Chapter 49: The Mysterious Mothman!


A mysterious creature as famous as the Jersey Devil, the Mantis Man, and the Lizard Man.

This creature also appeared in Eagle Sauce once.

The first time the hawkmoth was discovered was actually in Kyushu in 1962.


That time it was discovered by three tomb robbers.

So no attention was paid.

until 1966.

There were a large number of witnesses in Eagle Sauce who saw the Mothman, which attracted widespread attention.

Not only in Kyushu and eagle sauce.

Sightings of the Mothman have also occurred in other countries.

Even in 2015.

Hawk Jam's best secondary finds Mothman again.

As of 2015, no information about Mothman has appeared.

Some people think that the military of Yingjiang should have captured it for research.

Tang Fan didn't expect it.

The mysterious mothman also ran out of Nalingele Canyon.

But think about it too.

After all, Mothman was first seen in Kyushu in 1962.

It is estimated that it was discovered at that time.

So Mothman went to Eagle Sauce!


"I remember."


"We have really entered a nest of mysterious creatures."

After hearing Tang Fan's words, Hu Bayi came to his senses.

Mothman is more popular than Jersey Devil, Lizardman, and Mantisman.

After all, among several mysterious creatures.

Mothman makes the most appearances.

"What do you mean?"

"Will the other ethnic groups not let us approach King Kai's tomb?"

Tang Fan looked at the golden lizard man and said.

This guy just said it.

If they want to go to the tomb of King Kai, forget it.

"They have followed the ancestral precepts to guard here."

"Waiting for King Kai's resurrection."

"Now with the addition of corpses, it is no different from resurrection."

"They will definitely believe in the teachings of their ancestors even more."

The golden lizard man said.

It is not wrong to say this.

"how about you?"

"Don't follow the ancestor's teaching?"

Tang Fan laughed.

This guy told them the location of King Kai's tomb and information about several other ethnic groups.

But it was tantamount to betraying his teammates and King Kui.

"Times have changed."

"There is no country of ghosts in the world, and there is no King Kai anymore."

"I know some information about Ten Yin and Ten Absolute Arrays."

"Tell you this."

"I just hope you can save my family's life."

"I will lead our people to live in a place where no one will be disturbed."

The golden lizard man said.

His face was full of prayers.

"How about this."

"Take your people to the army base outside and find a man named Wang Sheng."

"Tell them everything about the Nalingre Valley."

"Even giving them a map to get in safely."

"Just say Tang Fan needs reinforcements."

"They will make arrangements for your family."


Tang Fan rolled his eyeballs, thought for a while and said.

There are many mysterious creatures in it.

And one is stronger than the other.

There is also an evil vein in the depths.

It is very difficult to solve it by the four of them alone.

If the lizard man were to tell Wang Sheng what was going on inside.

Wang Sheng brought troops to reinforce.

Their stress will be reduced a lot.

Don't say anything else.

It is absolutely no problem to have troops to deal with the mysterious creature race!


"it is good."

The golden lizardman agreed without any hesitation.


As long as it can keep its ethnic group, it is easy to say anything.


It took the remaining less than ten clansmen and walked out.

"Can you believe what that thing says?"

Hu Bayi looked at the back of the golden lizardman leaving and spoke.

"Judging from its micro-expression."

"Not lying."

Tang Fan stared at the depths of the grassland and said.

"Then what do we do now?"

"Waiting for reinforcements?"

Hu Bayi asked again.

Partridge Whistle and Zhang Qilin also looked at Tang Fan.

"If we wait for reinforcements, I don't know how long it will take."

"Let's go and have a look first."

"The Jersey Devil and the mantis are not a threat."

"The main threats are the moths and the giant wolves."

"Let's deal with the Jersey Devil and Mantis first."

Tang Fan thought for a while and said.


It is far from the exit of Nalingale Canyon.

It takes at least half a day to go back and forth.


Even if the Golden Lizardman can give a safe route map.

It will take some time for the troops to arrive quickly!

Tang Fan guessed.

Wait for reinforcements to arrive.

They should just take care of the Jersey Devils and the Mantids.

At that time, we will join forces to deal with the Giant Wolf Clan and the Moth Clan.

That way, no time is wasted.


Hu Bayi agreed.

Zhang Qilin and Partridge Whistle did not speak, and chose to default.

Afterwards, several people set off towards King Kai's tomb again.


"Where did you say that group of mysterious people came from?"

"Isn't this intended to target Kyushu?"

walk aside.

Hu Bayi asked.

Tang Fan said it just now.

When the earth dragon's veins become evil veins, it will not only swallow up the luck of the person itself, but also the fate of the country.

In this way.

The group of mysterious people set up a ten-yin and ten-jue array, and their intentions were obvious.

It is targeting Kyushu!


"It's targeting."

"I don't know who it is, but it is so vicious."

The partridge whistle followed suit.

"I have a guess."

Tang Fan said as he walked.


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