Let You Form An Archaeological Team, The Team Members Are All Tomb Robbers

Chapter 6: Incorporate Hu Bayi, Trigger Mysterious Rewards

Chapter 6: Incorporate Hu Bayi, trigger mysterious rewards

heard the words.

Tang Fan looked out towards the source of the sound.

Zhang Qilin, who had been silent all this time, also looked towards the source of the sound.

The visitor was a middle-aged man with a square face and a strong figure.

He looks like a silent, melancholy, and honest person.

"Hu Bayi!"

The middle-aged man introduced himself.

"Tang Fan, this is Zhang Qilin."

Tang Fan put down the information.

As he spoke, he pointed to the silent brother.

Hu Bayi glanced at him, then at Zhang Qilin, and then found a seat and sat down.

Tang Fan glanced at him, asked Lin Qingwu to make tea, and then said to Hu Bayi, "Listen to what you just said."

"Do you know anything about the mysterious ancient tomb in Nalingele Canyon?"

Meeting his gaze, Hu Ba nodded.

"I am stationed in the Kunlun Mountains, which is near Nalingele Canyon."

"Knowing that there is news about the mysterious ancient tomb, I checked a lot of information."

"It can be concluded that—"

"Nalingele Gorge should be the nomadic people of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, the Hebo people!"


finished listening.

Tang Fan pondered.

The Ghost Kingdom in the Shang and Zhou dynasties was also called Ghost Fang or Fang Kingdom.

It was an extremely powerful nation in the Shang and Zhou dynasties.


After the Western Zhou Dynasty destroyed the Shang Dynasty.

There were differences in the Ghost Kingdom, and one branch became affiliated with the Western Zhou Dynasty.

And the other one.

On the other hand, he has been active in the northwest region and hates the Central Plains region very much.

In the Spring and Autumn Period.

This branch is called Chidi.

In the past, this Red Di was still in the Spring and Autumn Period and destroyed several small countries.

Even big countries like Zheng, Qi, and Jin don't look down on them, and they often provoke at the border.

However, with the rise of Jin, Qi and other countries.

Chi Di was defeated, expelled from the Central Plains, and retreated to the southwest.


House seemingly endless rain!

In the southwest, they encountered the powerful Huns again.

In the end, the Chidi became scattered, and many fled to Eurasia during the Qing Dynasty.

If the mysterious ancient tomb in Nalingele Canyon is really Chidi.

That should be this Red Di!


"If you really have a way to solve these mysterious ancient tombs."

"We have to act as soon as possible."

Hu Bayi looked at Tang Fan and continued, "When I come."

"There seems to be another commotion in Nalingele Canyon."

"Those corpses scorched by lightning, I don't know why."

"The dead body has started."


After listening, Tang Fan frowned.


The reason why Nalingele Canyon has become a restricted area for life.

One reason is the unknown creatures inside.

There is also a reason for lightning.

There are many basalts in the Nalingele Canyon.

The basalt contains a lot of magnetism, resulting in a very strong magnetic field in the Nalingele Canyon.

In addition, the Nalingele Canyon is surrounded by mountains, and the airflow can only flow locally.

Thereby enhancing the quantity and intensity of cloud discharge!

as we all know.

Because of the tip effect, lightning strikes high places.

But there are no trees in Nalingele Canyon, only weeds.

When people and animals go in, they will become the target of lightning attacks.


There are many corpses struck to death by lightning in Nalingele Canyon.

After so many years in Nalingele Canyon, I don't know how many there are.

If all the corpses were removed, it would be a very troublesome thing!


"And you?"

"What plan?"

"Enter my newly formed archaeological team to solve these troubles."

"Still thinking about digging up antiques by yourself?"

Tang Fan looked at Hu Bayi and said.

heard the words.

Hu Bayi fell silent.

"When the country is in trouble, everyone is responsible."

After a while.

He looked up at Tang Fan and said.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host for incorporating Hu Bayi. 】

[Rewards, own attribute points 12. 】

[Obtain special rewards, ten years of internal strength. 】

[Congratulations to the host, triggering a mysterious reward. 】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Muchen Bead. 】

[The reward has been issued, please pay attention to check it. 】


Hu Bayi just finished speaking.

The sound of the system sounded in Tang Fan's head.


Tang Fan felt a warm current circulating in his limbs.

In the end, all the warm currents gathered in Dantian.

"Good guy?!"

"Mysterious reward Muchen Bead? Give back the internal energy?"

Tang Fan muttered in his heart, a little confused.

He thought that recruiting a person, in addition to attribute skill points, was martial arts.

did not expect.

Now it's actually giving internal energy directly!

Ten years of internal strength.

This is equivalent to ten years of penance for those who refine and refine their internal energy.

Not to mention that a mysterious reward was triggered!

Earn money!


Tang Yi thought to himself.

Suddenly he felt a sharp gaze staring at him.

Look by feeling.

The gaze came from Zhang Qilin.

He stared at Tang Fan, as if he had discovered something.

"Any questions?"

Tang Fan asked.

I couldn't help being shocked.

Zhang Qilin should have realized that he suddenly had ten years of internal strength.

Looking at him, Zhang Qilin didn't speak, and looked away.

Tang Fan ignored him, but looked at Hu Bayi: "Since you want to join the archaeological team I formed."

"Then I won't treat you badly."

"I think you should be familiar with this thing."


he said.

Take out the complete version of the sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique from the system backpack and hand it to Hu Bayi.

Hu Bayi frowned and took it.

When he saw the words above, he was immediately stunned!

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