Let You Go Fishing, You Caught A Nuke?

Chapter 126: Su Dong: Let me teach you how to fish for nuclear bombs

Hearing Wang Ze's words, Su Dong's expression was wonderful.

good guy!

Talking for a long time, sensational for so long.

Doesn't this still want him to fish?!

This bad old man is very bad!

"Impossible! Don't even think about it! I've been fishing for eight days, and now I have a headache when I see a fishing rod! No fishing! Absolutely no fishing!"

Su Dong looked at Wang Ze and firmly rejected Wang Ze's proposal.

What are you kidding?!

Eight days! Not a single fish was caught.

Now you tell me, one last fish?!

Are you kidding me!

Wang Ze smacked his lips and said:

"It's okay not to fish, as long as you teach us how to catch so many things, then you don't need to fish.

Immediately, the eyes of the person who was watching the play lit up.

"Yes, yes, Su Dong, we are so familiar with each other. I even won you a few points, so you can teach us."

"Yes, yes, Su Dong, we have fought in the Canyon of Kings, and we can be regarded as comrades-in-arms. Since we are comrades-in-arms, this kind of skill is not too much to teach us."

"Brother! Brother Dongzi! You are my brother from today on! You want me to go east, but I will never go west!"

"Master! Master Su! From today onwards, I will be your disciple! As long as you call your disciple this trick, I will definitely take care of you comfortably. 99

Su Dong: "????"


Don't you guys want to be polite?!

When I was playing games, I was still yelling at the little mover, and now I'm calling the mover brother Su Master?!

To be honest, these few words, Master Su, the mover, called him very cool and flirtatious.


Cool can't solve the problem!

He really has no idea how he caught these things!

If he knew how he caught it, he would definitely teach him, but the problem is that he doesn't know!

However, Su Dong's words were useless, the marine police still kept talking, and there were even two or three thick-skinned ones who had already been called by the masters.

The group of "Six Five Zero" made Su Dong utterly devastated. Looking back, Wang Ze was still happily watching the show.


Can he endure this?!

A ruthless attack, a poisonous attack... A clever plan was brewing successfully in his mind.

Su Dong took a deep breath and shouted hard:


In an instant, the scene fell silent, and more than a dozen coast guards looked at him eagerly.

Su Dong looked at them and suddenly asked:

"Want to learn?"

Immediately, more than a dozen marine guards nodded frantically, "I want to learn. 35


Even the national treasure and the black technology f22 have been caught. Who doesn't want to learn this technology?!

If you catch some national treasures yourself, won't you have a bright future in the future?!

Su Dong nodded with satisfaction and said:

"Since you want to learn, then I will teach you. 99

Immediately, everyone was overjoyed,

"Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!! You are my god, Brother Dongzi!!

"Quick, quick, quick, let me kiss one!"

"Master, what do you want to drink? Juice or not? Watermelon juice?

Beside him, Wang Ze's eyes widened in shock.


what's the situation?

He just wanted Su Dong to fish for another afternoon this afternoon, trying to catch oil fields, coal mines, iron ore, or F35 or something, so that he can also contribute to the country.

He didn't really want Su Dong to teach these idiots!

Anything that teaches them skills is bullshit.

God testified that he just wanted Su Dong to fish for half a day!

How did Su Dong start asking them to fish in a few seconds?

The plot development is not what he thought!

But looking at the group of people with high enthusiasm, Wang Ze's mouth twitched, pinching his nose and swallowing the words of obstruction.

Forget it, it's rest time, just let them go.

Anyway, the nuclear bomb has also been caught, and the weight of the heart has fallen, the task is completed, and it is not bad for them to laugh and laugh.

Anyway, Su Dong is here now, the fishing rod is still on the deck and has not been cleaned up, and it is no different from himself fishing here.

Thinking about it, a smile appeared on Wang Ze's face.

On the other side, looking at the familiar smile on Su Dong's face, Cai Kun immediately trotted to the side, hiding far away.

He was all too familiar with this smile, and it was this smile when he pitted him a few times before.

Now seeing this familiar expression again, he has no choice but to run as far.

Looking at a group of excited young coast guards, Cai Kun shook his head sympathetically and muttered to himself,

"A group of poor children who were sold and given back to the people.

on the deck.

Su Dong's expression was solemn, and it really looked like such a thing.

"You can learn it if you want. First of all, I want to make it clear that this skill is not something you can learn just because you want to learn it. Many people don't have this talent, just like the so-called spiritual roots in the cultivation novels.

"And this skill is difficult and tiring to practice, and of course it will not endanger your life.

"In your group, there may be many, or even all of them, who can't practice, are you sure you want to practice?

"OK! 35

A group of people were so excited that they shouted in unison.

Isn't it just practice!

What is this?!

When they are in the police force, they also have to practice when they have nothing to do.

