Let You Go Fishing, You Caught A Nuke?

Chapter 117: The Fishing Guy's Career Is Over? Late Night News

eight pm.

On board No. 8, Su Dong and Cai Kun were blowing the sea breeze on the deck.

An hour ago, several warships that were patrolling nearby arrived here, and once they got here, they took over the scene.

As for now, the No. 8 ship is patrolling the outer area.

Wang Ze's eight hands agreed to this, and it was too sweet to be able to patrol the periphery.

Only fools want to stay on top of a nuclear warhead.

He is only the captain of the coast guard ship, and it is not his responsibility to deal with nuclear bombs. It is very satisfying to be able to personally launch the water and then get the specific information of the nuclear bomb and nuclear submarine.

This time, everyone can see the responsibility of Wang Ze, plus the credit of f22, if nothing else, Wang Ze will soon be promoted.

Of course, it is not only Wang Ze who is satisfied with this, but also Su Dong and Cai Kun, both of them are more satisfied.

For the two of them, they were just fishing on the boat, and what kind of nuclear submarine or nuclear bomb had nothing to do with them!

Looking up at the starry sky, countless stars twinkling in the sky, Cai Kun suddenly asked:

"Brother, can the nuclear bomb be salvaged so safely? There won't be any accidents, right?"

Su Dong rolled his eyes and said angrily, "What accident can happen, if it were an ordinary bomb, it might have an accident, just like the bomb that exploded suddenly when I caught it while fishing yesterday.

"On the contrary, it is a nuclear bomb. It is not stable. There will be no problems in salvaging, and there will be no accident at all."

Cai Kun scratched his head and smirked and said:

"Isn't this the reputation of nuclear bombs? How can you not worry about it? You don't know that after knowing that there are nuclear bombs on the seabed, no one in the entire coast guard ship can eat safely. Six bowls of rice.35

"Nonsense, does diving really not consume physical strength?! After going down so many times, it is still a deep water area. Can you not be hungry?! If it wasn't for your group of frowns and dignified faces, I could eat two more bowls!""

Cai Kun:

Depend on!

Brother, you are a real bully!!

Catching up with such a big thing as a nuclear bomb, you, the 19th person, turned out to be the same as no one.

This kind of concentration, at first glance, is not ordinary people, no wonder they can catch so many things!

Suddenly thinking of something, Su Dong asked:

"By the way, about the sudden stop of the live broadcast this afternoon, the live broadcast platform and the program team should have asked you?

Cai Kun nodded, then smiled bitterly:

"Of course I asked, why don't you ask, after all, your face was so ugly in the end, and you even stopped the broadcast ahead of time. With so many viewers watching, the live broadcast platform and program team will definitely ask.

"Then what did you say?" Su Dong asked curiously.

"Of course it's a concealment! How could it be possible to say something as important as the nuclear bomb? I just said that there was an accident and the live broadcast must be stopped."

"They didn't get to the bottom of it?

"No, maybe it's because they were on the coast guard ship, they probably thought it was something similar to the f22, so they didn't ask.

Su Dong laughed dumbly, and he really can achieve a high position on a platform. No simple person at least knows what to ask and what not to ask.

"But it doesn't matter, anyway, my fishing career is over. In a short time, I won't touch the fishing rod. For a whole week, I haven't caught a serious fish. It's outrageous!

Speaking of this, Su Dong couldn't help but feel indignant.

Grandma's, it's outrageous!

A whole week!

He didn't even catch the most common white stick, and he doubted whether he would fish!!

Although they also caught a lot of good things, Chuan Guo Yuxi, Kyushu Ding and F22 stealth fighters are even more awesome.


He still didn't catch any fish!

Su Dong thought about it for a while, it must be the reason for this show, when the show ends, he must catch a good fish!

He can't believe he can't catch it!

Beside him, Cai Kun couldn't hold back, he laughed.

As a photographer and a witness of the whole live broadcast, he also felt outrageous.

The most important thing, this whole live broadcast, there is no fraud! Brother Dongzi really didn't catch a fish!

