Let You Go Fishing, You Caught A Nuke?

Chapter 72: Press Conference! Officially recognize Kyushu Ding!

Following the words of the chief director, the entire conference room fell into a brief silence again.

235 divided into 118?!

According to the previous split, Su Dong's live broadcast room received 1.3 billion rewards, Su Dong received 650 million for himself, 260 million for the live broadcast platform, and 390 million for the official program team.

Of course this is pre-tax.

But if according to the tax of 118, then Su Dong's income alone is 1.04 billion, and the live broadcast platform and the program group headquarters each get 1.3 billion.

The difference is not that big!

Involving such a large amount, everyone in the conference room couldn't help but hesitate.

After a few minutes, someone spoke:

"Director, will this be too much? The 50-50 split is already high for many anchors, so there is no need to change the contract, right?

"Yes, yes, in this case, should I change only Su Dong's, or do all the anchors in the competition change?? If only Su Dong's is changed, will the other contestants be dissatisfied?"

"The most common situation for anchors now is that the platform gets 50%, the guild draws 20%, and the individual anchor gets 30%. In fact, the contracts we set for the contestants at the beginning of the show are already very good, and the contestants get 50%, which is very high. If the level is high, is it too exaggerated to change it again? 35

"Director, the contract has already been set. Wouldn't it be too good to revise it again? And it's not ours. We need to discuss this with the live broadcast platform, right?"

"I think it can be improved a little, but it is too exaggerated to increase from 50% to 80% at once, it can be increased to 50% or 60%, which can show our sincerity and not be too exaggerated.

In the conference room, almost everyone was against the director's decision.

Many people feel that it is unnecessary. The contract has been signed, and the two are satisfied, and there is no need to change it at all.

You know, from 30% of the income to 10%, the income of 260 million will be gone immediately.

This is the silver of white flowers!

It's 260 million! Not 260 yuan, let alone 26 yuan!

Who can endure a full 260 million yuan floating away from his eyes?!

They are not saints, what's more, saints have time to kill Shaozhengmao.

The director-in-chief was expressionless, and almost everyone was against it, which he expected.

But there was no way, he didn't want to change.

But after deep deliberation, he still made the decision to revise the contract.

The chief director took out a document and passed it to the person next to him.

"This is some of the frequent activities of friends and competitors, as well as several live broadcast platforms, you can take a look.

The person next to him took the information and looked at it carefully.

After a few minutes, his expression suddenly changed.

Passing the information to the next person, the whole person looks extremely ugly in the seat.

Such a wave passed on and on, until twenty minutes later, everyone in the conference room read it.

Only then did the chief director speak,

"We got the exact news that several program groups competing with us, this year's variety show is ready, and they are ready to spend a lot of money to poach Su Dong. 35

"There are several other live broadcast platforms, they are also eyeing Su Dong's traffic, and they are also going to dig him into their own platform.

As he said that, he looked at the third person on the right. This is the tentative head of the legal department of the show team.

"How much is Su Dong's contract penalty?"

The head of the legal department had an ugly face, "All players participating in the "Professional Experience Officer" have the same contract, and the liquidated damages are five million yuan."5

This amount of liquidated damages is actually no problem, it is already very high in the live broadcast industry,

The chief director nodded and said:

"Five million, this figure doesn't even need to be paid in advance by several of his companies, and he can easily pay for it himself. 35

"But in the end, after paying the compensation, Su Dong can go to other platforms and enjoy a higher revenue share. I doubt that other live broadcast platforms would even dare to give 100% of all the rewards to Su Dong. They want what they want. , is the horror traffic brought by Su Dong. 39

"One is that 100% of the income belongs to you, and the other is that you can only take half of it. If it was you, how would you choose?!

"What's more, the program team and the live broadcast platform did not give Su Dong much traffic support at all. The 11 million popularity and 1.3 billion rewards were all earned by him by his own strength. Since he did not give much essential Help, what shall we restrain him with?"

"So, it is necessary to increase the income share for Su Dong! If it is not increased, it is possible for Su Dong to leave, and it is very likely that he will leave!

"As for the live broadcast platform, they don't have to worry about us. In fact, they need the traffic brought by Su Dong more than we do. With the traffic, they have the capital to make more money, financing, advertisers, and listing. All these need to rise. Traffic as capital, they need Su Dong more than us.

"Besides, on the bright side, although the share of the live broadcast revenue from the live broadcast platform has decreased, the revenue of the program group has indeed increased. The other 90-odd contestants are divided into fifty-fifty. If it didn't break 1 million, we gave Su Dong 811%, we only had 10%, and the income was more than 100 million.

