Chapter 131 The video went viral on the whole network, and Jiang Chen abused Boss Yang again!!

“Mr. Jiang Chen is begging us, don’t you continue to endure it, okay?”

“That’s right, all our brothers believe in your strength, and you can definitely beat them.”

“Mr. Jiang Chen, why don’t you just not speak?”

Jiang Chen had been in the study before, dealing with quite important documents, and he had not seen their messages.

After he finished the matter at hand, he clicked on the comment area again and saw everyone’s messages, which made Jiang Chen warm and helpless at the same time.

Why are today’s young people so unbreathable?

Isn’t it not tomorrow yet?

Jiang Chen thought for a long time, and finally left a sentence in the comment~ area.

[There’s a video coming out at twelve o’clock tonight, and this is what I have in store for you—a surprise.] ]

When everyone saw Jiang Chen’s comment, they were all stunned—there.

None of them could hide their inner agitation.

What did Jiang Chen mean?

Will there be a video release at twelve o’clock tonight? What exactly is the video?

Could it be that Jiang Chen held back a big move?

When his fans saw it, they all celebrated and cheered wildly.

They took a screenshot of Jiang Chen’s comment and posted it in the comment area of the cartoon to refute those sunspots.

“You trolls are optimistic, our boss is not what you say he is, what kind of shrunken turtle.”

“He has long been mentally prepared, I tell you, our boss will definitely be able to create miracles by then.”

“After the video is released tonight, all of you will wait for me, right?”

What those trolls said to Jiang Chen’s fans did not pay attention to at all, and they made all kinds of mocking and saying things that were more difficult than the other.

“Let go of your shit, Jiang Chen can only deceive you people now. If there is really any video in his hand, why not release it now? ”

“Why waste time all the time? I tell you, Jiang Chen is timid and can only post some videos to himself. ”

“Fuck off! How is it? We’ll wait and see tonight at twelve? ”

“Walk and see, just walk and see!”

The two sides on the Internet quarreled, and no one could convince anyone.

Everyone knew that quarrels alone would definitely not lead to a definite result, so everyone could only wait patiently.

Their hearts were full of anticipation, and they wanted to know what kind of video Jiang Chen would send out at twelve o’clock in the evening?

Time passed by minute by minute, and everyone’s hearts were full of tension and excitement.

There were only the last ten minutes left until twelve.

Jiang Chen’s fans must be willing to believe that the content he released next is particularly explosive, but those trolls and sunspots are different.

From the beginning, they did not believe Jiang Chen’s words.

Finally, there were only three minutes left.

Many people are guarding in front of Jiang Chen’s social account platform, even if many people are particularly sleepy, they still have no intention of resting.

Everyone really wanted to see what the video released by Jiang Chen was for the first time.

Finally, twelve o’clock arrived.

Many of the sunspots and keyboard warriors who opposed Jiang Chen had long prepared their weapons and were eager to try.

As long as Jiang Chen’s video is sent, no matter what the content is, they will go to war without saying a word.

Finally, the video popped up on his social account platform.

At one time, millions of people poured directly in.

When they finished watching the video, everyone was stunned.

How, what’s going on?

Everyone was shocked and speechless, no one expected that Jiang Chen would actually arrest Jiang Xiaolong, the leader of the Jiang He Organization branch, and torture him so painfully?

Let him live better than die.

They also came up with a rather shocking news from Jiang Xiaolong’s language begging for mercy.

More than a hundred people from the Jianghe Organization branch were actually killed by Jiang Chen?

The Internet fell into a long period of calm, whether it was Jiang Chen’s fans or those trolls, they couldn’t find the right words to summarize their feelings.

The shock that Jiang Chen brought them was really too strong.

No one can figure out how exactly he did it?

No wonder Jiang Chen never said a word in the face of the provocation of the supporters of the Jianghe Organization before, others were not timid, but simply thought it was unnecessary.

The river organization has been destroyed by him, so is it necessary to waste time with other people?

After about ten minutes, a comment finally popped up in the comment area, which was particularly conspicuous and eye-catching.

“Those brainless keyboard warriors, you see it now, right? Our Jiang Chen boss is the eternal god? If you don’t understand anything, don’t force Lai Lai there? ”

After someone started, the other people who followed Jiang Chen no longer wasted time and appeared one after another to express their support for Jiang Chen.

“Jiang Chen is the best, and the Jiang He Organization is an ant in front of him.”

“Seeing no, others have long destroyed the river organization.”

“In the future, if anyone dares to say anything, the Jiang He Organization is very terrifying, and it is completely possible to suppress Jiang Chen and beat this kind of thing, Lao Tzu will directly send this video to him?”

They never thought that in the minds of many people, Jiang Chen would destroy the branch of the Jiang He Organization that they did not dare to offend.

He was horrible.

Those who originally followed Jiang Chen now felt very lucky.

Fortunately, he made a fairly correct choice and eventually followed Jiang Chen.

Otherwise, it would be terrifying to think about it, and becoming Jiang Chen’s opponent would definitely be a nightmare for many people.


Yang Tianlong’s room.

“Today is the deadline, isn’t it?”

The old butler stood in front of Yang Tianlong, and he nodded lightly and said, “You are right, boss, today is the time agreed between Jiang Chen and the Jianghe Organization. ”

“Maybe it won’t be long before that stinky boy dies.”

Yang Tianlong tapped his fingers lightly on the desktop, and a smug look unconsciously appeared on his face.


Yang Tianlong said: “I’m looking forward to it now, what will Jiang Chen do?” Do you think he dares to go over? ”

“I don’t know.”

The old butler hesitated for a moment before adding, “But I think there is a high probability that he will not pass?” ”


The old butler said: “He is not a stupid person, he should know how to weigh the pros and cons? ”

“You’re right.”

He patted the old butler’s shoulder and said, “I knew you were a very smart person.” ”

“No, it’s not good!”

Just as the two of them were talking, a subordinate’s voice came from outside, and the door was pushed open without saying a word, and he rushed directly in.

Cold sweat continued to break out on his forehead, and his subordinates swallowed and said: “The branch of the Jianghe Organization was also destroyed by Jiang Chen. ”

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