Chapter 147 Terrifying Reward, Fan Xiaoyong Die!!


The answer given by Chief Liu just now was obviously unacceptable to Fan Xiaoyong, and he said with extreme dissatisfaction: “Can you give me a reasonable explanation?” ”

“Why are you so partial to Jiang Chen?”

What Chief Liu said just now is indeed good, everyone in the Jianghe Organization has done a lot of evil, and the crime deserves death.

But even if he really wanted to get rid of them, he shouldn’t let Jiang Chen do it.

Naturally, there will be other people who will stand up and preside over justice, where can they go to Jiang Chen to eat black and black.

Jiang Chen will kill more than a thousand people from the Jiang He Organization, and in the final analysis, it is not at all a chivalrous fight to eliminate violence and good health.

He chose to do it only to expand his interests.

What was his intention?


Fan Xiaoyong said: “Don’t worry, as long as you nod and agree, I can definitely find a way to get rid of Jiang Chen, I don’t know what you think?” ”

“me right away.”

Chief Liu’s attitude was very resolute, one Jiang Chen could completely beat a thousand or even ten thousand Fan Xiaoyong, and the benefits he brought to the Dragon Kingdom were definitely not comparable to ordinary people.

It’s really not clear what he thinks.

He was actually ready to arrest Jiang Chen.

But think about it, today’s Fan Xiaoyong does not know Jiang 09chen’s undercover identity, and it is normal to want to do something to him.

But…… He is different.

Now that Jiang Chen is the leader of the underground society, Chief Liu can sing double reed with him.

One of the two fights crime openly, and the other does it behind the scenes

Two different patterns are completely formed.

But their purpose is the same, that is, to fight crime.

Why not?

“Got it.”

He lowered his head silently, did not dare to speak again, and could only exit the room.

Looking at the other party’s disappearing back, Chief Liu was quite satisfied, and he took out his mobile phone and dialed Jiang Chen’s number.

“Little brother.”

Chief Liu was full of admiration and said: “Since the ancient hero came out of the youth, is it really good? ”

“I didn’t expect that with more than ten people, you could actually destroy thousands of enemies? Amazing, really remarkable. ”

Jiang Chen smiled calmly and said, “Chief Liu, it’s still too early to congratulate him. ”

“What do you mean?”

Hearing Jiang Chen say this, a flash of surprise flashed in Chief Liu’s eyes.

He calmly replied: “The river organization is a huge cancer in society, and they have done so many things that hurt nature, I think they should be uprooted.” ”

“Not a single living mouth left, what does Chief Liu think?”

Chief Liu’s body shook slightly, and the grand idea proposed by Jiang Chen just now made him quite shocked and surprised, and he said with some disbelief: “Young man, are you serious?” ”

The river killer organization has carried an unknown number of homicides.

He now dreams of completely eradicating the river organization.

But it’s too difficult.

If Jiang Chen can really do it, it will definitely be beneficial to them without harm” Of course, seriously. ”

He calmly said: “Sir, give me three days, there will be no more river killer organizations in the world.” ”


Hearing Jiang Chen say this, Chief Liu was excited, nodded and said: “I believe in your strength level, perform well, don’t let me down.” ”


“You, what did you just say?”

Yang Tianlong was really scared this time.

Although he had heard a lot of Jiang Chen’s glorious achievements before, it was not enough, it really made him fearful, but now it was different.

Those powerful and terrifying weapons made Yang Tianlong feel Jiang Chen’s unparalleled deterrent power.

Thousands of people said they killed him.

The most important thing is that the people above actually did not pursue it.

The old housekeeper turned pale and said, “Boss, how about I say that we might as well surrender to Jiang Chen?” ”

“If we continue like this, sooner or later we will suffer a great loss in his hands, and it is estimated that when the time comes…”

“You shut up Lao Tzu!”

Before the old butler finished speaking, Yang Tianlong interrupted him and said, “You forgot what I told you before, didn’t you?” ”

The old butler’s face changed slightly, and there was a trace of nervousness in his eyes, not knowing why Yang Tianlong said this.

What did he say before?


The old butler asked cautiously, “I don’t quite understand what you mean?” ”

“Everything we do now is entirely for Project Two. In a few days, our No. 2 plan will be fully implemented, and you think we will be afraid of Jiang Chen. ”

“I’ll tell you don’t say it’s a Jiang Chen, even if it’s ten hundred! I’m definitely not scared either. ”

Seeing Yang Tianlong’s confident appearance, the old butler was now more and more curious and confused, not understanding what his purpose was.

After hesitating for a long time, the old butler said: “Boss, have you thought about it?” Do we really have to fight Jiang Chen to the end? ”

In the eyes of the old butler, it was really unwise to continue to choose to go against Jiang Chen, he was the only reasonable society that was quite rare in the entire Dragon Kingdom.

Most importantly, he also has so many wonderful and destructive terrifying weapons.

What do they compare with Jiang Chen?


He calmly replied: “Everything is ready, only the east wind is owed, and my plan number two is far more powerful than you think.” ”

“I know exactly what I’m doing now, don’t I need you to remind me there?”

“Ming, understand!”

He nodded and said, “Then how long will it take for us to personally take action?” ”

The old butler really couldn’t bear it, if something like Jiang 877 Chen didn’t eradicate him earlier, when he grew up in the future, he didn’t know what kind of terrifying state he would reach.

“You can’t handle that.”

Yang Tianlong calmly replied, “You just need to be clear about everything, I have my own measure.” ”

“Understood, boss.”

“Get down!”


[Ding! ]

Jiang Chen, who was reading in the room, once again heard the sound of system sign-in in his mind.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining nanorobots!] ]


Jiang Chen found that almost all of the things he had recently signed in were some very rare black technologies.

This surprised him and was full of anticipation at the same time.

He knew that the system would never give these things for no reason, and there must be a trace back.

As for the reason, he still does not know.

“System, what’s the use of this thing?”

[Back to the host nanoscale robot, it is easy to carry around, and most importantly, it can be arbitrarily larger or smaller.] ]

I see.

With these scientific and technological Jiang Chen with systematic rewards, he can completely expand his underground society rapidly.

Become the most unique team in the entire Dragon Kingdom and even the world.

At that time, he will make all the underground societies tremble violently in front of him

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