Chapter 151 One person presses one city, Jiang Chen creates history!!

Looking at the back of the other party disappearing into the vast smoke and rain, worry appeared in Zhang Huaqiang’s eyes.

Even if Jiang Chen is powerful, he is only alone after all.

The evil tiger is still difficult to fight the wolves, and I don’t know if he is the opponent of those people.

After all, there are still more than 4,000 people in the river organization.

Their roots are extremely deep, and they have always been among the top killer organizations in the entire Dragon Kingdom.

Being able to stand for more than 30 years is of course very rich.

Yang Group.


Standing in front of Yang Tianlong was a middle-aged man in his thirties, wearing a suit and glasses, looking Sven.

“How about what I asked you to do?”

The middle-aged man replied, “Boss, rest assured, Plan No. 2 is going smoothly. ”

“In half a month at most, everything will be at the end stage, and at that time, our Yang Group will dominate the entire Dragon Kingdom.”

“No one can shake us.”

Yang Tianlong was very satisfied, nodded and said, “Good job.” ”

“That’s all I should do, Boss Yang.”

Yang Tianlong nodded and said, “Go down first, be sure to speed up the process of Plan No. 2 for me.” ”


As soon as he left the room, the old housekeeper ran in again breathlessly.

His wrinkles piled up on his face, and an inexplicable look of joy appeared.

“Good news.”

The old butler coughed twice and said to Yang Tianlong: “Boss, just brought back intelligence from his subordinates, it is said that Jiang Chen is preparing a person to deal with everyone in the Jianghe Organization without carrying any weapons. ”

Yang Tianlong was stunned for a while.

He couldn’t believe it and continued to ask, “Is the news reliable?” ”

“The owner is absolutely reliable.”

He replied very firmly and said: “It is estimated that Jiang Chen will pass tonight, Yang Tianlong did not speak, but there was obvious joy in his eyes. ”

It’s really easy to find a place to step on iron shoes, and it doesn’t take any effort to get it.

Originally, he thought that if he wanted to get rid of Jiang Chen, he had to wait for his No. 2 plan to be implemented.

I didn’t expect that… He actually killed himself? Jiang Chen couldn’t have lived.

The reason why he can dominate one side is inseparable from the proud technology under his hand.

Without these things, he Jiang Chen is not a shit?

“Got it.”

Yang Tianlong said: “But this matter is not worth paying attention to, we should spend all our time and energy on Plan Two?” ”

“Understand the boss.”

He said very sincerely: “There is nothing else, I will go down first.” ”


Yang Tianlong nodded.

After Jiang Chen died, Yang Tianlong’s No. 2 plan was on track.

Everything will develop in the direction he presupposed.

He Yang Tianlong will become the entire Dragon Kingdom, a well-deserved overlord of the underground world, who can stop him at that time?

Jiang Chen finally arrived in Jianghe City.

The dark clouds gathered overhead, obviously it was only three o’clock in the afternoon, but it already looked like six or seven o’clock in the evening.

The dark clouds in the sky squeezed tightly together, and the boundless firmament above the head seemed to collapse at any moment.

The air was extremely hot, without a trace of wind.

Everything was extremely quiet.

It was quiet to a certain eerie degree.

Jiang Chen drove the car at a gallop, like a sharp sword coming out of danger, flying all the way on the highway.

Half an hour later.

Jiang Chen finally arrived on the outskirts of Jianghe City.

As soon as he got out of the car, he heard a loud noise in the forest.

“Your Excellency is Jiang Chen?”

He looked in the direction where the voice came from, and a physically strong man was standing there, wearing a mask of terror on his face.

The black cloak he was wearing was hunting under the evening breeze.

Beside the strong man, he was followed by a group of men, each dressed in black and holding a gun in his hand.

The river killer organization is the river killer, and the organizational background is not ordinary deep

Apart from them, it is estimated that there is no other killer organization that can get so many thermal weapons in a short period of time.

Jiang Chen could sense that in addition to machine guns, there were quite a few grenades in their hands.

“That’s right.”

Jiang Chen raised his head and said, “You let me come alone without any weapons, and now that I have kept my promise, should I return my goods?” ”

“Little brother!”

Wang Kun sneered: “You are really a very naïve person, why do you think that you can go back alive today after you come?” ”

“What do you mean?”

Jiang Chen frowned slightly, deliberately pretending to be very incomprehensible and said, “I don’t understand what you’re saying?” ”

“Don’t understand what I’m saying?”

Wang Kun laughed loudly, “Without any high-tech equipment, can you still escape from under the hands of thousands of our brothers?” ”

“I’ll tell you Jiang Chen, today is your time to die!”

Wang Kun, who has always been calm, is now trembling.

As soon as he finished saying this, Jiang Chen felt a rather dense and strange sound coming from the forest.

More and more people poured out from all directions, surrounding Jiang Chen in the middle.

Everyone is armed with sophisticated weapons.

Now that Jiang Chen doesn’t have a machine armor in his body, what if he has a gun in his hand?

Could it be that he alone could deal with four thousand people?

“Jiang Chen.”

Wang Kun said with infinite emotion: “You should feel especially honored now, right? ”

“What do you mean by that?”

Jiang Chen looked at Wang Kun and said, “I don’t quite understand what you’re talking about? ”

“Our river killer organization has never dispatched personnel on such a large scale just to kill someone.”

“Shouldn’t you be honored that you’re the only one so far?”

Jiang Chen calmly said, “There are two sentences that I have to correct you?” ”


Jiang Chen replied, “First, you are not necessarily my opponent. ”

“Even if you have more people now, you may not be able to trap me?”

“Second, the person who will die today is not me, it’s you!”

The voice was not loud, but after everyone present heard it, they were all affected to a certain extent.

Does Jiang Chen know what he is talking about?

“Jiang Chen.”

Wang Kun sighed, “I really admire your courage, I really can’t think of anyone other than you who dares to say something like that just in my face.” ”

“But courage alone is not enough in this world, it must have the strength to match.”

“It’s a pity, without those shit black technologies, you are nothing?”

“Jiang Chen.”

He said loudly: “Just grab it obediently!” ”

Jiang Chen acted very indifferently, and did not pay attention to the threat he had just now: “No problem.” ”

He stretched out his right hand and said, “I also want to see how long you can hold out under my hand?” ”

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