Let You Go Fishing, You Caught A Nuke?

Chapter 146: Bitten by a great white shark, the natural gas reservoir exploded


what's going on?!

With a telescope, Lu Feng looked at the sea several kilometers away with a solemn expression.

For no reason, bubbles appeared on the sea surface, just like boiling water that had been boiled, and these bubbles were quite large in place, with a diameter of more than 20 meters, which was really a bit unusual.

Lu Feng had never seen this kind of thing happen with his own eyes before, but according to the past practice, from what the coast guard base learned, it was known that this kind of thing happened on the sea surface, and only a few situations happened.

The first is that a large amount of explosives exploded on the seabed, and the sudden high temperature caused the heat of the nearby sea area to rise instantly, but this is the southern sea area, and there is no war around, so this situation should not happen.

Second, there are a large number of fish schools nearby, and countless swimming fish keep rolling, which will also cause this effect. There are many reasons for rolling, such as encountering natural enemies, such as multiplying, such as encountering other Anything that makes the fish panic irritate them.

But if the result was caused by the fish, it should not be so big, causing the sea water to churn with a diameter of more than 20 meters.

The third one is also the one that Lu Feng thinks is the most likely...

That is, there is a sudden eruption of a volcano under the sea!

The heat energy of the volcanic eruption is far greater than the explosion of 10,000 catties of explosives, and its eruption is still continuous, and countless volcanic rocks will rush out of the crater.

The sudden rise of heat will also evaporate and boil the nearby seawater, creating a situation where the surface of the seawater keeps rolling.

Lu Feng is inclined to the third type.

Because there are too many volcanoes on the seabed, although most of them are extinct volcanoes, there are also a considerable number of active volcanoes.

Most likely, there was an active volcano here that suddenly erupted.

After all, such a thing has not never happened to Blue Star before.

He took a deep breath and stepped into the cab.

"Turn on the infrared observation capability and radar, observe the movements five kilometers away in the north, adjust the "697" to turn the direction, and move slowly towards the north. 99


Su Dong gaped at all of this.

As the torpedoes kept firing, his eyebrows twitched wildly, one torpedo shot, his eyebrows twitched once.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't speak at the bottom of the sea, he would have ordered a few words of national scolding.

Damn, this is a submarine produced 40 years ago!!

It's been under the sea for decades, how can it still launch torpedoes?!

Is this too fake?!

I know that Maoxiong's submarines are of good quality, even better than Eagle sauce's.

But this is decades ago!

It's all broken down like this, how can it still be launched?!

At this time, around the submarine, because of the launch of torpedoes, the whole scene was lively, and all kinds of fish and sea creatures were in chaos.

Su Dong just glanced at the submarine and turned his head away.

Submarines with torpedoes can also cause a slight danger to him. After the torpedoes are launched, even if the submarine explodes, he will not be injured by the abnormal defense of his body surface.

He is now hesitant to go to the place where the torpedo exploded.

It was said that curiosity killed the cat, but he was really curious about where the torpedo exploded.

After thinking for a while, Su Dong gritted his teeth and went!

Anyway, his physical defense has been strengthened, and his divination result this morning is auspicious, he doesn't believe that anything will happen!

And it's all bombed, so there's no danger, there's no dud, right?

After estimating the distance, it felt a bit far. It would take more than 20 seconds to run at the firing speed of the torpedo, and he would probably need more than ten minutes on his own.

Naturally, Su Dong looked at a great white shark with a puffy face fifty meters above his head.

If he remembered correctly, when he was downstream just now, it was this guy who wanted to bite him.

Although he was slapped and pulled aside, it didn't mean that Su Dong forgot about it.

At this moment, the great white shark was shaking his head, his eyes were a little confused.

Meow meow meow???

what's going on?!

It was about to bite, but the bloody mouth opened its mouth, and it was about to have a delicious meal. The next moment a huge force hit, and then it was stunned.

When it calmed down, it felt a huge pain in its face, and the prey just now didn't know where it went.

This made it very angry, and casually bit off the innocent swimming fish next to him to vent his anger.

Just as it was wagging its tail to leave, it suddenly found that the prey just now appeared again and was swimming towards him.

Immediately, the great white shark was overjoyed.


Heaven has a way, you don't go, hell has no door, you come by yourself.

I was lucky enough to let you go just now, but now you have appeared again, so I can't blame me?!

Such a big prey, enough for it to feast on.

The next moment, the great white shark opened its bloody mouth and rushed towards Su Dong fiercely.

Seeing the great white shark swimming over, Su Dong was also stunned.

Good guy, how far the other great white sharks see me and run as far as you can, not only do they not run, but they even come to give the fish head?

Su Dong thought for a while, and suddenly felt that this was a good opportunity to try his body defense.

