Team Wang nodded in agreement: “You are right to remind, Xiao Wang, you go to the scene to stare, and then call the bureau to investigate whether the bank has a large amount of money records.”

“A few of you come with me to see if there are any wheel prints!”

“Okay King Team!”

Fang Yang also followed a few people to walk under the mound.

Walking in, there are green grasses overgrown with weeds below, and the ground, although not wet, is relatively soft.

As soon as I came down, I saw that there were obviously several places in the grass that had been run over by cars.

The police officer exclaimed: “Team Wang, look, wheel print!” ”

Team Wang nodded: “Check if there are duplicate wheel prints!” ”

Fang Yang watched quietly from the side.

The rest of the work he believes Wang team will be no stranger than himself.

Soon, under the detailed comparison of several people, it was found that there was a wheel print repeated back and forth many times!

Team Wang immediately ordered: “Take a picture of this wheel print, rub it out as soon as possible, and see what type of tire it is.”


The onlookers at the scene still did not know what happened, and there was a lot of discussion in the crowd.

And at this time a familiar figure appeared at the back of the crowd.

It was the man who wore the reverse clothes in the morning.

Now he has changed into black clothes and also brought a hat and sunglasses.

This dress is really too conspicuous to not attract attention.

The police officer noticed him at the first time, but he had been standing there without any change, so he was safe for the time being.

The rubbing on the Wang team’s side was quickly completed, and through comparison, it could be determined that it was the wheel print of a small car.

This will be a significant clue to the case.

Although there is no monitoring around this.

But a kilometer ahead there is a road, there are traffic lights at intersections over there, and naturally there are cameras.

Team Wang immediately called the police station and asked them to look for the car that had come from that intersection in the past week.

By the way, I also sent them the tire print.

After everything was done, Team Wang looked at Fang Yang: “It’s a pity that you don’t do criminal investigation with this brain, it’s too fast!” ”

Fang Yang smiled: “Actually, it’s nothing, I just thought about it in advance, just thought of it a little earlier than you!” ”

Team Wang smiled and shook his head: “Sometimes I really want to apply for you to become an assistant policeman, but I’m a little scared, you guy is too restless day by day!” ”


While the two were chatting casually, the forensic doctor rushed to the scene, and after twenty minutes of autopsy, the conclusion reached was almost the same as Fang Yang.

Team Wang had long guessed that this would be the case, and he could only smile helplessly, he didn’t know whether Fang Yang was a human or a ghost.

About ten minutes later, the police called.

It has been found that there is only one person who withdrew large amounts of money from major banks in Xihai City in the past week.

And it is still the same bank, several branches are taken out in batches, a total of 8 million whole.

The name and personal information of the withdrawer have all been sent.

According to the dictation of all branches, the withdrawer is not the head of the ID card.

Instead, a man took it!

Team Wang immediately felt that something was wrong and opened the phone to check the photo information above.

Fang Yang saw the information of the head of the household at the first glance, and immediately exclaimed: “Brother Wang, do you see if the information of this head of the household matches the deceased somewhat?” ”

The name written on it is the name of the deceased, and the age of the ID card is also about 30 years old, the only special thing is that she is not a local, but from Kyoto!

Team Wang thought for a while and nodded seriously: “It is very likely, if you say so, then this man must be a major suspect!” ”


Fang Yang thought for a while: “This can also explain why he buried the money in the ground, because he couldn’t take it away, and he was afraid of being discovered!” ”

“But the only thing I can’t understand is, why is there a bucket of 300,000 cash? And also buried separately! ”

Team Wang also frowned when he heard this, and he couldn’t figure it out at all.



[Lying groove, I thought that the murderer was about to be caught, how did I feel that it had become a suspense case again? ] 】

[I feel that the probability is the person who withdrew the money, he took the deceased’s ID card and bank card, and knew that the password was definitely killed by him. ] 】

[Could it be that he picked it up?] 】

[The one he picked up must have a password, he not only has these but also the password, even if he didn’t kill it, he is a major suspect. ] 】

[Just now, the policeman’s mobile phone looked a little blurry, but it seemed a little familiar, and I always felt that I had seen him at the construction site in the morning. ] 】

[Why do I feel like I’m about to solve my case?] Is it so fast! 】

At this time, the surrounding masses are also increasing.

At first glance, it seems to be almost more than 200 people!

After a while according to this situation, I am afraid that the scene can no longer be controlled.

Even if someone walks, it is difficult to find out who the murderer is.

Fortunately, the police station quickly found the surveillance video.

Since there were very few cars on this road, several police officers searched for them at the same time, and it didn’t take long to screen out the matching vehicles.

Among them is a black car that goes back and forth to this road many times a day.

In particular, its license plate number turned out to be from Kyoto! Now the case is becoming clearer.

The deceased came from Kyoto, and the car was also a license plate number in Kyoto.

To say that the two are not related, it is almost impossible!