On the contrary, because he had to deal with matters on the coast guard ship, he hadn't trained for a long time, and his hands were itchy for a while.

Su Dong nodded with satisfaction and said in a slow tone:

"Of course, you don't have to worry too much, the learning of this skill is not like the evil way of cultivation in the novels of self-cultivation, it is very safe, even if you don't have the so-called "spiritual root", there will be no problem, on the contrary, you can strengthen your body ."

"do you understand?!



Wang Ze raised his eyebrows, and he didn't see it when he was laughing before, but Su Dong is serious and looks like an instructor in the army.

This gesture, this roar, this tone, it is a pity not to join the army.

He thought with some regret.

At this time, in the middle of the deck, more than a dozen people quickly assembled into two teams, with a distance of two meters between each.

Su Dong coughed dryly and said loudly:

"Now, follow my orders.

"Step out your left foot, stretch your right hand back, bend your body to thirty degrees, bend your knees slightly, okay, hold on for one minute.

"Return to the original, now spread your legs, forty-five centimeters apart, bend your knees, and hold your arms straight for two minutes."

"Turn around, stretch out your left leg, touch your left thumb with your right finger, and straighten your hind leg!

"In the fourth step, bend your waist back and support the deck with your own hands for five minutes."

"The fifth step, this is a group of free jumps, look at my movements, learn from me, well, that's it.""

Before I knew it, fifteen minutes had passed.

Cai Kun watched with interest for a while, and suddenly frowned.

He always felt that some of Su Dong's movements were very familiar, very familiar, as if he had seen them before.

Taking advantage of the group of people insisting on squatting and Su Dong going to the toilet, Cai Kun immediately followed, and then asked in a low voice:

"Brother, why do I feel that these movements are so familiar?

"Bullshit! Are you not familiar with it! The eighth national radio gymnastics for elementary and middle school students "The Time is Calling", the mixed product that I crushed, maybe you skipped it when you were a child, you must be familiar with it!" Washing her hands, Su Dong said angrily.


The 8th National Radio Gymnastics "The Time is Calling" for primary and secondary school students?!

What the fuck?!

This works too?!

Cai Kun took a deep breath, "Brother, aren't you just lying to them?!"

"Why did you lie to them? I already said in advance that not everyone has spiritual roots. Only a very small number of people have spiritual roots. It is not impossible for everyone on the scene to have no spiritual roots. I am telling the truth. , but didn't lie to them."

"Hum! I've said it many times, and I don't know how I caught it, but these people are still sticking to me, and they don't listen to what they say. It's better to teach them a lesson. Anyway, these actions are not harmful to the body. Just exercise.39

The corners of Cai Kun's mouth twitched, "Brother, they are not fools, they will definitely react later. What if they become angry and come over to beat you together?"

"Don't panic, they can't beat me together.


That's it!

Even the great white shark was kicked away by him, and the entire Blue Star, except for the whales, which were tens of meters in size, was probably not enough for this brother to punch.

Even if this group of people turned into anger afterward, they were probably most likely to be beaten.

As expected of his eldest brother, he really has foresight.

Cai Kun immediately gave a thumbs up.

"Brother, most of what you said is right, but there is a small problem. When I was a child, I didn't dance "The Time Is Calling", but I danced "Dancing Youth" at that time."

"Huh? By the way, there is "Dancing Youth", just a little worried about what to train later, your "Dancing Youth" just solved the urgent need."


Big brother, you weren't beaten to death, it's really because of your ability!

Anyone with weaker abilities would have been surrounded and beaten long ago.

With a sigh, Cai Kun hurriedly followed the show.

Back on the deck, Su Dong's expression became serious again,

"Okay! Now stand up, return to the original state, and start the second level training!

"Put your chest up, look up, shake your head..."


"Hey... good guy! I didn't expect that the two nuclear bombs actually fell in the southern seas!!

"Hey, it's normal. After all, nuclear submarines are all in the southern waters, and the other two are more likely to be in the southern waters."

"That's what I said, but when I actually caught it, I was still a little shocked. The ocean is really full of wonders. Items far away on the east coast of the Pacific Ocean can be blown to the west coast by the undercurrent."

"Speaking of which, Su Dong really did a great job this time. It was only the second day that he had already caught two nuclear bombs. The efficiency was amazing.

"Hahahahaha, hasn't he been doing meritorious deeds all the time? I can catch something new almost every day, I'm a little used to it.

"By the way, speaking of Su Dong, I have some news here. Take a look at it. It was freshly released this morning. Su Dong accidentally discovered an oil field while fishing. I was shocked when I saw it. Every fish can find oil fields.

