Let You Go Fishing, You Caught A Nuke?

Chapter 77: Su Dong: How did I catch the shark?!

The waves are rolling, and wave after wave of waves hit the cliffs and cliffs.

There are crabs crawling on the reef not far away.

It is hard to believe that 100,000 people were buried here a thousand years ago.

Time eventually eats up everything.

Su Dong refused the return journey, three people came together, and in the end, only the driver left.

Watching the driver leave, he opened the treasure chest on the spot, took out the pony, fishing rod, and fish food one by one.

"Brother, are we fishing here?" Cai Kun was a little confused as he carried the camera.

This is a cliff!

It is more than ten meters away from the sea level, and the waves here are so fierce, what a fish!

The fish in the sea are stupid, but they are not stupid enough to challenge the rolling waves!

This can catch fish, I call you dad!

Oh, forgot.

This guy can't catch fish.

Speaking of which... it seems that fishing on the cliff is not impossible.

You can't catch it anywhere anyway, so it's better to stay high on the cliff.

At least the scenery is good, and you can take pictures of distant scenery when you have nothing to do.

In an instant, Cai Kun woke up.

Where to shoot is not to shoot, where to fish is not to fish, anyway, this brother can't catch fish, it is better to stay here, and you can take two steps less.

After finishing the treasure chest, Su Dong glanced at him, took out the fishing rod, and flicked it gently.


An arc flashed away.

"Fuck!" Cai Kun's eyes widened, what did he see just now?!

Sword Qi is released?!

Isn't this riding a horse in the world of technology?!

Passed by yourself?!!

The live broadcast room was also shocked.

"What the hell?! What the hell?! What was it just now?! Jianguang?!! I knew that Su Dong was not easy! How could ordinary people catch a two-ton cannon?! 99

"He's meow!! Human evolution didn't bring me, my fat house? Why can others let their sword energy out, and I'm tired even running two steps?!"

"Don't be a swordsman, I don't know, it's called a stick shadow!

"It's a showdown, I won't pretend, I'm the 400th Patriarch of Wangxianmen! (funny)

"Daughter said: My father is a cultivator??? (funny)"

"Live Fishing: My identity as a cultivator exposed? (Funny Funny 19 Funny)

"Sun, when I wake up, the world has changed drastically, the spiritual energy is revived, and people with abilities have been born???"

"Upstairs, the book is published quickly, 100,000 a day, I order it!!

"You may not believe it. I overheard Su Dong's voice. He is a traveler. He came to this world with the system and wants to use his own power to promote the recovery of spiritual energy (manual dog head) 99

"Although...the mover brother was really handsome just now!!

"Hey... this rod is really straight! I want it!"

At this time.

Su Dong held the fishing rod in his right hand and made a soft sound, then lowered it slowly, tied his left hand behind, and held the rod in his right hand. He stood on the cliff with the sea below him. He looked up at the sky, using a soft and magnetic said in a low voice:

"Do I look like an ancient knight, a cultivator in the cultivation world.

Cai Kun grinned and almost didn't laugh out loud,

"Big brother, you're so sassy... ah no, big brother, you're a sophomore..."

Su Dong:

The live broadcast room also laughed out loud,

"Hahahahaha! I thought the anchor was going to say something, but I couldn't find it. It turned out to be a 2nd-degree disease."

"Nima, my stomach hurts when I laugh, I thought I was going to do something, but I just pretended to be a coward. 35

"Hahahahaha!!! Although, that scene just now was really handsome! I'm so heartbroken!"9

"Is that Xiaoshuai?! That is the peerless and invincible handsome! Brother Dongzi, you are my god!!"

Su Dong glanced at Cai Kun with a look of disgust, "I have no artistic skills at all, I was so handsome just now, and you have such a face.

"Hey hey hey. 35

Cai Kun laughed twice, he leaned forward and licked his face and asked:

"Big brother, how did you do that before? Just flick the fishing rod, and then the afterimage appears."

"Well, the strength is strong enough, and the speed is fast enough." Su Dong said something, and also demonstrated it smoothly.

"like this."


Another arc appeared.


Although I have seen it once, Cai Kun is still a little stunned.

Really handsome!

Cai Kun was a little envious, "Brother, let me try it.

"Take it.

Su Dong flicked it and handed it to Cai Kun.

After taking the fishing rod, Cai Kun's hands sank violently, almost not catching it.


The third time to lie down today.

"Brother, why is your fishing rod so heavy?! What material is it?" Cai Kun weighed it with both hands, it must be fifty pounds, right?!

So thin, the thickest part is only five centimeters in diameter, how can it be so heavy?!

He had never touched Su Dong's fishing rod before, he thought it was only a few pounds, but at most seven or eight pounds, but who would have thought it was ten times more!

This is so, so outrageous!

Su Dong, hey hey, let you laugh at me just now, you deserve it.

