha! ”

Even the photographer’s face almost turned pig’s liver colored.

Fang Yang didn’t care at all, walked to a smelly puddle next to him, put the big seal in it and pounded it for a while!

“Do you believe it now?”

I saw that he was holding a golden square that kept dripping stinky water in his hand.

It looks dirty and disgusting above.

But everyone doesn’t care.

Because they clearly saw that there was a tiger standing on the golden square brick! It is particularly dazzling in the sunlight.

Fang Yang looked at their shocked expressions, and one by one, his mouth opened wide.

Psychology is inevitably a little self-satisfied.

Let you all say hi!……

[Ediniangle, such a big piece of gold? Get rich, get rich! Sure enough, there is a treasure! 】

[Could it be fake?] I don’t feel like it, the weight I hold in my hand can be seen to be a bit heavy! 】

[When the treasure was discovered, the Cultural Relics Bureau smiled, Fang Yang was the golden father in their eyes! ] 】

[At this moment, I just want to pick up the bricks on the table and look at the dog, and when I ascend the throne, I will make you the Generalissimo of the Tengu! ] 】

[Why do I see that the thing in Fang Yang’s hand doesn’t look like a tiger, but looks like a mouse! ] 】

[Did anyone team up together to dig for treasure in the West River?] In a hurry, dig tonight, lest you turn back and be blocked and you can’t dig. 】

Passers-by on the shore have their eyes straightened.

There are even people who want to go up and take it to see the weight.

But they were all rejected by Fang Yang.

This thing is too valuable, since he found it, he naturally has the obligation to protect it, and he cannot give it to others unless he trusts someone.

As soon as he thought of this, he was ready to call the Cultural Relics Bureau, and by the way, he also informed Qin Lao, after all, the old man loves archaeology so much, it is rare to encounter a good thing, and he has to let him see anything.

…… The other side.

Xihai Cultural Relics Bureau.

Bureau Chief Xu Fang and Chen Feng were studying the giant sword in front of them.

As time passed, the more Xu Fang looked at it, the more frightened he became!

“Have you figured out the origin of this thing?”

Chen Feng nodded: “Check it out, the origin of this sword has been mentioned in the previous county records of Xihai, and it is confirmed!” ”

“This time you can be regarded as giving me a face, and the provincial museum contacted me and said that they wanted to come to see this sword, and it might be brought to the provincial museum for exhibition.”

“Chief, I have an idea I want to tell you.”

Xu Fang looked at him in surprise: “You said!” ”

“Fang Yang, you know!”

“You know, those Longquan kilns last time, as well as the cannons, seem to have been discovered by him, oh yes, this sword seems to have been discovered by him.”

“Yes, but you may not know that the origin of this sword was not found out by us, but Fang Yang told us that we will go to the county record to check and compare it!”

“Really fake?”

Xu Fang was stunned, and this thing?

Chen Feng nodded seriously: “Not only this time, including the previous few times, it was he who said the origin of the cultural relics for the first time, I personally feel that his knowledge of archaeology far exceeds mine!” ”

“Shh~ what do you want to express when you say this?”

At this time, Chen Feng’s expression became extremely solemn: “I believe you have also heard about Fang Yang’s recent deeds, and I would like to invite him to join the Archaeology Department, and only in the form of a guest.”

“Are you kidding?”

Xu Fang looked at Chen Feng in surprise: “Everyone in the archaeology department has many years of archaeological experience, if nothing else, he estimates that he has no certificate alone, he is only in his 20s, which of those who became a guest is not a senior in the industry?” ”

“No chief, you’re wrong!”

Chen Feng sorted out his thoughts: “It’s because he is not a senior in the industry, let’s invite him now is the best opportunity, because I have a hunch, it won’t be long before we want to invite again, I’m afraid it’s too late.”

“Hiss~ I don’t understand what you said, is he that important?”

Just as Chen Feng was about to explain, suddenly the phone rang.

It was Fang Yang who called.

A moment later, the phone hung up, and Chen Feng looked at the director: “Director, I hope you can consider the proposal I said as soon as possible, I have a hunch, if you don’t open your mouth today, you won’t have a chance, now Fang Yang informed me to go to the river, and found another major cultural relics.”

After speaking, Chen Feng turned his head without hesitation and left.

Xu Fang was stunned, the first time he saw Chen Feng’s attitude, the words were so scary.

His brows frowned, and after thinking for two seconds, he immediately shouted at Chen Feng: “Don’t worry, I’ll go with you!” ”


The other side.

Interior of the President of Xihai Institute of Archaeology and Literature.

Elder Qin was sitting on a chair in his office.

Opposite him was the principal in his fifties, Kong Shenghua!

“Headmaster, I hope you can accept my proposal, he is really a genius, it is the only thing I have seen in my life, if I miss him, it will be the biggest loss of our academy!”

Principal Kong frowned: “Elder Qin, it’s not that I don’t give you face, you also know that the guest professor to a 20-year-old young man, isn’t this a joke!” ”

“No, it’s no joke at all, although he is only 20 years old, he is no less knowledgeable in archaeology than me!”

The principal smiled bitterly: “Elder Qin, you don’t have to let him in so much to belittle yourself, your level in our Xihai City who dares to say that it is better than you.”

Elder Qin shook his head mockingly: “I used to think so, but now I understand that some people are born different, he brings a light that you can’t reach in a lifetime, I have lived for so many years to understand an ancient saying, there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the people!” ”

“This… Since you’ve said it all, I can only set a precedent, but I can hear that he seems to be participating in some show, so I’ll let him know when he’s over! ”

“That won’t work!”

When Elder Qin heard this, he was immediately anxious: “I can’t afford to wait Principal, with his talent, maybe one day he will be invited by the provincial level or even higher, when the time comes, people will still look at our university professor, the last thing I want to say is that it is not we who inform him, but invite him, and people don’t know if they promise or not!” ”

The principal was stunned, he had enough to look at Zhong Fang Yang, but as a result, Elder Qin’s words completely made him confused.

If it weren’t for Elder Qin being his senior, he would have doubted if he had Alzheimer’s disease and was talking nonsense here.

But when he saw Elder Qin’s firm and longing eyes, he was shaken.

Is it really the same as he said, a person who can make the academy shine? However, at this moment, Elder Qin’s phone rang.

It was also from Fang Yang.

A moment later, Elder Qin looked at the principal: “He dug up good things again, invited me to watch it, headmaster, I don’t plan to convince you anymore, I hope you don’t regret it in the future.”

The principal watched the lonely Qin Lao leave the office alone, and at this time he suddenly felt that he might really be wrong.

“Elder Qin, wait a minute, I’ll go with you!”

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