That's not right, Brother Dongzi still caught fish, but one was a shark and the other was a whale.

"Laugh at the hammer, didn't you worry about the nuclear bomb just now?! Why are you laughing now?!"

"By the way, for the next two days, will I be able to move freely?!

Su Dong asked again.

Cai Kun blinked and said cautiously: "Theoretically, you can move freely, the problem is that we are on the coast guard ship now, and you caught the f22 yesterday and the nuclear bomb today, so it is estimated that you won't be able to go anywhere in a short time. .

"That's all right, I thought about it when I caught f22, and I caught a nuclear bomb today. If one of these two things is not handled properly, I will not be able to leave here. I have already expected this, but I can always play with my mobile phone, right? I haven't had a week. Touching my phone, I'm going crazy."

Su Dong said nonchalantly.

To be honest, he didn't even think that he didn't need to take the next job, because in the next few days, he estimated that he would stay on the boat for the whole time. Even if he got off the boat, it might be difficult to come and go freely.

As before, being able to fly around in a plane is probably no need to think about it.

Skull pain.

If he had a choice, he still hoped that what he had caught were antiques, so that he could at least run around.

However, it seems that he has been tossing for a week, and the number of fans is a bit large. It seems that it is very difficult to run around.

Every time I go to a place, there are many fans and popular self-media around, it is very uncomfortable to think about it.

From this point of view, it seems that staying at sea is not a bad place, at least those fanatical fans and self-media do not come.

Too lazy to think about it, it gave me a headache, and after taking the long-lost mobile phone from Cai Kun, Su Dong actually had the urge to see an old friend.

In today's Internet age, it's hard to say one step without a mobile phone. It's unbelievable that he hasn't touched his mobile phone for a whole week.

Open your phone and click on Weibo.

"Hahaha, brother, am I so popular right now?! The number one trending search is actually curious about what I caught this afternoon.

Cai Kun didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I'm sure, your face was so rushed at the time, I was afraid that I would shut you down and you would come up and beat me, not to mention the group of people in the live broadcast room, besides, the things you caught were nothing ordinary, so I must be curious about what you caught. What's up?"

As soon as these words came out, Su Dong unconsciously touched his nose.

Dude, was he so scary back then?

But he only saw the nuclear bomb at that time, and he was shocked and angry for a while, and it was normal for his expression to change?

They swiped their mobile phones on the deck again, until the sea wind gradually became stronger, and the two of them returned to the dormitory slowly... Continue to swipe their mobile phones!

No way, I can't do anything on the boat, I can only swipe my mobile phone.

The sun on the sea is very hot during the day, and at night it will be very cold when the sea breeze blows, and the desert is simply carved out of a mold.

At this time on the Internet, countless netizens are discussing it.

Whether it's the internal network or the external network, everyone is very curious, what did Brother Dongzi catch this time, and his face was so ugly that he even stopped the camera.

There are all kinds of speculations, some say that they have caught gold worth hundreds of millions, some speculate that they have caught an F35 or B2 bomber, and some even speculate that they have caught a nuclear bomb.

What's more, they are speculating whether Su Dong has caught some panacea, an ancient elixir, or practiced a martial art or something.

Until late at night, a piece of news shocked countless night owls who were staying up late.

A full three ships from the naval base were photographed leaving for the southern waters.

Although this hot search was only posted for a while, it was officially dropped by Weibo, but it was still seen by many night owls.

Such a spread of ten, ten to a hundred, and it spread like this.

"What the hell?! What the hell?! What the hell did Brother Dongzi catch?! He even let three ships come out of the naval base!! 35

"Nima!! I'm dying of curiosity! Yesterday I caught f22, that is, three ships were dispatched. Now it seems that what Brother Dongzi caught today is at least the same level as f22! It is very likely to be a bomb. 2!""

"Fuck!! Isn't this heart-wrenching?! I'll give it a go! I really hope the official can give news later!!

"Cough, let me tell you a piece of news. Although I don't know what I caught this time, a sub-in-charge of the National Academy has already taken a connecting flight to Nanyue."