"Leaving Su Dong not only affects the income of the reward, but also has other alternative benefits, such as the surge in advertising costs, the program can completely become a trump card variety show, and it can also be spread overseas.

"In a word, what we have to do is to keep Su Dong, not push him to the other side!"

The chief director's remarks silenced everyone.

They found that it seemed that the director-general was right and made sense.

Now Su Dong's reward income is higher than the competition bonus, and this is the fourth day. If it goes on like this, I really don't know what will happen.

What if the Chuan Guo Yuxi is caught tomorrow?

What if the "Yongle Grand Ceremony" is found again the day after tomorrow?!

In case the "He Huazi Dafa" will be released next week... oh, this is not.

In short, there are so many possibilities in Su Dong.

Keep him and earn big!

It's a big loss if you don't keep him!

After seeing everyone's acquiescence, the chief director nodded in satisfaction and said:

"If you don't object, this will be done."

"The legal department, go and draw up a new contract, and show it to me after it's drawn up. 35

"The photography department, contact Su Dong and the photographer, and let him tell Su Dong that the program team is preparing to revise the contract, give him a surprise and psychological preparation, so as not to be tricked by other platforms and run away. 35

"That's it, let's go!

Five thirty in the afternoon.

Su Dong and photographer Cai Kun are sitting at the moment in Buickley heading for Chang'an City.

The convoy was very long, with dozens of vehicles, and there were even police cars at the front and rear.

Among these vehicles, an armed truck is particularly dazzling, because it is a vehicle of the armed department. There are also ten armed policemen with live ammunition, who are protecting the two Kyushu tripods with them.

Although the territory of Long Kingdom is very safe now, not to mention the cars of the armed forces, not even the police cars dare to touch them.

But what if?

The significance of Kyushu Cauldron being in the world is too great, and there is no room for any risk, so this time even ordinary police are not qualified to send it, only armed police are insured.

The camera has been turned off. At this moment, Su Dong and Su Dong are extremely well-behaved, serious, and serious in the car.

The two of them looked at their noses and hearts, and they didn't know what they thought they were silent and honest people, but in fact, one was more refined than the other.

Before they left, they already knew that the place to go this time was the press conference room in the city of Chang'an.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State Council has prepared the manuscript.

Now waiting for the Kyushu tripod in place.

This evening will be an extremely important day for nearly a decade, a historic moment.

In the decades to come, today's conference will be mentioned again and again, and it will appear in countless video clips again and again.

And they will also appear on the scene to accept questions from reporters, and their written descriptions and photography videos will be permanently included in the national historical record folder.

At that time, the spokesman first announced the historic moment of the birth of the Kyushu Ding, and then accepted questions from reporters.

Then, representatives of professors from the history circle will come out to tell the specific situation of Kyushu Ding and answer some questions from reporters.

Originally, Professor Wang Zhen was the most suitable, but he had already returned to the capital due to physical reasons, so he could only speak by another 80-year-old professor.

Finally, it is Su Dong and Cai Kun's opinions and questions about the discovery of the Kyushu Ding, how to find it, how to recognize it, and so on.


As Su Dong's follow-up photographer, Cai Kun also accepts questions.

This is not Su Dong's reason, nor is it the state's care.

But because he followed the whole process of the birth of the two Kyushu tripods, he left important research materials for future generations.

As the recorder and photographer of the video, Cai Kun should have come forward.

Buick inside.

After being serious for a long time, Cai Kun finally said with a bitter face:

"Brother, I'm a little nervous.

"What are you nervous about? This is a good thing! Being interviewed by so many media, there are many official organizations such as the Flower Society and the People's Daily, this is an opportunity that many people can't wait for!

"But I'm still nervous, why don't I go? 35

Su Dong sighed and looked at him with hatred, "What's the point of being nervous! How many people have been looking forward to the opportunity, but you can't say it?! Are you stupid?! This is a good thing to shine on the lintel. ! If I were your father, I wouldn't kill you!

Cai Kun didn't speak with a bitter face, he didn't come to the stage to accept the life of the neon lights, if he could not be nervous in public, would he still carry the camera?!

Touching his stomach, he felt that his stomach started to hurt. Every time he was nervous, he would have a stomachache, and he didn't know why.

And the closer you get to the destination, the more your stomach hurts, it's amazing.

Next to him, Su Dong closed his eyes and rested.

He wasn't nervous, he was thinking about where to go after the press conference.

He could know with his toes that once the press conference was over, there would be countless media swarms from the media.

He is not afraid of press conferences, nor does he mind reporters' questions.

But when there are more, that's another story.

Especially those self-media and entertainment media, don't be too annoying.

