Let You Form An Archaeological Team, The Team Members Are All Tomb Robbers

Chapter 71: Lan Village! Cannibal Village! Forbidden Village In The Sea Of ​​Death! (Kneeling For Fu

Infinite copy is actually equivalent to batch copy.

The only difference is.

Batch copy directly copies a lot.

Infinite copies are one after the other.

Whatever the case.

The result is the same!

Currently Tang Fan is not clear either.

What is the copying ability of the Pisces jade pendant?

Because there is too little information about the Pisces jade pendant.

can know.

It's just that the Pisces jade pendant has the strange ability to copy mirror image people!

"You said, will the evil veins be copied by the Pisces jade pendant?"


Hu Bayi asked curiously.

"You ask me, who should I ask?"

Tang Fan gave him a supercilious look.

He is not Bai Xiaosheng, he can know everything.


Hu Bayi's question is indeed a point worthy of attention.

If the Pisces jade pendant can also copy the evil vein.

That would be scary!


Tang Fan still thinks in his heart—

The Pisces jade pendant does not have the ability to replicate the evil veins!

The evil veins are formed because the earth dragon veins are infected by the yin and yin.

If the Pisces jade pendant can copy the evil vein, it means that it can also copy the earth dragon vein.

In this way.

Couldn't the original Loulan have many dragon veins?

And if you have many dragon veins.

Then how could Loulan be just a small country among the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions?

Already ruled the Western Regions!

Even ruled the world!


Tang Fan thinks that the Pisces jade pendant should not be able to copy the evil vein!

"Is that a village over there?"


The partridge whistle opened its mouth.

Looking far ahead.

Tang Fan followed his gaze.

far ahead of them.

There are silhouettes that resemble buildings.

From a distance, it looks like an adobe wall.

"Go and see."

Tang Fan said.

Take the lead and walk over there.

The four partridge whistle followed closely behind.

The adobe fence is not far from them, nor is it close.

Walked for nearly five minutes.

Only then did Tang Fan see clearly that it was indeed a small village.

Overall, it looks much bigger than Baisha Village.

According to visual estimation, there should be at least 20 families!

"It seems that the Pisces Jade Pendant is alive."

"The mirror images that appeared should all be pulled into this sea of ​​death."

Tang Fan stared at the village and said.

About the mirror man in the sea of ​​death.

He still knows a little bit.

When the mushrooms exploded in the sea of ​​death.

There are rumors that all the mirror images have disappeared inexplicably.

Combining Baisha Village with the villages here.

That rumor should be true!

The missing mirror people should all be pulled into this sea of ​​death.


The five of them came to the village.

There is a stone monument at the entrance of the village.

There are two words engraved on it——


"Lan Village?"

"Could it be that this village is related to Loulan?"

Tang Fan looked at the stele in thought.


There was no smell of blood.

That is.

This Lancun was not brutally murdered!

outside world.

When Tang Fan and others came to Lancunkou.

Many people in Bingbing's live broadcast room couldn't sit still.

"Damn it, Lancun!? How is it possible!"

"This this!"

"My God, Lancun!?"

"No way, they are really in the sea of ​​death!?"

"Unbelievable, unbelievable!"

A shocking barrage erupted.

It can be felt from the words.

The shock and unbelievability of the person who sent the barrage!

It's even conceivable.

The scene where they get goosebumps from being surprised!

"Upstairs, explain more clearly."

"That's right, what's wrong with Lancun."

"Isn't it just a village bigger than Baisha Village?"

"As for being so shocked?"

"What's the situation, you look very surprised."

"That's right, that's right, it makes people confused."

In the live broadcast room, people who didn't understand what they meant made a confused barrage.

"What do you know?"

"People who are not near the sea of ​​death, naturally don't know about Lancun."

"that is!"

"Lan Village, that is a forbidden village in the sea of ​​death."

"Lan Village, that was a village in 1983. It is rumored that the people living in this village are not people, but ogres!"

"That's right, I heard from my grandfather that Lancun is a ghost village, any child who is disobedient will definitely be scared by adults by sending them to Lancun as food"~!"

"I heard from my grandfather that outsiders are not allowed to enter this village, and those who enter will not come out alive."

"Another point."

"People in Lancun never talk to outsiders, and no one has even seen people in Lancun!"


"Even when water and food were scarce, no one from Lancun came out."