"Damn!!! Upstairs, are you talking nonsense?! Look at it this way! What Brother Dongzi caught today is even more important than yesterday's f22! At least yesterday, the National Council just sent a department leader, and today it will be upgraded directly. .

"It's definitely more important than f22! When I caught the big wings of f22 yesterday, although Brother Dongzi was a little confused, he didn't have any connection to the live broadcast room. Today, his face was ashen and he directly closed the live broadcast room.

"Cough, I suddenly thought of a possibility, of course it's just a possibility, is there a possibility that we dispatched so many ships this time, not because of Brother Dongzi, but to eat a certain brand of instant noodles already?"

"Damn it! If you say that, then I'll be excited!!""

"Don't think blindly, this time it's definitely because of Brother Dongzi, it has nothing to do with other things. 35

at the same time.

East Coast of the Pacific.

Eagle sauce domestic.

"What?! You just said that the nuclear submarine Scorpion, which disappeared due to an explosion in 1968, appeared in the waters of Longguo on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean?! How is this possible?! The nuclear submarine Scorpion exploded on the east coast of the Pacific Ocean at the beginning!

"Humph! Even the f22 floated over and was found by the Dragon Kingdom, is the Scorpion nuclear submarine surprised?!"

"Look, this is a document sent by Long Guo. They asked us to send them the information on the nuclear warhead of the nuclear submarine, so that they can carry out the salvage work."

"Impossible! Are they crazy?! How dare they make such a request! Although this is the technology of fifty years ago, it can't just give it to the Dragon Kingdom!

"Indeed, it's just a salvage job, and it's not difficult, and I don't need these things, so I don't need to give it to Long Kingdom."

"This way! Tell Long 637, it is impossible to tell them the information, if Long's salvage skills are not good, we can help to salvage."

"Well, I'm afraid they won't agree.""

"It's alright, I didn't expect them to agree, I'm just pulling it slowly. The technology from decades ago is still the technology of nuclear submarines, and Long Guo doesn't like it. It's useless for them to ask for this.

"It makes sense, the salvage work is not so difficult, and salvaging a nuclear bomb is even safer than salvaging an ordinary bomb. They are blackmailing!"

"Naturally, the nuclear submarine and nuclear bomb information cannot be sent to them, but the identity of the Scorpion must be confirmed to Long Guo. This cannot be concealed, and there is nothing to conceal."

"Okay, in short, let's go back this way, by the way, let the military inform the Pacific headquarters, and let the Luzon base dispatch two warships to slowly approach the waters of the Dragon Kingdom. If they don't come up, they can salvage.

"Okay, just do it!

on the warship.

It was late at night, but the warships here were indeed very lively.

Several divers emerged from the surface.

"It is confirmed that there is indeed a broken submarine below, and it looks exactly the same as the photos taken before. It can basically be confirmed that the news is true, and it is the nuclear submarine Scorpion 50 years ago. 35

"Yes, there are two torpedoes missing inside the nuclear submarine, and the warheads on them are most likely nuclear warheads.

"I used the instrument to detect it just now, and no various factors of nuclear pollution and nuclear radiation have been detected on the seabed, and the torpedo warhead is intact. It is tentatively presumed that there is no leakage."

"Several professors, there was news from Eagle sauce that the submarine in the photo was identified as a nuclear submarine that disappeared 50 years ago, but the nuclear submarine documents and nuclear warhead details we requested were rejected by Eagle sauce. 99

"Eagle sauce also said that if we can't salvage it well, they can salvage it for us, but this was rejected by the country.

"Humph! This bald eagle is so inexhaustible!

"Why do they salvage for us?!! It's us who salvage for them now!

"Okay, don't quarrel for now, since it is confirmed that the following is a nuclear bomb, and there is no leakage of the nuclear bomb, this is easy to handle. Let's stay up all night and calculate the specific data formula for the salvage, and strive to salvage the nuclear bomb tomorrow for harmlessness. processing.”

"Also, although the equivalent is only 10,000 tons, it's not an option to keep it in our waters, hum! If it hadn't appeared in our waters, I wouldn't have salvaged this thing!

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