Chapter 82: Thousands of people can’t let Jiang Chen go!!

Fan Xiaoyong really couldn’t believe what he was seeing so far, and his gaze followed Jiang Chen’s back for a long time without moving away.

The whole person was shocked and unable to speak, and his body stiffened in place like a puppet.

The sharp steel knife that Jiang Chen held in his hand was particularly conspicuous under the light of the cold moonlight.

No way.

He must now hurry up and get his men to act.

This was the opportunity he dreamed of, Jiang Chen finally revealed his flaws, and after a few days of forbearance, he still chose to strike angrily.

Anger can really make a person lose his mind.

Under normal circumstances, how could Jiang Chen go directly to Li Hu without making any preparations.

But what happened now, whether he accepted it or not, is a fact that cannot be changed.

“Jiang Chen.”

With a gloomy face, he said secretly: “It will be your death soon.” ”


“Jiang Chen went alone?”

Ma Tianyun, who learned the news, was shocked, and he stood in place dumbfounded, a little unable to believe what he heard, and a strong shock appeared in his eyes.

Jiang Chen’s decision really surprised him.

Isn’t it clearly looking for death?

With Jiang Chen’s personality, it should not be so reckless, as long as a little analysis, it is clear that the white blood cell team is behind the action.

Now if Jiang Chen has any wind and grass, there will be many people who want to put him to death.

Not only the people in the underground world want to kill him, but the people above are the same.

How did Jiang Chen not know convergence.

“That’s right.”

The group leader did not notice the worry in Ma Tianyun’s eyes at all, and said with interest: “I can guarantee that Jiang Chen will die this time.” ”

“Lend him a few hundred more means, and he will definitely not be able to live.”

“Even if we don’t take action against those people in the underground society, we will hack him to death alive.”

Ma Tianyun did not speak.

Most of the news brought back by his subordinates just now was not a joke, then if it was all true, Jiang Chen would definitely be fierce.

He must now find a way to pull Jiang Chen back from the brink of life and death, otherwise everything will be over.

He nodded and said, “Okay, I see, you go down first.” ”


After the group leader left, Ma Tianyun quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed Jiang Chen’s number, which took about two seconds to connect there.

“You alone are going to find Li Hu their trouble?”

Jiang Chen calmly said, “What’s the problem? ”

“You hurry up and stop me!”

Jiang Chen smiled and replied, “Commander Ma sometimes hears is not necessarily true, and what he sees is not necessarily believing. ”

“Don’t trust your eyes until a lot of things have settled, otherwise you are likely to be fooled by you.”

What he said made Ma Tianyun even less understood, and directly let him fall into the clouds and say: “What are you talking about? Why can’t I understand a word? ”

“If you don’t understand, forget it.”

Jiang Chen was also reluctant to explain to Ma Tianyun: “Anyway, you just need to understand that whether it is Ma Tianyun or Li Hu, all they see is not the truth, and that’s enough.” ”

When the words fell, Jiang Chen hung up the phone.

Ma Tianyun dialed again and found that the computer had been turned off.

He paced back and forth in the room, and cold sweat broke out on his nervous forehead.

He was constantly playing, wondering what the meaning of what Jiang Chen just said was improving?

What you see is not the truth of the whole story.

So what’s going on?

To be honest, Ma Tianyun is also quite unclear about the decision made by Jiang Chen now.

He’s so mysterious…

At the same time, Fan Xiaoyong and the members of the white blood cell team were secretly following Jiang Chen.

The guns and bullets in everyone’s hands were loaded, and as long as he was carrying a watermelon knife and preparing to make a move on Li Hu and the others, they could strike in time to catch him.

Twenty minutes later, Jiang Chen drove to the villa where Li Hu was.

He stopped the car, opened the door and got out of it.

The people inside the villa were waiting strictly, holding the weapons in their hands one by one, and they could make a move on Jiang Chen at any time, and this one in front of them was the king of Jiang Bi’s underground world.

It was an existence that made them, all of them, fearful and shocking.

Everyone thought that Jiang Chen would definitely make a move, who would have thought of him, just looked at them with a faint smile and said: “Everyone, don’t be so nervous, can you call your boss out, I want to go with him for a cup of tea?” ”

“What the hell is he doing?”

