The last trace of the sun in the sky was completely submerged by the rushing night.

The lights on the street lit up, and Jiang Chen’s shadow was stretched long on the ground.

Against the backdrop of the surrounding high-rise buildings, it looks particularly thin and lonely.

Looking at his figure gradually disappearing into the crowd, Fei Biao sighed and said: “Little brother, it’s like this in the rivers and lakes.” ”

“We can share the blessings, but we may not be able to do the same when there are difficulties.”

The bald crane approached Fat Biao and said, “Brother Biao, now we have to hurry up and make two preparations?” ”

“Scarface came up with Jiang Chen’s truth, but he specifically let the owl come over this time, it is estimated that he just let Jiang Chen go out to top the bag, I am afraid that he will not be able to calm his anger.”

“He’ll do it to you sooner or later!”

Fei Biao nodded and said, “I know this, letting Jiang Chen go over is just to buy us some time.” ”

“You should have some other good way to get me through this for all, right?”

The bald crane replied, “Of course. ”

“What way?”

Looking at the brothers around him, the bald crane said: “Brother Biao, our biggest problem now is not only the lack of manpower, but more importantly, the lack of guns. ”

“Think about it, if each of us had a gun in our hands, I wouldn’t believe that the owl would dare to act rashly?”

“I have sent my brothers to inquire, and they add up to only more than thirty guns.”

“As long as everyone is equipped with a gun, Lao Tzu won’t believe it, and he can’t deal with the owl?”

Of course, Fei Biao also thought about what the bald crane said just now, and the key question is where to get so many guns?

“Where did you get more than three hundred guns?”

The bald crane smiled and said, “The people at the headquarters may not help us deal with the owls, but…”

“Are they still not willing to provide us with guns?”

“It just so happens that I heard that the prince of Mr. Yang’s family is likely to pass by us recently, and we will find a way to find him and entertain him, so it should not be a problem to get two or three hundred guns?”

“When the time comes, we will be able to kill the owls in minutes.”

Fat Biao did not speak right away.

In fact, he still had doubts about the method that the bald crane came up with.

The owl can become famous in Jiangdong and become one of the most powerful top killers.

How his means are self-evident, if only two guns can suppress him, he will not have such a great reputation.

But for now, that’s the only way to go.

“Okay, you’ll do everything.”

“No problem, Brother Biao.”


The night is getting deeper.

Jiang Chen didn’t know that behind him, a group of people were quietly following.

Some of them came from the Tianxing Society, and some came from Wuhumen.

Since Jiang Chen became famous in the battle three days ago, his reputation has become particularly loud in Jiangbei.

A lot of people know about him.

Today he went to the meeting alone, ready to face the anger of Scarface.

Everyone sympathized with him, but more admired.

Whether he succeeds or not, this courage is quite rare.

Around eight thirty in the evening, Jiang Chen finally came to the outside of Scarface’s villa.

The hundreds of junior brothers under him were dressed in black and holding weapons.

As for Scarface, he sat in the doorway with a table next to it with red wine.

The owl sits on his right.

Hundreds of people stared brightly, their eyes sharp as knives.

Wuhumen and the people of the Tianxing Society stood on the side and watched, all of them were fighting for Jiang Chen.

“It’s a pity, such a good man!”

“If he could follow a better leading big brother, he wouldn’t have the end he is today.”

“If he followed our strong brother at the beginning, he might have become the second-in-command of Wuhumen now.”

“This is all fate, I can’t blame others!”


“Stinky boy!”

Scarface said with a smile: “I admire your courage, I didn’t expect you to really dare to come alone today.” ”

“Don’t you know that Fat Biao let you come over to let you die?”

“The two-headed dragon and the flower-faced tiger all died in your hands, and since you are here today, then I must get justice for the two of them.”

“But for the sake of you being a good man, I can fulfill your last wish.”

“What else do you have to say?”

Jiang Chen smiled lightly and said, “I can give you a chance to take the initiative to turn yourself in!” It’s always safer to go inside the prison than to stay outside. ”

He spoke quietly, but his attitude was very serious.

Everyone looked at each other, and now they are all dumbfounded?

What was Jiang Chen just talking about?

Let Scarface turn themselves in?

Nima, isn’t there something wrong with the head?

But if he is slightly normal, he can’t say the same stupid thing just now?

Scarface slowly stood up and said, “What? ”

“To admit mistakes is to have the attitude of admitting mistakes, what do you mean?”

Jiang Chen calmly replied, “I made it very clear that it is safer to be inside the prison than to stay outside. ”

“I can give you five seconds to think about it, if you don’t go to prison, then I’ll send you to hell!”

The audience was in an uproar!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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