"Hi... This experience, if it weren't for the testimony of the captain of the No. 8 ship, I suspect that it was scribbled. I caught four boxes of ammunition in a row, suspected that there was a sunken ammunition depot nearby, and then went to sea and found it, This is not the end, the ammunition depot exploded unexpectedly, and the oil was blown out... After this experience, I have a little doubt that Su Dong is the legendary Son of Destiny....

"It's really a bit outrageous, but on Su Dong, it's inexplicable and reasonable.

"Hahahaha, it's like this, the kid has even caught a nuclear bomb, how can other things be outrageous?

“By the way, how big are the newly discovered oil fields? How much capacity? If possible, it can just ease our dependence on external oil energy. 99

"The results haven't come out yet, the news came in the morning, how can the results come out so quickly, but I'm afraid it's a little overhanging, it should be just a small oil field, but the crude oil quality of this small oil field is very good, especially good, it hardly needs refining. Can be used directly.

"I also feel that small oil fields and large oil fields are almost all hidden deep, so how can they be so easy to find, but no matter how big or small the oil field is, it is always a good thing, and the credit is still to be counted.

"It's natural. Now this kid is getting more and more credits. Find a time to distribute the rewards. With so much credit, we can't treat others badly."

on the deck.

Wang Ze has finished his affairs and returned to the scene.

Looking at the training actions of the marine police at the scene, he was a little suspicious.

How do you feel... this action is so familiar?

Seems like I've seen it somewhere.

After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't think about it, and I simply didn't want to continue to look back.

Anyway, these movements are not harmful to the body, and it is also good to practice and move the muscles and bones.

Another ten minutes passed, guessing that the time was almost up, Su Dong stopped the password,

"Well, now you have been training for half an hour, and you can go fishing after a ten-minute rest.

"It's time to test the results, whether they are geniuses or mediocrities, whether they have spiritual roots, whether they can catch sea water probes, treasure chests, and even the remains of antique technology, or even nuclear bombs, go! Pick up your fishing rods and put them down. Your fishing line, raise the rod and fish, your future is in the sea of ​​stars!"

As soon as Su Dong's bewitching voice fell, a dozen people rushed to the cabin. After a while, they rushed out with fishing rods in their hands. They found their fishing spots and started their own fishing. great cause.

Su Dong's eyelids jumped,

"Good boy, do these people all have fishing rods?

Cai Kun looked innocent, "Yes, I remember I told you that many coast guards on board carry fishing rods, and because there are many large fish weighing several tens of kilograms in sea fish, their rods are also of higher quality than ordinary fish. The rod is much better.""

Seeing that the training was over, Wang Ze also came over and said with a smile:

"Yeah, more than half of the young guys on the boat have fishing rods, so Su Xiaozi, after a while none of these people caught your stuff, have you figured out how to explain it?"

Su Dong rolled his eyes and said angrily:

"That's because they don't have the wisdom root, and they don't have the spiritual root for cultivation, so what's the matter with me? I teach them very seriously.

"Take it down!" Wang Ze said disdainfully, "What you teach is just to keep fit, and even many training methods in the army are not as good as those in the army, and now these young guys are bewitched by you, and when they react tonight, I will It depends on what you do when you see it.

"Then you don't have to worry about it." Su Dong chuckled:

"5.0 They can't beat me anyway, and I said in advance that even if I don't catch anything, it doesn't matter to me."

Wang Ze:

good guy!

You didn't even bother to explain!

This is not hob meat!

Cai Kun shook his head regretfully.

It's a pity that this is a coast guard ship, and it is not convenient for him to take pictures and video of the coast guard, but if it is on an ordinary ship, and everything that ordinary people do, he has designated it to be photographed.

It was so much fun!

It would be even better if one or two of them became friends in the future.

When that person gets married, he will release it at the wedding ceremony in front of everyone.

Isn't this a direct death?

While the three were chatting.

Suddenly, a person on the deck suddenly stood up and said excitedly while taking up the line:

"There's something down there! I feel it! Something's hooked!"

This person immediately attracted everyone's attention, including the coast guard who was fishing nearby, including Su Dong and the others, who all looked at him subconsciously.

"I'm going! Did something really take the bait?" Cai Kun asked with wide eyes.

Su Dong is more calm,

"Don't panic, there are more than a dozen fishing rods. It's normal for some people to catch fish, but it's strange that no one catches them."

That's right, the two nodded involuntarily.

However, thirty seconds later, as the thing was caught ashore, everyone on the scene immediately gasped.

"I'm going! It turned out to be a sea water probe! Brother Dongzi really didn't lie to us!!

"Hahahaha! This idiot can catch sea water detectors. I am much better than him, and I can definitely do it!!"

Cai Kun's eyes are straight,

"Brother, didn't you teach them to broadcast gymnastics for elementary and middle school students?! Why did they really catch the sea water probe?!

Su Dong also widened his eyes with disbelief on his face.



I'm so messing around, how did this person really fish the sea water probe?!.

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