The police immediately began investigating the surveillance footage of the black car with Kyoto license plates these days.


It was he who withdrew the money!

And at this time there was a sudden commotion in the crowd!

A man with sunglasses and a cap, who wanted to leave, was stopped by the police.

The man saw that he would not let him go and made a fuss on the spot, and even wanted to break in.

But he didn’t know that his outfit had long been targeted, and immediately a bunch of police officers pressed him down.

Team Wang and Fang Yang also walked over.

The moment they took off the man’s hat and glasses! The police officer behind him exclaimed: “That’s him!” ”

Fang Yang also recognized it, this person was the man who withdrew the money from the surveillance, and he also found that this person turned out to be the strange man he saw in the morning.

No wonder he didn’t know if he wore his clothes backwards in the morning!

Now he also felt that the truth of the case had been revealed.

The man watched the police control him, and yelled a little crazy: “I want to go home, why don’t you let me go home, the police are unreasonable?” ”

“Guys, look at it, the police beat people, go to the police!”

Everyone was confused and called the police?

Isn’t this the police, what else to report!

But the police suddenly stopped and refused to let them go, which made them also a little scared.

The psychology was somewhat panicked, but no one dared to stand up and speak.

Team Wang looked at the man who was pressed to the ground with a serious expression: “Do you know why you were arrested?” ”

The man’s face was pressed to the ground, his breathing was difficult, and his eyes were fiercely glancing at the Wang team: “I didn’t break the law, why arrest me!” ”

“Didn’t break the law? So what are you running, what are you panicking? ”

“I’m in a hurry to go home and sleep, can’t I?”

“Looks like you’re planning to harden your mouth!”

Team Wang looked at the surrounding crowd and shouted: “Don’t panic, a female corpse was found on the hill just now, the murderer’s murderous methods are extremely cruel, according to the current investigation, we have enough evidence to prove that this person is a major suspect, so don’t be misled by him!” ”

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding masses immediately calmed down, and a noise in the crowd came to mind.

“I’ll just say, how can the police arrest people for no reason.”

“It scared me to death, I thought I was going to be arrested today.”

“I’ve heard before that murderers always return to the scene of murder, but I didn’t expect it to be true.”

“You can see how tightly dressed that person is, and you can tell at a glance that he is not a good person.”


Hearing the discussion of the masses, the Wang team also pressed his heart.

If the police and the public are allowed to see only some misunderstandings and aggravate social contradictions, then he is really guilty of a big crime.

Fortunately, most people are wiser and trust the police.

Fang Yang looked at the man on the ground, the dead duck mouth was hard, then squatted down and looked at him: “The deceased Yu Qing, 32 years old, from Kyoto, the cause of death weighed eight knives, the knife was fatal, if I guessed correctly, your relationship should be close, right?” ”

Who knew that the man on the ground suddenly shouted after hearing it: “I’m not familiar with her!” ”


Many people immediately woke up after hearing this sentence.


That is, recognition?

Isn’t that a self-defeating one?

The man also realized that he had said the wrong thing, and his face suddenly changed!

He didn’t expect that he unintentionally sentenced himself directly to death with a sentence.

Fang Yang was also a little confused, didn’t he say love killing? Could it be that this guy is acting.

“You still want to quibble? We have found out that you took the deceased’s bank card and ID card and withdrew 8 million in batches in the bank, which happened to be dug up by me in the soil today, and the black car you drove these days is also the license plate number of Kyoto, I think it should also be the deceased! ”

The man’s face was dead when he heard this, and he knew that he had nowhere to go.

Team Wang suddenly shouted: “Do you think you still have a chance, take him away, interrogate him in the afternoon!” ”

However, Fang Yang hurriedly walked over and stopped Team Wang: “Brother Wang, I have something I want to ask, can you take it away later, I always feel that something is wrong!” ”

Team Wang frowned, this was not in line with the norm, but Fang Yang’s words made him realize that there was a problem, so he nodded.

Fang Yang thought for a moment and said, “You just said that you are not familiar with the deceased? It’s all up to this time, there’s no point in you lying anymore! ”

Who knew that the man’s eyes widened: “I am not familiar with her, and I have only met her once!” ”

“Once? Are you sure? ”

Fang Yang was shocked.

You must know that the cause of death given to him by the system is love killing!

But the problem is that the man in front of her has only met her once!

And you can also hear from his tone, the two of them are not familiar at all!

If that’s the case, isn’t he the murderer.

This can give him a whole mess.

The man simply replied with two words: “OK!” ”

Team Wang looked at Fang Yang a little strangely: “What’s wrong?” Is something wrong? He should be the murderer! ”

Fang Yang shook his head: “I’m not sure now, I’ll tell you when I’m sure of my thoughts!” ”

Then he looked at the man again: “You only saw her once and killed her, is it to rob money?” ”

Who knew that the man on the ground replied: “I didn’t plan to rob money, but then I thought she was so rich, I asked her for a bank card password, but I didn’t expect that there were 8 million in the card, I thought about taking it out and hiding it, and then taking it back when the limelight passed.”