"The most incredible thing is."

"In 1985, this village mysteriously disappeared!"

"Yeah, that's what I know, the whole village just disappeared.

"I can't believe it, they have reached Lan Village, but don't go in."

Many people sent barrage.

It can be seen from the content of the barrage.

They are all people who live near the sea of ​​death.

It's not hard to see either.

They are afraid of Lancun from the bottom of their hearts!


Lancun is a village that makes them change their colors.

Audiences who don't know Lancun watched those bullet screens.

Can't help but be shocked!

So to say.

Don't the five of Tang Fan come to a weird taboo village?


The three of Zhang Jianguo could also see those bullet screens.

"This is Lancun."

"I seem to have a reflection."

He frowned and said.

"Fengmen Village in the Sea of ​​Death."

"It was classified as a secret back then, did you forget?"

Elder Lin took the words.

"I remember."

"It's that cannibal village where strangers are not allowed to enter!?"

"Isn't this village destroyed?"

"Back then, Wang Sheng was still a member of the extermination."

After his reminder.

Zhang Jianguo said in disbelief.


A cannibal village in the sea of ​​death back then!


Not really like the legend says.

If you catch someone, you catch them back and use them as food.

It is a funeral custom.

People in this village will eat the dead.

In Lancun's view, this is the salvation of the dead.


Later, the village did not know what happened.

As a result, the people inside became very bloodthirsty, biting everyone they saw.


Troops were dispatched to clean it up.

Finally found out.

All the people in the village were infected with rabies because of the special and horrible funeral customs.

They all become bloodthirsty.

And in order to prevent the spread of the virus.

The troops dispatched at the beginning also completely disappeared the village.

Zhang Jianguo didn't expect it.

In another sea of ​​death, Lancun still exists.


Now Tang Fan and others are still going in!

"Don't panic."

"With the skills of the four of them, nothing will happen."

Elder Lin saw his worry and said.

The skills of the four partridge whistle are obvious to all.

With the skills of the four of them, it is easy to deal with Lancun people.

And in the sea of ​​death.

Regarding the situation in Lancun, the five of Tang Fan didn't know anything about it.

"walk into."

He withdrew his gaze from the stone tablet and said

After speaking, he took the first step into Lancun.

The four partridge whistle followed closely behind.


This is Tang Fan's first impression of Lancun.

Such a big village.

It makes for an eerie feeling!

Especially in broad daylight, I didn't see a single person.

The whole village was silent.

As if no one was there.


From the drying racks, benches and other things placed in front of the house, it can be seen that there are people living here.

Because those things wipe clean!


"Why is there no one there?"

"Did they all go to work in the fields?"

Hu Bayi frowned and scanned around.

The time is now in the afternoon.

In rural areas.

This point will go to work in the field.

Even old people go there.

As for children.

Because it is not safe to be left alone at home, adults will also be taken to the field to play.

"Where did you see the land?"

Tang Fan said.


Hu Bayi was taken aback immediately.


Within a few miles around, they didn't see any dealer land.

There are no crops.

Why do you come to work in the field?

"Go knock on the door and ask."

"This place must be inhabited!"

Tang Fan said.

The partridge whistle acted immediately.

He came to a house made of adobe and knocked on the wooden door.

"Is there anyone there?"

He knocked and shouted.


But there was no movement!


The partridge whistle reached out and knocked again.

Before the words came out, I heard a 'creak'.

The closed door was opened.

"Who is it?"

"Don't you know it's bedtime?"

Then an old man appeared in everyone's sight.

"Good guy!"

"Sleep in broad daylight?"

Hu Bayi spoke in a daze.

"Old man, passing by here, come to ask for a drink of saliva."

"Please forgive me for the nagging."

Tang Fan spoke politely.

The old man looked them up and down.

Frowning slightly, he said in disbelief, "Are you foreigners?"

Tang Fan was taken aback.

What the hell is this incredible expression?

"Yes old man."

he replied.

"I didn't expect that foreigners would dare to enter our village."

"It seems that you are not in the sea of ​​death."

"come in."

the old man said.

Open the wooden door and let the five people in.

The house is small but clean and spotless.

There are wooden square tables and four-legged benches.


There are some miscellaneous utensils piled up against the wall.

"Look, that one!"

Hu Bayi glanced around, looking for a certain place to speak.

The four of Tang Fan looked over.

