Chapter 88 Jiang Chen’s feat, Boss Yang, I am afraid?!!

In addition to Jiang Chen, Zhang Huaqiang and more than a dozen other subordinates under Jiang Chen were all in his room.

They were all waiting in a stern position, quiet on the surface, but full of expectations in their hearts.

Jiang Chen stepped forward at a critical moment this time and saved Yang Zihao.

Boss Yang will definitely appreciate him extraordinarily.

Maybe they can also get the way alone, and the chicken dog ascends to heaven.

Directly into the headquarters of Tianlong Group and become one of the top executives.

The influence of the Tianlong Group in the country is quite strong and terrifying, and it is almost well known.

It goes without saying how much benefit you can get from being able to be at the top of this group.

“What did Boss Yang say?”

Zhao Tianxing said: “He wrote a letter, I haven’t opened it yet, can you see it yourself?” ”

“No thanks.”

Jiang Chen shook his head and said: “Anyway, there are no outsiders who came here today, you read it out, and let the brothers listen to it, what does he think?” ”


Zhao Tianxing opened the letter, and his face changed slightly after just one or two glances.

There was strong surprise and resentment in his eyes, but he finally calmed down, and a loud voice floated in the hall.

“My Tianlong Group is the most taboo to commit the following crimes, no matter how fierce and cruel Fei Biao is, no one in sight, he is also a dog under my hand. Only I can kill him, and since you Jiang Chen is his subordinate, you should listen to his arrangement. ”

“As a result, he killed him for the following offences, and he has not directly reported to me, and it stands to reason that I will cut you by a thousand cuts, so that you will not die well.”

“But now my Tianlong Group is in a huge crisis, our senior partner Wang Shaohua has been caught in Hell Prison, and you must rescue him within three days.”

“If you can make him retreat all over, I won’t pursue the matter of fat biao, otherwise you don’t need to live 09 anymore, our Tianlong Group will find a way to eradicate you!”

The audience was extremely quiet, almost all of them could be heard, and each of them was stunned.

No one would have thought that Boss Yang would not mention anything about Jiang Chen’s successful rescue of Yang Zihao under the encirclement and interception of white blood cells.

Instead, they want to hold him accountable and prepare to kill him? What does he mean by this?

Everyone was a little chilled after hearing this, but they didn’t expect that Boss Yang actually liked to do the matter of crossing the river and demolishing bridges.


Zhao Tianxing plucked up the courage to say: “Boss Yang is really a dog who doesn’t know how to be evil, if you hadn’t risked your life to save his son, he would have died out a long time ago.” ”

“If I don’t thank you now, I still want to kill you, why should we work for him with this kind of guy?”

Others also expressed their views and agreed with what Zhao Tianxiong said.

“Boss, the second brother is right! I really don’t know if Boss Yang has a bag in his head, you saved his son, doesn’t he understand? ”

“Boss Yang disappointed us too much, not to mention letting you break into the top of the Tianlong Group, but at least it can’t be without your benefits, right?”

“I don’t have a penny for the reward, and I have to blame you, it’s really old and confused!”

In the face of everyone’s anger, Jiang Chen also expressed understanding.

It seems that he still underestimated Yang Tianlong, and it was not so simple to gain his trust.

If you think about it, he has studied it before, and the most important thing for the Tianlong Group is to maintain absolute loyalty to the people above.

For Yang Tianlong, the following offenses are definitely taboos that cannot be touched, and whoever dares to violate them will surely die.

I just didn’t expect it…

Even if he saved Yang Zihao, Yang Tianlong did not take this matter away.

Do you still want him to save Wang Shaohua? Otherwise kill him…

It’s really interesting.

“Boss, why don’t you talk?”

Seeing Jiang Chen remain silent, Zhao Tianxing stepped forward and asked, “What do you think?” Can you tell your brothers? ”

“It’s really interesting.”

Jiang Chen said: “I know what my brothers think, everyone is crying for me, and they want to disobey Yang Tianlong’s order and directly follow him, but the time is not ripe yet. ”

“After I rescue Wang Shaohua first, it’s not too late for us to fight against the Tianlong Group.”

The decision Jiang Chen made just now made everyone stunned, and horror flashed in their eyes.

No matter who it was, they couldn’t believe it, everything he said, obviously he already knew what Yang Tianlong wanted to do.

He was actually ready to save Wang Shaohua?

Last time, Jiang Chen was seamless, killed Li Hu and the others, and played Fan Xiaoyong between applause, which had long made the latter treat him with hatred to the bone.

It is estimated that he is trying to get rid of Jiang Chen every day.

This time, they captured Wang Shaohua and specially asked the wild wolf commando team to protect him.

The place where Wang Shaohua was detained was another hell prison that everyone feared, built more than 50 meters underground.

It was an SS-level prison in Jianghe Province, and there were hundreds of surveillance videos alone

No matter how many top elites are guarded, it is estimated that hundreds of Jiang Chen may not be able to be rescued.

Moreover, even if he really rescued Wang Shaohua, Yang Tianlong would not be able to really release him.

Yang Tianlong was mean and unkind, and his eyes would be rewarded, and any small mistake made by Jiang Chen would be infinitely magnified.

Like Fat Biao, he is afraid of people who have achieved great merit.

Jiang Chen’s strength is too strong now, and in less than a month, he has achieved a great feat that many other societies have not completed for decades.

