Let You Go Fishing, You Caught A Nuke?

Chapter 44: Things Are Getting Bigger (Plus More)

North Central Police Department.

A room on the second floor.

The middle-aged man was dealing with matters when the phone on the table suddenly rang. Seeing that it was Yang Mingzhong, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. Didn't he deal with the cannon? Having trouble again?

"Ming Zhong, what's wrong? Did you encounter any problems?"

"Well, yes, I know, you said it, a cannon is probably a product of the war a hundred years ago, and it must be handled properly."

"Pfft! What?!"

The director, who was talking slowly and even thought about tasting tea, suddenly heard some news, spit out the tea in his mouth, his eyes widened, and his tone was high,

"What are you talking about?! Seven or eight cannons?! More than a dozen mortars?! There are more than a dozen boxes of shells?! Are you giving me a fart?!"

Shocked, the director even uttered foul language unconsciously, knowing that he has not made foul language for five years.

"What?! This is only a temporary estimate?! It is very likely that there are more cannons and shells buried in the soil and lakes?!"

The director took a deep breath and couldn't sit still.

"Wait a minute, I'll be right there!"

I thought that there was only one cannon, although it was quite important, it was just enough for Xiao Yang to exercise.

Who would have thought that the young man was fishing and caught a cannon nest, a dozen cannons, dozens of mortars, and most importantly, dozens of boxes of artillery shells! !

This is dozens of boxes of shells! ! !

The thought of dozens of boxes of shells on the mountain made his whole body tremble!

This is not a shell of modern production!

This is an antique cannonball from decades ago and a hundred years ago! ! !

Cannonballs made a hundred years ago are inherently dangerous, and they have been eroded by time for decades. The ghost knows whether the ammunition has leaked, and the ghost knows whether there are loaded cannonballs in the bubble chambers of those cannons!

Although Yang Mingzhong said that there are no cannons in the bubble chambers of all the cannons detected, what if? !

Say it again!

It's just that the barrels of the cannons inside have been probed for no shells.

What about the cannon under the slope? !

What about the cannon in the pool? !

Who can guarantee that there are no shells in these unexplored cannons? !

No one can guarantee! !

Even if these 100-year-old antique cannons are already rusted, there is a high probability that they will be broken.


What if? !

In case the cannon just happened to be undamaged, in case there happened to be a cannonball in the barrel, and something happened to hit the cannon starter device.

This is dozens of boxes of shells! ! !

Dozens of boxes, a box of 100 to 200 pounds, dozens of boxes have several thousand to 10,000 pounds of explosives...

In case the cannon is activated, detonate these dozens of shells...

The consequences are simply unimaginable! !

Thinking of this, he sweated profusely.

Fortunately, these problems did not occur when the landslide!

It's too scary.

"Little Cui, sort out what Officer Yang said just now and forward it to the city."

"Xiao Wang, contact the District Armed Forces Department, Forestry Bureau, and Emergency Management Department, and tell their person in charge of the matter, and ask them to gather at the designated location immediately."

"Especially the Ministry of Armed Forces, they must come!!! They need to take the lead in solving the artillery and artillery problems!"

"Xiaowen, immediately formulate a notification to enclose the western mountains and forests. All citizens are prohibited from entering. Those who are already inside should leave immediately! This notification is forwarded to the Ministry of Forestry's Armed Forces Department and Emergency Management Department."

"Little Li, contact the driver immediately, I'll be there soon! By the way, let the driver ride the motorcycle!"

"All the free personnel in the bureau will be equipped immediately, and the gate will be assembled in one minute!"


Armed Forces

With a news from the police station, the entire department turned.

Armed police, clerks, civilian cadres, and leading cadres were all solemn.

With off-road vehicles, armored vehicles, and off-road motorcycles.

Armed police officers got ready and started getting into the car, and dozens of brown-green cars slowly drove towards the west mountain.

Everyone understands the seriousness of this matter. A slight negligence will destroy the western mountains and forests, and it is impossible for everyone to return.

Although the probability of this happening is very small, everything needs to be prepared.

These people are just advance troops. In the urban area, there are weapons experts who are coming at a high speed, and other departments are also acting.

The Ministry of Forestry, the Ministry of Emergency Management, and their main leaders have already set off and are on their way up the mountain.

A few minutes later, the city issued an order that at all costs, these cannons and shells must be properly disposed of.

At 4:30 p.m., the police chief and dozens of police officers arrived at the scene.

At 4:35 in the afternoon, the advance team of the Armed Forces arrived at the scene, opened a road in the mountains, and built a bridge in the water.

At 4:40 p.m., the Emergency Management Department and the Forestry Bureau arrived at the scene.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the deputy mayor arrived at the scene with several weapons and equipment experts.

Su Dong watched all this dumbfounded, and things were much bigger than he thought.

He thought that Officer Yang could handle it, at most the police station was enough. Who would have thought that so many departments would be involved all at once, and they were all the main persons in charge.

Cai Kun swallowed his saliva and asked carefully:

"Brother, are we doing meritorious deeds, or are we doing stupid things?"

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