And at this time, the news of the royal tomb being dug up here was all over the place.

The onlookers at the scene were all amazed after seeing it, and they sent the content of their mobile phones to the message group and friend group.

Originally, the attention here was very high, but because it was blocked, the crowd dissipated.

But now it’s different.

A historic royal tomb has been dug up here.

The clear water in the coffin after 2,000 years amazed everyone.

That legendary Yuwen Ming is searched on the Internet, and it is difficult to find its related information.

Because it appears only in the historical records, and reality has none.

You must know that Yuwen Ming is a product of more than 2,000 years ago and is very rare.

In addition, most of these tombs have been completely corrupted so far, and only this tomb is well preserved.

But even in this case, Yu Wenming was almost completely rotten.

Not to mention the other tombs.

The traffic on the local forum today for one day was worth a month before Shangyang came to Xihai City.

From the bombs at the beginning, to the corpses.

After hearing about it, Fang Yang seems to have dug another royal tomb.

I have long seen the circle of friends, it’s so amazing, have you taken a few more photos from living nearby.

I just arrived home, lying in the groove, I thought I wouldn’t ship today, yards, no, can’t run for nothing, I’ll go to the site to see.

I also went and just looked at the pit left by the bomb.

I’m all already on my way.

Don’t say it, I took a leave of absence and won’t go to work in the afternoon.

Many grandpas and aunts in our community have already rushed over there.

More and more people spontaneously rushed to the scene.

Especially passers-by walking nearby were also curious about this phenomenon.

It turns out that people’s curiosity has a follower effect.

Those passers-by who did not know what happened also joined the army to rush to this side.

Fang Yang and the others did not know the situation at this time.


The photographer exclaimed: “Brother, look quickly, there are many people coming!” ”

Everyone is in the pit to study the artifacts.

Hearing the photographer’s words, they all looked up in confusion.

I was shocked at the sight!

“Where are so many people, what are they doing?”

“This suburb, except to come to us, I’m afraid there is no other reason.”

“No, there are too many people to protect cultural relics, and it is very likely that there are tombs below, if it is really the kind of family tomb that Fang Yang said, then the value of cultural relics below is immeasurable!”

Everyone looked a little solemn.

Be aware if digging into the burial chamber at the construction site.

Even if it is a government project, it has to stop work, and everything is based on excavation.

This shows the importance of excavation to the country.

And at this time this situation to their on-site staff simply could not control.

Chief Dai frowned: “Call the police, this matter has to be handled by the police!” ”

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Xu Fang is the least qualified among them, and without saying a word, he took out his mobile phone and called Director Chen.

“Hey! Director Xu, you are too embarrassed to call me, last time those cannons applied down, the district chief is waiting to reply! ”

“Oh… Can you talk about this later, I want to call the police! ”

“What? Alarm? What police officer wants you a chief to call in person! ”

“…… This…… The director is actually nothing ha… You hurry up, by the way, at least more than 100 people, right where the bomb exploded today! ”

“Are you kidding me? More than 100 people, are you idlers as a policeman! ”

“We have dug up suspected royal tombs here, and more than a hundred people have come to the scene one after another, I estimate that the number is still increasing, and the heavy responsibility of protecting cultural relics, you should understand!”

Director Chen on the other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds.

“Okay, I know, rush to the scene immediately!”

After hanging up the phone, Director Chen couldn’t help but rub his temples.

He was really going to be mad by this Fang Yang.

Today has gone through a big battle and this just stopped to catch your breath.

He dropped another bombshell!

After thinking for a moment, Director Chen walked outside the door and took a deep breath.

“Xiao Wang informed all the people in the bureau who did not have work at hand to come to the command hall and have major tasks to be carried out!”

“Yes, Chief!”

With this instruction from him.

The whole police station is fryering again.

After receiving the news, everyone hurriedly walked to the command hall.

“What’s going on? What’s the big deal again? ”

“Hey… It’s true, how come it’s an accident in our area every day, and I’ve been exhausted to death recently.”

“Shh~ whisper, if you want to blame, blame that Fang Yang is too capable of tossing!”

“You have no conscience when you speak, how much more is our bonus this year, don’t you have a point in your heart?”

“Hey… Also, it’s not bad to be tired, at least the salary is high, I estimate that this matter is related to Fang Yang! ”


Soon the command hall was full of people, and the scene was initially estimated to be more than 200 people! Director Chen stood at the front, his face a little tired.

“Just received a report, the suburban side has dug up the ancient tomb of the royal family, and a large number of people have rushed to the scene, and there are already hundreds of people.”

“But the flow of people is still increasing, and the final number is unpredictable, and now everyone immediately has the tools and blast shields ready, ready for a possible riot on the spot.”

