Let You Go Fishing, You Caught A Nuke?

Chapter 114: Su Dong: How did I catch a nuclear submarine?!

A group of people in the live broadcast room are now laughing silly.

I have seen people fishing in the sea, fishing for snakes, fishing for turtle kings, and even just now Su Dong caught whales and sharks.

It can be said that as long as there are things in the water, the fisherman is not wrong, and he has seen a lot of all kinds of strange things.

But like today, to fish a living person out of the sea...

It's the first time they've seen each other!

"What the hell?! I'm so stupid! How did Brother Dongzi catch people from the sea?! 35

"Hahahahahaha! Such a big person is not a corpse, but a living person, his hands and feet are still moving, and I am dying of laughter. 99

"Uh, laughing and laughing, but this diver doesn't seem to be from our country. He said a lot of babble, and I didn't understand it.

"I didn't understand either. It was said that the place where the coast guard ship fell should be our waters? Such a foreign diver, dressed so neatly, came to our waters, wouldn't he be a spy?"

"Hey... it's possible! Damn it! If Brother Dongzi really catches a foreign spy, it will be a lot of fun!"

"Uh, this look is obviously oriental, but it's not like the Japanese kimchi, it's a bit like Southeast Asia, the Malay Archipelago. After all, spies don't have to be so blatant, right?"

"I feel something is wrong, far from the mainland, divers also need to settle down. Now it seems that only the fishing boat one kilometer away is possible, but didn't the South Guangdong Coast Guard just issue the order to prohibit fishing? This is Where did the fishing boat come from?!

"It's really strange, in fact, I just wanted to say that fishing boats usually fish in the diving area, how did this boat come to the deep sea area? If something happens, the Coast Guard is not convenient for rescue. "

"I don't know, let's see the follow-up, it may also be a fishing boat from Baodao or Western Fujian. Nian

"Damn it! I can understand a little bit, he actually speaks Luzon! Nima! The mover is so awesome! How did he catch the Luzon people from thousands of miles away?!"

on the deck.

Su Dong scratched his head and looked at Cai Kun,

"What did this guy say?

Cai Kun also looked confused, "I don't know, but it doesn't seem like a good word.

Su Dong:....99


You say this!

He thought about it with his ass, and he didn't know if it was a good word.

I'm too lazy to think about it, the lie below is almost turning into an octopus, so let's talk about it first.

After taking up the line, more than ten seconds later, the man was pulled up.

Who would have thought that after this guy went ashore, he didn't do anything else, but grinned and rushed over to Su Dong, clenching his fists with both hands, 633 seemed to want to teach Su Dong a lesson.

Su Dong was stunned for a moment, good boy, you are very fierce!

Dodging a punch with his body, he grabbed the man's shoulder with his right hand, put the other arm behind the back of the guy with his left hand, and with a slight force, immediately, the guy fell on the deck and howled.

Su Dong's strength, even a shark can't stand it, let alone this thin man in front of him.

"Did you take it just now? I was passively fighting back?! It was he who moved first, and I was innocent. 35

Hearing this, Cai Kun, who had opened his mouth wide, immediately grinned.

It's true, you are indeed passively fighting back, even if these words came out of your mouth, why is it so unpleasant?!

The diver lay on the deck with tears in his eyes. In the public, he was caught by someone from the sea. Such a shameful thing happened to him.

Recalling the way he showed his teeth and claws on the sea just now, he felt that he didn't want to live.

It was the most humiliating thing in his life.

After being caught on the deck, I originally wanted to beat the fisherman who caught him, but he hadn't beaten him yet, instead he was screaming in pain.



Unexpectedly, in less than a minute, he experienced the two most humiliating things in his life.

Fortunately, knowing this, there were not many people who saw him being caught by the hook, just a few on the deck. Back in Luzon, he was still a majestic national diving instructor.

Only two people saw it, and maybe a few coast guards in the distance, but it was not a big problem.

As long as it is not spread on the Internet, is not known by netizens in Luzon, and is not known by his relatives and friends, then it is not a problem!

The diver kept comforting himself.

Not far away, several marine police noticed the situation here, and hurriedly put down their work and came over.

After learning about the situation, several coast guards were dumbfounded.

"I'm going?! How did you catch people?!"9

"I don't know!" Su Dong said confidently: "And isn't it in our country's waters now? I don't understand what this person is saying, and I don't know what he is sneaking around in our waters. Most likely he is a spy!" 5

"What spy?" One of the coast guards explained, dumbfounded: "And we are in the high seas now, not in our country's waters, forget it, you guys are here first, I'll go to the captain. 35

Su Dong: "???"

what what what??

Isn't it still in the southern seas in the morning?!

Why did you go to the high seas now?

