
Everyone present was stunned.

Lin Ou lit a cigarette, took a puff, and continued: "Then let me tell you another terrible thing. The five emperors' coins are half taels, five baht coins, Kaiyuan Tongbao, Song Yuan Tongbao, and Yongle Tongbao, respectively. The emperors are Qin Huang, Han Wu, Tang Zong, Song Zu, and Ming Chengzu. The one she kicked out of the car just now is Yongle Tongbao, which is a copper coin. To ward off disasters, so I conclude that we will have a fatal encounter in the future, and we need this copper coin to save the lives of all the people in the car.

The first level of the novice copy.

The pistol of the mission props is very intimately placed on the table in the middle of the gymnasium, but it is not a novice copy now, and the escape room is not so considerate. The ten players are all standing on the bus, and it is easy to ignore the copper coins under their feet, which means that the light is the darkest.

"Hurry up and pick it up!"

An old man, a student of 923, rushed to the car window and wanted to poke his head out to see where the copper coins fell, but as soon as his hair came out of the car window, there was a sizzling electric sound, which scared him back into the car in a hurry, his bald head was furious , The backhand gave the female star a few big mouths.

inside the car.

The only two people who are still calm are the old man and Lin Ou, they look thoughtful.


The two looked at the route map of the bus station at the same time. Their current seat is the 20th stop, Bagualing Station, the next stop is the 19th stop, Fengboting Station, the 18th stop is Tucheng Station, and the 17th stop is Yuxiang Station , They saw the 12th station all the time, their eyes lit up at the same time, but Lin Ou's eyes dimmed immediately, cloudy or cloudy [I don't know what I'm thinking.

The old man was the first to speak: "Did you find out that the 19th station Fengbo Pavilion, the 17th Yuxiang station, the 15th Leiming Temple station, and the 13th Dianchang station, the names of these four platforms each take the first word, which happens to be wind, rain, thunder and lightning. The 18th station is Tucheng Station (adbg), the 16th station is Crematorium Station, the 14th Station is Aquarium Station, and the 12th Station is Timber Yard Station.

"The teacher is still amazing."

The three students behind him were overjoyed.

The old man enjoyed the student's flattery, stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Just after the bus left for the 12th stop, the wind, rain, thunder and lightning passed a few stops before, and just now the 12th stop is the sign of wood.

Wood represents infinite vitality, we have to find a way to drive the bus to the 12th stop. "

Everyone seemed to have found a backbone, the old man and the three students complimented him all kinds of compliments, and the bald-headed and silent earth-line star who made him radiate all moved quietly to the old man.

I heard the old man continue to speak: "Qingqiu, I remember that you can drive, go and take off the badge on the driver's seat and wear it around your neck, sit in the driver's seat, wait for us to find coins and put them in the bus according to the map It shows that it is going to the 12th stop."

Except for Lin Ou, the three remained unmoved.

The rest of the people have a clear division of labor. Since they are trapped on the bus, the coins should also be found on the bus, so everyone is busy looking for a place to hide the coins. Of course, after the lesson of the bald boy, they dare not Touch the seat in the car.

The little girl sniffed her nose: "There seems to be gasoline on the bus."

"There is a gasoline tank behind the driver, where does the smell come from?" Ye Xin pointed to the direction of the front of the car.

At this time, the student who was looking for coins came to Lin Ou who was meditating. He wanted to tell them to do what the teacher said, but before his hand touched Lin Ou, a sharp Tang knife was blocked. On his neck, Ye Xin asked coldly: "What are you doing?"

Swish Swish Swish.

The movement here attracted everyone's attention, everyone's tense nerves could no longer bear this kind of stimulation at this moment, almost instinctively pulled out a pistol or other firearms, and pointed the guns at the three of Lin Ou, Xiaotaimei and Ye. Xin's movements were not slow either. Ye Xin held a knife in one hand and an AK47 in the other, and the young lady also had an extra pistol in her hand. The car was suddenly full of swords and swords. Only Lin Ou kept his ears shut and kept mumbling Write: "41067, die together, who will die?"

"Beauty tricks are the highlight. Now only the teacher on this bus can solve the puzzles. You guys just want to pick up the ready-made and lie down to win without doing anything? Why do you still want to use force against us now?" Qingqiu with a badge hanging around his neck sneered.

"You're disturbing my friend." He needed to think, Ye Xin glanced at the student who wanted to pat Lin Ou on the shoulder just now.

"Hehe, what is he thinking about?"

"The teacher has cracked it to this point, won't it be over if you lie down and win?"

Facing the yin and yang of the students, Ye Xin just said indifferently: "The three of you and your teacher are all wearing white coats. They are either doctors or engaged in scientific research. The doctor smells of disinfectant, but you don't, which means you are doing scientific research."

"Not bad." The old man gave Ye Xin a surprised look.

"Since you are engaged in scientific research, it means that you are good at metaphysics," Ye Lifu said without concealing it.

"Hmph! Little baby, I've eaten more salt than you have eaten, and you say I'm half-baked?" The old man was obviously a little angry, and he slammed his cane on the car floor a few times. I have never seen him so angry, but he loves his reputation very much.

"Why didn't you die?" the little girl said softly.

"I'm too angry!" The old man blew his beard and stared.

At this time, Lin Ou finally woke up from his contemplation, and the first sentence was: "Ye Xin is right, you are indeed a half-assed.

(new book, ask for flowers, ask for subscription).

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