Chen Ping was a little dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

He cursed secretly in his heart, it seemed that he had miscalculated.

Originally, I thought that I could let Ouyang Changkong them form a restraint on Jiang Chen.

He can take someone to take down Jiang Chen immediately.


Who would have thought that they were so frightened by Jiang Chen that they had no power to resist at all.

Even in order to survive, he voluntarily surrendered to them.

What else is this playing?

At the same time, Chen Ping, who was more determined, wanted to get rid of Jiang Chen.

One terrorist scares other terrorists into treating the police as relatives.

So how terrifying is he?

Ma Tianyun had a somewhat complicated mood.

Looking at the current situation, Jiang Chen should be able to gain Fei Biao’s trust.

But what exactly are they going to do next?

Could it be true to do something to Jiang Chen?

“Little brother.”

Ma Tianyun finally spoke: “You are young and have a good future in the future, why do you want to do things that hurt nature?” ”

“Don’t you know how notorious Fei Biao is in the local area? Many people died under his hands. If you follow him, you are aiding the abuse! ”

“It’s also an enemy of our police, I advise you to obediently put down your weapons!”

“Otherwise, don’t blame us for being unkind to you today.”

His face was cold, as if he really hated Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s face did not change color and said lightly: “Give me a few of them, I can release you.” ”

What he just said was quite serious.

It’s not like a joke.

Now even Ma Tianyun began to wonder if Jiang Chen really wanted to contradict him.

Probably not?

He was an undercover agent under his own hand.

How can it be possible to get a hand on the brothers?

Ma Tianyun said with a cold face: “Now that Ouyang Changkong has turned themselves in, we have relevant regulations, and we have the responsibility and obligation to protect their lives and safety in the face of those who surrender themselves.” ”

“I advise you to turn back to the shore, make the right decision, and stop resisting, otherwise our bullets will not have eyes.”

“Yes, yes, comrade police! Since I have turned myself in, you must keep me safe. ”

Chen Ping also continued: “Smelly boy, you put down your weapons now and cooperate with us to deal with Fat Biao, maybe we will consider reducing the punishment for you as appropriate.” ”

“If you keep doing this, don’t blame you…”

“Shut up!”

Jiang Chen said coldly: “Today Ouyang Changkong they must die, and the Heavenly King Laozi can’t keep it.” ”

Ma Tianyun took a deep breath and said, “Little brother, this person is still useful for us to keep. Maybe you can get information about Scarface from his mouth. ”

“Are you really going to go against us?”

To put it bluntly, Ma Tianyun was hinting at Jiang Chen.

Don’t do anything to Ouyang Changkong.

They also wanted to extract the evidence of Scarface’s guilt from Ouyang Changkong’s mouth.

Then uprooted the scar face through Ouyang Changkong.

This is to let Jiang Chen put Scarface again!

“Him! Must die! ”

Jiang Chen’s words were loud and sonorous.

Ma Tianyun: “…”

That’s not right! He is a little confused now.

Don’t you have this in the script of the two of us?

Aren’t you going to obey my orders now?

I’m your superior.

When acting comes to this, it’s not interesting.

If you really want to continue to do it, even without my order, Chen Ping will have to do it.

His own people reached the meeting of war, which completely violated his original intention.

“Are you going to be obsessed?”

Ma Tianyun warned Jiang Chen very sternly, “I can tell you, if you are…”

“Shut up!”


A stone shot out, and Jiang Chen shot towards Ouyang Changkong without saying a word.

Straight through his chest.

Ouyang Changkong was killed on the spot.

Several terrorists around him were also doomed, and one was counted as one, and all of them were killed by Jiang Chen.

It’s outrageously fast.

Even with so many police protection, Jiang Chen was still able to dodge with ease.

Next second.

He went straight into the woods.

It’s as if the world has evaporated.

Ma Tianyun was shocked when he saw it.


He, what is he doing?

He didn’t understand what he was saying?

Ouyang Changkong still has use value, and actually killed them in front of everyone’s eyes?

Jiang Chen wanted to rebel, didn’t he?

Eldest brother.

You are undercover.

Undercover do you understand?

While Chen Ping was shocked, he was more angry than ever.

He never expected Jiang Chen’s speed and means to be so terrifying in any way.

The most important thing is that this is openly provoking them.

Didn’t take them to heart at all.


Chen Ping opened his mouth and said, “Chase me no matter what, you must take him down!” ”


Everyone got the order, and they no longer wasted time and rushed towards the jungle where Jiang Chen disappeared.

Ma Tianyun looked at the several corpses that fell to the ground, still immersed in the consternation that Jiang Chen had brought him.

What the hell is he playing?

Could it be that Jiang Chen forgot his task?

It is to secretly cooperate with him Ma Tianyun to uproot all the underground societies in the Jiangbei region.

Whether it is Fat Biao or Scarface, they are the targets they are about to target.


He is now completely obedient to his own arrangements.

Could it be that Jiang Chen was ready to fake the drama and really do it.

When Ma Tianyun thought of this, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Probably not?!

“Captain Chen, are you all right?”

“Don’t scare me Captain Chen! Please, wake up! ”

The cry of a certain warrior came from inside the forest!


Ma Tianyun was completely stunned.

How did Jiang Chen’s undercover agent be?

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