Chapter 84 Jiang Chen cried the entire Jiangbei in fear! He’s not human!!

Ma Tianyun only felt that he was even breathing, as if he had stopped for a moment, and his whole person looked out the window blankly, his mind blank.

What Jiang Chen said echoed in his ears, making his mood unable to calm down for a long time.

More than a thousand people were strictly guarding Jiang Chen, and the members of the white blood cell team even prepared for more than a week in advance in order to deal with Jiang Chen.

In order to prevent accidents at that time, Jiang Chen still stole the sky and killed them all in full view?

What approach did he take?

“You alone can beat more than a thousand of them?”

This was the question he was most curious about at the moment, although he knew that Jiang Chen’s combat power was extremely terrifying, it was difficult for the owl to last three seconds in front of him.

But with the myth of one enemy and a thousand, it does seem a little untrue, this is not a martial arts novel, how can there be such a powerful person in real life?

Even if his fighting strength and comprehensive skills are really strong, the consumption of physical strength is a huge problem that cannot be compensated.

“I didn’t do it.”

Jiang Chen seemed to have drunk a glass of water and said, “If you think about that situation, if I had made a move, wouldn’t Fan Xiaoyong have already found a handle to catch me?” ”

“You didn’t do it?”

Ma Tianyun was even more shocked now, Jiang Chen didn’t make a move, so what did he do?

The people under him did not act.

Moreover, there are so many people guarding around the villa, and Fan Xiaoyong’s white blood cell team has been rotating monitoring 24 hours a day without rest.

Can he still work miracles?

“What happened? Fan Xiaoyong will tell you. ”

Jiang Chen said: “If you can, by the way, help me bring a word to him, the white blood cell team is indeed under the prestige, but it is actually unbearable.” ”

“If they want to catch me, they will have to practice for at least ten years and eight years!”

After hanging up the phone, Ma Tianyun stood in place dumbfounded, he kept recalling what Jiang Chen said before, and his heart was shocked.

He really couldn’t understand what kind of unexpected way Jiang Chen had taken to successfully fool the white blood cell team and kill Li Hu and them?

The white blood cell group is famous and has made many battle achievements, and it is definitely a top special force in the Dragon Kingdom.

But now, even when they faced Jiang Chen, they actually showed such helplessness.

Suffer losses again and again.

To be honest, now Ma Tianyun is more and more doubtful whether it is really possible that Jiang Chen will one day stand on the opposite side of him and become a real terrorist.

He hoped that day would never come.

If it does appear…

What awaits Ma Tianyun is destruction.

He couldn’t think of who could he find to resist Jiang Chen?

“Old horse.”

Fan Xiaoyong directly pushed the door open, his face was quite ugly, the whole person was a little angry and corrupted, and his body seemed to be shaking.

Walking straight to the sofa, Fan Xiaoyong clenched his fists and clattered, and now he was like an angry tiger.

Bloodshot eyes.

“What’s going on?”

Fan Xiaoyong gritted his teeth and said, “Jiang Chen, that bastard is a madman!” ”

“I really can’t understand, why did we have more than one king stunned and didn’t prevent him?”

“Li Hu, they just evaporated in the world in front of everyone, I have sent my brothers to look for it, but there is no news yet.”

Today’s Ma Tianyun only knows that a few of them are dead, but he still doesn’t know what happened.

“Don’t be in a hurry.”

Ma Tianyun was curious and asked, “Can you tell me exactly what happened?” ”

He collected his thoughts and told the ins and outs of a series of things in front of Ma Tianyun.

When Ma Tianyun learned the truth of the matter, the whole person was also surprised, how did Jiang Chen do it?

“All the monitoring has been checked, and no clue has been found?”

Fan Xiaoyong answered in the affirmative.

“There are no secret passages around the villa, and Jiang Chen has been within our observation from beginning to end. The brother who followed Jiang Chen also did prove that he just went to the hotel for a supper after leaving. ”

“As for the others under Jiang Chen, Zhao Tianxing and Zhang Huaqiang, they are all within our surveillance range.”

“They’ve all been in their homes and haven’t gone anywhere.”

“But Li Hu and they just evaporated out of thin air, and the surveillance video only had a black screen for three seconds, and after three seconds they disappeared directly.”

“Even if Jiang Chen is a god, he shouldn’t be able to do it.”

After Ma Tianyun learned of Jiang Chen’s operation against the sky, he suddenly shuddered.

Jiang Chen is an amazing genius, but at the same time quite a terrifying devil.

Three seconds to make ten people disappear? Is he magical?

“Didn’t find the slightest clue?”

