Chapter 97 Peak operation, four major special combat teams are out!!

“You, what did you say?”

Ma Tianyun’s voice trembled.

He actually dispatched the four major special combat teams of the Dragon Kingdom, preparing to take down Jiang Chen? These special combat teams have a long history and have been established for many years.

It has always been the trump card of the military of the Dragon Kingdom.

They will only be mobilized when dealing with certain heinous terrorists.

Every time one appears, it can set off a stormy wave.

But this time, the four special combat teams went out together, just to come to a small Jiangbei City to take Jiang Chen.

Isn’t it a bit of a fuss?


Ma Tianyun was a little nervous and said, “I don’t think it’s necessary, right? Who does not know that your four special combat teams are very capable and means. ”

“Jiang Chen can’t set off many storms in front of you at all, why do you want to…”

“Don’t say it.”

Fan Xiaoyong was extremely firm now, and in the face of his advice just now, he did not pay attention to it.

“I know what to do.”

He said resolutely: “Before, we were too light on the enemy, and we would suffer losses again and again.” ”

“I don’t believe that this time I go all out, and I can’t take Jiang Chen down?”

“I’m going to kill him anyway!”

“I didn’t come here today to discuss with you, I know that you like to obstruct it, I’m just informing you about it.”

Ma Tianyun was not speaking.

It seemed that everything Jiang Chen had done before had already completely angered Fan Xiaoyong.

The only thing he wanted to do now was to kill Jiang Chen.

“But we don’t have proof.”

Fan Xiaoyong squinted and said, “Evidence? If we still talk about evidence against him, then we will lose in the first place. ”

“The best way to deal with a shameless person is to be more shameless than him, you don’t understand such a simple truth?”

Ma Tianyun looked up to the sky and sighed.

He was well aware of Fan Xiaoyong’s stubbornness.

What he was determined to do, Ma Tianyun couldn’t let him change.

“Then be careful.”

“Do you want to move with us?”

Fan Xiaoyong finally threw out today’s purpose and said to Ma Tianyun: “I believe that as long as we take Jiang Chen, we will definitely be able to make great achievements by then.” ”

“You only need to send a few people, we can count you in it, and when the time comes, merit and deeds will be rewarded for your benefits.”

He said with some tears and laughter: “I think it’s better to forget it.” ”

“Why don’t you want to?”

He shook his head and replied, “No, I just don’t think it’s necessary.” ”


Fan Xiaoyong did not force the other party, and said helplessly: “Since you are not willing to agree, then forget it.” ”

“Let’s go first.”


When Fan Xiaoyong left the room, Ma Tianyun quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed Jiang Chen’s phone number continuously.

But he called several times and no one answered him.

This made Ma Tianyun quite worried.

What’s going on? What is Jiang Chen doing now?

It is estimated that he will face the most determined test ever.

After all, this time he was facing the strongest elite team in the entire Dragon Kingdom.

Each one is legendary.


The night is dark.

Wang Shaohua stood in front of Jiang Chen, his face full of gratitude.

“Little brother.”

He said sincerely: “If it weren’t for your Laozi this time, I would have to stay in prison for the rest of my life, thank you for helping me.” ”

“Yang Tianlong can have a subordinate like you, it is really a blessing that he has cultivated in eight lifetimes, and until now, Wang Shaohua can’t help but secretly admire when he thinks of Jiang Chen’s operation against the sky.”

This kid is really not simple.

Many of the decisions he made always surprised Wang Shahua.

He is indeed not ordinarily powerful.

“Minor problem.”

Jiang Chen said calmly: “Mr. Wang, there is something I need to correct with you. ”

“I am not Yang Tianlong’s subordinate, something as despicable and shameless as him is not worthy of my service for him.”

Wang Shaohua didn’t understand why Jiang Chen said this, he didn’t know at all that his family had been arrested, and couldn’t help but ask: “Little brother, why do you say that?” ”

“Mr. Wang.”

Jiang Chen sighed helplessly, “I have always admired you very much, you and Yang Tianlong are also senior partners?” ”

“Do you still need to ask?”

As soon as Wang Shaohua mentioned Yang Tianlong, he still had some pride in his words, and he said: “To be honest, if it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be where I am today.” ”

“Why are you asking this?”

Jiang Chen’s face was gloomy, and he continued: “But do you know what he did after you were locked up?” ”

“I don’t know.”

Jiang Chen replied cheerfully, “He arrested all your family members and prepared to do something to them.” ”


Wang Shaohua’s face was full of anger, and he clenched his fists and said: “Impossible, little brother, I know that you are very capable. ”

“But I tell you, I don’t allow you to sow discord between me and him, no matter what, he is my good brother.”

Seeing Wang Shaohua so naïve, Jiang Chen really couldn’t help it, when is it now, he still treats others as good brothers?

It’s stupid enough.

“You don’t believe it, do you?”

Jiang Chen said: “If you don’t believe it now, call your family to see if they answer or not?” ”

Wang Shaohua’s voice trembled slightly.

He hesitated for a long time, but finally took out his mobile phone and dialed the other party’s number.

No one answered there.

I don’t know how long it took, but finally a familiar and deep man’s voice sounded on the phone, which was a message recorded in advance.

“Lao Wang, I know that before you die, you still can’t help but call home.”

“There were many things I didn’t have time to tell you before, and you were arrested.”

“I believe you are a very smart person who knows what to say and what not to say?”

“If you inadvertently reveal something that you can’t say, I’m afraid the people in your family…”

Wang Shaohua could no longer hear the following words.

His face was pale, and his mind was blank.

I didn’t expect Yang Tianlong to be so despicable and shameless.

As the saying goes, you can’t hurt your family.

But he’s a bastard…

Even his own family members were not spared.

Damn it.

He was damned.


He gritted his teeth and said, “Lao Tzu must not spare him. ”

“Mr. Wang.”

Jiang Chen calmly said, “If you want to deal with Yang Tianlong, I am willing to help you.” ”

“Shut up!”

Now he was very angry, and this anger was also vented on Jiang Chen.

“You are Yang Tianlong’s subordinate, how do I know if you saved me, was he arranged it in advance?”

“Do you think Lao Tzu still dares to believe you now?”

Hearing the other party say this, Jiang Chen was also a little helpless.

He put his hand on his forehead and said, “Then Mr. Wang means…”

“I can solve my own affairs alone.”


Jiang Chen nodded and said, “I hope you are doing well.” ”

Wang Shaohua left the room angrily, looking at the other party’s disappearing back, Jiang Chen knew that it was not far from death.


Zhang Huaqiang rushed in from outside the door and said, “I have great news for you. ”

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