“Team Zhang, you lead people to immediately pull up the cordon and keep the onlookers at least 50 meters away! Do a police officer every two meters to make sure that people don’t rush over.”

“Xiao Wang, you go and notify 120 to send an ambulance to prevent riots or stampedes at the scene.”

“Remember, be a little careful when enforcing the law, the public is just here to watch, not criminals, so don’t make excessive moves, don’t blame me for not reminding you, there is a Fang Yang on our side, who has long been the attention of the whole country, but if you do something wrong, no one can keep you!”

“Got it!”


“Five minutes limit, five minutes later, assemble at the gate, and all the police cars in the police station will drive away!”

With one instruction after another, the police officers were a little confused!

Isn’t it that there are people watching the ancient tombs, is it necessary to make such a big move.

It can only be said that Fang Yang has created many firsts in Xihai City.

Procedurally speaking, Director Chen’s arrangement is reasonable.

To know that royal burials, no matter where they are found, it is explosive news.

Coupled with today’s heat here, it has long affected the hearts of the people in the city.

Many people originally wanted to come and see, but for some reason ended up giving up.

But what about adding a royal tomb at this time?

Then you have to take a look at everything.

Those who went and returned even more patted their thighs and regretted turning around.

Coupled with the surging crowd, it drove a lot of unknown passers-by.

This suburb has completely become a vegetable market.

Something similar has happened before, and a major ancient tomb has been found in a county seat.

Since the discovery of the ancient tomb, the people of the county have rushed to and fro, and tens of thousands of people have come and gone every day.

This made the excavation work on the site extremely dangerous and difficult.

For that matter, the police force of the entire county was almost all impulsive and used to maintain order at the scene.

You have to know that the public security bureau of a county has hundreds of people in a few yards, and thousands of people at most.

Even so, on-site maintenance is extremely difficult.

Because they just came to see the liveliness, even if they are blocked, they can’t block the whole street and prevent people from going home.

And that’s just a county seat, there are so many onlookers.

What about Fang Yang’s side.

A city, plus focus.

Don’t dare to think.

Just after Director Chen finished his order, he was ready to go.

The audience at the scene has exceeded 300 people.

Although the cordon is pulled, the tomb is in the pit and many people cannot see it.

One by one climb up the mound to fence and see.

This directly led to the fact that they were only a few meters away from the excavation site.

The staff on site simply could not maintain order.

Elder Qin and the others frowned, this situation was something they didn’t expect.

In this short ten minutes, there were hundreds more people, and after that, the situation was really uncontrollable.

Director Dai thought for a while and said: “Let everyone temporarily stop the excavation and protect the cultural relics site, Xiao Xu quickly called and asked how long the police will arrive!” ”


At this time, Chief Chen had just set off in the police car.

When he answered the phone, his face became more solemn.

Things seemed to be heading more serious than he had imagined.

Picked up the walkie-talkie and said in a deep voice: “Everyone pay attention, immediately turn on the siren and rush to the scene at full speed!” ”


“Xiao Wang, hurry up, it’s almost uncontrollable over there!”

“Got it, Chief!”

The whole street was filled with sirens again.


Many residents heard the movement and curiously opened the windows to look down.

This look doesn’t matter and directly startles them.

This battle is bigger than the noon meeting.

At noon, there will be a dozen police cars.

At this time, at least dozens of police cars lined up in a long line, all sounding sirens, and all of them had double flashing lights.

Encounter a red light and run directly!

All the drivers on the road were also stunned.

This battle, who sees it is not afraid!

Those waiting for traffic lights at intersections all consciously drove forward a little to give way.

As for those places where there are many cars at traffic light intersections, police cars go directly against the road.

Even if the green light is directly opposite, it honestly gives way.

Everyone has a question on their minds.

Is this another big deal?

Rumors have gone crazy on local forums in Saikai City.

#Police car chief dragon #Lying groove brothers see what I have arranged, has this happened any major case? How come this circuit is full of police cars! Today is really lively, our Xihai City police have worked hard.

Could it be that he went to Fang Yang’s side again?

Chances are, the route I fancy seems to be to the suburbs.

Lying in the groove, there was a life case on the spot? Why did so many police officers rush away? No, I’m going to see the site too!

This horse stepper, what kind of mind work, look at the excitement.

Brothers, rush ducks,!!


At the same time, a news item was suddenly inserted on the TV station.