So in the face of the big white shark's bloody mouth, he not only did not hide, but took the initiative to stretch out his arm.

The great white shark looked even more excited.

Human, are you giving up your struggle?!

It swayed its huge tail fin and bit Su Dong's arm with a big mouth.

next moment,


The great white shark slowly opened its mouth, and a dozen or so 20-centimeter fangs broke from the middle.

"Oh woah-!!"

It's not that Su Dong has never heard a great white shark howling before, at least the last great white shark howled when he was riding, but like this, it was the first time that the wailing was so tragic...

He looked at his arm, unscathed, and Su Dong was satisfied with that.

On the other side, ha... the great white shark on the opposite side, like a husky at this moment, kept rolling over.

As you can see, it's painful.

It is said that the fingers are connected to the heart, but there are more neurons connecting the teeth to the muscles.

If a finger is cut off, very few people faint. In ancient times, many ruthless people could scrape their bones to heal their wounds, and cutting off fingers and ears was a common occurrence in war.

However, it is rare in the world that a broken tooth can be endured. I have heard of bone scraping without frowning, but I have never heard of tooth extraction without anesthesia.

There was no less wailing in the dental office.

There is only one more tooth decay in the mouth, and it can be painful to die. Now the great white shark has more than a dozen teeth broken.

For a while, Su Dong felt a little sympathetic. I don't know if it was his illusion. He even felt that the eyes of this great white shark seemed to be crying...

Of course, sympathy belongs to sympathy, and free mounts still have to be seated.

It just so happened that this great white shark also wanted to vent his pain, and vigorous exercise was a good way to vent his pain.

Skillfully climbed onto the body of the great white shark, pinched his legs, and immediately, the great white shark's body was in pain, and the sound of wailing became even louder. With a flick of its tail, it quickly swam to the north.

three minutes later.

Su Dong came to the scene of the torpedo explosion.

This is an undersea hill, and the torpedo just exploded in the middle of the hill.

At this time, the scene was a mess, with various fragments of torpedoes everywhere, dead fish, the remains of shrimps and crabs, and all kinds of gravel, dust and blood mist.

All this made Su Dong frown.

However, what surprised him the most was a hole in the center of the explosion.

The hole is not big, only about three or four meters.

However, from this hole, there is a steady stream of bubbles emerging.

what is this?!

It was the first time Su Dong saw such a scene, but he still frowned.

Because from this hole, he actually felt a trace of danger.

Involuntarily, he subconsciously moved 30 meters away.

Just when he was thinking about whether the spiritual energy was revived and science fiction turned into a fantasy world, a series of words appeared in front of his eyes, and the system identification was long overdue.

【Name: Natural Gas Reservoir】

[Capacity: One trillion cubic meters. 】

【Introduction: It is a submarine natural gas gas reservoir. This gas reservoir has large natural gas reserves, large gas-bearing area, high gas well production, high gas reservoir pressure, good natural gas composition and good exploration benefits. 】

[Note: The natural gas in this gas reservoir has been leaked, which is dangerous, please keep it away. 】

Immediately, Su Dong took a deep breath.


This motherfucker turned out to be a natural gas reservoir?!!

I just found a submarine, how did I blow up the gas reservoir?!!

The submarine that originally caught the bear by himself was enough nonsense.

As a result, Mao Xiong's submarine, which has been abandoned for so long, can actually fire torpedoes!

Or launch it just when he's in the water!

That's fine.

As a result, these 18 anti-submarine torpedoes actually blew out the natural gas reservoir!

This motherfucker, is it too much?!

Su Dong looked at the capacity of this natural gas reservoir, a full one trillion cubic meters.

He has not paid attention to natural gas on weekdays, and he does not know exactly how much the capacity of one trillion cubic meters of natural gas is.

But he was sure that it was absolutely necessary.

After all, the last two digits are trillions...

Returning to the great white shark, clipping its body, grabbing the fins and forcibly straightening the direction.

One person and one shark quickly swam towards the sea.

The matter is a bit complicated, this is not something he can handle, so he has to find Lu Feng.

In fact, Lu Feng couldn't handle it either, but he couldn't help it, he was already the highest officer in the neighborhood.

Ship Seven.

At this time, the No. 7 ship had come to the vicinity of the constantly rolling sea area, and the distance was only 200 meters.

There was a hustle and bustle on the deck, and Lu Feng frowned.

It wasn't like a school of fish, which he expected.

But it didn't look like a volcanic eruption, which did surprise him a bit.

Generally, volcanic rocks will continue to spew out of volcanic eruptions, but apparently not here.

Let's talk about the explosion...

The churning of the sea water caused by the explosion lasted at most ten seconds or tens of seconds, and it was the first time he had seen such a situation that lasted for almost ten minutes.

For a while, Lu Feng was confused.