"Otherwise do you think I caught the cannon bronze cauldron, if it were an ordinary fishing rod, it would have been broken long ago!

Cai Kun angrily returned the fishing rod to Su Dong and went back to carry the camera.

Originally, I thought the camera was heavy enough, and it hurts my back every time I carry it. I don’t know if I don’t compare it, but after a comparison, I found out that this camera is really light!

"Don't try?" Su Dong took the fishing rod and asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Try a fart! Don't try it!"

Cai Kun rolled his eyes, and he struggled to raise both hands, let alone waving one.

You should still carry your own camera.

"Tsk tsk. 35

Su Dong laughed, shook his head and continued to play with his fish food.

Such ferocious waves don't need to make nests. When the waves hit, they will be washed away immediately.

Hang the bait, start the rod, wave your left hand lightly, put the fishing line, and the pony sits down.

The boring life of a fisherman begins.

Cai Kun took a look at the wind and waves under the cliff, and saw that a piece of broken reef was washed away by the waves, and was carried into the sea.

Immediately, he shrank his head and immediately moved away from the edge of the cliff.

At a height of more than ten meters, with such a large wind and waves, there are countless reefs underneath.

In such a situation, if he fell accidentally, Poseidon would not be able to save him.

"Brother, there are so many gravel and reefs underneath, what if your hook is accidentally hooked and can't be taken off?" Cai Kun asked worriedly.

"No." Su Dong replied calmly: "I really want to hook, even if it is a complete reef, I can hook him up.

Cai Kun gave a thumbs up.

Big brother is awesome.

Pour a cappuccino for the big brother.

Fishing is an extremely boring thing.

Although Su Dong has caught corpses, guns and cannons, Kyushu Ding and other highlights.

But most of the time, he still waited quietly on the side.

It is natural to be very happy to catch prey, but it will take a long time before that.

ten minutes……

twenty minutes……

half an hour

One hour…

Soon, it's eleven o'clock.

Touching his stomach, Cai Kun asked, "Brother, are you hungry??

Su Dong opened his eyes, "It's alright, it's only eleven o'clock, so what's the hurry.

"But eldest brother, it's still a long way from the city. 35 Cai Kun said with a bitter face.

He remembered that this eldest brother ate more than ten servings of rice rolls in the morning, no wonder he was not hungry.

But he eats very little!

"Don't panic. When my brother catches the fish, I will cook the grilled fish for you." Su Dong comforted.

Cai Kun:

Come on, let's order takeout!

It is impossible to count on this big brother to catch fish in this life.

After a short chat, the cliff fell into silence again.

ten minutes……

twenty minutes……

twenty-five minutes...

Just when Cai Kun was about to persuade him further, the fishing rod in Su Dong's hand sank suddenly, and the fishing rod weighing dozens of pounds was pulled into an arc shape, and the fishing line below kept swinging.


Su Dong didn't pay attention, and the fishing rod in his hand was almost pulled off.


He was squinting his eyes, opened immediately, jumped forward immediately, and hurriedly grabbed the rapidly falling fishing rod with both hands,

"Hahahahaha!!! This rod arc!! This speed!! Finally caught a fish!!!

While laughing, Su Dong couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

So hanging!


Just a little bit!

The rod was pulled down by the fish.

Fortunately, the system gave him five points of agility this morning, allowing him to catch the fishing rod before it fell into the cliff, otherwise he would be humiliated today.

Disgrace is second. If you lose the fishing rod, you will lose a lot of money. In such a high place, the waves are so big, and because he has a system bonus, he does not dare to go down.

Behind him, Cai Kun was stunned.

This big brother actually caught a fish?!

Still in a place with such huge waves.

Isn't he dreaming?!

In the live broadcast room, lying troughs ran rampant, almost filling the screen.

"Fuck!!! F*ck!!! Brother Dongzi actually caught a fish!! 35

"Opening the champagne! Brother Dongzi can actually catch fish! He still caught fish at a cliff ten meters away from the coastline! It's awesome!

"It's so strange, it's so good, you can't catch fish in the calm water of the lake, but you can catch fish in such a rough place.

"Tears, Brother Dongzi actually caught a fish, my youth is gone. 99

"Fuck! When you saw that Brother Dongzi didn't respond, you laughed so hard that I almost lost the fishing rod.

"It's not to blame Brother Dongzi, the speed of the fishing rod is really fast, if it were me, the fishing rod would have fallen into the sea long ago.

"Yes, I didn't react at all, I was thinking about how the anchor suddenly fell down, and I realized that a fish was hooked after seeing your comments hahahaha!!

"Nima, this fishing rod is falling too fast, an ordinary small fish size is possible, even a big black fish weighing more than ten kilograms is impossible, this Nima can't drop a shark, right?! 35

"It's really a bit outrageous. I caught a crocodile gar in a lake last year. Its head and tail are half a meter long. Even so, the speed of dragging the fishing rod is not so fast. It's really outrageous. 55

"Uh, it must be a fish, is it possible that it was scratched by something?"

