Chapter 109 Devil Jiang Chen, scare Boss Yang!!

In one second, Jiang Chen could shoot three bullets in a row.

What is even more desperate is that these three bullets have reached the point where they are completely empty.

There’s hardly anyone to dodge anymore.

Every time Jiang Chen hit, everything was the point, and there was no need to replenish the gun at all.

One corpse after another piled up on the ground like a hill, red blood rushing on the ground.

It looks particularly shocking.

The villa in front of you has become a veritable hell on earth.

Wang Xiaohu and the others secretly rejoiced in their hearts, fortunately, they were not Jiang Chen’s opponents.

Otherwise, such a scene in front of them is enough to scare them stupidly.

Jiang Chen was really terrifying.

Everyone has long known that he is a veritable king of the Jiangbei region.

However, few people can really see him make a move, and now seeing Jiang Chen attacking strongly, people finally appreciate his kind of kingly resources in the world.

It’s terrifying.

Now Jiang Chen’s body was stained with blood, and his burly and tall body looked exceptionally tall and majestic.

So that everyone present can only look up high.

More than a hundred people at the scene have already died, sixty or seventy have died.

The remaining thirty or so people, obviously still holding weapons in their hands, did not dare to make any more moves.

No way.

He was really terrible.

It’s so scary that people don’t dare to show signs of resistance.

Wang Xiaotian, who was lying on the ground, was so frightened that he did not dare to move, so he could only shoot on the ground and pretend to die.

“Are you sure you want to keep fighting me?”

Jiang Chen’s loud voice echoed in the villa, and he said in a commanding tone: “Give you a chance to put down your weapons immediately, I can spare you from death.” ”

“Otherwise, you should know what happened.”

If Jiang Chen had said such a thing half an hour ago, no one would have taken it to heart.

But now the situation is different.

They truly felt each other’s horror.

If you continue like this, it will definitely not be possible to live.

Everyone consciously threw their weapons on the ground.

They stood silently to the side, clasped their hands neatly over their heads, and crouched in the corner.

In their minds, Jiang Chen in front of them was a devil who could not be defeated

Wang Xiaohu looked at Jiang Chen blankly, his tall and majestic back, which had not been able to react from the shock until now.

Everything that just happened was like a dream.

Seeing that those people had put down their weapons and put their hands behind their backs, Jiang Chen calmly came to Wang Xiaotian.

Now Wang Xiaotian’s eyes were closed, and he even held his breath.

In order to prevent Jiang Chen from noticing that he was pretending to die?

“Do you want to continue pretending?”

Jiang Chen said coldly: “I’ll give you three seconds to stand up for me immediately.” ”

Wang Xiaotian deliberately pretended to be ignorant, and he still lay there like a dead man without moving.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly and grabbed his right hand, then took out a dagger flashing with dazzling cold light, aimed it at his finger and cut it.

Stay one

He let out a sharp scream, and his whole body curled up into a ball and constantly trembled on the ground.

The eyes were full of pain.

“Spare your life, spare your life!”

Now Wang Xiaotian is really scared.

If he had known that Jiang Chen’s methods were so terrifying, and lent him hundreds of guts, he would not dare to fight him head-on.

Originally, I thought that this was a rare opportunity to use Jiang Chen as a stepping stone to further his influence.

Now he realized that his thoughts were so stupid and ridiculous.

In front of Jiang Chen, his means were not worth mentioning.

Facing the hundreds of masters under him, Jiang Chen cut off his head like chopping vegetables.

One by one, without dragging mud and water.

It seems that in front of him, they are like ants, who can only withstand the fate of being crushed.

As for the resistance… That’s a joke.

“Now you know it’s wrong?”

Jiang Chen pinched Wang Xiaotian’s neck with his hand and said, “It’s too late for me to tell you. ”

“I didn’t mean to!”

Wang Xiaotian’s voice was trembling, and now he was about to cry, swallowing and saying: “I beg you, believe what I say, I am really forced to hang one.” ”

Jiang Chen no longer wasted time with Wang Xiaotian, twisted his neck, and then threw his body aside like garbage.

When everyone else saw it, their hearts were full of horror.

“Boss, boss.”

Even if Zhang Huaqiang knew that Jiang Chen would definitely not do anything to them for no reason, he was still a little nervous when he saw this scene.

He slowly stepped forward and asked, “What should I do with their bodies next?” ”

Jiang Chen touched his chin with his hand, and he seriously thought for a moment and said, “All these people have been killed, leaving no living mouths.” ”

Zhang Huaqiang and Wang Xiaohu and others froze.

Those dozens of people had already surrendered to Jiang Chen, if they still did something to them, wouldn’t it be a little inhumane?

Moreover, Jiang Chen said before that as long as they put down their weapons, they could be spared from death?

Could it be that he is ready to backtrack?

Perhaps seeing the concerns of several people, Jiang Chen said: “I just said to spare them not to die, but did not say that I will spare them not to die now?” ”

Everyone else knew that they had been fooled, and their eyes were full of fear, and one by one they stood up and prepared to escape.

How could Jiang Chen give them a chance?

After giving the order, the crowd did not want to waste any more time, and they all held the guns in their hands and pulled the trigger on them.

Bullets fell like rain.

Those dozens of people all fell in a pool of blood in a blink of an eye.

More than a hundred corpses lay horizontally in the villa hall, and the scene was extremely bloody, making people dare not look at it directly.

Jiang Chen touched his chin with his hand, a satisfied smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, nodded and said, “Good job.” ”

“Boss, our next plan is…”

Jiang Chen opened his mouth and said, “I didn’t expect Yang Tianlong to tear his face with me so quickly, I originally thought that he would at least do a face work?” ”

“So what do you mean…”

Jiang Chen said calmly: “Since he is not willing to pretend with me anymore, then I will also be more straightforward.” ”

“Cut off their heads for me, I believe Yang Tianlong is absolutely very happy to receive this gift.”


Yang Tianlong’s room.

“And such a thing?”

After Yang Tianlong learned that the four major teams of the Dragon Kingdom had joined forces to deal with Jiang Chen, he said with some surprise and disbelief: “Is the news unreliable? ”

“The owner is absolutely reliable.”

The old butler said with great emotion: “The four special combat teams of the Dragon Country can be made at the same time, and to be honest, there are only a few people who can find this treatment in the entire Dragon Country. ”

“It’s a shame.”

Yang Tianlong sighed with emotion and said, “If he can be used by me, he can indeed give me wings.” ”

“However, I value the loyalty of others to me more than their ability, and in this regard, they are not qualified at all.”

The old butler nodded and said, “You’re right. ”

“No, it’s not good!”

At this moment, Yang Tianlong and the old butler suddenly heard the anxious voice of a subordinate outside the door.

The door was quickly pushed open inside.

“Boss, I have important news for you.”

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