Fat Biao couldn’t believe his eyes.

He rubbed it vigorously, and then fixed his eyes on it, repeatedly confirming that what he had just seen was not an illusion.

This…… What the hell is going on?

It’s not just Fat Biao, everyone else is the same, and their hearts are turned upside down.

There was surprise in the eyes that could not be concealed.

What they saw was a corpse.

If this corpse were an ordinary person, they would definitely not make a fuss.

But he is Ouyang Changkong.

On weekdays, everyone interacts with him a lot, and they often deal with him, and they are naturally impressed.

He is the number one military division under Scarface.

But now it turned into a cold corpse and fell to the ground.

He’s dead.

Fei Biao came to Ouyang Changkong, examined it carefully, spat on his face and scolded: “Let you calculate Laozi, now you have been retributed, right?” ”

A moment later, he stood up, his gaze fell to the top of the mountain, and the whole person’s heart was even heavier.

What happened in the mountains?

Who did Ouyang Changkong’s death?

Could it be Jiang Chen?

No, no, no.

When pigs fly.

No matter how powerful Jiang Chen was, he was only alone after all.

Two fists are still hard to beat four hands!

What’s more, Ouyang Changkong’s brothers were all equipped with guns.


Other than that, he couldn’t think of any other reasonable explanation.

“Brother Biao.”

The bald crane said with a serious expression: “It should be Jiang Chen’s kid who did it, you see there is a stone on his chest!” ”

“I haven’t seen anyone other than him kill in this way.”

Fat Biao’s face changed drastically.

A terrible thought crossed his mind.

Did you say….

Jiang Chen alone killed all the thirty or so brothers under him.

This, this can’t be, right?

If Jiang Chen could really do it, then his strength would be simply chilling.

“Let’s go up and take a look first!”

After receiving the fat biao’s order, they accelerated their marching speed, and finally reached the top of the mountain after about ten seconds.


They were all stunned by what they saw.


Bodies were piled up everywhere on the ground, and blood gathered like a river, dyeing the grass on the ground a striking red.

Broken hands and feet piled up together like hell on earth.

Those people died in the same way.

They are all stones that pierce the throat or chest.

Clean and tidy, no mud and water.

Cold sweat broke out on Zhang Xiaojun’s forehead instantly, and his palms were also a little wet.

Intuition told him….

All of them were done by Jiang Chen.

The kid really did it.

One person destroyed more than thirty people, including Ouyang Changkong.

Most importantly, they also hold guns.

Too, too strong.

“Brother Biao.”

The bald crane swallowed and said: “We have really gained a lot of talent!” ”

“Made, where are the others?”

Fei Biao looked for Jiang Chen’s figure everywhere, but he never saw any trace of him.

The corpses piled up on the ground did not see his shadow.

The bald crane also said solemnly: “I, we don’t know.” ”

“Hurry up and find Lao Tzu, you must find him!”


The men who received the order began to move separately.

Not long after, there was an exclamation not far away, and someone shouted: “Brother Biao, you hurry up and take a look!” ”

Fei Biao didn’t waste time, and quickly led people to rush over.

When they saw the scene inside the woods, they all had numbing scalps.

There were also more than two dozen corpses on the ground.

However, these people are all wearing uniform black uniforms.

Someone quickly said: “Isn’t he Chen Ping of the Armed Police Special Combat Team? This seems to be their dragon squad! ”


A simple sentence was like five thunderbolts, which shocked everyone present.

The Jiaolong squad is definitely a top leader in the Jiangbei Armed Police.

Their strength is quite strong and terrifying.

Several terrorist attacks with a large number of people were put to rest.

In the minds of many societies, the Dragon Squad is a veritable nightmare.

But now they are all dead.

“It seems that Jiang Chen did it too!”

The bald crane pointed at Chen Ping’s chest and said, “Look, they died exactly the same way!” ”


Now even the ruthless person of Fat Biao is inevitably scared.

That’s not an ordinary person.

It’s Chen Ping!

Chen Ping, who once made many terrorists fearful.

Jiang Chen was still able to kill with one blow.

This stinky boy is really not simple.

“Brother Biao.”

Zhang Xiaojun secretly prayed in his heart that Jiang Chen must die.

If he is still alive and follows Fat Biao, he will have a chance to perform himself in the future.

Such a fierce person, Fei Biao will definitely reuse it.

“If there is something to say quickly, there is a fart to release quickly!”

Zhang Xiaojun said carefully: “I think he is mostly dead, do you think he can survive after fighting with the people of the armed police team?” ”

Fei Biao said with some embarrassment: “It’s a pity, if he can live, he will definitely be able to follow me to make a career.” ”

“This kid is brave and resourceful, and he is an amazing talent. Much more powerful than Wang Laosan, Zhang Xiaojun, you learn more from others! ”

Zhang Xiaojun smiled awkwardly and said, “You’re right, Brother Biao taught you!” ”


Fat Biao seems to have remembered something?

He quickly went to the place where he put the video recorder and took it out and opened it.

After glancing at the video inside, the fat body stiffened again.

PS: Weakly ask a reader, can you give some evaluation votes? It’s a bit bleak… Thankful under the following!

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