Cai Kun said a little helplessly:

"Brother, we are indeed in the high seas now, not to chase you and the whale (bjfa) fish. God knows why the whales can run so well, but they ran from the southern waters to the high seas."

Su Dong:


The relationship problem is with him...with that whale!!

Fortunately, he always thought it was in the territorial waters of the Dragon Kingdom.

in the cab.


After listening to the report from the Coast Guard, Wang Ze instantly spit out the tea in his mouth, widened his eyes and asked in disbelief:

"What?! What are you talking about?! That kid Su Dong caught someone from the sea?!"


Is this kid so fierce now?

Just caught whale and sonar this morning!

It's better now, instead of fishing, fishing for people?!

"Yes, the diver seems to be from Luzon, and I don't understand what he said. When he was caught just now, he wanted to hit Su Dong because of his life and death, but he never hit him, and is now howling on the deck.

Wang Ze:

scuba diver...

Scare the old man!

I thought it was a mermaid or a sea human from Atlantis.

When the situation returned to normal, Wang Ze couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It's okay, it's still the age of technology, and it hasn't changed from fantasy.

But that diver is really bold enough, Su Dong's strength can even kick a shark away, how dare this kid?

It would be Su Dong's mercy if he didn't kill him.

He didn't think too much, and hurriedly got up and went out.

He didn't forget that Su Dong is currently broadcasting live. If it is not handled properly and causes international disputes, the fun will be great.

Opposite the coast guard boat, 500 meters away, the fishing boat also reacted and raised the Luzon flag. It seemed that the diver belonged to them.

Wang Ze came out, chatted in relatively rough English for a while, and chatted with the small fishing boat on the opposite side for a while.

To put it simply, the boat on the opposite side is also a police boat. I brought this diver here today to salvage things on the bottom of the sea.

As a result, he didn't pay attention, his belt was hooked by Su Dong's hook, and Su Dong's reeling speed was too fast, the diver didn't react at all, plus the blocking effect of the sea water, this scene happened.

This is probably the only scene in the world where a diver is caught by fishing.

In contrast, in most cases Su Dong can understand, except for one thing...

"What the hell?! What did you say?! That boat just now was a Luzon Coast Guard boat?! Not a small fishing boat? Su Dong widened his eyes and asked in disbelief.

What the hell?

Such a small ship, you actually said it was a coast guard ship?


Wang Ze rolled his eyes and said angrily:

"What do you think?! In the entire Blue Star, there are only about 30 developed countries, and the rest are developing countries. Luzon's naval ships are at least 20 to 30 years behind us. Do you think we had our coast guard 20 years ago? Are the boats advanced? Nope.

“And it’s good to have a coast guard ship. Many countries don’t even have a good navy, let alone a coast guard ship. 39

"Is that so." Su Dong scratched his head, mainly because the contrast was too great, he didn't react for a while.

The coast guard ship under his feet was 5,000 tons, while that of Luzon's ship was over 300 tons, so the difference was a bit big.

Wang Ze rubbed his head and suddenly asked:

"If I remember correctly, today is the last day of fishing, right?

Su Dong nodded, a little surprised and said:

"It's like this. Today is the last day. After fishing today, I will take a break for the next two days, and then start the second week's professional lottery. Why do you suddenly ask this?"

Wang Ze sighed and said:

"It's the last day, and I haven't even caught a single fish, you're a fisherman who is not qualified for your profession.

Su Dong: "???"

Wang Ze patted Su Dong on the shoulder and said earnestly:

"Fishing is good fishing. There are so many fish in the sea, enough for you to catch even sharks, but don't fish for whales or divers."

"On the last day, try to catch a fish, stop catching these messy things, there is too much noise, I am a small captain, I really can't bear it.

Su Dong:

He was moved to tears for a while, "You may not believe it when you say it. I also want to fish. God knows why I caught so many messy things."

Wang Ze shook his head and walked away.

He regretted it a little, he should have left Su Dong at Lu Feng's at noon today.

There is only one afternoon left, and the ghost knows what terrible things this kid will catch!

It seems that the patrol area of ​​the No. 7 ship is nearby, and I don't know whether to throw Su Dong to Lu Feng now or not.

In all fairness, he thinks that this kid Su Dong has a very promising future, whether it is communication, or the power of terror, or even the mess he caught, a large part of it is also what the country needs.

But the premise of all this is that Su Dong is on someone else's boat...

Once Su Dong is on his own boat, that's another story.

Although there is such a great contribution as f22, most of which is naturally Su Dong's, but as the captain, he naturally also has a share of the credit.

Near double-digit seawater detectors are also to blame.


until today!

Wang Zecai discovered that Su Dong's credit is not so good.

I was only immersed in the joy of making great achievements yesterday, but today Su Dong made a big news for him.