Directly unified the entire Jiangbei underground world.

Of course, the most important thing is that Jiang Chen did not report to him at all, even if he killed Fei Biao, he directly took over his society with peace of mind.

I’m afraid this is the reason why Yang Tianlong is really afraid of him.

He felt Jiang Chen’s disregard for him.

For Yang Tianlong, who likes to keep power firmly in his palm, Jiang Chen has touched his counterscale.

Wang Shaohua was just an excuse he was looking for.

The real purpose was to kill Jiang Chen.

That’s all!

Today he asked Jiang Chen to save Wang Shaohua, and tomorrow he will let him save Zhang Shaohua, Li Shaohua…

One day, Jiang Chen will fall into the endless abyss, and everything will be lost.


Zhao Tianxing couldn’t help but say, “Can you tell me why you did this?” ”

“I admit that Yang Tianlong is very powerful, the Tianlong Group is all over the country, and the brothers under his hands add up to tens of thousands.”

“However, even if we don’t listen to his arrangement this time, what can we do?”

“I still don’t believe that he can really kill all of us?”

If it really caused thousands of deaths at once, it would definitely become a major event that would sensationalize the entire Dragon Kingdom.

No matter how powerful his Tianlong Group is, it is absolutely impossible to cover the sky with one hand.

Yang Tianlong can still understand this trade-off.


Zhang Huaqiang said with a smile: “I have a more appropriate method, I don’t know if the boss is willing to listen to it?” ”

“What way?”

Zhang Huaqiang said without hesitation: “If I want to say that we don’t do one thing or the other, we will directly sell the Tianlong Group.” ”

“What do you think?”

Jiang Chen didn’t speak.

This group of people still underestimated Yang Tianlong, if it was really so easy to find evidence of his crime, it would bring a fatal blow to their Tianlong Group.

Then it is impossible for it to stand tall in the Dragon Country for decades without falling, and become a behemoth among the major criminal groups in the Dragon Country.

Many high-level officials of the Dragon Kingdom were helpless.

If he guessed correctly…

In fact, Yang Tianlong did not pay attention to Wang Shaohua’s life and death at all.

He was also not at all worried that the latter would have evidence of a crime against him.

Even if Ma Tianyun and they really caught Wang Shaohua, it was just a bamboo basket.

It is impossible to get any favorable information from him.

“All stand down first.”

Jiang Chen waved his hand and said, “I know what to do. ”

“Understood, boss.”

When everyone else left the room, Jiang Chen dialed Ma Tianyun’s phone number again, and half an hour later, the two agreed to meet at the old place.

“You’re crazy, aren’t you?”

Ma Tianyun suddenly stood up from the sofa and looked at Jiang Chen in shock, he said in disbelief: “Tell me what you think?” Now that we have captured Wang Shaohua, it will take us no more than three days to grasp Yang Tianlong’s evidence. ”

“At that time, the criminal group that has been in trouble for many years can be uprooted, and you can also end your undercover mission, and as a result, you tell me now that you are going to save Wang Shaohua?”

“I hope you don’t forget that your purpose in being an undercover agent is not to get rid of Yang Tianlong?”

“As a result, we finally have a breakthrough now, and you still want to come and insert a foot? What exactly does it mean? ”

Jiang Chen was very calm and said indifferently: “You all underestimate Yang Tianlong too much, and Wang Shaohua definitely does not dare to betray him.” ”

“Or we’ll see!”

“510 If Wang Shaohua is really so valued by Yang Tianlong, he will never let the people of the white blood cell team catch him.”

“I’d rather let him die than let him fall into your hands.”

“Otherwise, do you think Yang Tianlong… How did you get to where you are today? ”

Ma Tianyun didn’t speak, but it was obvious that he didn’t want to believe Jiang Chen’s analysis.

The two were silent for a long time, and Ma Tianyun finally said: “Jiang Chen, do you remember what I told you at the beginning? ”

“Did I tell you never to be blinded by power? I know that you are very eager for this pleasure now, and you are a veritable black gang dry emperor in the underground world of Jiangbei. ”

“You say one, no one dares to say two, you don’t want to end your undercover career.”

“I can understand wanting to enjoy this life all the time.”

“But you should never forget who you are.”

When Jiang Chen’s ability and power gradually exceeded Ma Tianyun’s control, he became more and more worried.

The original joy and excitement dissipated, and a thick haze floated in my heart.

Now Jiang Chen is quite a terrifying behemoth in Jiangbei, and he can stir up the fluctuations of the situation with a word.

It was no longer an ordinary police academy graduate that he could easily control.

If Jiang Chen really stepped on the road of no return for a while, the entire Jiangbei, no, no, no, it should be said that the black gang of the entire Dragon Country would probably be reshuffled and the pattern would change, and he might become the next Yang Tianlong.

This sense of foreboding has recently become more intense.

“I haven’t forgotten who I was, it’s the opposite, I remember it clearly. If I guessed correctly, Yang Tianlong would have already controlled Wang Shaohua’s family, as long as he said a word nonsense…”

“Wang Shaohua’s family will definitely die!”

“If you don’t believe it, you can go out and investigate.”

Ma Tianyun fell silent.

Two minutes later, he took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of his subordinates, asking him to help investigate Wang Shaohua’s family.

“I will give you an answer tonight, if Wang Shaohua’s family is really controlled by Yang Tianlong, then I will agree with your actions.”


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