Chapter 100: The Strange Ability of Shamai

At this time, in the sea of ​​death.

Tang Fan exerted his strength suddenly, shaking Shamai's giant claw away.

"It turned out to be a paper tiger!"

He looked at the evil veins and smiled lightly.

Through the fight just now, he already had a general understanding of the Shamai in his heart.

This guy's defense is indeed terrifying.

But the strength is not very strong.

Tang Fan feeling.

The power of the Shamai is equivalent to that of the original Kaihun.

This amount of power can't pose a threat to the current him at all!

Even the combination of Partridge Whistle, Zhang Qilin, and Chen Yulou can deal with it.

The only tricky part is the stone helmet armor of Shamai.

"How is it?" 04 saw Tang Fan's shaking of the evil pulse, Hu Bayi immediately ran up and asked in concern.

The other three also came around him.


"This guy is a paper tiger.

"Looking at the big picture, the calendar area is not strong.

Tang Fan waved his hand and said.

After listening to the partridge whistle, the four of them couldn't help being taken aback.

paper tiger?

"Its power is equivalent to that of the previous soul."

"It's not difficult to deal with."

Tang Fan continued to explain.

heard the words.

Partridge Whistle, Hu Bayi, and Zhang Qilin couldn't help being astonished.

The power is only equivalent to the soul of the 隗!?

if it is like this.

It's not that hard to deal with!

After all, the strength of the three of them has been greatly improved now.

Much stronger than when he was at the gate of hell.

"I didn't expect this big guy."

"So little power."

"It seems that this thing is not strong."

Hu Bayi stared at the Shamai and spoke.

However, think about it too.

If the Shamai is really powerful.

In the gate of hell, it is impossible for the dead soul to kill and absorb it.

"The strength of this thing is really not very good."

"But the impact it can have is really huge."

"The only trouble now is its defense.

Tang Fan stared at the Shamai and said.

The four partridge whistle nodded.

Perhaps, the horror of the Shamai does not lie in its own strength.

Its horror lies in its defense and its ability to affect the entire restricted area!

"You clean up the mummy first."

"Take your time with this thing."

Tang Fan stared at the Shamai and continued.

After finding out the strength of the Shamai, he didn't panic anymore.

Just find a way to break the evil vein defense.

It will be a matter of time before this is resolved.

The four partridge whistle nodded and continued to clean up the mummy.


Just when the four of them had just made a move.

Shamai's body suddenly twisted.

With the continuous twisting of Shamai's body, its size is actually shrinking.

To be precise, changes are happening!

With the size of the evil veins shrinking, the dragon's body gradually transformed into a human form.

At last.

Completely turned into a human.

The whole body is covered by scales made of stone.

From head to toe, there is no gap.

No hair like a bald head, no nose, no mouth, only two scarlet eyes.

Its whole body is blue-gray, and it looks like a strange person as a whole!

"Can it still be like this?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Tang Fan's eyes.

He didn't expect it.

This evil vein can even transform into an adult's appearance.

at this time.

Shamai, who had transformed into a human, moved and rushed towards Tang Fan.

The speed is very fast, and its speed is comparable to that of an angel cat with teleportation ability.

In the blink of an eye, he had rushed to Tang Fan.

The hand covered with stone scales gathered into a fist, and hit Tang Fan's head.

Wherever the fist passed, there were bursts of punching sounds.

Facing the Shamai, which looked like a fist made of stones, Fan's expression changed slightly.

This guy has become stronger!?.

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