Yan Feng came to visit, and after reporting the news of Wang Guanhai's promotion and appointment, he left with him on the spot.

When Wang Guanhai went out, he was still confused and didn't understand what happened.

Wang Qing had some vague guesses.

He didn't know if it had anything to do with his father joining the Security Bureau.

But dad's sudden promotion must be related to him.

Before senior Yan Feng left, he revealed a small detail to him: his father was about to join a special operations team to cooperate with the immigration management committee’s investigation.

Senior Yan Feng did not reveal what exactly he was investigating and who he was investigating.

But just using the three words "enter the management committee" is enough to get a glimpse of the leopard and infer a lot of things...

By 7 p.m.

An extremely exciting news spread on TV and the Internet.

Twenty-two members of the Song family, headed by Speaker Song Jinlun, as well as the Bai family and the He family, two other parliamentarian families in Binhai City, secretly joined the cult organization [Tower of Evolution], conducted large-scale illegal human experiments, and secretly Studying the evil demon...

Once the news spread, it immediately shocked the entire Binhai City.

You know, the Tower of Evolution is a universally recognized cult organization that will do anything to study the secrets of human evolution.

Since its inception eighty years ago, countless inhumane human experiments have been conducted.

The crimes it has committed against humanity are too numerous to describe.

Monsters like the Biomaniac, which cause endless harm, were created by the Tower of Evolution.

More than fifty years ago, after the crimes of the Tower of Evolution were exposed, the Eastern Xia Federation officials immediately suppressed them and wiped out all the laboratories and branches of the Tower of Evolution in the federation.

All the hundreds of thousands of members involved were executed.

Afterwards, a special law was promulgated to prohibit federal citizens from having any direct or indirect contact with the Tower of Evolution. Once discovered, it would be a capital crime.

"It's so heartbreaking!"

"No wonder there was a monster in the city some time ago. Damn it, it turns out it was all caused by these noble masters!"

"Now, the three major families of the Song family, the Bai family, and the He family are completely finished."

"It's a pity that only three companies have collapsed, leaving 33 companies left."

There was a lot of gloating on the Internet.

By ten o'clock in the evening.

The official account of the Binhai City Security Bureau published more details of the case online.

It turned out that Song Jiuxi, the son of Speaker Song Jinlun, had secretly joined the Tower of Evolution fifteen years ago, and the other twenty-one people were all his descendants in his development over the years...

Underneath the Jiuyuetian entertainment club is a secret human experiment base...

The action team dispatched by the Security Bureau arrested Song Jiuxi on the spot, and found five living samples of the biochemical demon. All the stolen goods were recovered...

As the facts of the case continue to be announced, photos of incriminating evidence are made public.

"The Security Bureau is mighty!"

"It's so awesome. Even Chairman Song's family dares to touch it. He is fearless and eliminates harm for the people. This is the Security Bureau in my mind!"

“I read it while kneeling on the keyboard!”

The melon-eating people on the Internet are in a collective climax.


As an insider among the people who eat melons, Wang Qing was calm throughout the whole process until he saw a photo.

That was a photo of capturing the culprit Song Jiuxi.

In the photo, two investigators from the Security Bureau are holding Song Jiuxi, one on the left and the other on the right. The one on the left is senior Yan Feng, and the one on the right is his father Wang Guanhai.

Looking at his father with a serious face in the photo, Wang Qing could no longer hold his nerve.

When people sit at home, their merits come to heaven.

His father was sitting at home a few hours ago, eating melon and watching a movie with him. A few hours later, he ran to the crime scene and became a major contributor to the arrest of the culprit...

This drama directed by the Entrance Management Committee is too outrageous.

The next day, eight o'clock in the morning.

Binhai City Security Bureau announced the lifting of the ban, and countless citizens poured into the streets to celebrate wildly with firecrackers going off.

As for the once-high-ranking Thirty-six Councilor families, the three major families headed by the Song family have been proven guilty and are in doom.

The remaining thirty-three families were also implicated and suffered heavy losses.

