Chapter 164 Yang Tianlong counterattacked, the whole network was shocked!!

The old butler followed Yang Tianlong and carefully came to the basement.

He walked slowly, looking at the scene in the basement with a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

He very much wanted to know, what Yang Tianlong was going to show him next? Not long after, Yang Tianlong stopped.

The old housekeeper’s breathing became a little rapid, and a rumbling sound suddenly came in his ears.

He consciously raised his head and looked over, and the bright lights around him also banished the darkness at this moment.

The old butler seemed to see a rather fierce and tall giant standing in front of him, burly and tall, with a strong and powerful body.

The scene he saw in front of him made the old butler directly froze and looked at everything that was happening now, and the shock in his expression could not be concealed.

This…… What’s going on?

What appeared in front of the old butler was a burly robot nearly five or six meters tall, covered in black.

It’s obviously a robot, but it looks no different from a real person

The most important thing is that his arms have covered the rest of his body, exuding a rare sense of strength.

“What is it?”

The old butler swallowed and said, “How come I’ve never seen it before.” ”

“The No. 2 plan that I have been emphasizing to you before 990, this robot is the core and most important part of my plan.”

Hearing this, his body froze, as if he understood something, and asked curiously: “You mean to say…”


Yang Tianlong spoke: “This is also a combat robot, which I specially invited the top foreign weapons experts to design. ”

“The comprehensive ability of this robot, I can tell you with great certainty, is definitely above all those robots in the Star-Spangled Country!”

“Do you understand?”

The old butler’s eyes were full of shock, and he still didn’t react a little, and what the other party just said left an indelible impression on him.

I don’t know how long it took for the old butler to say: “Then you mean to say…”

“This robot is something under your hand?”

Yang Tianlong said with some impatience: “Do you still need to ask?” ”

“Not a robot under me? Who would that be. ”

The old butler swallowed his spit, his body couldn’t stop, he trembled slightly, and his eyes were full of fanaticism and excitement.

When the old butler saw the kind of terrifying robot developed by Jiang Chen, he was full of fear and fear.

Did he know what that robot really meant?

It is no exaggeration to say that in the entire Dragon Kingdom, the strength of that robot is absolutely unparalleled.

When he thought of his boss and the festival between Jiang Chen, he was even more worried and scared.

Perhaps, the legend of their Tianlong Group in the Dragon Country is likely to come to an abrupt end.

No one can change their destiny.

However, the appearance of this tall robot in front of him gave him hope again.


Standing beside Yang Tianlong, the old butler rubbed his fists and was eager to try, and he said excitedly: “Can you let me see how powerful this terrifying robot is?” ”

“Of course, no problem.”

He replied quite cheerfully, and spoke: “Then you will show me next, and I will immediately show you how terrifying his power is.” ”

After saying a word, he gently slapped his palm.

The rumbling sound is constantly coming!

The tall robot seemed to understand Yang Tianlong’s words, and he moved his burly body, jumped and ran directly to the sky.

The old butler’s mouth opened to the limit.

His speed seemed to be much faster than Jiang Chen’s robot.

“That’s awesome!”

Seeing this scene, the old butler couldn’t help but exclaim.

He quickly said to Yang Tianlong: “Boss, it seems that the day of our hegemony is coming soon. ”

Boss Yang is also infinitely embarrassed, stepping on iron shoes is nowhere to find, and it takes no effort to get it.

This sentence is really good!

He nodded and said, “Who said it wasn’t? ”

“I worked hard for so long to finally get this robot out on the scene.”

The old housekeeper asked curiously, “Boss, then I want to ask you what you plan to do next?” ”

Yang Tianlong said coldly: “You are responsible for sending me the video just now on the Internet.” ”

“Send it online?”

The old butler was a little confused, he didn’t understand and asked Yang Tianlong: “You want to…”

“I want the entire Dragon Kingdom to know how powerful my robot really is? I want to let the clubs that didn’t have the right team understand what to do now? ”

Hearing this, the old housekeeper suddenly realized.

I understood what Boss Yang was doing now.

“You mean… Want to kill a hundred? ”


He immediately understood, what was the other party going to do next?

When the old housekeeper thought about his boss’s actions, his body trembled with excitement, and he had to admit that this was indeed a very good way.

“No problem.”

He said in front of Yang Tianlong: “Don’t worry, I will do as you ask.” ”


Early the next morning, Zhang Huaqiang had just gotten up when he heard his subordinates running towards him nervously.

His expression was full of fear, and his body was slightly trembling.

The other party’s various actions were clearly seen by Zhang Huaqiang, and he asked very incomprehensibly: “What is going on?” What kind of system does a day of panic become? ”

The eyes of his subordinates were full of fear.

His body was constantly shaking, and he said, “No, it’s not good! ”

The other party’s various performances were completely seen by him, and he didn’t understand and said: “There is something to say quickly, there is a fart to release quickly, what happened?” ”

He swallowed and said, “Hurry up and open the computer yourself to see, Yang Tianlong, he…”

When Zhang Huaqiang heard these words, his whole face suddenly turned extremely pale.

The body is also trembling slightly, why is it involved with Yang Tianlong again? Could it be that his next step is to prepare…?

When this thought popped up in his mind, he felt a little shuddering, if he was really ready to do this, then the situation would be troublesome.

He now had to see what was going on.

“Don’t worry.”

Zhang Huaqiang said as he walked out the door, “What’s going on?” Speak slowly? ”

Wiping the sweat on his forehead, the subordinates next to him swallowed and said: “You may not want to believe it, Yang Tianlong has also developed a fairly powerful and terrifying weapon.” ”

“It’s on par with our boss’s robot.”

“You… What did you say? ”

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