Seeing that Jiang Chen had never said a word, according to Ma Tianyun’s experience accumulated over the years, he could also judge the decision made by the other party.

Most of them don’t want to go!

He was silent for a moment and said: “Your choice is not wrong, as long as you are a person, you have the instinct to seek benefits and avoid harm.” ”

“Besides, you are only in your twenties, and I will directly push you into the abyss of darkness, which is indeed too selfish.”

“Since you are so waiting for you to graduate, I will directly arrange you to work in the provincial public security department, when the time comes…”

Jiang Chen directly interrupted him and said, “Don’t misunderstand, sir, I am willing to agree to go undercover in the fat criminal group.” ”

Ma Tianyun was slightly stunned.

He didn’t expect that Jiang Chen would actually agree, which made him a little unexpected, and after a moment of hesitation, he said again: “Jiang Chen, you must think clearly.” ”

“It’s dangerous to go undercover under him, and if you’re not careful, you’ll die without a corpse.” You may not be able to get honor and glory, but you can be doomed at any time. ”

“Are you really not afraid?”

Jiang Chen replied, “If I had been afraid, I wouldn’t have attended the police academy in the first place. ”

Calm and calm.

Throw the floor with sound.

Ma Tianyun’s heart surged with blood, and he looked at Jiang Chen and nodded and said, “Good, good to say.” ”

“In that case, let me first tell you how to break into the fat biao, and your specific action plan today.”

“Also, I want to highlight to you a few difficult characters in the Fat Biao criminal group.”


He nodded lightly in front of the other person.

Ma Tianyun took out a stack of information, pointed to the map next to him with his right index finger and said: “Today, Fat Biao and Scarface will trade flour in the suburbs of Jiangbei City. ”

“However, Scarface does not sincerely want to cooperate with Fat Biao, but wants to engage in black and black!”

“We have accurate information from the undercover agent on Scarface’s side, and it is said that he ambushed thirty or forty brothers at the location of the transaction.”

“At least a dozen of them are armed with guns, but Fat Biao doesn’t know anything about it at the moment, and he only brought six or seven brothers to meet him.”

“The time and place are favorable, now Scarface is all occupied, if he makes a move, Fat Biao will definitely die.”

Jiang Chen listened quietly.

Until now, he didn’t understand, what exactly Ma Tianyun wanted him to do?

“I prepared an identity for you in advance, and as early as three days ago, I used your virtual identity to call Fei Biao, saying that you are a distant relative of one of his once dead brothers, and today I am ready to go over to him.”

“Whether it is Fei Biao or the two left and right arms under his hand, they are suspicious by nature.”

“In order to avoid you arousing their suspicion, but also to keep you safe.” You have to show enough sincerity, so…”

“The first task you will complete today is to rescue Fat Biao from Scarface’s men.”

“Only in this way can Fat Biao trust you, so that you can directly penetrate into them.”

When Ma Tianyun said this, his expression was quite solemn.

He said with a slight guilt: “I know this is particularly difficult for you, after all, Scarface has arranged thirty or forty people there. ”

“All of them are his henchmen and brothers, who have followed him for more than ten years of licking blood at the knife’s edge, and are equipped with weapons.”

“But you’re only one person, and you can’t use a gun yet.”

“Otherwise, they will suspect the origin of your weapon and reveal their identity at any time.”

Not to mention students who have just graduated, even extremely experienced criminal police officers want to achieve this.

Before Jiang Chen could respond, Ma Tianyun hurriedly added: “Of course, I will let us secretly assist you in the undercover agent on Scarface’s side.” ”

“At the same time, I will also find more than two dozen armed police officers to arrest Scarface and Fat Biao on the pretext of eliminating drug dealers.”

“I will let our people focus on those people who are ambushed in the forest by Scarface, and create chaos after getting rid of them, and you can take this opportunity to take them away.”

Jiang Chen hesitated for a moment and asked, “Only deal with the people with Scarface, aren’t you ready to deal with Fat Biao?” ”

Ma Tianyun said: “First of all, there are not many people under Fei Biao, and secondly, our main purpose is not to kill them all, but to let you successfully break into Fei Biao. ”

“When you gain his trust in the future, you can find out some extremely important news and involve the Tianlong criminal group behind it.”

“This is the main purpose of our operation!”

Jiang Chen hesitated for a moment and shook his head and said, “Absolutely not. ”

Ma Tianyun didn’t understand and asked, “Why?” ”

“You said before that fat Biao is suspicious by nature, cunning and insidious. If you only deal with Scarface’s people and don’t do anything to us, he will definitely be suspicious at that time. ”

“The best way is that the people on both sides of you kill, do not need any subordinates to show mercy, and the more ruthless you fight, the better.”

“I’ll do the rest.”

Ma Tianyun’s body stiffened.

He looked at Jiang Chen with some incredulity and said, “You, what you said is true? ”

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