Chen Ping was stunned.

The body trembled slightly.

His eyes were full of horror.

“No, it shouldn’t!”

He rubbed his eyes and took the binoculars to carefully observe the scene that happened in front of him.

“I obviously saw that he had been hiding behind that rock, why did he suddenly disappear?”

Ma Tianyun breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen left quietly.

Otherwise, he really may be doomed.

Clenching his fists, Ma Tianyun scolded: “This stinky boy is really cunning, I didn’t expect that he could let him escape.” ”

“It seems that my instincts were right, he was definitely the most dangerous of the group. At all costs, we have to catch him today too! ”

“Or it’s unthinkable.”



Ouyang Chang’s air on this side was deteriorated, and his right foot was raised high, and he suddenly kicked on the stone next to him.


Killed several of his brothers, and now he is still retreating, how can Ouyang Changkong endure it?

“Have the ability to get out for Lao Tzu!”




At this moment, several stones flew out of the woods, like bullets, and landed on the bodies of several gunmen beside him.

The hit is exactly the same everywhere.

They are all right in the center of the eyebrow, directly piercing their heads.

Red blood burst out!

Several bodies fell directly to the ground, too fast to capture.

Ouyang Changkong was startled, and he quickly retreated to the side, hiding behind the stone and not daring to pop his head.

How did this guy do it?

Several other people looked around after seeing it, but no one knew where Jiang Chen was.

He is now hidden in the forest, as if he is one with the rolling mountains.

You can’t even detect the slightest trace!



Several more stones also flew out, killing the remaining two or five gunmen.

They died rather crisply and neatly, without the slightest torture.

In the blink of an eye, the remaining seven or eight gunmen were all killed by Jiang Chen.

Their bodies fell straight to the ground, and several of their eyes were still wide to the limit.

There was no reaction until he died, and everything seemed like a dream.

Those guns fell to the ground, and the others around them did not dare to pick them up at all.

They know very well that once they get closer, they will be fierce at that time.

Now there are sixteen people who have been killed by Jiang Chen.

Of the thirty-eight brothers they brought over, only twenty-two remained!

Ouyang Changkong trembled and said, “Wang Baegg, if you have the ability, you will stand up for me!” ”

“Don’t hide for Lao Tzu!”

Next second.

A familiar figure appeared in their field of vision.

He clasped his hands to his chest, with a playful look on his face, and sighed faintly: “Even if I stay in front of you, what can you do to me?” ”

Finally seeing Jiang Chen appear, Ouyang Changkong quickly stood up, pointed at his nose and scolded: “I thought you only dared to be a shrunken turtle!” ”

“Today you killed so many of our brothers, Lao Tzu told you, even if I fight for this life, I will definitely not spare you!”


Jiang Chen’s icy gaze swept over, glanced at the few people who stayed behind him and said, “Then let them come together!” ”

“That’s what you said!”

Ouyang Changkong scolded: “Brothers give it to me, you must hack him to death!” ”

Those twenty or so people, armed with dangling machetes, rushed towards Jiang Chen, encircling him from all directions.

But the scene that happened next made them feel what is called hell on earth.

Jiang Chen’s speed is extremely fast!

He rushed directly to the person in front, grabbed his left hand and slammed it hard, a clicking sound came, and his wrist was broken.

Jiang Chen snatched the machete in his hand again, rushed into the crowd and began to fight left and right.

No matter who he faces, he always cuts one by one, calmly, and without dragging his feet.

The handsome face was full of indifference, and no emotion could be seen.

In the face of anyone, Jiang Chen did not directly cut the key points, but cut off their wrists.

Red blood is flying in the air!

It fell on Jiang Chen’s body.

One hand, two hands, three hands….

In less than five minutes, more than a dozen hands were already piled up on the ground.

The severed hand fell to the ground, wailing and screaming in pain.

The face was full of despair and fear.

When Jiang Chen was fighting with the rest of the people, he still stepped on the break of their wrists with his foot from time to time.

They were so painful that they almost fainted.

Now Jiang Chen is like a demon who reaps his arms.

They are not left any room for resistance at all.

Ouyang Changkong was dumbfounded when he saw it!

He leaned against the back of a rock, swallowing spit, and his legs seemed to be drained.

This Nima….

Is it a human being?

Their brothers were like dishes on a chopping board in front of Jiang Chen.

There is no chance to resist with a single knife.

The armed police special combat team members hiding in the jungle are now all numb in their scalps.

For the first time, they have encountered such a fierce terrorist.

Ma Tianyun is now completely dumbfounded.


Didn’t you forget that you are an undercover agent?

How can it be more terrifying than terrorists?

Now in this situation, how do I feel that you are more like a terrorist?

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