[Now for you to temporarily insert a piece of news, according to the information provided by the city’s residents, on the avenue near the suburbs, there are dozens of police cars are honking sirens to perform tasks, please don’t panic, just now the press office received the news, the suburbs dug up suspected royal tombs, the scene gathered a large number of people, the police are rushing to the scene to dredge personnel, block the cultural relics site, please don’t add chaos, don’t go to the scene, if you want to see, don’t go to the scene, you can go to Fang Yang’s live broadcast room to watch! ] 】

As soon as this news was issued, it spread again.

All information groups, circle of friends, even those who watch TV at home know what happened.

A swarm of people squeezed into Fang Yang’s live broadcast room.

But even so, after twenty minutes, the crowd of onlookers at the scene had exceeded 500! Director Dai was already dumbfounded, he never thought that digging a grave in the suburbs could attract so many onlookers.

And it’s still so fast.

Xu Fang looked at Fang Yang at this time and smiled bitterly: “Fang Yang, do you know how hot you are now?” ”


Fang Yang was stunned: “Why is it related to me again?” ”

“Look at these onlookers, they are not all attracted by you, if it weren’t for the bomb you dug before, if it weren’t for you being here, do you think they could come!”

As soon as these words came out, Elder Qin and Principal Kong next to them nodded and smiled.

Director Dai’s eyes widened, and he found that the shock that Fang Yang had called him was bigger and bigger every time.

So many people were actually because of Fang Yang?

He became more and more curious about what Principal Kong said before that he had watched Fang Yang’s video, and he had secretly decided to go back at night and say that he had to make up for the lesson well! At this moment, Director Chen’s police car also arrived.

Due to the poor road in the suburbs, coupled with the fact that the road is full of pedestrians, the car can only be parked far away.

Director Chen got off the car and saw so many people in front of him, his brain was buzzing, didn’t he say that there were 2 or 300 people.

This is clearly more than 500.

Now he doubted that the people he brought were enough to maintain order.

Then picked up the walkie-talkie: “Everyone listen, there are too many people at the scene, hurry up to protect the scene, and immediately pull up the cordon.”


All the police officers rushed madly to the scene at the speed of a 100-meter race.

Within five minutes, a police cordon made of the police body was derived from the inside out.

The onlookers immediately appeared in a commotion, and none of them were willing to go too far.

The main thing is that it is too far away to be seen at all!

The mound itself is so large, the space that can be capacity is limited, and later people stand in the ground and can’t see anything, they can only see one ass after another facing him.

“We just look at the excitement and don’t make trouble, why do you want to get us so far away, we can’t see it!”

“It’s just, I didn’t come all the way to look at the ass.”

“Uncle policeman, don’t worry, we’ll see if we don’t get too close”…

Watch as the crowd has slowly receded.

Elder Qin breathed a sigh of relief: “Let’s start!” ”


Now the most important thing they want to know is nothing more than two points, first, what other artifacts are below.

Second, who is the owner of this tomb.

From the current findings, it is very likely that he is a county order.

But everyone present didn’t believe that he was just a county order.

As Principal Kong’s brush cleaned up the turbidity underneath little by little, he suddenly saw one wooden stalk after another.

The principal reached in and gently picked them all up.

Several people present took out brushes to clean up the turbidity on it.

Soon one by one the fonts were displayed in front of everyone.

This time everyone was stunned again.

2000 years old wooden stalk, the handwriting on it is clearly visible, the words are clear.

Elder Qin picked up a piece of wood and crumpled it and read it: “Second year of Yuanshou!” ”

Principal Kong answered: “Yuanshou!! It should be the year name of Liu Xin, the thirteenth emperor of the Western Han Dynasty, which means that this tomb is definitely an ancient tomb in the late Western Han Dynasty! ”

“Look up here!”

Director Dai picked up a piece of wood and read: “Gu Ming, the county order is also!” ”


“Huh? Magistrate! ”

“Is it really a county order?”

Several people present were stunned, according to the records on the wooden stalk, plus the official seal, it can be basically determined that the owner of the tomb is the county order!

But the problem is why can he use such a good funeral product in a county order, that ring head knife, just by looking at the workmanship, you know that in ancient times it must be a very powerful person qualified to use it.

Everyone thought for a long time and really couldn’t figure it out, and finally looked at Fang Yang.

Fang Yang smiled bitterly and shook his head: “Don’t look at me, I suggest you drain the water and check it again!” ”


“Will it have an impact on the bones?”

“Listen to Fang Yang, since he understands this kind of tomb, let us pump water must be sure!”

Soon the staff took out a small pumping machine and started pumping water.

At the same time, find another container to save the water from the coffin.

After all, this is 2,000 years of water preserved, and it still has great research value.

As the water level continued to drop, the bones of the tomb owner and others clearly appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

From the skull to the foot bones, each one is very well preserved, even the hair, you can still see it.

The biggest difference is that this corpse is black all over.

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