Chapter 149 Jiang Chen is enough to change the fate of the Dragon Kingdom!!


Jiang Chen slept well last night, who knew that as soon as he opened his eyes the next day, he heard a violent knock on the door outside, and he was particularly anxious.

This made Jiang Chen slightly curious? What the hell is going on?

He lifted the quilt and jumped off the bed, stepped forward and opened the door, and stood in front of Zhang Huaqiang again.

“What’s going on?”

Zhang Huaqiang swallowed and said, “Boss, do you remember the previous batch of goods? ”

“What’s the problem?”

He coughed twice and said, “Lao Zhang, who was responsible for transporting the goods for them, has returned. ”

“Come back and come back, find a place to settle it properly, is there a problem?”

He hurriedly said: “This matter is not clear in two words, Lao Zhang is outside your study, you can go and see for yourself.” ”

Seeing Zhang Huaqiang’s flickering appearance, Jiang Chen knew that there was probably something wrong with that batch of goods.

Now that the association is engaged in the business on the surface, it is hard to get on track, this shipment is very important, if it is not stored in time, the next transaction will be a problem.

The first order is yellow, and there will be 137 in the future, who dares to cooperate with their company?

“Okay, I’ll go right away.”

Two minutes later, he saw Lao Zhang.

At this moment, he was dressed in rags, and the whole person was also quite rare and haggard, seeing Jiang Chen coming over, he seemed to be particularly afraid, and quickly knelt down.

He swallowed and said, “Yes, sorry boss.” ”

“Everything is my bad, I failed your expectations, and it stands to reason that I should die in front of you now.”

“But I haven’t brought you the news yet, and I know I can’t die?”

Seeing the other party’s face full of nervousness, Jiang Chen frowned and asked, “Don’t be in a hurry first, say something slowly, what’s going on?” ”

He closed his eyes and said bitterly: “Boss, the group of bastards of the Jianghe Organization snatched our goods, and said that if you want to return the things to the original owners, you must go to the suburbs of Jianghe City in two days.” ”

“No weapons are allowed, no one is allowed, otherwise… He would definitely find a way to destroy that shipment. ”

Zhang Huaqiang was quite angry when he learned the news, and slammed a punch on the wall next to him and scolded: “It’s really a group of despicable and shameless guys, who have the ability to fight our boss openly.” ”

“What’s wrong with him messing around like this?”

“Boss, they are all quite sinister and cunning, don’t be fooled, if you want me to say, directly let my brothers take their river organization to the level.”

Jiang Chen waved his hand and said, “It’s okay, I can solve the problem by going alone.” ”

Hearing this, Zhang Huaqiang was a little confused.

What does boss mean?

“Boss, you are a smart person, don’t be fooled, don’t believe even half a word of what he says.”

If Jiang Chen really went alone, the Jiang He Organization hated him to the bone, and he would definitely set up a heaven and earth net, and he would have no way to escape at that time.

“It’s okay.”

Jiang Chen said nonchalantly, “I’ll go over.” ”

Zhang Huaqiang was really dumbfounded when he heard this.

Last time, they destroyed thousands of people in the Jianghe Organization, and now Wang Kun absolutely hates him to the bone, and what Jiang Chen should do is to respect and stay away.

As a result, he also took the initiative to come to the door, isn’t that looking for death?

“Boss, you…”

“When have you ever seen me do something I’m not sure about?”

Just such a sentence made Zhang Huaqiang quickly shut up.

Thinking carefully about what Jiang Chen just said, what he was determined to do, he couldn’t change it at all, moreover…

The boss has a lot of black technology that others dare not imagine, maybe he can really retreat from the whole body.

“Do you need us to send brothers to follow you secretly?”

“No thanks.”

Jiang Chen shook his head and said, “How important that shipment is to us, I think you also know, I don’t want to have any losses.” ”

“Got it, boss.”

He nodded in front of Jiang Chen and said, “I’ll go down here, you can order anything at any time.” ”


Zhang Huaqiang had just returned home and was surprised to find Wang Xiaohu and others following?

“What are you doing?”

Seeing them coming, Zhang Huaqiang was slightly curious and asked, “It’s still so early, doesn’t it fit your style?” ”

Wang Xiaohu said with a smile: “Lao Zhang, we all know about the boss, quickly say, how many people are you going to bring this time?” ”


In Wang Xiaohu’s cognition, Lao Zhang will definitely not stand idly by, and it is inevitable to bring someone over to help Jiang Chen.

“What are you talking about?”

Lao Zhang said: “Lao Wang, I said that you look down on our boss too much? ”

“If he really wants to do something, he needs our help? He has decided to go alone the day after tomorrow and meet Wang Kun, the boss of the Jianghe Organization, for a while. ”


Hearing this, Wang Xiaohu coughed violently, and he asked in disbelief: “Is the news reliable?” ”

“What are you lying to? Absolutely reliable? ”

Wang Xiaohu was very nervous and said: “Then let’s not hurry up and send brothers over to help, the people of the Jianghe Organization, do you think it will spare our boss?” ”

“If he really passes, it is estimated that there will be many murders by then.”

He said nonchalantly: “What kind of person is our boss, don’t you understand?” What was he determined to do, what could I change? ”

“Besides, how do you know that he can’t deal with the Jianghe Organization alone?”

Wang Xiaolong was completely stunned, he didn’t know how to refute Zhang Huaqiang.

“What if the boss is killed by someone from the river organization?”

Zhang Huaqiang didn’t speak, just looked at Wang Xiaolong with idiot-like eyes, which made his scalp a little numb, and he asked: “Why are you looking at me?” ”

“I said you’ve been following the boss for so long, don’t you be so stupid, right? I don’t believe that the people of the river organization can take the boss. ”

“You better mind your own business, I believe the boss has his own measure.”

He wanted to say something, and Zhang Huaqiang closed the door directly.

This made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Wang Xiaohu was particularly worried that Jiang Chen must not have an accident, otherwise they would have to suffer with it.

“Jiang Chen agreed, didn’t he?”

Wang Kun calmly said: “Will he dare to come after three days?” ”


He showed a smile and said to Wang Kun: “Don’t worry, everything is going smoothly now, Jiang Chen has already agreed, the day after tomorrow will definitely come to our Jianghe City, the most important thing is that he comes alone.” ”

“You won’t bring any weapons yet!”

Wang Kun’s eyes were cold, and the terrifying murderous aura on his body rolled in, and he gradually stood up and said: “It’s time for him to die too!” ”

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