A whale was caught and taken away by the whale!

This immediately caused an uproar. There were a total of nine ships, involving the coast guard, the Nanyue Military Region, and the three major parts of the Eastern Military Region, as well as the military industry department and the cultural department.

Fortunately, Su Dong is safe and sound. If something happens to Su Dong, he feels that something will happen to himself.

There was such a big commotion in the morning, I thought it would stop.

As a result, at the beginning of the afternoon, Su Dong caught divers from other countries.

Still caught during the live broadcast!

Even Su Dong beat up the diver!

This Nima!

If he hadn't handled it well, he would have almost caused an international dispute!

For a while, Wang Ze felt very tired. He could only hope that today was the last day of fishing. Su Dong should be honest, and don't make any big news. He is the captain of a small coast guard ship and can't stand it.

Looking up at the sky, looking at a dark cloud floating in the distance, Wang Ze frowned unconsciously.

For some reason, he always had an ominous premonition.

Like, something big will happen today.

The small fishing boat in the country of Luzon next door... On the coast guard boat, divers are bragging on it.

"Humph! Don't look at me being so embarrassed by being caught with a fishing rod. In fact, as soon as I went up, I was not afraid at all in the face of dozens of people, and I was just beaten up by the fisherman who caught me. ! Beat him with a blue nose and a swollen face begging for mercy!"

"If it weren't for their captain's intercession and a lot of good words, I wouldn't be able to beat that fisherman to death! Don't even look at how many eyes Ma Wangye has, you dare to fish! 35

"Don't look at the size of Long Country's boat, it's actually useless at all, there are pits everywhere on the deck, so it looks shocking from the outside, but in fact it is full of holes and vulnerable, far worse than our boat.

Facing the respectful eyes of everyone, the diver pretended to be more and more proud, and he said with some regret:

"It's a pity that there is no video, otherwise I must show you my majestic appearance at that time.

Looking at the increasingly respectful expressions of everyone, the diver suddenly realized that it was not a shame to be caught this time.

Anyway, there is no video, and other people don't know what happened. This is a force, he can blow it for a lifetime!

The diver thought triumphantly.

on the deck.

After catching someone, Su Dong didn't even know why for the next two hours.

I don't know if it's really exhausted, or if I'm saving up a big one.

Looking at the calm sea, Cai Kun scratched his head and muttered:

"That's not right, it's almost five o'clock, brother, why don't you catch anything, even if you can't catch any fish, it's alright to catch a few sea water detectors, but don't be an idiot.

Su Dong rolled his eyes and said angrily, "I think so too, the problem is that I can't decide!"

Cai Kun was about to say something when suddenly, the fishing rod in Su Dong's hand moved, and he was overjoyed.

"Brother, a fish has been hooked!"

Su Dong was stunned for a moment, but immediately reacted, pulling up the fishing rod and pulling the line hard.

"Humph!! Are you hooked?!"

"God bless, I must catch fish this time! It's been seven days, it's been seven days, at least let me catch... eh?!

Su Dong was thinking about it, but suddenly he was stunned again.

Because he found that he couldn't pull it again this time.

Su Dong tried his best, his face turned red, but he found that he couldn't pull it up this time.

"I'm going! What is this time?!

He couldn't help but scratch his face.

There were only two cases in which he couldn't pull up in front of him.

One was a small sunken ship that was stuck by Blue Star. There was no way he could pull it past Blue Star.

The other is the whale caught this morning, not only did not pull up, but was pulled down by the whale.

What's going on this time?

Su Dong frowned.

Beside him, Cai Kun also had an incredible look on his face.

He knew how strong this brother was, but this time he couldn't even pull Brother Dongzi up. What did he catch?!

Maybe it's been through, this time Su Dong didn't hesitate, he took off his shirt and jumped into the water.

"I'll go to the bottom of the sea to see, you help me pull the fishing rod, don't worry about me, there will be no problems within fifteen minutes. 35

Cai Kun: "????"


Yesterday was five minutes, today is fifteen minutes?!

How did you do it bro?!

Ten minutes a day, can that work?!

in the ocean.

Like a swordfish, Su Dong shuttled in the sea water, crossing all kinds of strange fish, shrimp, crabs and squid, and swam to the depths of the sea.

Thirty seconds later, he came to the bottom of the sea, looking at the scene in front of him, Su Dong's eyes immediately widened, if it weren't for the last lesson, he would have to pour several mouthfuls of seawater.

I saw a dim and quiet seabed, a broken submarine, lying there.

The front end of the submarine has long been broken, the head position is missing, and the middle part and tail are also broken, as if they were bombed.

Su Dong's scalp felt numb for a while.

How did he catch the nuclear submarine?!.

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