Then there are those local fishing guys in Chang'an City, and his fans.

Fishing is a quiet life, and the crowds of people all scare the fish away and catch a fart.

So he was going to wait for the press conference to end, and immediately took Cai Kun and slipped away, heading straight to the airport, not even going back to the Conrad Hotel.

Running the road is a matter of eyesight. You can't run early, you can't participate in the press conference if you run early. At this historic moment, as the discoverer and recorder of the Kyushu Ding, the official is definitely not satisfied, and the fans will not be satisfied.

But you can't run late. If you run late, you will be caught by fans and the media, and you will know where to go next when you follow along. Can this still be called running away?

So he was going to wait for the press conference, answer the media's questions, and leave immediately when all the media didn't respond.

As for where to go...

Let's go!

Where is the next flight going?

He didn't believe it, that it could still be discovered.

When he arrives at the new destination, he can fish happily hehehe.


Su Dong!

Gotta catch a fish tomorrow!

Six forty in the evening.

Dozens of vehicles arrived at the location of the Chang'an City Press Office.

The setting sun fell on the sky and the whole city of Chang'an became more and more magnificent at dusk.

Jiuzhou Ding was escorted into the arena by armed police.

Dozens of scholars and professors, Su Dong and others, together with various media, also entered the venue one after another under coordination.

Seven thirty.

The press conference officially begins.

The spokesperson came to the stage in a suit and leather shoes, both excited and a little bitter, with tears in his eyes, and solemnly said:

"Just today, a historic event occurred in the Dragon Country, a major event that is enough to go down in history."

"Eight hours ago, a bronze tripod was discovered in the lake group at the foot of Zhongnan Mountain. After being identified by many historians, they all agreed that it was a Jiuzhou tripod that has been lost since the pre-Qin period and has a history of two thousand years: Yongzhou tripod! 99

"Four hours ago, another 613 bronze tripod was found in the Zhongnanshan Lake. After the identification of many historians and Professor Wang Zhen of Beijing University, they agreed that it was the Yangzhou tripod among the nine state tripods.

"Since the Great Yu established the country, divided the world into nine states, and collected the gold of the nine states to cast nine tripods to control the world, since then, the nine tripods have been an inseparable and extremely important part of the Chinese civilization and the history of China for five thousand years.55

"The birth of Yongzhou Ding and Yangzhou Ding is the luck of the country, the luck of the nation, and the luck of the person's name.

"After this press conference, the cultural and tourism department will discuss with the Ministry of Cultural Relics, the Palace Museum, the Beijing History Museum, the Chang'an History Museum and the Jinling History Museum and other departments to properly keep the two Kyushu Dings."

When the spokesperson said this, he didn't know if it was Su Dong's illusion. He always felt that the atmosphere between Wang Zui and Liu Mingdao, as well as the two people next to them, was much fiercer, and there was a vague sense of confrontation.

Su Dong grinned.

good guy.

If he hadn't been in a hurry to run away, he would have decided to stay and watch the play.

It's a pity, this level of scolding competition is rare, and I don't know when I will see it again next time.

After the spokesperson finished speaking, it was the representatives of the professors in the history circle who came to power.

Regardless of his age, this professor is quite able to speak. He talks about the many deeds and characteristics of the Kyushu cauldron in front of the two cauldrons next to him, without reading the manuscript, until fifteen minutes later. End the lecture.

He guessed that if it wasn't for the inappropriate location, he would have been able to speak for another hour.

After the old professor stepped down, Su Dong walked up the steps wearing the official suit.

Young and handsome, with a face blessed by the system, and a suit, just the moment he took the stage, he attracted the attention of all the media on the scene.

Many people secretly praised, "What a handsome guy!""

Cai Kun looked at it and frowned.

Damn, he was pretending to be there again.

After taking the stage, the reporter started to ask questions. These questions were written in advance, and Su Dong knew that he just had to tell the best answer honestly.

"Mr. Su, how did you discover Yongzhou Ding?"

"It's just a coincidence...

"Mr. Su, how did you discover Yangzhou Ding?"

"That's another matter, when I..."

"Then Mr. Su, do you think there are other Jiuzhou tripods in the lake group?"

"It's hard to say, history is rigorous, unless it is scientifically probed... 35

"What do you think about the fact that you caught a group of guns yesterday, and you found the Kyushu Ding today? 35

"It's just a coincidence, I've always been a certified materialist, all..."


After more than ten questions, a reporter from the Flower Club pushed his black-framed eyes and asked the last question.

"The present life of Jiuzhou Ding is of great significance, how do you view your contribution in this matter?

Su Dong said modestly, "I just did a trivial little thing.

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