Zhang Xiaojun, who held the wine glass in his right hand, his body trembled slightly.

He frowned and said, “What did you just say? ”

“Is Jiang Chen a traitor?”

Apparently, he was a little unconvinced.

Although Zhang Xiaojun was dissatisfied with Jiang Chen, he risked his life to rescue Fei Biao in a hail of bullets before, and this matter was obvious to all.

If it was really a treacherous person, why would he do it?

Moreover, in order to save Fei Biao, he also killed dozens of people from the armed police special combat team in one go.

Put yourself completely in opposition to the police.

What traitor would be so stupid?

The young man’s name was Xiaokang, and he had followed Zhang Xiaojun for six or seven years.

Seeing that the other party did not believe him, he continued: “Brother Jun, don’t worry, I don’t have definitive evidence, now it’s just suspicion.” ”


Zhang Xiaojun leaned back in his chair and said, “I told you something, but you must not talk nonsense. ”

“Your time with that dead fat man is not short, you should know his character very well, and he has absolutely zero tolerance for undercover.”

“If you find out that he is really someone sent by the police, you will definitely cut him by a thousand cuts and crush his corpse.”

“But in the same way, if we don’t have enough evidence and spew blood, whether it is you or us, we will have to pay with our lives.”

Xiaokang did not speak right away.

He knew that Zhang Xiaojun was by no means alarmist.

Although Fei Biao did not fully trust Jiang Chen now, he did pay enough attention to it.

Less than two days after joining their club, he was directly promoted to the third leader, setting a record for promotion.

Except for Jiang Chen, no one can do it at present.

If they casually framed Jiang Chen as undercover, Fei Biao would not spare them.

The word undercover has always been quite sensitive to Fei Biao.

Who dares to touch…

Then there will be a price.

After a moment of silence, Xiaokang continued to say: “Do you remember the day before yesterday, Jiang Chen, one person killed the entire armed police special combat team? ”


This incident left an extremely deep impression on Zhang Xiaojun.

Facing the armed police special combat team alone, he could easily and calmly uproot it.

I have to admire his strength and courage.

Zhang Xiaojun asked himself, even if it is ten of himself, I am afraid that he will not be able to do it.

Xiaokang lowered his voice, “Brother Jun, when I went to the hospital today to get medicine, I saw the group of policemen. They didn’t die at all, they were just seriously injured. ”

That afternoon, Ma Tianyun sent all the people from the armed police team to the hospital. They suffered exactly the same injuries, pierced by a piece of wood in the heart, but they did not hurt the point. ”

“It’s just that there was suspended animation shock, so it seems to us to be dead.”

“One or two may just be a coincidence, but if the entire armed police special combat team of more than twenty people are all the same, don’t you feel a little tricky?”

Zhang Xiaojun stood up abruptly.

His pupils contracted slightly, a cold gleam flashed in his eyes, and he continued to ask, “Are you really unsure?” ”


Xiaokang thought for a while and replied: “I also know that this matter cannot be neglected, and I have specially found someone to inquire carefully.” ”

“I made sure that the news I got was true, so I came to tell you that none of the people in the armed police special combat team died.”

“And it’s just right, only a little bit of being hurt, if Jiang Chen didn’t mean it, it’s not convincing at all.”

“If you think about it, Ouyang Changkong and the thirty or so people under him, Jiang Chen, were all killed, leaving not a single living mouth.”

“Why are all the armed police he left behind?”

Zhang Xiaojun fell silent.

Now that he does not speak on the surface, he is indeed quite excited in his heart.

Before that, he had been struggling with Jiang Chen being above him and unable to break him down.

I really didn’t expect that Xiaokang actually provided him with such heavy news.

If this is the case, even if Jiang Chen is not undercover, then he must be inextricably linked to the police.

Just need to provide the news to Fei Biao, he will definitely cause a gap to Jiang Chen.

Most likely he will never be reused.

With his fat and suspicious personality, in order to be foolproof, it is not impossible to find an opportunity to do Jiang Chen.

“Brother Jun.”

Xiaokang said: “If I want to say that we will tell Brother Biao the news tonight, I believe he will definitely make the right decision.” ”


Zhang Xiaojun waved his hand and said, “I’m afraid the time is not ripe enough to tell him now.” ”

“So what do you mean…”

Zhang Xiaojun sneered and said, “Seeing is believing, hearing is false, you said if we arrest Chen Ping, wouldn’t the effect be better?” ”

“The people of the armed police team have always been a thorn in Brother Biao’s heart, and he attaches so much importance to Jiang Chen, isn’t it precisely because he alone brought the entire armed police team to the last time?”

“If we capture Chen Ping, not only can we puncture Jiang Chen’s lies, but we can also directly slaughter him and get Brother Biao’s attention.”

“Isn’t it two birds with one stone?”

Xiaokang suddenly realized, and quickly said: “Brother Jun, your trick is really high. ”

“Let’s go.”

Zhang Xiaojun said with a gloomy face: “Be sure to let Brother Biao see Jiang Chen’s true face.” ”


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