Fan Xiaoyong said angrily: “No, I originally thought that this plan was seamless, and Lao Tzu carefully prepared for so long. ”

“I didn’t believe that Jiang Chen could still escape, but in the end, I underestimated him. Turned around by that bastard! ”

“He said to let Li Hu and them die at twelve, and as a result, they disappeared on time at twelve!”

Ma Tianyun’s heart was shocked, like a terrifying wave surging continuously, he stood in place in a daze, constantly thinking about what happened.

I tried to deduce some clues from it, but the final result was a big disappointment.

He didn’t have the slightest place to start, and he couldn’t think of how Jiang Chen managed to be seamless and didn’t leave the slightest flaw?

Although everyone knew that Li Hu’s disappearance was definitely related to Jiang Chen.

But the scary thing is that even if you know they did it, you can’t do anything about him.

From beginning to end, he has not entered the villa, and he has not been seen in the surveillance video.

Even his brothers stayed at home and did not go anywhere.

Jiang Chen became more and more mysterious…

The members of more than a dozen other societies were panicked in the past two days, and they sent large teams of people and horses to search for their bosses everywhere.

But they never got the slightest clue, Li Hu and a dozen of them disappeared out of thin air under the protection of more than a thousand people in their villa, and the world evaporated.

And everything is inseparable from Jiang Chen.

He said that if Li Hu and the others died at twelve, no one would be able to keep them until twelve o’clock.

This matter has also been discussed quite hotly on the Internet, and the night world is making a lot of noise and setting off terrifying waves.

“To be honest, Jiang Chen is terrible!”

“Who says it isn’t? Do you think about more than a thousand people protecting ten people, is it saved? ”

“The surveillance video at that time was only a three-second black screen picture. Three seconds ago everything was fine, but after three seconds, they were gone! ”

“Is Jiang Chen a human or a ghost? In the future in the underground world of Jiangbei, it is estimated that no one will dare to offend him, right? ”

“That’s right! I shudder when I think about that picture now, it is said that neither the surveillance video nor other people saw Jiang Chen enter the villa. ”

“Jiang Chen’s other brothers have not acted either, but Li Hu and they are gone!”

“Do you say they’re still alive?”

“Do you still need to ask? Of course it is impossible to live. This group of guys offended Jiang Chen, and they still want to have a foothold in Jiangbei? ”

“How do I feel, Jiang Chen seems to be the living Yan King of our Jiangbei underground world.”

“According to what you say, Jiang Chen is really the Living Yan King!”

Originally, Jiang Chen was tall in people’s minds, and even had some terrifying images, but after this incident, he was further laid.

Not to be outdone, Fan Xiaoyong tried his best to find Jiang Chen’s flaws and evidence of crime.

To this end, he sent Li Hu’s villa, a Jedi in the true sense, to investigate, but there were no clues.

The surveillance video has also been repeatedly studied, and there is no sign of fraud, which is indeed the real situation at the scene.

The entire Jiangbei was stunned by Jiang Chen’s operation this time.

Two or three days later, Ma Tianyun finally couldn’t help but take the initiative to contact Jiang Chen.

He really wanted to know what kind of method the other party had taken to take Li Hu away under the watchful eyes of so many people.

Not only him, but the entire people in Jiangbei wanted to know.

After connecting the phone, Jiang Chen still decided to meet with him.

The two found a relatively hidden residence, and Ma Tianyun didn’t talk to him, and directly asked straight to the point: “Answer me quickly, how did you do it?” ”

Compared with Ma Tianyun’s eagerness, Jiang Chen was comfortable and calm.

He leaned back in the chair, poured himself a glass of water and said, “I said don’t be in such a hurry, how about we two drink something?” ”

“Not in a hurry yet?”

Ma Tianyun said hotly in his heart: “Jiang Chen, you don’t know, your behavior this time has turned our Jiangbei upside down. ”

“Now nine out of ten people walking down the street are talking about you, and everyone wants to break their heads, and they don’t know how you did it.”

“Can you tell me?”

Jiang Chen smiled and said, “You really want to know the truth? ”

“Do you still need to ask?”

Ma Tianyun said anxiously: “Tell me quickly, have you already done Li Hu and them?” ”

“That’s right.”

Jiang Chen smiled and said, “But what you just said is only half right? ”

“What do you mean?”

Jiang Chen stood up and said, “I already knew the purpose of your coming to me today, so I prepared a surprise for you in advance. ”

“I promise you’ll love it!”

“Come in all of you.”

His voice fell, the door outside was opened, and a dozen strong men appeared at the door, all of them dressed in black suits, all strong and tall.

The moment he saw them, Ma Tianyun was stunned again, his eyes were full of stunned and shocked, and he couldn’t react for a long time.

Be…… Are they?

Li Hu, as well as Cripple and Scarface and others! Aren’t they dead?

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