Let You Go Fishing, You Caught A Nuke?

Chapter 29: The Police Report On The Liu Fuqun Case

"Five hundred rewards? Yes." Su Dong was a little surprised, but still accepted the money with a smile.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, and five hundred yuan is enough for him to squander it for a long time.

"It was originally what you deserved. After paying for the gun, you will be given a certain degree of reward. This was a regulation in the 1990s. There were still handed over ten years ago. In recent years, it has been very few. You are the only one. One, to be honest, I almost forgot to give you a reward myself." Officer Yang said.

Su Dong nodded to express his understanding. In the 1980s and 1990s, guns were indeed chaotic. Many families had guns. In some villages, they could pull out excavated artillery and mortars to shoot at each other. This situation will be better in the new century. After 10 years, guns are almost stunt among the people.

That's why Su Dong's fishing gun caused such a stir.

If Su Dong had caught a gun 20 years ago and no one would have seen it, it would not have been common at the time, but it was not uncommon, and it is now a rare commodity.

Officer Yang continued: "By the way, the death of Liu Fuqun on the first day has been clarified. If there is no accident, a notification will be issued in a while. Would you like to take a look?"

"Liu Fuqun?" Su Dong was a little surprised, "So soon? I remember being careful about murder cases, right? The murder cases I've seen before were all announced after a long time."

Officer Yang shrugged, "That's because the case is difficult to understand, the prisoner is difficult to catch, and it is even more difficult to obtain evidence. This was admitted on the spot, and there are murder weapons, so the notification is naturally quick."

"Besides, the murder also depends on the target of the murder. Liu Fuqun, a beast who brutally murdered two middle school students, has a high probability of being shot. Who cares about him, Zhong Kui will say that he will die when he sees it."

Su Dong: "..."

"How about that Li Xu?"

"It's like that. It's still in custody. The reality is really amazing. If Li Xu didn't kill Liu Fuqun, I really don't know when I can catch it. Do you know where Liu Fuqun went?"

"In order to avoid being pursued, he ran into the depths of the forest! The forensic doctor threw away his body and found that his stomach was full of rotting things from wild vegetables and fruits, which also made the whole person extremely thin and completely different from before. Man, that's a big reason why we didn't recognize it in the first place."

Su Dong was dumbfounded, he really didn't know this.

"How do you know he lives deep in the forest?"

Officer Yang smiled, "Do you know why Li Xu killed Liu Fuqun?"

"Because Liu Fuqun couldn't take it anymore on the mountain, he went down the mountain to find something to eat, but he happened to meet Li Xu who was going up the mountain to play, so he asked Li Xu to borrow something. Li Xu killed Liu Fuqun."

"According to Li Xu, Liu Fuqun was actually going to grab it by force, but he stayed on the mountain for more than a year, and his physical fitness was not as good as before, and Li Xu brought a knife again, so Liu Fuqun was finished."

"Afterwards, Li Xu was afraid of the East Window incident, so he tied Liu Fuqun's body to a stone and prepared to sink it to the bottom of the Yishui River. As a result, the current upstream of the Yishui River was too fast and the rope was broken, and the body came to the middle of the river, and was caught by you. arrive."

Su Dong: "..."

This can be caught by yourself, how unlucky you are.

"According to Li Xu, yesterday afternoon we went to the place where he and Liu Fuqun had a dispute to expand the search, and finally found several pieces of Liu Fuqun's clothes and leftover wild fruits in a thatched hut fifty miles west of the disputed place."

"In order to ensure the authenticity, we sorted out some excrement near the thatched hut and brought it back for research. It was found that except for the excrement of some birds and animals, the DNA cells shed in other excrement showed that Liu Fuqun was the same person, which verified Li Xu's statement. ."

Su Dong suddenly realized that the police had done so many things after the relationship, and it was still too rough for him to rely only on a knife.

But this Liu Fuqun is really cruel. In order to avoid the censorship, he ran into the deep mountains and forests and ate wild vegetables and wild fruits for more than a year. The mummy he caught before his relationship was Liu Fuqun's real appearance. He thought it was dried in the air. Woolen cloth.

"But now feces can verify human DNA?" he asked curiously.

Officer Yang smiled, "Because of diet, modern people have more or less gastrointestinal problems. These necrotic cells will be excreted with the feces. Based on these necrotic cells, the DNA of an individual can be judged."

"I learned, I learned." Su Dong nodded and said.

The two of them chatted happily, but Cai Kun kept twitching at the corners of his mouth. The two big brothers, don't talk about feces while eating, right? This stuff really sucks! ! !

Officer Yang suddenly exclaimed.

"Actually, it's good luck. If Li Xu chooses to bury his body in the mountains and forests instead of sinking it in the bottom of the water, and if the body isn't hit by the water in the middle of the river, and it isn't hanged by you, then this case will not be solved."

Su Dong suddenly thought of another question,

"By the way, how long will Li Xu be sentenced? Is there ten years? He killed a murderer, and he was passively fighting back. Shouldn't he be sentenced to more than fifteen years?"

Officer Yang shrugged, "Who knows, but it shouldn't be sentenced to more than 15 years. Liu Fuqun is indeed not a good person. Li Xu does mean passively attacking. This can be commuted as appropriate. On the other hand, Li Xu is a minor. The court will also consider this aspect. I guess it will be about ten years. If you are lucky, you will come out in eight years, and if you are unlucky, it will take 12 years."

"Actually, I think it's good for Li Xu to spend some time in prison. He has some problems with his personality. The prison should be able to stabilize him."

One o'clock at noon, Weibo.

The Central and North District Police Department of Shu has issued a police report on Liu Fuqun's case.

[At 8:00 p.m. on August 25th, our bureau received a report...]

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