"No, this reaction can only be fish, or only living creatures, it can't be the case of reefs. 55

The discussion in the live broadcast room was extremely hot, and on the cliff, Su Dong was also extremely hot dragging.

"Hey... This fish is strong enough to last so long!! I don't believe that it can't be killed by training! Su Dong retreated, retracting the fishing line, and said harsh words through gritted teeth.

The power of this fish is not ordinary.

The feeling from the fishing line was almost as fast as the cannon that caused the landslide in Shuzhong the day before yesterday.

You must know that pulling a static item and pulling against the same dynamic item are not on the same level.

For items of the same weight, living things are several times more difficult than dead ones.

Because living creatures can struggle, the power of struggle is greater than that of dead creatures that do not struggle.

That's how I met him.

Any change of person, even the world weightlifting champion or the world's top sumo wrestler, can't hold him back.

What the hell is this biting?!

What kind of fish can have so much power?!

What's the matter, you can't catch a shark yourself, can you?!

Behind him, watching Su Dong swaying left and right on the cliff, still fishing, Cai Kun was not only a little worried, this was the first time he saw Su Dong like this.

When the cannon was caught before, it was far worse than it is today.

"Brother, how are you? I don't need my help?"9

"No!" Su Dong said without turning his head: "This thing is a big fish, you can't pull it if you come here, it will be a big trouble if it falls into the sea. 39

Cai Kun: 66.........99

My heart hurts so much, I have been insulted.

Brother, you don't need to be so frank.

Ten minutes later, Su Dong swayed left and right on the cliff.

Twenty minutes later, Su Dong was still running around on the cliff.

Thirty minutes later, Su Dong was still running around, but this time it was better. The footsteps were getting further and further away from the cliff, and it could be seen that the fish was a little tired.

But when a big fish wants to catch it ashore, it must first slip until it is exhausted.

For an ordinary big fish, a few minutes or ten minutes is enough.

But for this one, Su Dong has been slipping for half an hour now, and he is only a little tired.

This is so special!

Outrageous! Outrageous!

Behind him, Cai Kun and a group of people in the live broadcast room were already blinded.

"This Nima, it has been slipping for half an hour, what kind of fish is this?! It can slip for such a long time! 35

"What's the matter, I seriously doubt that the hook is a shark or a whale, how can a normal fish last for so long.

"How could it be a shark or whale, this is near shore, it's a shoal, sharks and whales will only run aground in the shoal, they won't come here.

"Then, apart from sharks and whales, what other fish can have this kind of power? For more than half an hour, I can't think of the answer under such great strength of the mover."

"I can't think of it, just wait honestly, anyway, it seems that the fish can't hold on anymore, but Brother Dongzi is able to do it with ease, and it is estimated that the fish will be able to land in a while.

"Hahahaha!! If you don't believe it, Brother Dongzi is on the hot search again! The hot search entry turned out to be "Su Dong caught a fish" Hahahaha!! Take the bamboo shoots!!

"I also went to see it, I laughed to death, commented on the incredible group of people below, witnessing history hahahaha!!

"Is it okay to witness history?! (Funny)"

"Brother mover: You are scolding! Look down on who! (akimbo, it's driving me bad.jpg)

With the noise of complaining, soon, another half an hour passed.

Time twelve thirty.

Great noon.

It was at this time that Su Dong, who had been slipping for an hour, felt that he was almost done, and immediately started to take up the line.

After a few minutes, he felt almost gone. His face was flushed, and the veins on his arms were sticking out.

"Get up!!!!99

As the fishing rod was thrown back, a behemoth was swayed ashore.

He had a big mouth with blood, and molars nearly 20 centimeters long. The upper body was black, and the bottom was white. The whole body was four or five meters long.

This turned out to be a great white shark!!

Whether it is Su Dong, Cai Kun, or everyone in the live broadcast room.

Everyone was stunned.

"Fuck!!! What a shark!! What a huge shark!!!

"Fuck! It's really a shark!! Unexpectedly, the O'Henry-style ending, I can only say, the mover is awesome!!!"

"The anchor is so good, he can even catch sharks!! This is the first ruthless person in history to catch a shark and bring a shark ashore, right?"

"Hiss... this is not an ordinary shark, this is a great white shark! Even among sharks, it is the most ferocious one. Every year, many people die in the mouth of sharks. The anchor is really awesome. Can be caught.

"Outrageous! Isn't this a shoal?! I even saw a group of reefs when I was shooting low cliffs. How did sharks come here?! Normally, there can be no sharks within five kilometers of the coastline. .""

"You said that the situation is normal, isn't it abnormal, and besides, the waves here are so big, maybe the sharks were swept by the waves."

"...It makes sense...but it doesn't make much sense. The power of sharks is greater than you think, but that can only be explained."

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