Immediately his expression froze.

I saw a tall square table facing the door.

Looks like a shrine setting.


There are neither spirit tablets nor gods and Buddhas on the square table.

It's a skull!

A total of three, stacked together.


Hu Bayi looked at Tang Fan in a daze.

To enshrine skulls?

This is the first time he has seen such a custom!

It looks very evil, just like the room where the head-down master lives!

"The top one is my wife."

"The ones below are my two sons."

At this time, the old man who went to fetch water came out with an old teapot.

During the conversation.

Pour a glass for five people in turn.

The old man's words made Tang Fan and five people stunned in place!

The three skulls are actually relatives of this old man?!

"`~It seems that the customs in this village are very different.

Tang Fan came back to his senses and said.

Generally speaking.

To pay homage to the deceased relatives, the spirit cards are placed on the shrine.

It's fine here.

Place the skull directly on the shrine.

This custom is really unique!

"It's a surprise to you."

"Our Lan Village has always been like this."

"In this way, when you miss your loved ones, you can also touch them.

The old man was talking.

Has come to the shrine.

He stretched out his callused hand and stroked the top skull.

While touching it, he muttered to himself: "Have you seen it, my wife?"

"A foreigner has come to our house."

"Still the people in the sea of ​​death."

The old man behaved strangely.

Hu Bayi couldn't help shivering.

Especially since the house is backlit, it looks extremely shady.

Those who watched the live broadcast also felt a chill down their backs.


"This old man is too abnormal!"

"It's weird everywhere."

"Didn't you say it? This is an ogre village!"

"These five people dared to enter this village, didn't they go into the mouth of a tiger?"

"Hey, put your loved one's skull on a shrine?"

"Hey, it's scary."

"I can see the goosebumps."

"Have you ever thought about a question? The skull is here, what about the other parts?"

"This village is still a cannibal village."

"Ouch, stop talking, I'm going to vomit!"

"Nima, I'm eating, bro, I'm going to vomit."

"Just thinking about it makes me feel cold."

"Brothers, I feel that the temperature around my body has dropped a lot."

"This old man looks too weird, especially his smile."


The people in Bingbing's live broadcast room sent barrage.

Many people said that their scalp felt cold after watching it.

Even put the dead relatives' skulls on the shrine.

What a perverted custom is this?

Even Bingbing's expression changed slightly.

Such strange customs "she has never heard of it, she has never seen it!

But Tang Fan who was sitting in the old man's house didn't feel anything.

In his view, this is just a strange (good) custom.

What's more, the current Lancun is in the sea of ​​death that has been reproduced.

Put it simply.

This village has long been abandoned by the times.

It's nothing to keep this old custom all the time.

"Hey, I made you laugh."

"No one in our village has ever dared to come."

"You are the first batch."

The old man came back to his senses and opened his mouth apologetically.

"No problem."

Tang Fan waved his hands, then frowned and asked, "Old man."

"Why does no one dare to come to this village?"

"Also, why didn't you see the huge village?"

The four partridge whistle also looked at the old man involuntarily.

meet their eyes.

The old man chuckled and took out a pipe.

See his pipe.

Tang Fan immediately revealed an incredulous gaze.

Because of that pipe.

It turned out to be a human calf bone!

Judging from the size, it is a child's.

The four of Partridge Whistle couldn't help but stare at each other.

Especially Chen Yulou, Partridge Whistle and Zhang Qilin.

Dealing with graves all the year round.

They can naturally see it at a glance.

The pipe in the old man's hand was a child's calf bone.

Put the skull of a loved one on a shrine and forget it.

The pipe is actually made of a child's calf bone?

"Look at those utensils."


Hu Bayi said.

The voice trembled a little.

Hearing this, Tang Fan and others looked towards those utensils.

I froze for a moment.

Those utensils are actually made of bones!

Take, for example, the bowls on the shelf.

It's the skull!

The five of you looked at me and I looked at you, with serious expressions on their faces.

The old man didn't care about their strange expressions.

He just leisurely took out something similar to shredded tobacco from his purse, stuffed it into the pipe, and lit it.

"Outsiders dare not come."

"It's because they regard our village as..."

The old man spoke, and the words ended here.

His eyes fell on the five of Tang Fan, he grinned and revealed two rows of yellow dies, and then he said word by word: "Cannibal Village!"

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