You must know that he stayed at sea for more than ten seconds, and he had seen all kinds of strange scenes, but it was the first time he saw a strange situation like today.

At this moment.

On the sea more than 100 meters away from the coast guard ship, a person suddenly appeared.

Under him, there was a great white shark.

The sea is vast and boundless, especially this figure is still on the observation line of everyone.

So immediately, a group of people on the deck noticed his presence.

"Huh? Why did a figure suddenly appear on the sea? Strange, how did he manage to keep his entire upper body on the sea?

"Uh, it's hard to see from a distance, do you see if there is a shark fin in front of him?"

"It's strange, why does it feel so familiar, where have you seen it before?"

"Fuck! He's meow! Isn't this brother mover?! Isn't he in the south? Why did he suddenly run here? You know this is a five-kilometer distance?! 35

"Hey... It's really a mover! It's a bit outrageous! The place where he got into the water is a full five kilometers, even if he runs for more than half an hour, right? Swimming should be slower. It's only seven or eight minutes. How did Brother Zi get here? Will he not be able to teleport?"

"Huh? What the fuck! What the fuck! Look, his whole body is floating on the water, and he is still moving fast here!! Nima! Is there a rocket propeller under Brother Dongzi?

Others didn't see it clearly, but Cai Kun did.

Mainly because I have seen Su Dong's sleazy operation before.

At this moment, he was carrying the camera, watching Su Dong riding a great white shark rushing towards this quickly, the corners of his mouth kept twitching.


The way this guy appears every time is too weird!

Either riding a whale, or riding a great white shark.

Are all the creatures on the seabed your mount?

After more than ten seconds, as Su Dong approached the coast guard ship, a group of people on the deck were speechless, and they all stared at this scene in stunned eyes.

Depend on!

Isn't this too violent?!

Others are afraid of seeing a great white shark, and they run as far as they can, for fear of being bitten.

This brother is really good, for fear that he won't be able to see the great white shark, he pulls it over to be a mount, for fear that he won't be able to bite.

Cai Kun grinned and said:

"Brother, can you stop being so violent, every time you ride a whale or ride a great white shark, you will teach bad children.

Su Dong shrugged and said indifferently:

"That can't be helped. With such a long distance, I can't swim to death by myself. I must find a mount to help."

The crowd was speechless.

Then you caught the great white shark in the ocean?!

You are too arrogant!

Looking at the great white shark, Cai Kun always felt a little strange, and it was a little different from the last one.

After looking at it for a while, he said in surprise:

"Brother, are the teeth of this great white shark broken? I see that some teeth in his mouth are not quite right."

Su Dong nodded calmly, "This great white shark wanted to bite me at the bottom of the sea, but I couldn't help it. To protect myself, I was forced to break a dozen of its teeth."

After thinking for a while, he added: "It was the one that bit me first, I am passive defense, it belongs to self-protection, it is not to hurt the country's three animals, and this does not affect the great white shark's eating, I also keep it for it There are more than 100 teeth, and the broken ones will grow back.""

Cai Kun:

Lu Feng:

Pole deck crowd in the live room:

A group of people were stunned.

What the fuck?!

Brother 5.0, are you too fierce?!

It broke the great white shark's teeth abruptly!

When you break its teeth, doesn't it bite you?!

This is the great white shark, the overlord of the ocean!!

For a time, everyone couldn't help but look sympathetically at the great white shark under Su Dong.

A dozen teeth were broken abruptly, I would like to call you the worst great white shark in history.

After being speechless, Lu Feng asked:

"By the way, didn't you just go down to see what you caught? Why did you come here?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone remembered that there was still fishing, and Cai Kun asked curiously:

"Yes, brother, what did you catch this time? It's not a battleship again, is it?

Su Dong explained: "It's not a battleship, it's a submarine.

Seeing how nervous everyone was immediately, Su Dong said angrily, "Don't worry, there are no nuclear warheads in it, and the torpedoes in the submarine have just been fired."

Hearing that there was no nuclear warhead, everyone immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

They just said, how come there are so many lost nuclear warheads in the world.

But then, Cai Kun was the first to react. He pointed to the still boiling waters, and the corners of his mouth twitched as he asked:

"Brother, what do you mean the torpedo has just been fired? Isn't that sea area where the torpedo was hit?"

"That's right! All eighteen torpedoes have been fired," Cai Kun said as a matter of course, "otherwise, I'm not far away, so what would I do here from the submarine?

Everyone could not help but feel a cold sweat.

Fortunately, the target of the torpedo was here. If the torpedo hit the coast guard ship, they would probably be feeding the sharks now.

It's so dangerous!

Lu Feng continued to ask: "You came up from the bottom just now, you should have seen what's going on below?! To be specific, eighteen torpedoes can have such a big impact? The sea water can actually boil for more than ten minutes?? There must be other reasons, right?

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