Moreover, they were completely frightened by the thunderous tactics used by the management committee. At this moment, they all hunkered down and waited for the end of the matter.

nine in the morning.

Wang Qing rode his bicycle to the entrance management meeting.

Compared with the past, today's entrance management meeting seemed particularly quiet and solemn.


Wang Qing took the elevator to the top floor, and the elevator door opened.

As he walked out of the elevator, a man in black walked into the elevator.

When the two of them got into each other's bodies.

Wang Qing accidentally glanced at the top of the other person's head and couldn't help but feel shocked.

[Ancient Shadow Demon, six evolutions, compatibility 67%]

He is actually a five-time evolver!

This is one more evolution than the director who has already completed four evolutions!

Wang Qing turned around suddenly and looked at the man in black standing in the elevator. He was thin and unremarkable, but he had a vaguely disturbing aura...

Seeing Wang Qing turning back to look at him.

The man in black glanced at Wang Qing, then nodded expressionlessly.

Wang Qing was stunned for a moment and then nodded.


The elevator door closes.

Wang Qing looked away, with a trace of confusion on his face.

Who is this man in black? He is actually a five-time evolver.

Five times of evolution, the strength has reached at least the sixth level, or even the seventh level.

The legendary strongman Chen Fo who walked out of Binhai City was a seventh-level strongman who had evolved five times. Powerful men of this level are rare among humans. In all these years, there has only been one Chen Fo in Binhai City.

He came to the first director's office and met Xu Longjing.


Wang Qing asked casually: "I just met a man in black at the elevator entrance. He looked a little unusual. Who is he?"

"Director Shi Qianrenshi of the First Special Service Division. He is sent by the headquarters to handle errands. You will get to know him in the future."

Xu Longjing, who was sitting behind the desk, made an introduction, pointed at the thick pile of files on the table, and said: "The answers you want to know are all in here."

After finishing speaking, she continued to work without any distractions.

Wang Qing had no choice but to put the large pile of files aside and began to look through them.

The more I looked, the more frightened I became.

He guessed right, this whole thing was indeed led by the Import and Export Management Commission.

It's just that he didn't expect that the headquarters of the Administrative Committee would personally kill him and send an elite force of more than a thousand people.

The leader of the team was Shi Qianren, the director of the First Special Service Division whom he met just now.

It only took one afternoon.

Director Shi brought more than a thousand special service soldiers to control the entire Binhai City and suppressed all thirty-six councilor families. Afterwards, through interrogation, they obtained the information that Song Jiuxi and others colluded with the cult organization Evolution Tower. Evidence of crime...

There are many details in these files that cannot be seen outside.

Many of them involve him.

For example, the mysterious accident that happened at the pier in the north of the city a few months ago was actually an accident when Song Jiuxi and his gang were secretly transporting the biochemical demons. The two biochemical demons woke up and ran away on the spot.

One of the biochemical demons was shot dead on the spot by people from the Security Bureau, while the other biochemical demon escaped underground.

The demon descendants and demon slaves who later attacked him were the offspring of the escaped biochemical demon who devoured living humans by feeding on ordinary people.

As for why he was attacked, the file did not mention it.

Wang Qing knows it all too well.

Naturally, it was because his innate blood was exposed and attracted the attention of the biochemical demon...

However, the biochemical demon was very cautious and did not show up. Instead, he sent out his own demon descendants and demon servants...

According to the description above in the dossier.

This biochemical demon, whose intelligence is not inferior to that of humans, escaped underground and took the initiative to contact Song Jiuxi, forcing Song Jiuxi to cooperate with him and secretly provide it with blood food, otherwise the details of Song Jiuxi would be made public.

Song Jiuxi was afraid that the matter would be exposed, so he had to agree...

That night, he was attacked by a monster at home, and Song Jiuxi also participated in the cooperation...

Later, the underground lair of the biochemical demon was seized by the Security Bureau, and Song Jiuxi took the opportunity to capture the biochemical demon...

Everything fell into place.

After reading all the files, Wang Qing let out a long breath.

At this time, Xu Longjing looked up at him and said, "Next, let's get down to business."

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