Chapter 144 With ten people to destroy a thousand, Jiang Chen shocked the whole network!!

When the remaining three hall masters left the room, a sneer appeared at the corner of Wang Kun’s mouth.

“Jiang Chen, it is also your honor to die at the hands of our Jiang He Organization.”

“I gave you a chance, since you don’t know how to cherish it, then I have to send you to the West Heaven.”


Jiang Chen Society.

Zhang Huaqiang and more than a dozen of his brothers stood in front of Jiang Chen, all of them were full of expectations, and their hearts were incomparably excited.

Since Jiang Chen used the steel armor in front of the majority of netizens to kill Chen Xiaoyu that time, such a powerful and terrifying black technology has become the existence that all of them yearn for.

Whoever is curious about how it feels to control this robot?

After about two minutes, Zhang Huaqiang felt the ground tremble slightly.

People’s attention was also involuntarily attracted to the past, they all looked up, and the tall robot that appeared in front of them was already close to more than five meters.

This is Jiang Chen’s improved steel armor, whether it is in appearance or destructive power, it has improved a lot compared to before.

After seeing it, the group was quite excited, and they couldn’t help but smile on their faces.


Zhang Huaqiang ran to Jiang Chen and asked, “Tell me which 723 robots are mine?” ”

“The blue robot in the middle.”

Compared with the blue robots, the remaining nine robots seem to be slightly taller, and they look particularly cool and domineering.

“Can I try it now?”

Zhang Huaqiang used Jiang Chen’s video of the robot destroying the branch of the Jianghe Organization, and watched it more than a hundred times.

Now that he can finally control it, how can he not be excited about such an excellent and powerful armor?

“No problem.”

Zhang Hua couldn’t wait, took the remote control from Jiang Chen’s hand, and directly controlled the blue robot.

In the next second, he quickly soared into the air, flashing in the sky like a dazzling shooting star.

The bright light makes people afraid to look directly.


Immediately afterwards, the Gundam robot, clenched fists, slammed into the ground with a fierce punch, rumbling sound one after another, and one clear crack after another appeared in their field of vision.

Everyone was stunned.

I didn’t expect that the improved robot would destroy you to such a terrifying point.

With such an excellent weapon, if you want to destroy the entire river organization, it is estimated that it is not a problem.

Not to mention a thousand people, even if it is ten thousand, they can easily level it.

“Boss, we want to try it too.”

“Good, boss, can you give us a chance.”

“We all can’t wait.”

Seeing their excited faces, Jiang Chen smiled lightly and gave each of them a remote control.

Dozens of tall steel armor, constantly flying in the air, are much more domineering than fighters.

After the powerful and terrifying force erupted, it exploded on the ground like thunder.

Let each of them be incomparably excited.

Awesome! It’s really awesome.

With such a powerful robot, how can they lose?

“Brothers, give me a good performance, don’t waste time, hurry up.”


Everyone happily agreed to come down and no longer waste time.

Dozens of robots quickly disappeared from people’s view.

Jiang Chen looked at the disappearing back of Zhang Huaqiang and the others, and a smile was outlined at the corner of his mouth, and it was time for the Jiang He Organization to disappear permanently.

The fundamental reason why they dared to flaunt their might in front of themselves may be that Jiang Chen was too benevolent.

It seems that he can no longer be kind in the future.

Since you want to do it, you have to do it!

Everyone in the Jianghe Organization also learned about the killing of the second hall master in the shortest possible time.

No matter who it was, they were quite angry, and they decided to send out fifteen hundred people this time, and they must kill Jiang Chen directly.

Those fifteen hundred people were all specially trained top killers of their river organization, and each of them was extremely strong in combat.

Dressed in uniform black clothes, they stood in front of the three hall masters, and their eyes were like a surging black tide, which was quite spectacular.


The three hall masters shouted loudly, “What is the purpose of gathering you today, I think you all know it without me saying it.” ”

“There is a bastard named Jiang Chen, who killed our second hall master and openly provoked our Jianghe organization.”

“When have we been in the city for so many years and have we encountered such an insult?”

“No matter what, we must not spare those group of bastards, we must kill him to avenge the three hall masters!”

“Do you know?”


Everyone answered in unison, and everyone erupted with a strong and terrifying murderous aura, and the sound resounded in the sky, like thunder rolling.


He nodded with satisfaction and said, “Since everyone is ready, then let’s not waste time, set off now, and be sure to chop that thing called Jiang Chen.” ”

“Kill Jiang Chen!”

“Kill Jiang Chen!”

“Kill Jiang Chen!”

Everyone raised their weapons high, and their expressions were full of excitement.

They can finally go on a killing spree.

When everyone thought of this, they all trembled with excitement.

Of course, the people they want to kill are not only Jiang Chen, but also all the subordinates around him who have to pay a corresponding heavy price.

Including his subordinates’ families, all of them had to die.

Offending their Jiang He Organization, I really don’t understand what Jiang Chen thinks? Why is he so bold?

“All right, brothers.”

The third hall master said: “Let’s not waste time now, let’s all leave quickly, and we must cut off Jiang Chen’s head tonight.” ”


Just as the three hall masters turned around and were about to lead everyone to Jiangbei, everyone heard a rumbling sound in the air.

People’s attention was also attracted to the past, and one by one they looked up, and it seemed that people appeared above their heads…

How can it be? Will man fly in the sky?

Just when they all felt curious and surprised, those dozens of people had already fallen in front of them.

Only then did everyone see clearly that it turned out to be a tall robot that could fly in the air.

The robot in front is nearly six meters tall, and people are standing in front of him… It looks extraordinarily small, like an ant.

“What people?”

The voice of the third hall master was trembling, and he raised his head and swallowed and said, “Less pretend to be a ghost in front of us, and get us out immediately?” ”

It didn’t take long for the door on the blue robot’s chest to be opened, and Zhang Huaqiang appeared in their field of vision.

He glanced down at the three hall masters and the others, and said, “I want to ask, are you from the Jianghe Organization?” ”

“That’s right, what’s the problem?”

Zhang Huaqiang nodded and said: “No problem, since you are people from the Jianghe Organization, don’t worry, I will send you to the Western Heaven.” ”

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