Fan Xiaoyong, who was sitting in the car, leaned forward and stared at Jiang Chen and muttered, “Doesn’t he want to do it now?” ”

No one could answer his question, and people stared blankly ahead, the confusion in their eyes resounding and easy to see.

Everyone couldn’t figure it out, what happened to Jiang Chen?

“Stinky boy.”

One of his subordinates scolded Jiang Chen: “Lao Tzu tells you how far to roll, our boss will not be fooled.” ”

“I really have no malice, I just want your boss to go out to dinner together, why are you doing this? The knife in my hand is only used to cut fruit. ”

I believe you are a ghost.

Everyone looked at Jiang Chen with skeptical eyes, their faces full of caution.

This guy is definitely the most terrifying and terrifying existence in Jiangbei at present.

Many people were even a little unable to breathe in the face of Jiang Chen’s powerful coercion, he was like a mountain that overwhelmed him.

Let them tremble.

“Li Hu!”

Jiang Chen shouted loudly: “Can you come out and let’s go for a late-night snack together?” ”

“Fuck your shit!”

At this moment, Li Hu opened the window of the villa on the second floor, and he stood there and shouted at Jiang Chen: “Do you think Laozi will fall for you so easily, how far to roll me?” ”

“I’m telling you, I’m not that easily deceived?”

Jiang Chen pretended to be a very scoundrel, waved his hand and said, “It’s really a pity, I originally thought you would definitely like it.” ”

“It seems that I guessed wrong, then there is nothing else, I will leave first, and later there will be time for the two of us to come out for dinner and chat or something.”

“We should also laugh and take revenge!”

Li Hu stood at the window on the second floor and scolded: “Others don’t understand what kind of person you are, don’t I still understand?” ”

“I smashed your field and cut your brother, you will let me go so easily?”

“Didn’t you say you would let me die before twelve o’clock tonight? Now there are only the last ten minutes left, you have the ability to do it to me! ”

“Could it be that you alone can cut us down more than a thousand?”

Jiang Chen said: “It’s really a little boring, I just came to find you for tea, but now it’s not necessary.” ”

“I’ll go first.”

After saying this, he turned around generously, opened the car door directly, and after going up, the accelerator slammed and disappeared from people’s field of vision.

Everyone looked at his distant figure, they all felt a little unreal, standing there dumbfounded, no one reacted.

Jiang Chen just left.

Could it be that he was not prepared to pursue the things that Li Hu had done before.

Isn’t he afraid that his brothers will laugh at him?

What’s going on?

No one figured out what kind of medicine was sold in Jiang Chen’s gourd?


Wang Chenguang, who was standing beside Fan Xiaoyong, put away the sniper rifle and asked, “What’s going on?” ”

“He’s gone, so what do we do?”

Fan Xiaoyong did not speak.

Looking at the black sports car speeding on the street, Fan Xiaoyong felt unspeakable in his heart, and he carefully planned for several days for this moment.

I thought that I would definitely be able to win Jiang Chen smoothly.

Who would have thought that in the end, this would be the case…

Jiang Chen also learned to thunder loudly and rain less?

There were still two minutes left until twelve o’clock in the evening.

It seems that Jiang Chen is not ready to start tonight?


He clenched his fists and said, “It seems that Lao Tzu really underestimated him!” This guy’s means are more powerful than we think. ”

“Boss, but now Jiang Chen hasn’t done anything at all?”

Fan Xiaoyong said coldly: “I said what do you understand? It is precisely because he has not done anything now that he is truly brilliant! ”

“If he did, he’d be a complete idiot.”

“Let the brothers finish work! It looks like he’s not going to do it tonight. ”


Finally twelve o’clock arrived.

Just as he and his brothers were about to turn around and leave, they suddenly heard a scream from inside the villa.

Immediately afterwards, a large group of members of the underground society ran towards the second floor of the villa

In the next second, Fan Xiaoyong heard one exclamation after another from inside the villa.

“How so?”

“Boss, don’t scare us!”

“Twelve o’clock is exactly twelve o’clock now!”


Fan Xiaoyong’s mind went blank.

Could it be that they really died?

More than a thousand people did not prevent Jiang Chen?

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