Chapter 90 Even if he was caught, Jiang Chen created a miracle!!

Half an hour later.

Jiang Chen got down from the car and was in the key detention center of Fan Xiaoyong and others.

The room was small and dark, and it also exuded a faint musty smell.

Jiang Chen was very calm, sat down on the chair next to him and asked: “Captain Fan, the two of us have also dealt with each other for more than half a month, and we know each other very well, and we don’t need to beat around the bush.” ”

“Tell me the truth, what is the real purpose of arresting me?”

Of course, Fan Xiaoyong didn’t want to talk to Jiang Chen.

He stood up and came to Jiang Chen, squinting slightly and said, “Jiang Chen, you must know about Wang Shaohua, I don’t believe you really didn’t move his mind?” ”

Jiang Chen deliberately pretended to be surprised.

“Wang Shaohua?”

He frowned slightly and said in the face of confusion: “What the hell are you talking about? How do I not understand? ”

“Less with Lao Tzu pretending to be here!”

He directly scolded Jiang Chen: “You are a sinister and cunning fellow, if I don’t take care of you 24 hours a day, I don’t know when you will save Wang Shaohua.” ”

“If you say that, you’re really looking at me.”

“Captain Fan, I remember clearly that you imprisoned Wang Shaohua in Hell Prison.”

“You know better than I know what kind of place it is.”

“Even if I have eight pairs of wings, I may not be able to bring him out, and your worries are completely superfluous.”

Fan Xiaoyong didn’t know that what Jiang Chen just said was true.

It is indeed difficult to go to hell prison to save people.

It’s harder not to let the sun come out of the west.

If it were someone else, he would definitely not be so strictly guarded, but the person he met was Jiang Chen…

The situation is different.

This guy is vicious and insidious, and he is extraordinarily cunning.

Often can hit you by surprise, no matter what method is used to guard against him, it is not exaggerated.

“Don’t worry, no one here will treat you badly, but don’t give me a whole moth.”

Fan Xiaoyong supported the table with his hand and said, “You should know better than anyone that now Lao Tzu dreams of arresting you.” ”

“I’m really honored.”

Jiang Chen replied with a smile, “How can I really get Captain Fan to treat me like this?” ”

“Less poor mouth with Lao Tzu!”

Fan Xiaoyong scolded directly: “As long as you obediently abide by the rules, everything is easy to say, but if you dare to mess around with me here, you will wait to live in prison for the rest of your life.” ”

“Don’t worry, Captain Fan, I will definitely do what you ask.”

Then Fan Xiaoyong left the room, and as soon as he came out, Ma Tianyun hurriedly stepped forward and said, “How are things going?” ”

“Don’t worry.”

Fan Xiaoyong replied: “Now that everything is going well, he should not be able to run out.” ”

“There is no problem on Wang Shaohua’s side.”

Ma Tianyun breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Since this is the case, then it is good.” ”

He glanced inside the room from time to time, but his eyes could not hide the worry.

What will Jiang Chen do next?

When the two of them walked away, Jiang Chen took a glass of water by himself, looking at the dazed night outside, and a smile was outlined at the corner of his mouth.

I want to thank Fan Xiaoyong and Ma Tianyun for their cooperation.

Otherwise, he really didn’t know…

How to rescue Wang Shaohua…



The old butler stood in front of Yang Tianlong and said respectfully, “Why did you come to me?” ”

Yang Tianlong held Erlang’s leg and said, “Didn’t I let you secretly investigate Jiang Chen? The result? ”

The old butler replied, “Don’t worry, the task you gave him this time is too difficult, and it is estimated that he has already given up.” ”

“There was no sign of action in the past two days, and it is said that Fan Xiaoyong of the white blood cell team arrested him.”

He sneered and said, “And such a thing? Is the message reliable? ”

“You can rest assured, it is absolutely reliable.”

The old butler said, “You told him before, you only give him three days, and after three days, if you don’t rescue Gan Shaohua, you will slaughter him.” ”


He nodded gently.

No matter what time you can do the Lord, you can be capable, but you can never be more capable than your Lord.

Otherwise, sooner or later, the tragedy of crossing the river, demolishing bridges, unloading grinding and killing donkeys will be staged.

Although Jiang Chen was not yet able to pose a substantial threat to Yang Tianlong, he had made a move on fat without his permission.

He was not asked for instructions after killing him.

For him, this is already an unforgivable sin.

He absolutely does not allow it!

“That’s right, boss.”

The old butler smiled and asked, “If Wang Shaohua hadn’t betrayed you, I would like to ask how you prepared to deal with his family?” ”

“Of course it’s killing.”

He replied indifferently: “If I release his family now, what will his son do in the future to seek revenge on me?” ”

“Cutting grass without removing roots, the spring breeze blows and grows, do you think there is a problem?”

The old butler was stunned for a while, he quickly squeezed out a smile, shook his head and said: “No, no, don’t misunderstand.” ”

“This trick is indeed very clever, so when will we do it?”

Yang Tianlong touched his chin with his hand, thought for a moment and said, “When Wang Shaohua is killed, let’s do it.” ”

“If he is still alive, he will directly slaughter his family, what if the dog jumps off the wall?”

The old butler replied, “Understand, I’ll do it.” ”



It was late at night.

“Old Fan.”

Ma Tianyun was pulled over by Fan Xiaoyong to drink with him, and seeing that the other party drank several cups in a row, without any signs of drunkenness, he was full of curiosity in his heart.

“What bothers you so much?”

Fan Xiaoyong drank another glass of wine and said, “I always feel that things are not as simple as we think? ”

“What do you mean?”

Fan Xiaoyong said: “It’s my instinctive intuition that if someone else is like this, I will keep a strict all-weather surveillance on him.” ”

“I promise to give him three heads and six arms, and he will definitely not be able to run out!”

“But Jiang Chen is different.”

After listening to what Fan Xiaoyong just said, Ma Tianyun also agreed and asked, “Then what are you going to do?” ”

“Now that he is under control, the people are not only Jiang Chen, but even those under him are within your surveillance range!”

“I said what the hell are you afraid of?”

He did not answer the other party’s question, and the whole person’s expression was quite solemn.

“I don’t know what to say.”

Fan Xiaoyong asked, “There shouldn’t be any bad news from the hell prison, right?” ”

“Don’t worry.”

Ma Tianyun patted Fan Xiaoyong’s shoulder and said, “Now everything is going well, things are not as complicated as you think?” ”

“If I want to say you’re worried too much!”

Fan Xiaoyong sighed and said, “I hope so.” ”


At this moment, his mobile phone rang, and when he just connected and said two simple words, the whole person turned pale and sat down on the sofa.

Fan Xiaoyong shook his head gently, and kept saying with strong disbelief in his eyes: “How, how could this be?” ”

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