The more he said this, the more confused Fang Yang became.

This sound is obviously killing for money, and it has a half-dime relationship with love killing.

Suddenly he thought of 300,000 in another bucket, and he didn’t understand why until now.

“Why did you bury 300,000 with the corpse, why not with the previous 8 million?”

“That 300,000 is a murder fee, it’s different!”

As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked!

Killing fee!

Doesn’t this mean that this person is just a killer, and there is a mastermind behind the scenes!

Team Wang finally understood why Fang Yang kept asking at this time, it seemed that he had discovered something a long time ago, and now he couldn’t interject, he could only watch quietly.

Fang Yang has finally figured it out now, no wonder there will be 300,000 alone.

It turns out it’s homicide money.

No wonder the system says it’s love killing, it seems that there is someone else who really wants the life of the dead.

Fang Yang asked again, “Who asked you to kill someone?” ”

“I haven’t seen him, but he’s looked for him twice, the first time this woman came to see me!”

At this time, everyone was directly dumbfounded.

What do you mean? I don’t understand it at all.

The deceased had actually taken the initiative to find the murderer before?



[I’m Nima, am I watching a suspense drama?] I’m almost dizzy, what is the situation, who can give an analysis analysis. 】

[If I’m not mistaken, this person is a killer, someone paid for the life of this deceased, and then they knew each other before… Sorry, I got dizzy! 】

[TV series don’t have any acting? ] If you take this to be afraid of a movie or something, the suspense can no longer be suspended. 】

[I’m still confused, whether he is a murderer or not. ] 】

[There is no point in guessing, wait for the result, I believe Fang Yang will definitely be able to ask, and then I will be afraid to stun everyone in front of the screen. ] 】

[300,000 can buy a human life, is human life so worthless? ] There is really a killer in this world, isn’t he afraid of death? 】


Fang Yang’s mind kept spinning at this time.

The murderer’s words made him feel a little messy.

Now it is certain that the person was definitely killed by the person in front of him.

But there are others behind the scenes.

However, this mastermind and the murderer have had two contacts, the most bizarre is the first time this woman met him.

Then it makes sense to kill like this.

The mastermind behind the scenes and the deceased must be a couple relationship, even if not, the relationship must not be ordinary.

As for why the killer was killed, this is unknown.

But the most important question right now is.

The mastermind looked for the killer twice.

This means that the killer has more than just this one life.

The mastermind once paid him to kill someone else, and the person who contacted the murderer in place of the mastermind turned out to be the deceased.

That is to say, the deceased was also involved in a murder case!

So count it down.

It’s terrifying to think about.

The involvement of this case is by no means as simple as the one in front of you.

It can be said that none of the three people is a good person.

Now the question is, who is the other deceased?

Looking at them like this, it is clear that the first homicide escaped perfectly.

Otherwise it would not cost money to please a second time.

After Fang Yang figured it out, he turned his head to look at Team Wang: “Brother Wang, I probably sorted it out, you listen to my explanation, is there any problem.”

Team Wang nodded: “Okay, you say.”

“If the case is pushed forward, it should look like this, there is a mastermind behind this case, he once asked the murderer to help him kill, and the person who contacted the murderer instead of him at that time was the deceased.”

“Therefore, the relationship between the deceased and the mastermind was not ordinary.”

“And then the second time the mastermind found the murderer to kill, this time now.”

“What exactly happened between the deceased and the mastermind, then it is not clear! It is recommended to check the specific information of the deceased! I feel that there is a high probability of love killing! ”

Team Wang frowned after hearing this; “You mean, in addition to this case, they also committed a homicide? And the deceased turned out to be also a criminal? ”

Fang Yang nodded seriously: “That’s right! Just ask the murderer! ”

The man on the ground replied simply: “He is right, last time he also spent 300,000 yuan to let me kill a man, but I don’t know who he is!” ”

Team Wang took a deep breath, the complexity of the case was far beyond his imagination.

Originally, a brutal murder case gave him a headache, but he didn’t expect to catch the murderer soon because of Fang Yang’s thoughts.

As a result, I didn’t expect that after catching the murderer, it was just the beginning.

Now the killer knows nothing about the situation of the deceased and the mastermind, and can only get the answer by going back to continue the interrogation.

Team Wang looked at Fang Yang: “I really didn’t expect this case to be so complicated, you go back to the police station with me to make a record, I will interrogate as soon as possible in the afternoon, so as not to let the mastermind behind the scenes go unpunished!” ”

Fang Yang nodded, and looked at the time at two o’clock in the afternoon: “Ahem~ I can go at 6 o’clock at night!” ”


“Rub rice!”

Photographer: “…”

Team Wang: “…”


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