Chapter 36: The Legendary Jersey Devil!

Sombra's speed is fast.

It originally wanted to bite Hu Bayi.

However, due to Tang Fan's shot, Sombra flew into the air.

But because of its extremely fast speed, it disappeared into the miasma in the blink of an eye.

Anyway, Tang Fan didn't see clearly what the black shadow that suddenly rushed out was.



Hu Bayi was already in a cold sweat.

If it wasn't for Tang Fan's help just now.

He felt that he should have already reported to Lord Yan about this meeting.

"Have you seen what it is?"

Tang Fan looked at Partridge Whistle and asked Zhang Qilin.

Because I just helped Hu Bayi, and the miasma obstructed my vision.

He didn't see what the creature that suddenly attacked Hu Bayi looked like.

"Looks like a bat."

"But it's huge, about the size of a pig."

Partridge Whistle thought about it and said.


As big as a pig?

Tang Fan frowned after hearing this.

The big bat does.

For example, the Malayan giant flying fox and the golden-crowned flying bat are both large bats.


The volume of the two bats.

It can't reach the kind that the partridge whistle said!


"It has a cow's head and is covered in hair."

Zhang Qilin, who cherishes words like gold, added.

With a cow's head and hair all over?

Tang Fan couldn't help but fell into deep thought after listening.

Judging from the description of the two.

Something that just attacked Hu Bayi.

It should have the characteristics of a bat and a cow's head.

this kind of thing...

Tang Fan thought to himself.


He widened his eyes and said incredulously, "Could it be that thing!?"



Hu Bayi frowned and looked at him.

Partridge Whistle and Zhang Qilin also looked at Tang Fan curiously.

Facing their eyes, Tang Fan said slowly, "You have heard of it."

"The Jersey Devil!?"

finished listening.

The three of Zhang Qilin fell into deep thought.

"never heard of that."

The partridge whistle thought for a while and spoke.

Zhang Qilin shook his head decisively.

"Could it be that many people have witnessed Eagle Sauce before, the Jersey Devil?"

Hu Bayi looked up at Tang Fan and said in shock.

"That's right!"

Meeting his gaze Tang Fan nodded.

Jersey Devil.

An existence that is as famous as mysterious creatures such as the Loch Ness Monster, Lizard Man, and Mantis Man.


This thing is a mysterious creature that appeared in Eagle Sauce in the 1840s.

It has bat-like wings, wolf-like claws, bear-like body, and cow-like head.

Can fly and walk upright on the ground.

Often hunt other people's livestock!

In January 1909, thousands of people witnessed this mysterious creature.


This kind of creature seems to have disappeared mysteriously, and no one has seen it again.

Many people think so.

The Jersey Devil is supposed to be an unknown creature that exists in reality.


Due to environmental pollution and other reasons, this mysterious creature became extinct.

Judging from the descriptions of Zhang Qilin and Partridge Whistle.

Tang Fan thinks.

Very much in line with the image of the rumored Jersey Devil!


"It turned out to be that ghost thing?"

"But think about it."

"We have encountered mantis people and lizard people that people have witnessed before."

"It's not surprising that the Jersey Devil exists here."

Hu Bayi said.

Whether it's the mantis, the lizard, or the Jersey devil they encountered now.

They are all existences that have been witnessed before.


"Isn't this place equal to the survival base of a mysterious creature?"

The partridge whistle frowned.

Mantids, Lizardmen, and Jersey Devils all existed.

Even if the corpse monster has appeared before.

It was the Sichuan zombie incident that shocked the world in 1995.

That incident is similar to the current corpse incident in Nalingale Canyon.


In 1995, what was found in Sichuan Province was an ancient corpse, but what was found here is an animal corpse.

And now.

In Nalingele Canyon, these mysterious and terrifying creatures exist.

That explains.

Naringale Canyon is a habitat for these mysterious and terrifying creatures.


"Hard to say."

Tang Fan took the words, looked around vigilantly and continued: "It may be."

"These creatures were originally produced by the former ghost country."

"It's just that some of them ran out."

"The rest have been living in Naringale Canyon."

finished listening.

The partridge whistle nodded in agreement.

This statement is more reasonable.

after all.

Whether it's the Jersey Devil or the Lizard Man or the Mantis Man.

Not many people have seen it.

Lizardmen and Jersey Devils are all one.

Mantis people are slightly more.

That is very likely what Tang Fan said.

All the monsters ran out from the Nalingele Gorge.


It shouldn't be only one that was witnessed!


"We have entered a monster lair."

Hu Bayi said with emotion.

According to what Tang Fan said.

Those that exist here, whether it is the Jersey Devil, the Mantis Man, the Lizard Man or the mysterious werewolf, are all very likely to be races.

There should be several races of mysterious creatures living here.

It might even be.

These mysterious creature races seem to be the guardians of the tomb of the ghost country!

Guard the tomb of the ghost country and prevent outsiders from approaching!

"Be careful, it's coming!"

At this time, Tang Fan opened his mouth to remind.

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