Chapter 129 Bloodbath Jianghe City, Jiang Chen is the devil!!

Feelings of regret are like a tidal wave.

Now Jiang Xiaokun finally understands what it means to survive and not to seek death.

Now he regretted it, originally he did not take Jiang Chen to heart.

Think that the strength of the other party is not too much at all.

But now he realized that his original idea was so ridiculous and funny.

Why should he sin against such a devil?

Coming to Jiang Xiaokun, Jiang Chen controlled the tall red robot, carried it on his back, and blue flames shot out again.

Jiang Chen disappeared into the boundless blue firmament…

The rain outside is getting heavier.

Zhang Huaqiang, who was working on documents in the study, concentrated and did not worry about other things.

He believed that with Jiang Chen’s ability, he should be able to handle everything properly.

He said an hour, and then it will definitely not exceed time.

The door outside was directly pushed open, and Zhang Huaqiang saw Jiang Chen slowly walk in.

On the ground behind him, there was also a middle-aged man with a haggard face, dragged like a dog by him with a rope.

When he saw this scene, his face was full of shock.

Who is the person behind Jiang Chen?

“Boss, how are things going?”

Jiang Chen replied, “All dead.” ”


He coughed in front of Jiang Chen, and the shock in his eyes could not be concealed.

All dead?

Jiang Chen said an hour before, but now it seems that he hasn’t used it for an hour?

He was a little unsure how long it was, and trembled and took out the watch?

No more, no less, just half an hour.

From here to Jianghe City, after destroying them, and back, it took only half an hour in total.

What is blitzkrieg? This is called blitzkrieg?


Zhang Huaqiang quickly reacted from the shock, after all, he had followed Jiang Chen for a while, and his psychological quality was still much better than that of ordinary people.

“What’s next for you?”

He glanced behind Jiang Chen from time to time, who had already been tortured and dying, and could make that middle-aged man at any time.

I don’t know what Jiang Chen is going to do?

“Do you remember that cartoon?”

He didn’t know why Jiang Chen had brought this question, so he hesitated for a moment or nodded.

“Of course I remember.”

Jiang Chen said calmly: “I think that cartoon is very good. ”

Cartoons are good?

Just when Zhang Huaqiang was confused and wanted to ask Jiang Chen what he meant, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Got what exactly he wanted to say?

“I see, boss.”

Zhang Huaqiang said with a smile: “Don’t worry, I will handle the matter properly.” ”

“The sooner the better, don’t waste time.”


Jiang Xiaokun, who was lying on the ground, shivered, he only had one request now.

Letting them let go of themselves was a luxury in itself, and he didn’t even want to think about it.

He just hoped that these two people could give themselves a pain and not torture him in every way?

Kills are not shameful!

Jiang Chen returned to the desk again and began to seriously process the documents at hand.

Zhang Huaqiang carried Jiang Xiaokun on his shoulders and left the room.

What happens tonight will be interesting…

An hour later.

Zhang Huaqiang gathered all the important people in the society, and they surrounded Jiang Xiaokun in the middle, like watching a monkey?

That feeling made Jiang Xiaokun very unhappy, and he just glared at them viciously?

“Lao Zhang.”

Wang Xiaohu next to him asked, “Are we really going to do this?” ”

“This is the boss’s order, haven’t they insulted the boss in this way before? Although it’s just making cartoons, it’s definitely unforgivable. ”

They all thought about it carefully, felt that it was very reasonable, nodded and said: “I feel that you are right, then let’s not waste time now, hurry up, right?” ”

“No problem.”

It didn’t take long for them to set up a large tank in the middle, and everyone quite consciously opened the gate and released water.

The thick and pungent smell made them all vomit and nauseated.

When Jiang Xiaokun saw it, he was even more terrified.


This group of guys is really not human.

You guys play like this, I might as well just kill me? Can you still give me a pain?

He saw this scene clenching his fists, using his last strength to get up from the ground.

However, all his hands and feet were broken by Jiang Chen, and even if he wanted to resist, he had more than enough strength.

The pain in his heart reached the extreme.


One of them came to him and said with a smile: “You don’t need to run away now, let me see what happens next?” ”

“I’m sure you’ll love it?”

“You should feel lucky that you are the first and only person to drown in urine in the River Organization, right?”

Jiang Xiaokun gritted his teeth, and now his eyes were full of crimson and gritted his teeth and said: “You have the ability to give me a pain now and kill me directly?” ”

“What’s wrong with you torturing me like this?”

Hearing what Jiang Xiaokun said just now, Zhang Huaqiang couldn’t help but be a little handsome.

Wouldn’t it be too cheap to kill him directly?

They’re not going to be that stupid.

“I’m really sorry, Comrade Xiaojiang!”

Zhang Huaqiang said with a smile: “Wanting us to release you is simply delusional.” ”

After he finished his sentence, he picked the other party up from the ground and slowly walked to the urine bucket.

Several cameras have been set up next to it.

Jiang Xiaokun was about to cry, and he said while begging for mercy: “Just when I beg you, okay?” Don’t torture me like that? ”

“You guys just kill me, right?”

In fact, just being drowned by urine, he also felt that there was nothing, the key question was…

At that time, the scene will be announced, and he will die directly on the Internet.

Even if you are tortured alive, you can’t get a peaceful life even after death.

No matter whose head this kind of thing happens, he will feel very uncomfortable in his heart?

“I’m really sorry, we don’t talk to people about conditions.”

Zhang Huaqiang finished saying this, and not long after, he was directly thrown into the urine bucket.

Using a stick to stick on Jiang Xiaokun’s chest, he struggled with all his strength, but he couldn’t get rid of the strong humiliation and pain, making him just want to die right now.

I don’t know how long it took before Jiang Xiaokun finally closed his eyes.

He’s dead.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Huaqiang couldn’t help but say with some emotion: “Our boss is really a ruthless character seven. ”

Others echoed the same sentiment, and they are all very happy now.

Fortunately, they did not oppose Jiang Chen at the beginning, but chose to stand on his side of support.

Or else… I shudder just thinking about it…

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